Example #1
        public static IKnowledge Generate(object obj)
            var shape    = obj as ShapeSymbol;
            var goal     = obj as EqGoal;
            var equation = obj as Equation;

            if (shape != null)
                return(new AGShapeExpr(ExprG.Generate(shape), shape));

            if (goal != null)
                return(new AGPropertyExpr(ExprG.Generate(goal), goal));

            if (equation != null)
                return(new AGEquationExpr(ExprG.Generate(equation), equation));

            var knowledge = new IKnowledge(ExprG.Generate(obj));

            knowledge.Tag = obj;
Example #2
        public override void RetrieveRenderKnowledge()
            if (_equation == null)
            if (_equation.CachedEntities.Count == 0)
            var lst = new ObservableCollection <IKnowledge>();

            foreach (var cacheObj in _equation.CachedEntities)
                var cacheShapeSymbol = cacheObj as ShapeSymbol;
                var cacheGoal        = cacheObj as EqGoal;
                var cacheEq          = cacheObj as Equation;
                if (cacheShapeSymbol != null)
                    throw new Exception("TODO");

                    /*                    starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(cacheShapeSymbol);
                     *                  var agShape = new AGShapeExpr(expr, cacheShapeSymbol);
                     *                  lst.Add(agShape);*/
                else if (cacheGoal != null)
                    throw new Exception("TODO");

                    /*                    starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(cacheGoal);
                     *                  var agGoal = new AGPropertyExpr(expr, cacheGoal);
                     *                  lst.Add(agGoal);*/
                else if (cacheEq != null)
                    starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(cacheEq);
                    var agEq = new AGEquationExpr(expr, cacheEq);
                    var boolValue = cacheObj as bool?;
                    if (boolValue != null)
                        starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(boolValue);
                        var agEq = new IKnowledge(expr);
            RenderKnowledge = lst;
Example #3
        public static IKnowledge Generate(object obj)
            var shape = obj as ShapeSymbol;
            var goal = obj as EqGoal;
            var equation = obj as Equation;
            if (shape != null)
                return new AGShapeExpr(ExprG.Generate(shape), shape);

            if (goal != null)
                return new AGPropertyExpr(ExprG.Generate(goal), goal);

            if (equation != null)
                return new AGEquationExpr(ExprG.Generate(equation), equation);

            var knowledge = new IKnowledge(ExprG.Generate(obj));
            knowledge.Tag = obj;
            return knowledge;
Example #4
        private bool EvalExprPatterns(Expr expr,
                                      object obj,
                                      ShapeType? st,
                                      out object output,
                                      bool userInput = false)
            output = null;

            //non-deterministic Multi-Candidate selection
            var dict = obj as Dictionary<PatternEnum, object>;
            //ambiguity of input pattern
            if (dict != null)
                EvalExprPatterns(expr, dict, out output);
                obj = output;

            var ss = obj as ShapeSymbol;
            if (ss != null) return EvalExprPatterns(expr, ss, out output, userInput);

            var goal = obj as EqGoal;
            if (goal != null) return EvalExprPatterns(expr, goal, out output, userInput);

            var query = obj as Query;
            if (query != null) return EvalExprPatterns(expr, query, out output, userInput);

            var equation = obj as Equation;
            if (equation != null) return EvalExprPatterns(expr, equation, out output, userInput);

            //non-deterministic Constraint-Solving
            var str = obj as string;
            var gQuery = new Query(str, st);
            if (str != null) return EvalExprPatterns(expr, gQuery, out output, userInput);

            if (userInput)
                var iknowledge = new IKnowledge(expr);
                iknowledge.Tag = obj;
                output = iknowledge;
            return false;
        private bool GoalVerify(IKnowledge obj, EqGoal eqGoal, out string msg, out object output)
            msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyWrong;
            output = null;

            List<Tuple<object, object>> trace = null;

            var agPropExpr = new AGPropertyExpr(obj.Expr, eqGoal);
            agPropExpr.IsSelected = true;
            trace = agPropExpr.AutoTrace;

