private void DrawStuffForSelectedPart(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			if (SelectedMeshGroup != null)
				AxisAlignedBoundingBox selectedBounds = SelectedMeshGroup.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(SelectedMeshGroupTransform.TotalTransform);
				Vector3 boundsCenter = selectedBounds.Center;
				Vector3 centerTop = new Vector3(boundsCenter.x, boundsCenter.y, selectedBounds.maxXYZ.z);

				Vector2 centerTopScreenPosition = meshViewerWidget.TrackballTumbleWidget.GetScreenPosition(centerTop);
				centerTopScreenPosition = meshViewerWidget.TransformToParentSpace(this, centerTopScreenPosition);
				//graphics2D.Circle(screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 5, RGBA_Bytes.Cyan);

				PathStorage zArrow = new PathStorage();
				zArrow.MoveTo(-6, -2);
				zArrow.curve3(0, -4);
				zArrow.LineTo(6, -2);
				zArrow.LineTo(0, 12);
				zArrow.LineTo(-6, -2);

				VertexSourceApplyTransform translate = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(zArrow, Affine.NewTranslation(centerTopScreenPosition));

				//graphics2D.Render(translate, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
Example #2
        public static IVertexSource CreatePathStorage(string data)
            PathStorage path = new PathStorage();
            bool hasCurves = false;

            //todo   依次输入多个同一类型的命令时,可以省略重复的命令项;例如,L 100,200 300,400 等同于 L 100,200 L 300,400。
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                if (data[i] == '-' && i > 0 && data[i - 1] != ',' && data[i - 1] != ' ' && char.IsLetter(data[i - 1]) == false)
                if (data[i] != 'F' && (char.IsLetter(data[i])))
                    if (i < data.Length - 1 && data[i + 1] != ' ')
            string[] commands = buffer.ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ', ',' });

            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 polyStart = new MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2(0, 0);
            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 lastXY = new MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2(0, 0);
            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 curXY = new MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2();
            for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++)
                switch (commands[i])
                    // F0 指定 EvenOdd 填充规则。F1 指定 Nonzero 填充规则。
                    // 如果省略此命令,则子路径使用默认行为,即 EvenOdd。 如果指定此命令,则必须将其置于最前面。
                    case "F1": break;
                    case " ": break;

                    case "m":
                    case "M":
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 2]);
                            if (commands[i] == "m")
                                curXY += lastXY;
                            path.MoveTo(curXY.x, curXY.y);
                            polyStart = curXY;
                            i += 2;
                    case "l":
                    case "L":
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 2]);
                            if (commands[i] == "l")
                                curXY += lastXY;
                            path.LineTo(curXY.x, curXY.y);
                    case "h":
                    case "H":
                            curXY.y = lastXY.y;
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            if (commands[i] == "h")
                                curXY.x += lastXY.x;
                            i += 1;

                    case "v":
                    case "V":
                            curXY.x = lastXY.x;
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            if (commands[i] == "v")
                                curXY.y += lastXY.y;
                            i += 1;

                    //三次方贝塞尔曲线命令。通过使用两个指定的控制点(controlPoint1 和 controlPoint2)在当前点与指定的终点之间创建一条三次方贝塞尔曲线
                    case "c":
                    case "C":
                            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 controlPoint1;
                            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 controlPoint2;
                            controlPoint1.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            controlPoint1.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 2]);
                            controlPoint2.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 3]);
                            controlPoint2.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 4]);
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 5]);
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 6]);
                            if (commands[i] == "c")
                                controlPoint1 += lastXY;
                                controlPoint2 += lastXY;
                                curXY += lastXY;
                            path.curve4(controlPoint1.x, controlPoint1.y, controlPoint2.x, controlPoint2.y, curXY.x, curXY.y);
                            i += 6;
                            hasCurves = true;

