public void CollisionDetection(double gameTime)
            velLine.pos = oldPos;
            velLine.end = pos;

            if ((velLine.end - velLine.pos).Length() < 10)
                velLine.end += vel;


            Vector3?intersection = null;

            foreach (Cube c in collideables)
                bool collided = false;

                foreach (Plane plane in c.GetPlanes())
                    intersection = IntersectionChecks.LinePlane(velLine, plane) ?? null;
                    if (intersection != null)
                        Vector3 newPos = (Vector3)intersection - plane.normal * new Vector3(1, GameConstants.gravity, 1);

                        pos = newPos;

                        var storedVelY = vel.Y;

                        Vector3 undesiredMotion = plane.normal * (Vector3.Dot(vel, plane.normal));
                        Vector3 desiredMotion   = ((vel) - (undesiredMotion)) * new Vector3(0.95f, 1, 0.95f);

                        vel = desiredMotion;

                        if (plane.normal.Y > 0 && this is Player)
                            var player = this as Player;
                            player.canJump       = true;
                            player.curJumpFrames = 0;

                            if (player.jumpPressed)
                                player.vel.Y = storedVelY;

                        collided = true;

                if (collided)
Example #2
        protected override void Initialize()
            camera = new Camera(GraphicsDevice);

            gameObjects = new List <GameObject>();

            mid = new Vector2((amount / 2) * size, (amount / 2) * size); //Vector for dist and stuff

            for (int x = 0; x < amount; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < amount; y++)
                    float yPos = (Vector2.Distance(mid, new Vector2(x * size, y * size))) / 2;

                    //gameObjects.Add(new Cube(new Vector3(x * 250 + size, -1000, y * 250 + size), new Vector3(size, size, size)));

            Cube c = new Cube(new Vector3(50, 50, 50), new Vector3(100, 100, 100));

            Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder(new Vector3(-500, -500, -500), new Vector3(400f, 500f, 400f), 20);

            int   numBoxes = 10;
            float radius   = 300;
            float step     = (float)(Math.PI * 2) / numBoxes;

            // gameObjects.Add(new Cube(new Vector3(0, 25, 1000), new Vector3(50)));

            for (float x = 0; x < Math.PI * 2; x += step)
                Vector3 orig = new Vector3(0, 25, 1000);
                Cube    cube = new Cube(
                    new Vector3((float)Math.Sin(x) * radius, (float)Math.Cos(x) * radius, 1000),
                    new Vector3(50)

                Cube cube2 = new Cube(
                    new Vector3((float)Math.Sin(x) * radius, 25, (float)Math.Cos(x) * radius + 1000),
                    new Vector3(50)

                cube.Rotation  = MatrixHelper.RotateTowardMatrix(cube.pos, orig);
                cube2.Rotation = MatrixHelper.RotateTowardMatrix(cube2.pos, orig);


            //gameObjects.Add(new Plane(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector2(400, 400), 20));
            //gameObjects.Add(new Plane(new Vector3(450, 0, 0), new Vector2(400, 400), 2));

            flocks = new List <Flock>();

            flocks.Add(new Flock(300, new Vector3(5000, 5000, 5000), Color.White, Vector3.Zero));
            flocks.Add(new Flock(200, new Vector3(5000, 5000, 4999), Color.Aqua, Vector3.Zero));

            foreach (Flock flock in flocks)

            player = new Player(new Vector3(0, -400, 0), new Vector3(20, 40, 20), 1);
            player.SetOrigin(new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0));
            player.color = Color.Red;

            l = new Line(player.pos, player.pos, 2);

            Plane newPlane = new Plane(new Vector3(100, 100, 100), new Vector2(1000, 1000), 4);

            newPlane.color    = Color.DarkKhaki;
            newPlane.Rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(45)) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(90));

            Vector3 transformedNormal; //Vector3.TransformNormal(newPlane.normal, Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(90)) * Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(90)));

            //transformedNormal = Vector3.Cross(newPlane.normal, new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
            transformedNormal = newPlane.Rotation.Right;
            if (transformedNormal == Vector3.Zero)
                transformedNormal = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            Line planeNormal = new Line(newPlane.pos, newPlane.pos + transformedNormal * 200, 5);


            Line newLine = new Line(new Vector3(100, -1000, 0), new Vector3(100, 100, 200), 3);


