/// <summary>
    /// Returns the normal of the plane of best fit of the given points
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="points"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Point PlaneOfBestFit(List <Point> points)
        Point centroid = Centroid(points);

        Matrix <double> A = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(3, points.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; ++i)
            Point temp = points[i] - centroid;
            A.SetColumn(i, new double[] { temp.x, temp.y, temp.z });

        MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization.Svd <double> svdA = A.Svd();

        double[] norm = svdA.U.Column(2).AsArray();
        return(new Point(norm));
Example #2
    public void reduceDimensions(int dimensions)
        if (dimensions < data.ColumnCount)
            MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization.Svd <float> svd = this.data.Svd();
            float[][] columnArrays = Functions.initArray(dimensions, new float[svd.U.RowCount]);

            this.singularValues = new List <float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++)
                columnArrays[i] = svd.U.Column(i).ToArray();

            this.data = Matrix <float> .Build.DenseOfColumnArrays(columnArrays);

            this.numberOfColumns = data.ColumnCount;
    // PCA
    public static Matrix <double> Fit(List <Point> source, List <Point> target)
        // Calculate the covariance of the source and target points
        Matrix <double> covSource = Covariance(source);
        Matrix <double> covTarget = Covariance(target);

        // Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), get the left unitary matrix U
        MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization.Svd <double> svdSource = covSource.Svd();
        MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Factorization.Svd <double> svdTarget = covTarget.Svd();
        Matrix <double> uSource = svdSource.U;
        Matrix <double> uTarget = svdTarget.U;
        // Get the Householder matrix also known as a reflection matrix about a plane
        Matrix <double> householder = getHouseHolderMatrix(source);

        // Get all 8 possible rotation matrices based on the determinant
        List <Matrix <double> > possibleRotations = new List <Matrix <double> >();

        if (uTarget.Multiply(uSource.Inverse()).Determinant() > 0)
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, false, false).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, false, true).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, true, false).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, true, true).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, false, false).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, false, true).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, true, false).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, true, true).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, false, false).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, false, true).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, true, false).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, false, true, true).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, false, false).Inverse()));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, false, true).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, true, false).Inverse()).Multiply(householder));
            possibleRotations.Add(uTarget.Multiply(NegateEigenvectors(uSource, true, true, true).Inverse()));

        // Setting up the analysis to find the best rotation matrix
        double          smallestScore      = double.PositiveInfinity;
        Matrix <double> bestTransformation = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseIdentity(4, 4);

        // Calculate the centroid of both triangles
        Point targetCentroid = Centroid(target);
        Point sourceCentroid = Centroid(source);

        // Iterate through the possible rotation matrices to find the best one
        foreach (Matrix <double> R in possibleRotations)
            Matrix <double> R4x4 = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseIdentity(4, 4);

            R4x4.SetSubMatrix(0, 0, R);

            // Calculate the translation vector between the two triangles using the current rotation matrix
            Point T = targetCentroid - R4x4 * sourceCentroid;
            // Generate the total transformation (rotate and translate) using the current rotation matrix and the translation obtained above
            Matrix <double> transformation = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseIdentity(4, 4);

            transformation.SetSubMatrix(0, 0, R);

            transformation[0, 3] = T.x;
            transformation[1, 3] = T.y;
            transformation[2, 3] = T.z;

            double score = 0;

            foreach (var p in source)
                Point transformedPoint = transformation * p;
                score += target.Min(x => Distance(x, transformedPoint)); // Gets the smallest distance between p and any point in target

            if (score < smallestScore)
                smallestScore      = score;
                bestTransformation = transformation;