                    //二次贝塞尔曲线命令。通过使用指定的控制点 (controlPoint) 在当前点与指定的终点之间创建一条二次贝塞尔曲线。
                    case "q":
                    case "Q":
                            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 controlPoint;
                            controlPoint.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            controlPoint.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 2]);
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 3]);
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 4]);
                            if (commands[i] == "q")
                                controlPoint += lastXY;
                                curXY += lastXY;
                            path.curve3(controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, curXY.x, curXY.y);
                            i += 4;
                            hasCurves = true;

                    //第二个控制点,即曲线终端的控制点,由 controlPoint2 指定。
                    case "s":
                    case "S":
                            MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 controlPoint2;
                            controlPoint2.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            controlPoint2.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 2]);
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 3]);
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 4]);
                            if (commands[i] == "s")
                                controlPoint2 += lastXY;
                                curXY += lastXY;
                            path.curve4(controlPoint2.x, controlPoint2.y, curXY.x, curXY.y);
                            i += 4;
                            hasCurves = true;

                    case "t":
                    case "T":
                            curXY.x = double.Parse(commands[i + 1]);
                            curXY.y = double.Parse(commands[i + 2]);
                            if (commands[i] == "t")
                                curXY += lastXY;
                            path.curve3(curXY.x, curXY.y);
                            i += 2;
                            hasCurves = true;

                    case "z":
                    case "Z":
                            curXY = lastXY; // value not used this is to remove an error.
                            // svg fonts are stored cw and agg expects its shapes to be ccw.  cw shapes are holes.
                            // We stored the position of the start of this polygon, no we flip it as we colse it.

                    case "\r":
                            curXY = lastXY; // value not used this is to remove an error.
                lastXY = curXY;
            if (hasCurves == true)
                return new FlattenCurves(path);
            return path;
Example #3
		private void render_gpc(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			switch (m_polygons.SelectedIndex)
				case 0:
						// Two simple paths
						PathStorage ps1 = new PathStorage();
						PathStorage ps2 = new PathStorage();

						double x = m_x - Width / 2 + 100;
						double y = m_y - Height / 2 + 100;
						ps1.MoveTo(x + 140, y + 145);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 225, y + 44);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 296, y + 219);

						ps1.LineTo(x + 226, y + 289);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 82, y + 292);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 220, y + 222);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 363, y + 249);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 265, y + 331);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 242, y + 243);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 268, y + 309);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 325, y + 261);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 259, y + 259);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 273, y + 288);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 298, y + 266);

						ps2.MoveTo(100 + 32, 100 + 77);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 473, 100 + 263);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 351, 100 + 290);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 354, 100 + 374);

						graphics2D.Render(ps1, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
						graphics2D.Render(ps2, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.6, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, ps1, ps2);

				case 1:
						// Closed stroke
						PathStorage ps1 = new PathStorage();
						PathStorage ps2 = new PathStorage();
						Stroke stroke = new Stroke(ps2);

						double x = m_x - Width / 2 + 100;
						double y = m_y - Height / 2 + 100;
						ps1.MoveTo(x + 140, y + 145);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 225, y + 44);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 296, y + 219);

						ps1.LineTo(x + 226, y + 289);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 82, y + 292);

						ps1.MoveTo(x + 220 - 50, y + 222);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 265 - 50, y + 331);
						ps1.LineTo(x + 363 - 50, y + 249);

						ps2.MoveTo(100 + 32, 100 + 77);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 473, 100 + 263);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 351, 100 + 290);
						ps2.LineTo(100 + 354, 100 + 374);

						graphics2D.Render(ps1, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
						graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.6, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, ps1, stroke);

				case 2:
						// Great Britain and Arrows
						PathStorage gb_poly = new PathStorage();
						PathStorage arrows = new PathStorage();

						Affine mtx1 = Affine.NewIdentity();
						Affine mtx2 = Affine.NewIdentity();
						mtx1 *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
						mtx1 *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

						mtx2 = mtx1;
						mtx2 *= Affine.NewTranslation(m_x - Width / 2, m_y - Height / 2);