            Cube newCube2 = new Cube(new Vector3(-700, 0, 801), new Vector3(20));

            newCube2.pos = newPlane.pos + transformedNormal * 501;
            Vector3 place     = new Vector3(1, newPlane.size.Z / 2, 1);
            Vector3 planePos  = newPlane.pos + transformedNormal * (newPlane.size.X / 2);
            Vector3 planePos2 = newPlane.pos - transformedNormal * (newPlane.size.X / 2);

            Cube kk = new Cube(planePos, new Vector3(10));

            kk.color = Color.Magenta;

            if (Vector3.Dot(newCube2.pos - planePos, transformedNormal) > 0 ||
                Vector3.Dot(newCube2.pos - planePos2, -transformedNormal) > 0)
                newCube2.color = Color.Red;
                newCube2.color = Color.Green;

            Vector3 transformedNormal2 = Vector3.Cross(newPlane.normal, new Vector3(-1, 0, -1));

            transformedNormal2 = newPlane.Rotation.Forward;
            Vector3 planePos3 = newPlane.pos + transformedNormal2 * (newPlane.size.Z / 2);
            Vector3 planePos4 = newPlane.pos - transformedNormal2 * (newPlane.size.Z / 2);

            for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++)
                    Cube newKube = new Cube((-transformedNormal * 1000) + (-transformedNormal2 * 1000) + newPlane.pos + (transformedNormal * 100 * x) + (transformedNormal2 * 100 * y), new Vector3(20));

                    if (Vector3.Dot(newKube.pos - planePos, transformedNormal) > 0 ||
                        Vector3.Dot(newKube.pos - planePos2, -transformedNormal) > 0)
                        newKube.color = Color.Red;
                        newKube.color = Color.Green;

                    if (Vector3.Dot(newKube.pos - planePos3, transformedNormal2) > 0 ||
                        Vector3.Dot(newKube.pos - planePos4, -transformedNormal2) > 0)
                        newKube.color = Color.Red;
                    else if (newKube.color != Color.Red)
                        newKube.color = Color.Green;


            if (Vector3.Dot(newCube2.pos - planePos, transformedNormal2) > 0 ||
                Vector3.Dot(newCube2.pos - planePos, transformedNormal2) > 0)
                newCube2.color = Color.Red;
            else if (newCube2.color != Color.Red)
                newCube2.color = Color.Green;


                Cube newCube = new Cube((Vector3)IntersectionChecks.LinePlane(newLine, newPlane), new Vector3(10));
            catch (Exception e) { }



Example #3
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            gameWindow = Window;

            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.P))
                PausePressed = true;
                if (PausePressed)
                    Paused       = !Paused;
                    PausePressed = false;
            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.F))
                FilledPressed = true;
                if (FilledPressed)
                    RasterizerState r = new RasterizerState();
                    r.CullMode = rasterizerState.CullMode;

                    if (Filled)
                        r.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;
                        GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = r;
                        r.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame;
                        r.CullMode = CullMode.None;
                        GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = r;

                    Filled        = !Filled;
                    FilledPressed = false;
            camera.controlsEnabled = false;
            Vector3 oldPos = new Vector3(player.pos.X, player.pos.Y, player.pos.Z);

            camera.Follow(player.pos, new Vector3(0, 20, 1000), 1);
            camera.RotateAround(player.pos, player.angle + camera.angle, 1f);
            camera.LookToward(Vector3.Lerp(oldPos, player.pos, 0.01f));

            if (Paused)

            angle += 0.05f;

            foreach (Flock flock in flocks)

            List <Cube> cubesInRange = gameObjects.Where(m => m is Cube && (m as Cube).inRangeOfPlayer).Cast <Cube>().ToList();

            foreach (GameObject gameObject in gameObjects)
                if (gameObject is Cube && !(gameObject is Line))
                    var cube = gameObject as Cube;
                    //cube.pos.Y = ((float)Math.Sin(angle + cube.pos.X + cube.pos.Z)) * 100;

                    float yPos = (Vector2.Distance(mid, new Vector2(gameObject.pos.X, gameObject.pos.Z)));
                    //cube.pos.Y = (float)Math.Sin(yPos / (Math.Sin(angle) * 200)) * 100;
                    //cube.pos.Y += (float)Math.Sin(angle + (yPos/150)) * 10;

                    cube.Update(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds, player.pos);
                else if (gameObject is Player)
                    var p = gameObject as Player;
                    p.Update(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds, cubesInRange);

            l.pos = player.oldPos;
            l.end = player.pos;

            if ((l.end - l.pos).Length() < 10)
                l.end += player.vel;


