public AMGMuxer(string executablePath) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("avimux_gui"); this.executable = executablePath; }
public static string GetInputLine(string input, string indexFile, bool interlaced, PossibleSources sourceType, bool colormatrix, bool mpeg2deblock, bool flipVertical, double fps, bool dss2, NvDeinterlacerType nvDeintType, int nvHorizontalResolution, int nvVerticalResolution, CropValues nvCropValues) { string inputLine = "#input"; string strDLLPath = ""; switch (sourceType) { case PossibleSources.avs: inputLine = "Import(\"" + input + "\")"; break; case PossibleSources.d2v: UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgindex"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile)) { indexFile = input; } strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndex.Path), "DGDecode.dll"); inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGDecode_mpeg2source(\"" + indexFile + "\""; if (mpeg2deblock) { inputLine += ", cpu=4"; } if (colormatrix) { inputLine += ", info=3"; } inputLine += ")"; if (colormatrix) { inputLine += string.Format("\r\nLoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AvisynthPluginsPath, "ColorMatrix.dll") + "\")\r\nColorMatrix(hints=true{0}, threads=0)", interlaced ? ", interlaced=true" : ""); } break; case PossibleSources.dgm: UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgindexim"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile)) { indexFile = input; } strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndexIM.Path), "dgdecodeim.dll"); inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGSourceIM(\"" + indexFile + "\", silent=true)"; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit) { inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)"; } break; case PossibleSources.dgi: UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgindexnv"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile)) { indexFile = input; } strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndexNV.Path), "DGDecodeNV.dll"); inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGSource(\"" + indexFile + "\""; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AutoForceFilm && MainForm.Instance.Settings.ForceFilmThreshold <= (decimal)dgiFile.GetFilmPercent(indexFile)) { inputLine += ",fieldop=1"; // fieldop=0 is the default value } if (nvDeintType != NvDeinterlacerType.nvDeInterlacerNone) { inputLine += ScriptServer.GetNvDeInterlacerLine(true, nvDeintType); } if (nvCropValues != null && nvCropValues.isCropped()) { GetMod4Cropping(ref nvCropValues); inputLine += ", ct=" + + ", cb=" + nvCropValues.bottom + ", cl=" + nvCropValues.left + ", cr=" + nvCropValues.right; } if (nvHorizontalResolution > 0 && nvVerticalResolution > 0) { inputLine += ", rw=" + nvHorizontalResolution + ", rh=" + nvVerticalResolution; } inputLine += ")"; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit) { inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)"; } break; case PossibleSources.ffindex: inputLine = VideoUtil.getFFMSVideoInputLine(input, indexFile, fps); break; case PossibleSources.lsmash: MediaInfoFile oInfo = null; inputLine = VideoUtil.getLSMASHVideoInputLine(input, indexFile, fps, ref oInfo); if (oInfo != null) { oInfo.Dispose(); } break; case PossibleSources.vdr: case PossibleSources.avisource: inputLine = "AVISource(\"" + input + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit) { inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)"; } break; case PossibleSources.directShow: if (dss2) { string path = MeGUI.core.util.FileUtil.GetHaaliInstalledPath(); if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, "avss.dll"))) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("haali"); path = Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.Haali.Path); } inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + path + "\\avss.dll" + "\")\r\ndss2(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ")" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); } else { inputLine = String.Empty; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.PortableAviSynth) { inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynth.Path), @"plugins\directshowsource.dll") + "\")\r\n"; } inputLine += "DirectShowSource(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ", audio=false, convertfps=true)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); } if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynthPlus && MainForm.Instance.Settings.Input8Bit) { inputLine += "\r\nConvertBits(8)"; } if (flipVertical) { inputLine = inputLine + "\r\nFlipVertical()"; } break; } return(inputLine); }
public tsMuxeR(string executablePath) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("tsmuxer"); this.executable = executablePath; }
public static UpdateWindow.ErrorState PreparePackageFolder(string packageName) { ProgramSettings oPackage = UpdateCacher.GetPackage(packageName); if (oPackage == null) { return(UpdateWindow.ErrorState.Successful); } string packagePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(oPackage.Path); if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AlwaysBackUpFiles) { try { // remove all old backup files found Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(packagePath, "*.backup", SearchOption.AllDirectories), delegate(string path) { File.Delete(path); }); } catch (Exception ex) { MainForm.Instance.UpdateHandler.AddTextToLog("Outdated backup version of " + oPackage.DisplayName + " could not be deleted. Check if it is in use. " + ex.Message, ImageType.Error, true); return(UpdateWindow.ErrorState.CouldNotCreateBackup); } } try { DirectoryInfo fi = new DirectoryInfo(packagePath); FileInfo[] files = fi.