						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_gb_poly = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(gb_poly, mtx1);
						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_arrows = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(arrows, mtx2);

						graphics2D.Render(trans_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						Stroke stroke_gb_poly = new Stroke(trans_gb_poly);
						stroke_gb_poly.Width = 0.1;
						graphics2D.Render(stroke_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						graphics2D.Render(trans_arrows, new RGBA_Floats(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, trans_gb_poly, trans_arrows);

				case 3:
						// Great Britain and a Spiral
						spiral sp = new spiral(m_x, m_y, 10, 150, 30, 0.0);
						Stroke stroke = new Stroke(sp);

						PathStorage gb_poly = new PathStorage();

						Affine mtx = Affine.NewIdentity(); ;
						mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
						mtx *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_gb_poly = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(gb_poly, mtx);

						graphics2D.Render(trans_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						Stroke stroke_gb_poly = new Stroke(trans_gb_poly);
						graphics2D.Render(stroke_gb_poly, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Floats(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, trans_gb_poly, stroke);

				case 4:
						// Spiral and glyph
						spiral sp = new spiral(m_x, m_y, 10, 150, 30, 0.0);
						Stroke stroke = new Stroke(sp);

						PathStorage glyph = new PathStorage();
						glyph.MoveTo(28.47, 6.45);
						glyph.curve3(21.58, 1.12, 19.82, 0.29);
						glyph.curve3(17.19, -0.93, 14.21, -0.93);
						glyph.curve3(9.57, -0.93, 6.57, 2.25);
						glyph.curve3(3.56, 5.42, 3.56, 10.60);
						glyph.curve3(3.56, 13.87, 5.03, 16.26);
						glyph.curve3(7.03, 19.58, 11.99, 22.51);
						glyph.curve3(16.94, 25.44, 28.47, 29.64);
						glyph.LineTo(28.47, 31.40);
						glyph.curve3(28.47, 38.09, 26.34, 40.58);
						glyph.curve3(24.22, 43.07, 20.17, 43.07);
						glyph.curve3(17.09, 43.07, 15.28, 41.41);
						glyph.curve3(13.43, 39.75, 13.43, 37.60);
						glyph.LineTo(13.53, 34.77);
						glyph.curve3(13.53, 32.52, 12.38, 31.30);
						glyph.curve3(11.23, 30.08, 9.38, 30.08);
						glyph.curve3(7.57, 30.08, 6.42, 31.35);
						glyph.curve3(5.27, 32.62, 5.27, 34.81);
						glyph.curve3(5.27, 39.01, 9.57, 42.53);
						glyph.curve3(13.87, 46.04, 21.63, 46.04);
						glyph.curve3(27.59, 46.04, 31.40, 44.04);
						glyph.curve3(34.28, 42.53, 35.64, 39.31);
						glyph.curve3(36.52, 37.21, 36.52, 30.71);
						glyph.LineTo(36.52, 15.53);
						glyph.curve3(36.52, 9.13, 36.77, 7.69);
						glyph.curve3(37.01, 6.25, 37.57, 5.76);
						glyph.curve3(38.13, 5.27, 38.87, 5.27);
						glyph.curve3(39.65, 5.27, 40.23, 5.62);
						glyph.curve3(41.26, 6.25, 44.19, 9.18);
						glyph.LineTo(44.19, 6.45);
						glyph.curve3(38.72, -0.88, 33.74, -0.88);
						glyph.curve3(31.35, -0.88, 29.93, 0.78);
						glyph.curve3(28.52, 2.44, 28.47, 6.45);

						glyph.MoveTo(28.47, 9.62);
						glyph.LineTo(28.47, 26.66);
						glyph.curve3(21.09, 23.73, 18.95, 22.51);
						glyph.curve3(15.09, 20.36, 13.43, 18.02);
						glyph.curve3(11.77, 15.67, 11.77, 12.89);
						glyph.curve3(11.77, 9.38, 13.87, 7.06);
						glyph.curve3(15.97, 4.74, 18.70, 4.74);
						glyph.curve3(22.41, 4.74, 28.47, 9.62);

