internal static IDbDistributedLock CreateInternalLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, IDbConnection connection)
     if (connection == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection));
     return(new DedicatedConnectionOrTransactionDbDistributedLock(key.ToString(), () => new PostgresDatabaseConnection(connection)));
        private async ValueTask ReleaseAsync(DatabaseConnection connection, PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, bool isTry)
            using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
            command.SetCommandText($"SELECT pg_catalog.pg_advisory_unlock{(this._isShared ? "_shared" : string.Empty)}({AddKeyParametersAndGetKeyArguments(command, key)})");
            var result = (bool)await command.ExecuteScalarAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!isTry && !result)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to release a lock that was not held");
        internal static IDbDistributedLock CreateInternalLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, string connectionString, Action <PostgresConnectionOptionsBuilder>?options)
            if (connectionString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));

            var(keepaliveCadence, useMultiplexing) = PostgresConnectionOptionsBuilder.GetOptions(options);

            if (useMultiplexing)
                return(new OptimisticConnectionMultiplexingDbDistributedLock(key.ToString(), connectionString, PostgresMultiplexedConnectionLockPool.Instance, keepaliveCadence));

            return(new DedicatedConnectionOrTransactionDbDistributedLock(key.ToString(), () => new PostgresDatabaseConnection(connectionString), useTransaction: false, keepaliveCadence));
        public async ValueTask <object?> TryAcquireAsync(DatabaseConnection connection, string resourceName, TimeoutValue timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            const string SavePointName = "medallion_threading_postgres_advisory_lock_acquire";

            var key = new PostgresAdvisoryLockKey(resourceName);

            var hasTransaction = await HasTransactionAsync(connection).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (hasTransaction)
                // Our acquire command will use SET LOCAL to set up statement timeouts. This lasts until the end
                // of the current transaction instead of just the current batch if we're in a transaction. To make sure
                // we don't leak those settings, in the case of a transaction we first set up a save point which we can
                // later roll back (taking the settings changes with it but NOT the lock). Because we can't confidently
                // roll back a save point without knowing that it has been set up, we start the save point in its own
                // query before we try-catch
                using var setSavePointCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                setSavePointCommand.SetCommandText("SAVEPOINT " + SavePointName);
                await setSavePointCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            using var acquireCommand = this.CreateAcquireCommand(connection, key, timeout);

            int acquireCommandResult;

                acquireCommandResult = (int)await acquireCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await RollBackTransactionTimeoutVariablesIfNeededAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (ex is PostgresException postgresException)
                    switch (postgresException.SqlState)
                    // lock_timeout error code from
                    case "55P03":

                    // deadlock_detected error code from
                    case "40P01":
                        throw new DeadlockException($"The request for the distributed lock failed with exit code '{postgresException.SqlState}' (deadlock_detected)", ex);

                if (ex is OperationCanceledException && cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // if we bailed in the middle of an acquire, make sure we didn't leave a lock behind
                    await this.ReleaseAsync(connection, key, isTry : true).ConfigureAwait(false);


            await RollBackTransactionTimeoutVariablesIfNeededAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            switch (acquireCommandResult)
            case 0: return(null);

            case 1: return(Cookie);

            case AlreadyHeldReturnCode:
                if (timeout.IsZero)
                if (timeout.IsInfinite)
                    throw new DeadlockException("Attempted to acquire a lock that is already held on the same connection");
                await SyncViaAsync.Delay(timeout, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected return code {acquireCommandResult}");

            async ValueTask RollBackTransactionTimeoutVariablesIfNeededAsync()
                if (hasTransaction)
                    // attempt to clear the timeout variables we set
                    using var rollBackSavePointCommand = connection.CreateCommand();
                    rollBackSavePointCommand.SetCommandText("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + SavePointName);
                    await rollBackSavePointCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
        private static string AddPGLocksFilterParametersAndGetFilterExpression(DatabaseCommand command, PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key)
            // From
            // Advisory locks can be acquired on keys consisting of either a single bigint value or two integer values.
            // A bigint key is displayed with its high-order half in the classid column, its low-order half in the objid column,
            // and objsubid equal to 1. The original bigint value can be reassembled with the expression (classid::bigint << 32) | objid::bigint.
            // Integer keys are displayed with the first key in the classid column, the second key in the objid column, and objsubid equal to 2.

