Example #1
		private void RenderBounds(AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb)
			RGBA_Bytes color = RGBA_Bytes.Red;

			// the bottom
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetBottomCorner(0), aabb.GetBottomCorner(1), color);
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetBottomCorner(1), aabb.GetBottomCorner(2), color);
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetBottomCorner(2), aabb.GetBottomCorner(3), color);
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetBottomCorner(3), aabb.GetBottomCorner(0), color);

			// the top
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetTopCorner(0), aabb.GetTopCorner(1), color);
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetTopCorner(1), aabb.GetTopCorner(2), color);
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetTopCorner(2), aabb.GetTopCorner(3), color);
			RenderLine(transform.Peek(), aabb.GetTopCorner(3), aabb.GetTopCorner(0), color);

			// the sides
				new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z),
				new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z),
Example #2
        public override bool CheckIfBundleHitsAabb(AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabbToCheck)
            if (frustumForRays.GetIntersect(aabbToCheck) == FrustumIntersection.Outside)
                return false;

            return true;
		public bool GetContained(List<IPrimitive> results, AxisAlignedBoundingBox subRegion)
			bool foundItem = false;
			foreach (IPrimitive item in items)
				foundItem |= item.GetContained(results, subRegion);

			return foundItem;
Example #4
		public bool GetContained(List<IPrimitive> results, AxisAlignedBoundingBox subRegion)
			AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds = GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
			if (bounds.Contains(subRegion))
				return true;

			return false;
		public AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox()
			if (cachedAABB.minXYZ.x == double.NegativeInfinity)
				cachedAABB = items[0].GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
				for (int i = 1; i < items.Count; i++)
					cachedAABB += items[i].GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();

			return cachedAABB;
Example #6
		private void CalculateIntersectCostsAndSaveToFile()
			int numInterations = 5000000;
			AxisAlignedBoundingBox referenceCostObject = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-.5, -.5, -.5), new Vector3(.5, .5, .5));

			Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
			Vector3 accumulation = new Vector3();
			for (int i = 0; i < numInterations; i++)
				accumulation += GetRandomIntersectingRay().directionNormal;
			long notIntersectStuff = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
			for (int i = 0; i < numInterations; i++)
			long referenceMiliseconds = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

			SolidMaterial material = new SolidMaterial(RGBA_Floats.Black, 0, 0, 1);
			long sphereMiliseconds = CalculateIntersectCostsForItem(new SphereShape(new Vector3(), .5, material), numInterations);
			long cylinderMiliseconds = CalculateIntersectCostsForItem(new CylinderShape(.5, 1, material), numInterations);
			long boxMiliseconds = CalculateIntersectCostsForItem(new BoxShape(new Vector3(-.5, -.5, -.5), new Vector3(.5, .5, .5), material), numInterations);
			long planeMiliseconds = CalculateIntersectCostsForItem(new PlaneShape(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0, material), numInterations);
			BaseShape triangleTest = new TriangleShape(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), material);
			long triangleMiliseconds = CalculateIntersectCostsForItem(triangleTest, numInterations);

			System.IO.File.WriteAllText("Cost Of Primitive.txt",
				"Cost of Primitives"
				+ "\r\n" + numInterations.ToString("N0") + " intersections per primitive."
				+ "\r\nTest Overhead: " + notIntersectStuff.ToString()
				+ GetStringForFile("AABB", referenceMiliseconds, notIntersectStuff)
				+ GetStringForFile("Sphere", sphereMiliseconds, notIntersectStuff)
				+ GetStringForFile("Cylider", cylinderMiliseconds, notIntersectStuff)
				+ GetStringForFile("Box", boxMiliseconds, notIntersectStuff)
				+ GetStringForFile("Plane", planeMiliseconds, notIntersectStuff)
				+ GetStringForFile("Triangle", triangleMiliseconds, notIntersectStuff)
Example #7
		public void SplitOnAllEdgeIntersections(CsgAcceleratedMesh meshWidthEdges)
			foreach (var meshEdge in meshWidthEdges.mesh.MeshEdges)
				// Check the mesh edge bounds agains all polygons. If there is an intersection
				// subdivide the mesh edge and if the face that is hit. If hit face on an edge only split the edge.
				Vector3 end0 = meshEdge.VertexOnEnd[0].Position;
				Vector3 end1 = meshEdge.VertexOnEnd[1].Position;
				AxisAlignedBoundingBox edgeBounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(Vector3.ComponentMin(end0, end1), Vector3.ComponentMax(end0, end1));