						Affine mtx = Affine.NewIdentity();
						mtx *= Affine.NewScaling(4.0);
						mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(220, 200);
						VertexSourceApplyTransform trans = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(glyph, mtx);
						FlattenCurves curve = new FlattenCurves(trans);

						CreateAndRenderCombined(graphics2D, stroke, curve);

						graphics2D.Render(stroke, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());

						graphics2D.Render(curve, new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.6, 0, 0.1).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
Example #4
        private void RenderPolygonToPathAgainst(Graphics2D graphics2D)
            IVertexSource pathToUse = null;
            switch (shapeTypeRadioGroup.SelectedIndex)
                case 0:// simple polygon map
                        PathStorage ps1 = new PathStorage();

                        ps1.MoveTo(85, 417);
                        ps1.LineTo(338, 428);
                        ps1.LineTo(344, 325);
                        ps1.LineTo(399, 324);
                        ps1.LineTo(400, 421);
                        ps1.LineTo(644, 415);
                        ps1.LineTo(664, 75);
                        ps1.LineTo(98, 81);

                        ps1.MoveTo(343, 290);
                        ps1.LineTo(159, 235);
                        ps1.LineTo(154, 162);
                        ps1.LineTo(340, 114);

                        ps1.MoveTo(406, 121);
                        ps1.LineTo(587, 158);
                        ps1.LineTo(591, 236);
                        ps1.LineTo(404, 291);

                        pathToUse = ps1;

                case 1: // multiple pegs
                        PathStorage ps2 = new PathStorage();

                        double x = 0;
                        double y = 0;

                        ps2.MoveTo(100 + 32, 100 + 77);
                        ps2.LineTo(100 + 473, 100 + 263);
                        ps2.LineTo(100 + 351, 100 + 290);
                        ps2.LineTo(100 + 354, 100 + 374);

                        pathToUse = ps2;

                case 2:
                        // circle holes
                        PathStorage ps1 = new PathStorage();

                        double x = 0;
                        double y = 0;
                        ps1.MoveTo(x + 140, y + 145);
                        ps1.LineTo(x + 225, y + 44);
                        ps1.LineTo(x + 296, y + 219);

                        ps1.LineTo(x + 226, y + 289);
                        ps1.LineTo(x + 82, y + 292);

                        ps1.MoveTo(x + 220 - 50, y + 222);
                        ps1.LineTo(x + 265 - 50, y + 331);
                        ps1.LineTo(x + 363 - 50, y + 249);

                        pathToUse = ps1;

                case 3: // Great Britain
                        PathStorage gb_poly = new PathStorage();

                        Affine mtx1 = Affine.NewIdentity();
                        Affine mtx2 = Affine.NewIdentity();
                        mtx1 *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
                        mtx1 *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

                        mtx2 = mtx1;
                        mtx2 *= Affine.NewTranslation(Width / 2, Height / 2);

                        VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_gb_poly = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(gb_poly, mtx1);

                        pathToUse = trans_gb_poly;

                case 4: // Arrows
                        PathStorage arrows = new PathStorage();

                        Affine mtx1 = Affine.NewIdentity();
                        mtx1 *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
                        mtx1 *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

                        VertexSourceApplyTransform trans_arrows = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(arrows, mtx1);

                        pathToUse = trans_arrows;

                case 5: // Spiral
                        spiral sp = new spiral(Width / 2, Height / 2, 10, 150, 30, 0.0);
                        Stroke stroke = new Stroke(sp);

                        Affine mtx = Affine.NewIdentity(); ;
                        mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(-1150, -1150);
                        mtx *= Affine.NewScaling(2.0);

