public void TestDiscreteKalmanFilter()
            // Test constants
            double r = 30.0;  // Measurement covariance
            double T = 20.0;  // Time interval between measurements
            double q = 0.1;   // Plant noise constant
            double tol = 0.0001;  // Accuracy tolerance

            // Reference values to test against (generated from a known filter)
            // Reference Measurements
            double[] zs = { 290.16851039,654.55633793,968.97141280,1325.09197161,1636.35947675,1974.39053148,2260.80770553,2574.36119750,2901.32285462,3259.14709098};
            // Expected position estimates (predictions)
            double[] posp = {1018.94416547,1237.00029618,1754.97092716,1855.62596430,2400.27521403,2446.47067625,2978.94381631,3173.63724675};
            // Expected velocity estimates (predictions)
            double[] velp = { 18.21939138,13.38351136,21.52280841,10.92729947,21.32868461,9.24370334,20.26482836,13.59419761 };
            // Expected position estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] posu = { 969.33006892,1324.51475894,1637.07997492,1973.70152187,2261.59660945,2573.64724909,2901.75329465,3258.67447647 };
            // Expected velocity estimates (after measurement update)
            double[] velu = { 13.38351136,21.52280841,10.92729947,21.32868461,9.24370334,20.26482836,13.59419761,20.93270702 };

            // Initial estimate based on two point differencing
            double z0 = zs[0];
            double z1 = zs[1];
            Matrix x0 = new Matrix(2,1);
            x0[0,0] = z1;
            x0[1,0] = (z1 - z0)/T;
            Matrix P0 = new Matrix(2,2);
            P0[0,0] = r; P0[1,0] = r/T; P0[0,1] = r/T; P0[1,1] = 2 * r / (T * T);
            // Setup a DiscreteKalmanFilter to filter
            DiscreteKalmanFilter dkf = new DiscreteKalmanFilter(x0, P0);
            double[] aF = { 1d, 0d, T, 1 };
            double[] aG = { (T * T) / 2d, T };
            Matrix F = new Matrix(aF,2);   // State transition matrix
            Matrix G = new Matrix(aG,2);   // Plant noise matrix
            Matrix Q = new Matrix(1,1); Q[0,0] = q; // Plant noise variance
            Matrix R = new Matrix(1,1); R[0,0] = r;  // Measurement variance matrix
            Matrix H = new Matrix(1,2); H[0,0] = 1d; H[0,1] = 0d;  // Measurement matrix

            // Test the performance of this filter against the stored data from a proven
            // Kalman Filter of a one dimenional tracker.
            for (int i = 2; i < zs.Length; i++)
                // Perform the prediction
                dkf.Predict(F, G, Q);
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[0,0], posp[i-2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[1,0], velp[i-2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");
                // Perform the update
                Matrix z = new Matrix(1,1,zs[i]);
                dkf.Update(z, H, R);
                // Test against the update state/covariance
                // Test against the prediction state/covariance
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[0,0], posu[i-2], tol), "State Prediction (" + i + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(Number.AlmostEqual(dkf.State[1,0], velu[i-2], tol), "Covariance Prediction (" + i + ")");