				foreach (Face face in GetFacesTouching(edgeBounds))
					Vector3 intersectionPosition;
					// intersect the face with the edge
					switch (face.Intersection(end0, end1, out intersectionPosition))
						case FaceHelper.IntersectionType.Vertex:

						case FaceHelper.IntersectionType.MeshEdge:
								SplitMeshEdgeIfRequired(meshEdge, intersectionPosition);
								// split the face at intersectionPosition
								SplitMeshEdgeAtPosition(face, intersectionPosition);

						case FaceHelper.IntersectionType.Face:
								SplitMeshEdgeIfRequired(meshEdge, intersectionPosition);
								// split the face at intersectionPosition
								SplitFaceAtPosition(face, intersectionPosition);
Example #8
        private double GetAlignToOffset(Aabb anchorBounds, int axis, Align alignTo)
            switch (alignTo)
            case Align.None:

            case Align.Min:

            case Align.Center:

            case Align.Max:

            case Align.Origin:
                return(Vector3Ex.Transform(Vector3.Zero, SelectedObject.WorldMatrix())[axis]);

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #9
		public static PolygonMesh.Mesh CreateBox(AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb)
			PolygonMesh.Mesh cube = new PolygonMesh.Mesh();
			Vertex[] verts = new Vertex[8];
			//verts[0] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(-1, -1, 1));
			//verts[1] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(1, -1, 1));
			//verts[2] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
			//verts[3] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1));
			//verts[4] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(-1, -1, -1));
			//verts[5] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(1, -1, -1));
			//verts[6] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(1, 1, -1));
			//verts[7] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(-1, 1, -1));

			verts[0] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z));
			verts[1] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z));
			verts[2] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z));
			verts[3] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.z));
			verts[4] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z));
			verts[5] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z));
			verts[6] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z));
			verts[7] = cube.CreateVertex(new Vector3(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y, aabb.minXYZ.z));

			// front
			cube.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], verts[3] });
			// left
			cube.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { verts[4], verts[0], verts[3], verts[7] });
			// right
			cube.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { verts[1], verts[5], verts[6], verts[2] });
			// back
			cube.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { verts[4], verts[7], verts[6], verts[5] });
			// top
			cube.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { verts[3], verts[2], verts[6], verts[7] });
			// bottom
			cube.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { verts[4], verts[5], verts[1], verts[0] });

			return cube;
Example #10
		public bool GetContained(List<IPrimitive> results, AxisAlignedBoundingBox subRegion)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #11
 public BvhTreeItemData(T item, AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds)
     this.Item = item;
     Aabb      = bounds;
Example #12
		public AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Matrix4X4 transform)
			if (fastAABBTransform == transform && fastAABBCache != null)
				return fastAABBCache;
				Vector3 minXYZ = new Vector3(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue);
				Vector3 maxXYZ = new Vector3(double.MinValue, double.MinValue, double.MinValue);

				foreach (Vertex vertex in vertices)
					Vector3 position = Vector3.Transform(vertex.Position, transform);
					minXYZ.x = Math.Min(minXYZ.x, position.x);
					minXYZ.y = Math.Min(minXYZ.y, position.y);
					minXYZ.z = Math.Min(minXYZ.z, position.z);

					maxXYZ.x = Math.Max(maxXYZ.x, position.x);
					maxXYZ.y = Math.Max(maxXYZ.y, position.y);
					maxXYZ.z = Math.Max(maxXYZ.z, position.z);