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { // only continue when file can be deleted/renamed bool bFound = false; foreach (string strFile in oPackage.DoNotDeleteFilesOnUpdate) { if (f.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(strFile.ToLowerInvariant())) { bFound = true; break; } } foreach (string strFolder in oPackage.DoNotDeleteFoldersOnUpdate) { if (f.DirectoryName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(strFolder.ToLowerInvariant())) { bFound = true; break; } } if (bFound) { continue; } if (!MainForm.Instance.Settings.AlwaysBackUpFiles) { f.Delete(); } else { f.MoveTo(Path.Combine(f.Directory.FullName, f.Name + ".backup")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MainForm.Instance.UpdateHandler.AddTextToLog("Old version of " + oPackage.DisplayName + " could not be accessed correctly. Check if it is in use. " + ex.Message, ImageType.Error, true); return(UpdateWindow.ErrorState.CouldNotCreateBackup); } return(UpdateWindow.ErrorState.Successful); }
public static string GetInputLine(string input, string indexFile, bool interlaced, PossibleSources sourceType, bool colormatrix, bool mpeg2deblock, bool flipVertical, double fps, bool dss2) { string inputLine = "#input"; string strDLLPath = ""; switch (sourceType) { case PossibleSources.avs: inputLine = "Import(\"" + input + "\")"; break; case PossibleSources.d2v: UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgindex"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile)) { indexFile = input; } strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndex.Path), "DGDecode.dll"); inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGDecode_mpeg2source(\"" + indexFile + "\""; if (mpeg2deblock) { inputLine += ", cpu=4"; } if (colormatrix) { inputLine += ", info=3"; } inputLine += ")"; if (colormatrix) { inputLine += string.Format("\r\nLoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AvisynthPluginsPath, "ColorMatrix.dll") + "\")\r\nColorMatrix(hints=true{0}, threads=0)", interlaced ? ", interlaced=true" : ""); } break; case PossibleSources.dga: UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgavcindex"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile)) { indexFile = input; } strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGAVCIndex.Path), "DGAVCDecode.dll"); inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nAVCSource(\"" + indexFile + "\")"; break; case PossibleSources.dgi: UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgindexnv"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(indexFile)) { indexFile = input; } strDLLPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.DGIndexNV.Path), "DGDecodeNV.dll"); inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + strDLLPath + "\")\r\nDGSource(\"" + indexFile + "\""; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.AutoForceFilm && MainForm.Instance.Settings.ForceFilmThreshold <= (decimal)dgiFile.GetFilmPercent(indexFile)) { inputLine += ",fieldop=1"; } else { inputLine += ",fieldop=0"; } break; case PossibleSources.ffindex: inputLine = VideoUtil.getFFMSVideoInputLine(input, indexFile, fps); break; case PossibleSources.lsmash: inputLine = VideoUtil.getLSMASHVideoInputLine(input, indexFile, fps); break; case PossibleSources.vdr: inputLine = "AVISource(\"" + input + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); break; case PossibleSources.directShow: if (input.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".avi")) { inputLine = "AVISource(\"" + input + "\", audio=false)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); } else { if (dss2 && File.Exists(Path.Combine(MeGUISettings.HaaliMSPath, "avss.dll"))) { inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + MeGUISettings.HaaliMSPath + "\\avss.dll" + "\")\r\ndss2(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ")" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); } else { inputLine = String.Empty; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.PortableAviSynth) { inputLine = "LoadPlugin(\"" + Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.AviSynth.Path), @"plugins\directshowsource.dll") + "\")\r\n"; } inputLine += "DirectShowSource(\"" + input + "\"" + ((fps > 0) ? ", fps=" + fps.ToString("F3", new CultureInfo("en-us")) : string.Empty) + ", audio=false, convertfps=true)" + VideoUtil.getAssumeFPS(fps, input); } if (flipVertical) { inputLine = inputLine + "\r\nFlipVertical()"; } } break; } return(inputLine); }
public LSMASHIndexer() { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("lsmash"); }
public static string getLSMASHAudioInputLine(string inputFile, string indexFile, int track) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("lsmash"); return(getLSMASHBasicInputLine(inputFile, indexFile, track, 0, 0, 0, false, 8)); }
public FFMSIndexer(string executableName) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("ffms"); executable = executableName; }
public static string getFFMSVideoInputLine(string inputFile, string indexFile, double fps) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("ffms"); GetFPSDetails(fps, inputFile, out int fpsnum, out int fpsden, true, out bool variableFrameRate); return(GetFFMSBasicInputLine(!isFFMSDefaultPluginRequired(), inputFile, indexFile, -1, 0, fpsnum, fpsden, true, variableFrameRate)); }
public MP4FpsMod() { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("mp4box"); executable = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.Mp4Box.Path), @"mp4fpsmod\mp4fpsmod.exe"); }
public HDStreamExtractorIndexer(string executablePath) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("eac3to"); this.executable = executablePath; }