            List <Cube> cubesInRangeCircle = gameObjects.Where(m => m is Cube && Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(m.pos.X, m.pos.Z), new Vector2(player.pos.X, player.pos.Z)) < 2000).Cast <Cube>().ToList();

            player.onGround = false;
            foreach (Cube c in cubesInRange)
                bool collided = false;

                foreach (Plane plane in c.GetPlanes())
                    intersection = IntersectionChecks.LinePlane(l, plane) ?? null;
                    if (intersection != null)
                        Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder((Vector3)intersection, new Vector3(10, 10, 10), 10);
                        cyl.color = Color.Magenta;
                        Vector3 oldPlayerPos = player.oldPos;

                        Vector3 newPos = (Vector3)intersection - plane.normal * new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);

                        if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(newPos.X, newPos.Z), new Vector2(player.pos.X, player.pos.Z)) > player.size.X)
                            // Resolve collision with sphere collider
                            //newPos += Vector3.Normalize()

                        player.pos = newPos;

                        if (plane.normal.Y > 0)
                            player.canJump       = true;
                            player.curJumpFrames = 0;

                        //player.pos.Y = intersection.Value.Y;

                        //player.vel = oldPlayerPos - player.pos;
                        var storedVelY = player.vel.Y;

                        Vector3 undesiredMotion = plane.normal * (Vector3.Dot(player.vel, plane.normal));
                        Vector3 desiredMotion   = ((player.vel) - (undesiredMotion));
                        if (plane.normal.Y > 0)
                            desiredMotion *= new Vector3(0.95f, 1, 0.95f);

                        player.vel = desiredMotion;

                        if (player.jumpPressed)
                            player.vel.Y = storedVelY;
                        //player.vel.Y = Math.Min(0, player.vel.Y);

                        collided = true;

                        //player.vel = Vector3.Reflect(player.vel, plane.normal) * 0.1f;

                if (collided)

Example #4
        public void Update(double gameTime, List <Cube> colObjects)

            if (canJump)
                vel.Y = 0;

            float closestDist = float.MaxValue;
            float closestDot  = 100000000000000000;
            Cube  closestCube = new Cube(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero);

            foreach (Cube c in colObjects)
                var dist = c.pos - pos;

                var dot = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(dist), forwardVector);
                if (c.size.Y > 100 && dist.Length() > 500 && dist.Length() < closestDist && dot > 0 && dot > 0.5f)
                    closestDist = dist.Length();
                    closestDot  = dot;
                    closestCube = c;
            closestCube.Selected = true;
            if (!ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.E))
                //anchor = new Vector3(pos.X + forwardVector.X * 400, pos.Y - 400, pos.Z + forwardVector.Z * 400);

                var     planes          = closestCube.GetPlanes();
                Vector3?intersection    = new Vector3();
                float   longestDistance = float.PositiveInfinity;
                Line    l = new Line(pos, closestCube.pos - new Vector3(0, closestCube.size.Y / 2, 0), 1);

                foreach (Plane p in planes)
                    intersection = IntersectionChecks.LinePlane(l, p);
                    if (intersection != null)
                        var dist = Vector3.Distance((Vector3)intersection, pos);
                        if (dist < longestDistance)
                            //anchor = closestCube.pos - new Vector3(0, closestCube.size.Y / 2, 0);
                            anchor          = (Vector3)intersection;
                            longestDistance = dist;


            vel.X = MathHelper.Clamp(vel.X, -maxVel, maxVel);
            vel.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(vel.Z, -maxVel, maxVel);

            if (pos.Y >= 0 || onGround)
                canJump       = true;
                curJumpFrames = 0;
            if ((curJumpFrames > 0 && ks.IsKeyUp(jumpKey)))
                canJump = false;

            pos.Y = Math.Min(0, pos.Y);

            //pos.X = MathHelper.Clamp(pos.X, 0, 1000);
            //pos.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(pos.Z, 0, 1000);

            web.pos = pos - new Vector3(0, size.Y / 2f, 0);
            web.end = anchor;

            if (!canJump)
                if (vel.X != 0 && vel.Z != 0 && vel.Y != 0)
                    rotation = MatrixHelper.RotateTowardMatrix(pos, pos + vel);
                    rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(angle.X);
                rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(angle.X);