				fastAABBTransform = transform;
				fastAABBCache = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(minXYZ, maxXYZ);

			return fastAABBCache;
Example #13
		public FrustumIntersection GetIntersect(AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundingBox)
			FrustumIntersection returnValue = FrustumIntersection.Inside;
			Vector3 vmin, vmax;

			for (int i = 0; i < plane.Length; ++i)
				// X axis
				if (plane[i].planeNormal.x > 0)
					vmin.x = boundingBox.minXYZ.x;
					vmax.x = boundingBox.maxXYZ.x;
					vmin.x = boundingBox.maxXYZ.x;
					vmax.x = boundingBox.minXYZ.x;

				// Y axis
				if (plane[i].planeNormal.y > 0)
					vmin.y = boundingBox.minXYZ.y;
					vmax.y = boundingBox.maxXYZ.y;
					vmin.y = boundingBox.maxXYZ.y;
					vmax.y = boundingBox.minXYZ.y;

				// Z axis
				if (plane[i].planeNormal.z > 0)
					vmin.z = boundingBox.minXYZ.z;
					vmax.z = boundingBox.maxXYZ.z;
					vmin.z = boundingBox.maxXYZ.z;
					vmax.z = boundingBox.minXYZ.z;

				if (Vector3.Dot(plane[i].planeNormal, vmin) - plane[i].distanceToPlaneFromOrigin > 0)
					if (Vector3.Dot(plane[i].planeNormal, vmax) - plane[i].distanceToPlaneFromOrigin >= 0)
						return FrustumIntersection.Outside;

				if (Vector3.Dot(plane[i].planeNormal, vmax) - plane[i].distanceToPlaneFromOrigin >= 0)
					returnValue = FrustumIntersection.Intersect;

			return returnValue;
Example #14
 public abstract bool CheckIfBundleHitsAabb(AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabbToCheck);
Example #15
 public void SearchBounds(AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds)
     root.SearchBounds(bounds, QueryResults);
Example #16
 public double GetIntersectCost()
Example #17
		private IEnumerable<Face> GetFacesTouching(AxisAlignedBoundingBox edgeBounds)
			// TODO: make this only get the right faces
			foreach(var face in mesh.Faces)
				yield return face;
Example #18
 internal Branch(AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds)
     this.Bounds = bounds;
		public BoundingVolumeHierarchy(IPrimitive nodeA, IPrimitive nodeB, int splitingPlane)
			this.splitingPlane = splitingPlane;
			this.nodeA = nodeA;
			this.nodeB = nodeB;
			this.Aabb = nodeA.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() + nodeB.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(); // we can cache this because it is not allowed to change.
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all values touching in the specified area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if any values were found.</returns>
        /// <param name="x">X position to search.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y position to search.</param>
        /// <param name="xSize">xSize of the search area.</param>
        /// <param name="ySize">ySize of the search area.</param>
        /// <param name="values">A list to populate with the results. If null, this function will create the list for you.</param>
        public void SearchBounds(double x, double y, double z, double xSize, double ySize, double zSize)
            var bounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(x, y, z, x + xSize, y + ySize, z + zSize);

 public bool Equals(AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds, double equalityTolerance = 0)
     return(this.minXYZ.Equals(bounds.minXYZ, equalityTolerance) && this.maxXYZ.Equals(bounds.maxXYZ, equalityTolerance));
        public static AxisAlignedBoundingBox Intersection(AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsA, AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsB)
            Vector3 minXYZ = new Vector3(
                Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.X, boundsB.minXYZ.X),
                Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.Y, boundsB.minXYZ.Y),
                Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.Z, boundsB.minXYZ.Z));

            Vector3 maxXYZ = new Vector3(
                Math.Max(minXYZ.X, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.X, boundsB.maxXYZ.X)),
                Math.Max(minXYZ.Y, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.Y, boundsB.maxXYZ.Y)),
                Math.Max(minXYZ.Z, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.Z, boundsB.maxXYZ.Z)));

            return(new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(minXYZ, maxXYZ));
Example #23
		public bool Intersection(AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds)
			Ray ray = this;
			// we calculate distance to the intersection with the x planes of the box
			double minDistFound = (bounds[(int)ray.sign[0]].x - ray.origin.x) * ray.oneOverDirection.x;
			double maxDistFound = (bounds[1 - (int)ray.sign[0]].x - ray.origin.x) * ray.oneOverDirection.x;