public ffmpegEncoder(string encoderPath) : base() { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("ffmpeg"); executable = encoderPath; }
public bool extractChapters(String strChapterFile) { _strResult = null; bool bResult = false; using (Process mkvinfo = new Process()) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("mkvmerge"); mkvinfo.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(MainForm.Instance.Settings.MkvMerge.Path), "mkvextract.exe"); mkvinfo.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("chapters \"{0}\" --ui-language en --simple", _strFile); mkvinfo.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; mkvinfo.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; mkvinfo.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; mkvinfo.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; mkvinfo.StartInfo.ErrorDialog = false; mkvinfo.EnableRaisingEvents = true; mkvinfo.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(backgroundWorker_ErrorDataReceived); mkvinfo.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(backgroundWorker_OutputDataReceived); try { mkvinfo.Start(); mkvinfo.BeginErrorReadLine(); mkvinfo.BeginOutputReadLine(); while (!mkvinfo.HasExited) // wait until the process has terminated without locking the GUI { System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } mkvinfo.WaitForExit(); if (mkvinfo.ExitCode != 0) { _oLog.LogValue("MkvExtract", _strResult, ImageType.Error); } else { _oLog.LogValue("MkvExtract", _strResult); try { StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(strChapterFile, false); sr.Write(_strResult); sr.Close(); bResult = true; } catch (Exception e) { _oLog.LogValue("MkvExtract - Unhandled Error", e, ImageType.Error); } } parseResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { _oLog.LogValue("MkvExtract - Unhandled Error", ex, ImageType.Error); } finally { mkvinfo.ErrorDataReceived -= new DataReceivedEventHandler(backgroundWorker_ErrorDataReceived); mkvinfo.OutputDataReceived -= new DataReceivedEventHandler(backgroundWorker_OutputDataReceived); } return(bResult); } }
public static UpdateWindow.ErrorState DownloadFile(string url, Uri serverAddress, out Stream str, DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler wc_DownloadProgressChanged, UpdateWindow oUpdate) { ensureSensibleCacheFolderExists(); UpdateWindow.ErrorState er = UpdateWindow.ErrorState.Successful; string updateCache = MainForm.Instance.Settings.MeGUIUpdateCache; string localFilename = Path.Combine(updateCache, url); if (File.Exists(localFilename)) { FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(localFilename); if (finfo.Length == 0) { oUpdate.AddTextToLog(localFilename + " is empty. Deleting file.", ImageType.Information); UpdateCacher.FlushFile(localFilename, oUpdate); } // check the zip file if (localFilename.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".zip")) { try { ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(localFilename); if (zipFile.TestArchive(true) == false) { oUpdate.AddTextToLog("Could not unzip " + localFilename + ". Deleting file.", ImageType.Information); UpdateCacher.FlushFile(localFilename, oUpdate); } else { goto gotLocalFile; } } catch { oUpdate.AddTextToLog("Could not unzip " + localFilename + ". Deleting file.", ImageType.Error); UpdateCacher.FlushFile(localFilename, oUpdate); } } else if (localFilename.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".7z")) // check the 7-zip file { try { SevenZipExtractor oArchive = new SevenZipExtractor(localFilename); if (oArchive.Check() == false) { oUpdate.AddTextToLog("Could not extract " + localFilename + ". Deleting file.", ImageType.Information); UpdateCacher.FlushFile(localFilename, oUpdate); } else { goto gotLocalFile; } } catch { oUpdate.AddTextToLog("Could not extract " + localFilename + ". Deleting file.", ImageType.Error); UpdateCacher.FlushFile(localFilename, oUpdate); } } else { goto gotLocalFile; } } WebClient wc = new WebClient(); // check for proxy authentication... if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.UseHttpProxy == true) { WebProxy wprox = null; ICredentials icred = null; if (MainForm.Instance.Settings.HttpProxyUid != null) { icred = new NetworkCredential(MainForm.Instance.Settings.HttpProxyUid, MainForm.Instance.Settings.HttpProxyPwd); } wprox = new WebProxy(MainForm.Instance.Settings.HttpProxyAddress + ":" + MainForm.Instance.Settings.HttpProxyPort, true, null, icred); WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = wprox; wc.Proxy = wprox; } else { wc.Proxy = null; } ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); wc.DownloadFileCompleted += delegate(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Error != null) { er = UpdateWindow.ErrorState.CouldNotDownloadFile; } mre.Set(); }; wc.DownloadProgressChanged += wc_DownloadProgressChanged; wc.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(serverAddress, url), localFilename); mre.WaitOne(); gotLocalFile: try { str = File.OpenRead(localFilename); } catch (IOException) { str = null; return(UpdateWindow.ErrorState.CouldNotDownloadFile); } return(er); }
public XviDEncoder(string exePath) : base() { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("xvid_encraw"); executable = exePath; }
public static string getFFMSAudioInputLine(string inputFile, string indexFile, int track) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("ffms"); return(GetFFMSBasicInputLine(!isFFMSDefaultPluginRequired(), inputFile, indexFile, track, 0, 0, 0, false, false)); }
public MkvMergeMuxer(string executablePath) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("mkvmerge"); this.executable = executablePath; }
public DGIIndexer(string executableName) { UpdateCacher.CheckPackage("dgindexnv"); executable = executableName; }