                        pathToUse = stroke;

                case 6: // Glyph
                        // Spiral and glyph
                        PathStorage glyph = new PathStorage();
                        glyph.MoveTo(28.47, 6.45);
                        glyph.curve3(21.58, 1.12, 19.82, 0.29);
                        glyph.curve3(17.19, -0.93, 14.21, -0.93);
                        glyph.curve3(9.57, -0.93, 6.57, 2.25);
                        glyph.curve3(3.56, 5.42, 3.56, 10.60);
                        glyph.curve3(3.56, 13.87, 5.03, 16.26);
                        glyph.curve3(7.03, 19.58, 11.99, 22.51);
                        glyph.curve3(16.94, 25.44, 28.47, 29.64);
                        glyph.LineTo(28.47, 31.40);
                        glyph.curve3(28.47, 38.09, 26.34, 40.58);
                        glyph.curve3(24.22, 43.07, 20.17, 43.07);
                        glyph.curve3(17.09, 43.07, 15.28, 41.41);
                        glyph.curve3(13.43, 39.75, 13.43, 37.60);
                        glyph.LineTo(13.53, 34.77);
                        glyph.curve3(13.53, 32.52, 12.38, 31.30);
                        glyph.curve3(11.23, 30.08, 9.38, 30.08);
                        glyph.curve3(7.57, 30.08, 6.42, 31.35);
                        glyph.curve3(5.27, 32.62, 5.27, 34.81);
                        glyph.curve3(5.27, 39.01, 9.57, 42.53);
                        glyph.curve3(13.87, 46.04, 21.63, 46.04);
                        glyph.curve3(27.59, 46.04, 31.40, 44.04);
                        glyph.curve3(34.28, 42.53, 35.64, 39.31);
                        glyph.curve3(36.52, 37.21, 36.52, 30.71);
                        glyph.LineTo(36.52, 15.53);
                        glyph.curve3(36.52, 9.13, 36.77, 7.69);
                        glyph.curve3(37.01, 6.25, 37.57, 5.76);
                        glyph.curve3(38.13, 5.27, 38.87, 5.27);
                        glyph.curve3(39.65, 5.27, 40.23, 5.62);
                        glyph.curve3(41.26, 6.25, 44.19, 9.18);
                        glyph.LineTo(44.19, 6.45);
                        glyph.curve3(38.72, -0.88, 33.74, -0.88);
                        glyph.curve3(31.35, -0.88, 29.93, 0.78);
                        glyph.curve3(28.52, 2.44, 28.47, 6.45);

                        glyph.MoveTo(28.47, 9.62);
                        glyph.LineTo(28.47, 26.66);
                        glyph.curve3(21.09, 23.73, 18.95, 22.51);
                        glyph.curve3(15.09, 20.36, 13.43, 18.02);
                        glyph.curve3(11.77, 15.67, 11.77, 12.89);
                        glyph.curve3(11.77, 9.38, 13.87, 7.06);
                        glyph.curve3(15.97, 4.74, 18.70, 4.74);
                        glyph.curve3(22.41, 4.74, 28.47, 9.62);

                        Affine mtx = Affine.NewIdentity();
                        mtx *= Affine.NewScaling(4.0);
                        mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(220, 200);
                        VertexSourceApplyTransform trans = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(glyph, mtx);
                        FlattenCurves curve = new FlattenCurves(trans);

                        pathToUse = curve;

            graphics2D.Render(pathToUse, fillColor);

            PathStorage travelLine = new PathStorage();

            Polygons polygonsToPathAround = VertexSourceToClipperPolygons.CreatePolygons(pathToUse, 1);
            polygonsToPathAround = FixWinding(polygonsToPathAround);

            Polygons travelPolysLine = VertexSourceToClipperPolygons.CreatePolygons(travelLine, 1);

            CreateAndRenderPathing(graphics2D, polygonsToPathAround, travelPolysLine);