Example #1
        public void OptimizeUsingEdgeSearch_Test()
            string   function = "x^4+y^4";
            Function f        = new Parser().ParseFunction(function);

            Math_Collection.Basics.Interval intervall = new Math_Collection.Basics.Interval(-4, 4);
            Vector pointOfMinimum = Analysis.OptimizeUsingEdgeSearch(f, new Vector(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }), intervall);
Example #2
        public void ApproximatedRootWithGradientMethodWithMinimum_Test()
            //Example of a function with a minimum
            Function func      = new Parser().ParseFunction("x^2 + y^2");
            Gradient grad      = new Gradient(func, true);
            Vector   rootPoint = new Vector(new double[] { 5, 5 });

            Vector actual   = Analysis.CalculateRootWithConjugateGradientMethod(grad, rootPoint);
            Vector expected = new Vector(new double[] { 0, 0 });

Example #3
        public void ApproximatedRoot_Test()
            string   function = "x^2 - 2";
            Function f        = new Parser().ParseFunction(function);

            double startValue = 2;
            double epsilon    = 0.001;

            double expectedRoot = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(2), 4);
            double actualRoot   = Math.Round(Analysis.CalulateApproximatedRoot(f, startValue, epsilon), 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsNearlyEqual(expectedRoot, actualRoot, epsilon));
Example #4
        public void ExtremaApproximationWithFibonacciMethod_Test()
            string   function = "x^2";
            Function f        = new Parser().ParseFunction(function);
            int      n        = 30;

            Math_Collection.Basics.Interval intervall = new Math_Collection.Basics.Interval(-16, 16);
            // TODO: Epsilon umgebung mit (min-max) / Nn, damit Test nicht fehlschlägt
            Vector expected = new Vector(new double[] { 2, 1 });
            Vector actual   = Analysis.ExtremaApproximatedWithFibonacciMethod(f, intervall, n, Enums.EExtrema.eMinimum);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #5
        public void GradientApproximation_Test()
            double   h        = 0.00001;
            string   function = "(x*y+x^2)+(y*x+y^2)";
            Function func     = new Parser().ParseFunction(function);

            double[] expected = new double[] { 8, 8 };
            double[] actual   = Analysis.PartialDerivatives_Approximation(func, new double[] { 2, 2 }, h, true);

            for (int i = 0; i < actual.Length; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(IsNearlyEqual(expected[i], actual[i], h));
Example #6
        public void DerivationApproximation_Test()
            double actual   = 0.0;
            double expected = 0.0;
            double h        = 0.001;
            Parser p        = new Parser();

            //Function f(x) = 3h
            string   function = "3";
            Function f        = p.ParseFunction(function);

            expected = 0.0;
            actual   = Analysis.Derivation_Approximation(f, 2, h);
            Assert.IsTrue(IsNearlyEqual(expected, actual, 0));

            // f(x) = x^2
            function = "x^2";
            f        = p.ParseFunction(function);
            expected = 2.0;
            actual   = Analysis.Derivation_Approximation(f, 1, h);
            Assert.IsTrue(IsNearlyEqual(expected, actual, h));