			// now find the distance to the y planes of the box
			double minDistToY = (bounds[(int)ray.sign[1]].y - ray.origin.y) * ray.oneOverDirection.y;
			double maxDistToY = (bounds[1 - (int)ray.sign[1]].y - ray.origin.y) * ray.oneOverDirection.y;

			if ((minDistFound > maxDistToY) || (minDistToY > maxDistFound))
				return false;

			if (minDistToY > minDistFound)
				minDistFound = minDistToY;

			if (maxDistToY < maxDistFound)
				maxDistFound = maxDistToY;

			// and finaly the z planes
			double minDistToZ = (bounds[(int)ray.sign[2]].z - ray.origin.z) * ray.oneOverDirection.z;
			double maxDistToZ = (bounds[1 - (int)ray.sign[2]].z - ray.origin.z) * ray.oneOverDirection.z;

			if ((minDistFound > maxDistToZ) || (minDistToZ > maxDistFound))
				return false;

			if (minDistToZ > minDistFound)
				minDistFound = minDistToZ;

			if (maxDistToZ < maxDistFound)
				maxDistFound = maxDistToZ;

			bool withinDistanceToConsider = (minDistFound < ray.maxDistanceToConsider) && (maxDistFound > ray.minDistanceToConsider);
			return withinDistanceToConsider;
Example #24
        public static AxisAlignedBoundingBox Intersection(AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsA, AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsB)
            Vector3 minXYZ = Vector3.Zero;

            minXYZ.x = Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.x, boundsB.minXYZ.x);
            minXYZ.y = Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.y, boundsB.minXYZ.y);
            minXYZ.z = Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.z, boundsB.minXYZ.z);

            Vector3 maxXYZ = Vector3.Zero;

            maxXYZ.x = Math.Max(minXYZ.x, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.x, boundsB.maxXYZ.x));
            maxXYZ.y = Math.Max(minXYZ.y, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.y, boundsB.maxXYZ.y));
            maxXYZ.z = Math.Max(minXYZ.z, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.z, boundsB.maxXYZ.z));

            return(new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(minXYZ, maxXYZ));
Example #25
		public static Matrix4X4 ApplyAtCenter(AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsToApplyTo, Matrix4X4 currentTransform, Matrix4X4 transformToApply)
			return ApplyAtPosition(currentTransform, transformToApply, boundsToApplyTo.Center);
		public bool GetContained(List<IPrimitive> results, AxisAlignedBoundingBox subRegion)
			AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds = GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
			if (bounds.Contains(subRegion))
				bool resultA = this.nodeA.GetContained(results, subRegion);
				bool resultB = this.nodeB.GetContained(results, subRegion);
				return resultA | resultB;

			return false;
Example #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Octree.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="splitCount">How many leaves a branch can hold before it splits into sub-branches.</param>
 /// <param name="region">The region that your Octree occupies, all inserted bounds should fit into this.</param>
 public Octree(int splitCount, AxisAlignedBoundingBox region)
     this.splitCount = splitCount;
     root            = CreateBranch(this, null, region);
		public static AxisAlignedBoundingBox Intersection(AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsA, AxisAlignedBoundingBox boundsB)
			Vector3 minXYZ = Vector3.Zero;
			minXYZ.x = Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.x, boundsB.minXYZ.x);
			minXYZ.y = Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.y, boundsB.minXYZ.y);
			minXYZ.z = Math.Max(boundsA.minXYZ.z, boundsB.minXYZ.z);