            BehaviorGraphNode node;
            if (trace == null || trace.Count == 0)
                node = UserGraph.UpdateSolvingCache(agPropExpr);
                //node = UserGraph.SearchInnerLoopNode(eqGoal);

                if (node == null)
                    return false;
            if (trace != null)
                bool matchResult = UserGraph.Match(trace);
                if (!matchResult) return false;
                //insert nodes
                CurrentStateNode = UserGraph.SearchInnerLoopNode(obj); //update _currentStateNode;
                CurrentStateNode = UserGraph.SearchInnerLoopNode(eqGoal); 
           /* var nextTuple1 = UserGraph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(CurrentStateNode);
            if (nextTuple1 == null) // query-end
                msg = AGTutorMessage.SolvedProblem;
                return true;
            msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyCorrect;
            return true;
        private bool ShapeVerify(IKnowledge obj, ShapeSymbol shape, out string msg, out object output)
            msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyWrong;
            output = null;

            List<Tuple<object, object>> trace = null;

            var agShapeExpr = new AGShapeExpr(obj.Expr, shape);
            agShapeExpr.IsSelected = true;
            trace = agShapeExpr.AutoTrace;

            if (trace == null || trace.Count == 0) return false;

         /*   var lastTuple = trace[trace.Count - 1] as Tuple<object, object>;
            var lastLst = lastTuple.Item2 as List<object>;
            Debug.Assert(lastLst != null);
            Debug.Assert(lastLst.Count != 0);
            var lastTs = lastLst[lastLst.Count - 1] as TraceStepExpr;*/
            bool matchResult = UserGraph.Match(trace); //match and update
            if (!matchResult) return false;

            //insert nodes
            CurrentStateNode = UserGraph.SearchInnerLoopNode(obj); //update _currentStateNode;
            //var nextTuple1 = UserGraph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(CurrentStateNode);
          /*  if (nextTuple1 == null) // query-end
                msg = AGTutorMessage.SolvedProblem;
                return true;
            msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyCorrect;
            return true;
        private void SurfaceVerify(IKnowledge source, IKnowledge obj, out string msg, out object output)
            msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyWrong;
            output = null;

            var eqGoalExpr = obj as AGPropertyExpr;
            if (eqGoalExpr != null)
                GoalVerify(source, eqGoalExpr.Goal, out msg, out output);
            var shapeExpr = obj as AGShapeExpr;
            if (shapeExpr != null)
                ShapeVerify(source, shapeExpr.ShapeSymbol, out msg, out output);
       /*     var eqGoalLst = obj as List<object>;
            if (eqGoalLst != null)
                foreach (var tempObj in eqGoalLst)
                    var gGoal = tempObj as AG;
                    bool verified = GoalVerify(obj, gGoal, out msg, out output);
                    if (verified) return;
        private void DeepVerify(IKnowledge source, IKnowledge obj, out string msg, out object output)
            msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyWrong;

            object result;
            var shapeExpr = obj as AGShapeExpr;
            if (shapeExpr != null)
                result = Reasoner.Instance.RelationValidate(shapeExpr.ShapeSymbol, out output);
                result = Reasoner.Instance.RelationValidate(obj.Expr, out output);                

            if (result == null) return;

            var inputApproximateMatched = result as bool?;
            if (inputApproximateMatched != null)
                if (inputApproximateMatched.Value)
                    msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyCorrect;

