Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends episode sync data to Trakt
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="syncData">The sync data to send</param>
    /// <param name="mode">The sync mode to use</param>
    public static TraktResponse SyncEpisodeLibrary(TraktEpisodeSync syncData, TraktSyncModes mode)
      // check that we have everything we need
      // server can accept title/year if imdb id is not supplied
      if (syncData == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncData.SeriesID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncData.Title) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncData.Year))
        TraktResponse error = new TraktResponse
          Error = "Not enough information to send to server",
          Status = "failure"
        return error;

      // serialize Scrobble object to JSON and send to server
      string response = Transmit(string.Format(TraktURIs.SyncEpisodeLibrary, mode), syncData.ToJSON());

      // return success or failure
      return response.FromJSON<TraktResponse>();
Example #2
    public bool SyncSeries()
        TestStatus = "[Trakt.SyncSeries]";
        Guid[] types = { MediaAspect.ASPECT_ID, SeriesAspect.ASPECT_ID };

        MediaItemQuery mediaItemQuery = new MediaItemQuery(types, null, null);
        var contentDirectory = ServiceRegistration.Get<IServerConnectionManager>().ContentDirectory;
        if (contentDirectory == null)
          TestStatus = "[Trakt.MediaLibraryNotConnected]";
          return false;
        var episodes = contentDirectory.Search(mediaItemQuery, true);

        var series = episodes.ToLookup(GetSeriesKey);
        foreach (var serie in series)
          var imdbId = serie.Select(episode =>
            string value;
            return MediaItemAspect.TryGetAttribute(episode.Aspects, SeriesAspect.ATTR_IMDB_ID, out value) ? value : null;
          }).FirstOrDefault(value => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value));

          var tvdbId = serie.Select(episode =>
            int value;
            return MediaItemAspect.TryGetAttribute(episode.Aspects, SeriesAspect.ATTR_TVDB_ID, out value) ? value : 0;
          }).FirstOrDefault(value => value != 0);

          TraktEpisodeSync syncData = new TraktEpisodeSync
            UserName = Username,
            Password = Password,
            EpisodeList = new List<TraktEpisodeSync.Episode>(),
            Title = serie.Key,
            Year = serie.Min(e =>
              int year;
              string seriesTitle;
              GetSeriesTitleAndYear(e, out seriesTitle, out year);
              return year;

          if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imdbId))
            syncData.IMDBID = imdbId;

          if (tvdbId > 0)
            syncData.SeriesID = tvdbId.ToString();

          HashSet<TraktEpisodeSync.Episode> uniqueEpisodes = new HashSet<TraktEpisodeSync.Episode>();
          foreach (var episode in serie)
            string seriesTitle;
            int year = 0;
            if (!GetSeriesTitle /*AndYear*/(episode, out seriesTitle /*, out year*/))

            // First send all movies to Trakt that we have so they appear in library
            CollectionUtils.AddAll(uniqueEpisodes, ToSeries(episode));
          syncData.EpisodeList = uniqueEpisodes.ToList();

          TraktSyncModes traktSyncMode = TraktSyncModes.library;
          var response = TraktAPI.SyncEpisodeLibrary(syncData, traktSyncMode);
          ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("Trakt.tv: Series '{0}' '{1}': {2}{3}", syncData.Title, traktSyncMode, response.Message, response.Error);

          // Then send only the watched movies as "seen"
          foreach (var seenEpisode in episodes.Where(IsWatched))
            CollectionUtils.AddAll(uniqueEpisodes, ToSeries(seenEpisode));
          syncData.EpisodeList = uniqueEpisodes.ToList();

          traktSyncMode = TraktSyncModes.seen;
          response = TraktAPI.SyncEpisodeLibrary(syncData, traktSyncMode);
          ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("Trakt.tv: Series '{0}' '{1}': {2}{3}", syncData.Title, traktSyncMode, response.Message, response.Error);
          return true;
      catch (Exception ex)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Error("Trakt.tv: Exception while synchronizing media library.", ex);
      return false;
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Add/Remove episode to/from watchlist
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="syncData">The sync data to send</param>
    /// <param name="mode">The sync mode to use</param>
    /// <returns>The response from trakt</returns>
    public static TraktResponse SyncEpisodeWatchList(TraktEpisodeSync syncData, TraktSyncModes mode)
      // check that we have everything we need
      if (syncData == null || syncData.EpisodeList.Count == 0)
        TraktResponse error = new TraktResponse
          Error = "Not enough information to send to server",
          Status = "failure"
        return error;

      // serialize Scrobble object to JSON and send to server
      string response = Transmit(string.Format(TraktURIs.SyncEpisodeWatchList, mode), syncData.ToJSON());

      // return success or failure
      return response.FromJSON<TraktResponse>();