			Vector3 maxXYZ = Vector3.Zero;
			maxXYZ.x = Math.Max(minXYZ.x, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.x, boundsB.maxXYZ.x));
			maxXYZ.y = Math.Max(minXYZ.y, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.y, boundsB.maxXYZ.y));
			maxXYZ.z = Math.Max(minXYZ.z, Math.Min(boundsA.maxXYZ.z, boundsB.maxXYZ.z));

			return new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(minXYZ, maxXYZ);
		public bool Contains(AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds)
			if (this.minXYZ.x <= bounds.minXYZ.x
				&& this.maxXYZ.x >= bounds.maxXYZ.x
				&& this.minXYZ.y <= bounds.minXYZ.y
				&& this.maxXYZ.y >= bounds.maxXYZ.y
				&& this.minXYZ.z <= bounds.minXYZ.z
				&& this.maxXYZ.z >= bounds.maxXYZ.z)
				return true;

			return false;
Example #30
		public void SetMeshAfterLoad(List<MeshGroup> loadedMeshGroups, CenterPartAfterLoad centerPart, Vector2 bedCenter)

			if (loadedMeshGroups == null)
				partProcessingInfo.centeredInfoText.Text = string.Format("Sorry! No 3D view available\nfor this file.");

				AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero);
				bool first = true;
				foreach (MeshGroup meshGroup in loadedMeshGroups)
					if (first)
						bounds = meshGroup.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
						first = false;
						bounds = AxisAlignedBoundingBox.Union(bounds, meshGroup.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox());

				foreach (MeshGroup meshGroup in loadedMeshGroups)
					// make sure the mesh is centered about the origin so rotations will come from a reasonable place
					ScaleRotateTranslate centering = ScaleRotateTranslate.Identity();

				if (centerPart == CenterPartAfterLoad.DO)
					// make sure the entire load is centered and on the bed
					Vector3 boundsCenter = (bounds.maxXYZ + bounds.minXYZ) / 2;
					for (int i = 0; i < MeshGroups.Count; i++)
						ScaleRotateTranslate moved = meshTransforms[i];
						moved.translation *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(-boundsCenter + new Vector3(0, 0, bounds.ZSize / 2) + new Vector3(bedCenter));
						meshTransforms[i] = moved;
				trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController = new TrackBallController();
				trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Scale = .03;
				trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Translate(-new Vector3(BedCenter));
				trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Rotate(Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(new Vector3(0, 0, MathHelper.Tau / 16)));
				trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Rotate(Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(new Vector3(-MathHelper.Tau * .19, 0, 0)));
		AxisAlignedBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(List<MeshGroup> meshGroups)
			AxisAlignedBoundingBox totalMeshBounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(Vector3.NegativeInfinity, Vector3.NegativeInfinity);
			bool first = true;
			foreach (MeshGroup meshGroup in meshGroups)
				AxisAlignedBoundingBox meshBounds = meshGroup.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
				if (first)
					totalMeshBounds = meshBounds;
					first = false;
					totalMeshBounds = AxisAlignedBoundingBox.Union(totalMeshBounds, meshBounds);

			return totalMeshBounds;
		public static AxisAlignedBoundingBox operator +(AxisAlignedBoundingBox A, AxisAlignedBoundingBox B)
#if true
			return Union(A, B);
            Vector3 calcMinXYZ = new Vector3();
            calcMinXYZ.x = Math.Min(A.minXYZ.x, B.minXYZ.x);
            calcMinXYZ.y = Math.Min(A.minXYZ.y, B.minXYZ.y);
            calcMinXYZ.z = Math.Min(A.minXYZ.z, B.minXYZ.z);

            Vector3 calcMaxXYZ = new Vector3();
            calcMaxXYZ.x = Math.Max(A.maxXYZ.x, B.maxXYZ.x);
            calcMaxXYZ.y = Math.Max(A.maxXYZ.y, B.maxXYZ.y);
            calcMaxXYZ.z = Math.Max(A.maxXYZ.z, B.maxXYZ.z);