            string classIdParameter, objIdParameter, objSubId;

            if (key.HasSingleKey)
                // since Postgres seems to lack unchecked int conversions, it is simpler to just generate extra
                // parameters to carry the split key info in this case
                var(keyUpper32, keyLower32)           = key.Keys;
                command.AddParameter(classIdParameter = "keyUpper32", keyUpper32, DbType.Int32);
                command.AddParameter(objIdParameter   = "keyLower32", keyLower32, DbType.Int32);
                objSubId = "1";
                classIdParameter = "key1";
                objIdParameter   = "key2";
                objSubId         = "2";

            return($"(l.classid = @{classIdParameter} AND l.objid = @{objIdParameter} AND l.objsubid = {objSubId})");
 private static string AddKeyParametersAndGetKeyArguments(DatabaseCommand command, PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key)
     if (key.HasSingleKey)
         command.AddParameter("key", key.Key, DbType.Int64);
         var(key1, key2) = key.Keys;
         command.AddParameter("key1", key1, DbType.Int32);
         command.AddParameter("key2", key2, DbType.Int32);
         return("@key1, @key2");
        private DatabaseCommand CreateAcquireCommand(DatabaseConnection connection, PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, TimeoutValue timeout)
            var command = connection.CreateCommand();

            var commandText = new StringBuilder();

            commandText.AppendLine("SET LOCAL statement_timeout = 0;");
            commandText.AppendLine($"SET LOCAL lock_timeout = {(timeout.IsZero || timeout.IsInfinite ? 0 : timeout.InMilliseconds)};");

            if (connection.IsExernallyOwned)
                        CASE WHEN EXISTS(
                            SELECT * 
                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks l
                            JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d
                                ON d.oid = l.database
                            WHERE l.locktype = 'advisory' 
                                AND {AddPGLocksFilterParametersAndGetFilterExpression(command, key)} 
                                AND = pg_catalog.pg_backend_pid() 
                                AND d.datname = pg_catalog.current_database()
                            THEN {AlreadyHeldReturnCode}
                commandText.Append("SELECT ");
            commandText.Append(" AS result");



            void AppendAcquireFunctionCall()
                // creates an expression like
                // pg_try_advisory_lock(@key1, @key2)::int
                // OR (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT pg_advisory_lock(@key)) f)
                var isTry = timeout.IsZero;

                if (!isTry)
                    commandText.Append("(SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT ");
                if (isTry)
                if (this._isShared)
                commandText.Append('(').Append(AddKeyParametersAndGetKeyArguments(command, key)).Append(')');
                if (isTry)
                    commandText.Append(") f)");
 private PostgresDistributedLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, IDbDistributedLock internalLock)
     this.Key           = key;
     this._internalLock = internalLock;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a lock with the given <paramref name="key"/> (effectively the lock name) and <paramref name="connection"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public PostgresDistributedLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, IDbConnection connection)
     : this(key, CreateInternalLock(key, connection))
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a lock with the given <paramref name="key"/> (effectively the lock name), <paramref name="connectionString"/>,
 /// and <paramref name="options"/>
 /// </summary>
 public PostgresDistributedLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key, string connectionString, Action <PostgresConnectionOptionsBuilder>?options = null)
     : this(key, CreateInternalLock(key, connectionString, options))
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a <see cref="PostgresDistributedReaderWriterLock"/> with the provided <paramref name="key"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public PostgresDistributedReaderWriterLock CreateReaderWriterLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key) => this._readerWriterLockFactory(key);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a <see cref="PostgresDistributedLock"/> with the provided <paramref name="key"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public PostgresDistributedLock CreateLock(PostgresAdvisoryLockKey key) => this._lockFactory(key);