Example #1
        public void solve()
            ///set path, now its set for down, left, right, up
            int[] path = new int[] { 3, 1, 2, 0 };


            Boolean has_more_moves = true;

            Cell_Depth current_cell = get_cell_from_list(0, start_col);

            while (has_more_moves)
                if (current_cell.x == rows - 1 && current_cell.y == cols - 1)
                    solved = true;

                KeyValuePair <int, int>[] arr_neighbor = current_cell.get_neighbor_arr();
                current_cell.visit = 1;

                Boolean has_switched = false;

                Console.WriteLine(current_cell.x.ToString() + " " + current_cell.y.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < arr_neighbor.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("neighbour " + i.ToString() + " " + arr_neighbor[i].Key.ToString() + " " + arr_neighbor[i].Value.ToString() + " " + get_cell_from_list(arr_neighbor[i].Key, arr_neighbor[i].Value).visit.ToString());

                for (int i = 0; i < path.Length && has_switched == false; i++)
                    if (arr_neighbor[path[i]].Key != -1 && get_cell_from_list(arr_neighbor[path[i]].Key, arr_neighbor[path[i]].Value).visit != 1)
                        Cell_Depth next_cell = get_cell_from_list(arr_neighbor[path[i]].Key, arr_neighbor[path[i]].Value);
                        next_cell.added_by = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(current_cell.x, current_cell.y);
                        current_cell       = next_cell;
                        has_switched       = true;

                //means that the current cell could not be switched because all the neighbour are unavailable
                if (has_switched == false)
                    has_more_moves            = false;
                    cell_case_lab_hasnt_solve = current_cell;

            //stk_depth = new Stack<Cell_Depth>();


            //int contor = 0;

            //while (stk_depth.Count != 0)
            //    Cell_Depth temp_cell = stk_depth.Pop();
            //    temp_cell.visit = 1;

            //    if (temp_cell.x == rows - 1 && temp_cell.y == cols - 1)
            //    {
            //        solved = true;
            //        break;
            //    }

            //    KeyValuePair<int, int>[] arr_neighbor = temp_cell.get_neighbor_arr();

            //    for (int i = 0; i < arr_neighbor.Length; i++)
            //        if (arr_neighbor[i].Key != -1 && get_cell_from_list(arr_neighbor[i].Key, arr_neighbor[i].Value).visit != 1)
            //        {
            //            Cell_Depth neighbor_to_be_added = get_cell_from_list(arr_neighbor[i].Key, arr_neighbor[i].Value);
            //            neighbor_to_be_added.added_by = new KeyValuePair<int, int>(temp_cell.x, temp_cell.y);
            //            stk_depth.Push(neighbor_to_be_added);
            //        }