            AxisAlignedBoundingBox combinedBounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(calcMinXYZ, calcMaxXYZ);

            return combinedBounds;
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a new leaf node into the Octree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The leaf value.</param>
        /// <param name="x">X position of the leaf.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y position of the leaf.</param>
        /// <param name="xSize">xSize of the leaf.</param>
        /// <param name="ySize">ySize of the leaf.</param>
        public void Insert(T value, double x, double y, double z, double xSize, double ySize, double zSize)
            var bounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(x, y, z, x + xSize, y + ySize, z + zSize);

            Insert(value, bounds);
		public static AxisAlignedBoundingBox Union(AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds, Vector3 vertex)
			Vector3 minXYZ = Vector3.Zero;
			minXYZ.x = Math.Min(bounds.minXYZ.x, vertex.x);
			minXYZ.y = Math.Min(bounds.minXYZ.y, vertex.y);
			minXYZ.z = Math.Min(bounds.minXYZ.z, vertex.z);

			Vector3 maxXYZ = Vector3.Zero;
			maxXYZ.x = Math.Max(bounds.maxXYZ.x, vertex.x);
			maxXYZ.y = Math.Max(bounds.maxXYZ.y, vertex.y);
			maxXYZ.z = Math.Max(bounds.maxXYZ.z, vertex.z);

			return new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(minXYZ, maxXYZ);
Example #35
        private static BvhTree <T> CreateNewHierachy(List <BvhTreeItemData <T> > itemsToAdd,
                                                     int maxRecursion,
                                                     int recursionDepth,
                                                     SortingAccelerator accelerator)
            if (accelerator == null)
                accelerator = new SortingAccelerator();

            int numItems = itemsToAdd.Count;

            if (numItems == 0)

            if (numItems == 1)
                return(new BvhTree <T>(itemsToAdd));

            int bestAxis           = -1;
            int bestIndexToSplitOn = -1;
            var axisSorter         = new AxisSorter(0);

            if (recursionDepth < maxRecursion)
                if (numItems > 5000)
                    bestAxis           = accelerator.NextAxis;
                    bestIndexToSplitOn = numItems / 2;
                    double totalIntersectCost = 0;
                    int    skipInterval       = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i += skipInterval)
                        var item = itemsToAdd[i];
                        if (item.Item is IIntersectable intersectable)
                            totalIntersectCost += intersectable.GetIntersectCost();
                            totalIntersectCost += AxisAlignedBoundingBox.GetIntersectCost();

                    // get the bounding box of all the items we are going to consider.
                    AxisAlignedBoundingBox OverallBox = itemsToAdd[0].Aabb;
                    for (int i = skipInterval; i < numItems; i += skipInterval)
                        OverallBox += itemsToAdd[i].Aabb;
                    double areaOfTotalBounds = OverallBox.GetSurfaceArea();

                    double bestCost = totalIntersectCost;

                    Vector3  totalDeviationOnAxis = new Vector3();
                    double[] surfaceArreaOfItem   = new double[numItems - 1];
                    double[] rightBoundsAtItem    = new double[numItems - 1];

                    for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
                        double intersectCostOnLeft = 0;

                        axisSorter.WhichAxis = axis;

                        // Get all left bounds
                        AxisAlignedBoundingBox currentLeftBounds = itemsToAdd[0].Aabb;
                        surfaceArreaOfItem[0] = currentLeftBounds.GetSurfaceArea();
                        for (int itemIndex = 1; itemIndex < numItems - 1; itemIndex += skipInterval)
                            currentLeftBounds            += itemsToAdd[itemIndex].Aabb;
                            surfaceArreaOfItem[itemIndex] = currentLeftBounds.GetSurfaceArea();

                            totalDeviationOnAxis[axis] += Math.Abs(itemsToAdd[itemIndex].Center[axis] - itemsToAdd[itemIndex - 1].Center[axis]);

                        // Get all right bounds
                        if (numItems > 1)
                            AxisAlignedBoundingBox currentRightBounds = itemsToAdd[numItems - 1].Aabb;
                            rightBoundsAtItem[numItems - 2] = currentRightBounds.GetSurfaceArea();
                            for (int itemIndex = numItems - 1; itemIndex > 1; itemIndex -= skipInterval)
                                currentRightBounds += itemsToAdd[itemIndex - 1].Aabb;
                                rightBoundsAtItem[itemIndex - 2] = currentRightBounds.GetSurfaceArea();

                        // Sweep from left
                        for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < numItems - 1; itemIndex += skipInterval)
                            double thisCost = 0;

                                // Evaluate Surface Cost Equation
                                double costOfTwoAABB = 2 * AxisAlignedBoundingBox.GetIntersectCost();                                 // the cost of the two children AABB tests

                                // do the left cost
                                if (itemsToAdd[itemIndex].Item is IIntersectable intersectable)
                                    intersectCostOnLeft += intersectable.GetIntersectCost();
                                    intersectCostOnLeft += AxisAlignedBoundingBox.GetIntersectCost();
                                double leftCost = (surfaceArreaOfItem[itemIndex] / areaOfTotalBounds) * intersectCostOnLeft;

                                // do the right cost
                                double intersectCostOnRight = totalIntersectCost - intersectCostOnLeft;
                                double rightCost            = (rightBoundsAtItem[itemIndex] / areaOfTotalBounds) * intersectCostOnRight;

                                thisCost = costOfTwoAABB + leftCost + rightCost;

                            if (thisCost < bestCost + .000000001)                             // if it is less within some tiny error
                                if (thisCost > bestCost - .000000001)
                                    // they are the same within the error
                                    if (axis > 0 && bestAxis != axis)                                     // we have changed axis since last best and we need to decide if this is better than the last axis best
                                        if (totalDeviationOnAxis[axis] > totalDeviationOnAxis[axis - 1])
                                            // this new axis is better and we'll switch to it.  Otherwise don't switch.
                                            bestCost           = thisCost;
                                            bestIndexToSplitOn = itemIndex;
                                            bestAxis           = axis;
                                else                                 // this is just better
                                    bestCost           = thisCost;
                                    bestIndexToSplitOn = itemIndex;
                                    bestAxis           = axis;

            if (bestAxis == -1)
                // No better partition found
                return(new BvhTree <T>(itemsToAdd));
                axisSorter.WhichAxis = bestAxis;
                var leftItems  = new List <BvhTreeItemData <T> >(bestIndexToSplitOn + 1);
                var rightItems = new List <BvhTreeItemData <T> >(numItems - bestIndexToSplitOn + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i <= bestIndexToSplitOn; i++)
                for (int i = bestIndexToSplitOn + 1; i < numItems; i++)
                var leftGroup  = CreateNewHierachy(leftItems, maxRecursion, recursionDepth + 1, accelerator);
                var rightGroup = CreateNewHierachy(rightItems, maxRecursion, recursionDepth + 1, accelerator);
                var newBVHNode = new BvhTree <T>(leftGroup, rightGroup, bestAxis);
        public static void CenterMeshesXY(List<Mesh> meshesList, List<ScaleRotateTranslate> meshTransforms)
            bool first = true;
            AxisAlignedBoundingBox totalBounds = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(), new Vector3());
            for(int index= 0; index<meshesList.Count; index++)
                    totalBounds = meshesList[index].GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(meshTransforms[index].TotalTransform);
                    first = false;
                    AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds = meshesList[index].GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(meshTransforms[index].TotalTransform);
                    totalBounds = AxisAlignedBoundingBox.Union(totalBounds, bounds);

            Vector3 boundsCenter = (totalBounds.maxXYZ + totalBounds.minXYZ) / 2;
            boundsCenter.z = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < meshesList.Count; index++)
                ScaleRotateTranslate moved = meshTransforms[index];
                moved.translation *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(-boundsCenter);
                meshTransforms[index] = moved;
Example #37
		public void FrustumIntersetAABBTests()
				Frustum frustum = new Frustum(
					new Plane(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), 20),
					new Plane(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), 20),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 20),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), 20),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 20),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), 20));

				// outside to left
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-30, -10, -10), new Vector3(-25, 10, 10));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Outside);

				// intersect
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-25, 0, -10), new Vector3(-15, 10, 10));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Intersect);

				// inside
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-5, -5, -5), new Vector3(5, 5, 5));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Inside);

				Frustum frustum = new Frustum(
					new Plane(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), 0),
					new Plane(new Vector3(1, -1, 0), 0),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, -1, -1), 0),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, -1, 1), 0),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, -1, 0), 0),
					new Plane(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 10000));

				// outside to left
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-110, 0, -10), new Vector3(-100, 10, 10));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Outside);

				// intersect with origin (front)
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-10, -10, -10), new Vector3(10, 10, 10));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Intersect);

				// inside
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-5, 100, -5), new Vector3(5, 110, 5));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Inside);

				// looking down -z
				Frustum frustum5PlaneNegZ = new Frustum(
					new Vector3(-1, 0, 1),
					new Vector3(-1, 0, 1),
					new Vector3(0, 1, 1),
					new Vector3(0, -1, 1),
					new Vector3(0, 0, -1), 10000);

				// outside to left
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-110, 0, -10), new Vector3(-100, 10, 10));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum5PlaneNegZ.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Outside);

				// intersect with origin (front)
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-10, -10, -10), new Vector3(10, 10, 10));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum5PlaneNegZ.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Intersect);

				// inside
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(new Vector3(-5, -5, -110), new Vector3(5, 5, -100));
					FrustumIntersection intersection = frustum5PlaneNegZ.GetIntersect(aabb);
					Assert.IsTrue(intersection == FrustumIntersection.Inside);
		private RectangleDouble GetScreenBounds(AxisAlignedBoundingBox meshBounds)
			RectangleDouble screenBounds = RectangleDouble.ZeroIntersection;

			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.minXYZ.x, meshBounds.minXYZ.y, meshBounds.minXYZ.z)));
			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.maxXYZ.x, meshBounds.minXYZ.y, meshBounds.minXYZ.z)));
			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.maxXYZ.x, meshBounds.maxXYZ.y, meshBounds.minXYZ.z)));
			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.minXYZ.x, meshBounds.maxXYZ.y, meshBounds.minXYZ.z)));

			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.minXYZ.x, meshBounds.minXYZ.y, meshBounds.maxXYZ.z)));
			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.maxXYZ.x, meshBounds.minXYZ.y, meshBounds.maxXYZ.z)));
			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.maxXYZ.x, meshBounds.maxXYZ.y, meshBounds.maxXYZ.z)));
			screenBounds.ExpandToInclude(trackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(new Vector3(meshBounds.minXYZ.x, meshBounds.maxXYZ.y, meshBounds.maxXYZ.z)));
			return screenBounds;
Example #39
		private static bool CheckPosition(int meshGroupToMoveIndex, List<MeshGroup> allMeshGroups, List<ScaleRotateTranslate> meshTransforms, MeshGroup meshGroupToMove, AxisAlignedBoundingBox meshToMoveBounds, int yStep, int xStep, ref Matrix4X4 transform)
			double xStepAmount = 5;
			double yStepAmount = 5;

			Matrix4X4 positionTransform = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(xStep * xStepAmount, yStep * yStepAmount, 0);
			Vector3 newPosition = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Zero, positionTransform);
			transform = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(newPosition);
			AxisAlignedBoundingBox testBounds = meshToMoveBounds.NewTransformed(transform);
			bool foundHit = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < meshGroupToMoveIndex; i++)
				MeshGroup meshToTest = allMeshGroups[i];
				if (meshToTest != meshGroupToMove)
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox existingMeshBounds = GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(meshToTest, meshTransforms[i].TotalTransform);
					AxisAlignedBoundingBox intersection = AxisAlignedBoundingBox.Intersection(testBounds, existingMeshBounds);
					if (intersection.XSize > 0 && intersection.YSize > 0)
						foundHit = true;

			if (!foundHit)
				return true;

			return false;