            var trace = result as List<Tuple<object, object>>;
            if (trace != null)
                bool matchResult = UserGraph.Match(trace); //match and update
                if (matchResult)
                    //insert nodes
                    CurrentStateNode = UserGraph.SearchInnerLoopNode(source); //update _currentStateNode;
                    //Debug.Assert(_currentStateNode != null);
                    msg = AGTutorMessage.VerifyCorrect;
 public void Verify(IKnowledge source, IKnowledge obj, out string msg, out object output)
     output = null;
     object outobj;
     SurfaceVerify(source, obj, out msg, out outobj); //Equation Eval Trace
     if (msg != null && msg.Equals(AGTutorMessage.VerifyCorrect)) return;
     DeepVerify(source, obj, out msg, out outobj); //Relation Eval
Example #10
   public BehaviorGraphNode UpdateSolvingCache(IKnowledge userKnowledge, bool isAdd = true)
       var node = SearchInnerLoopNode(userKnowledge);
       if (node == null) return null;
       Debug.Assert(node.State.Level == BehaviorLevel.Inner);
 /*      if (node.OutEdges.Count != 0) return node;
       Debug.Assert(node.OutEdges.Count == 0);*/
       bool contained = SolvingCache.ContainsKey(node);
       if (!contained) return node;
       if (isAdd)
           SolvingCache[node] = true;                
           SolvingCache[node] = false;
       return node;
        private bool MatchIKnowledgeHeuristic(IKnowledge iKnowledge)
            var shapeExpr = iKnowledge as AGShapeExpr;
            var propExpr = iKnowledge as AGPropertyExpr;
            var equationExpr = iKnowledge as AGEquationExpr;
            var queryExpr = iKnowledge as AGQueryExpr;

            if (shapeExpr != null)
                bool result = shapeExpr.Equals(UserKnowledge);
                if (result) return true;
                result = UserKnowledge.ToString().Equals(shapeExpr.ShapeSymbol.ToString());
                if (result) return true;
                return UserKnowledge.Equals(shapeExpr.ShapeSymbol);
            if (propExpr != null)
                return propExpr.Goal.ApproximateMatch(UserKnowledge);
            if (equationExpr != null)
                bool result = UserKnowledge.Equals(equationExpr.Equation);
                if (result) return true;
                result = equationExpr.Equation.ToString().Equals(UserKnowledge.ToString());
                return result;
            if (queryExpr != null)
                var labelConstraint = queryExpr.QueryTag.Constraint1 as string;
                if (labelConstraint == null) return false;

                bool result = UserKnowledge.Equals(queryExpr.QueryTag);
                if (result) return true;

                var shapeSymbol = UserKnowledge as ShapeSymbol;
                if (shapeSymbol == null) return false;

                return shapeSymbol.ApproximateMatch(labelConstraint);

#region Partial Matching

            if (iKnowledge.Tag == null) return false;

            var term = UserKnowledge as Term;
            if (term != null)
                return term.Equals(iKnowledge.Tag);

            var equation = UserKnowledge as Equation;
            if (equation != null)
                return equation.Lhs.Equals(iKnowledge.Tag);


            return false;
Example #12
        public override void RetrieveRenderKnowledge()
            if (_equation == null) return;
            if (_equation.CachedEntities.Count == 0) return;
            var lst = new ObservableCollection<IKnowledge>();

            foreach (var cacheObj in _equation.CachedEntities)
                var cacheShapeSymbol = cacheObj as ShapeSymbol;
                var cacheGoal = cacheObj as EqGoal;
                var cacheEq = cacheObj as Equation;
                if (cacheShapeSymbol != null)
                    throw new Exception("TODO");
                    /*                    starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(cacheShapeSymbol);
                                        var agShape = new AGShapeExpr(expr, cacheShapeSymbol);
                else if (cacheGoal != null)
                    throw new Exception("TODO");
                    /*                    starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(cacheGoal);
                                        var agGoal = new AGPropertyExpr(expr, cacheGoal);
                else if (cacheEq != null)
                    starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(cacheEq);
                    var agEq = new AGEquationExpr(expr, cacheEq);
                    var boolValue = cacheObj as bool?;
                    if (boolValue != null)
                        starPadSDK.MathExpr.Expr expr = ExprG.Generate(boolValue);
                        var agEq = new IKnowledge(expr);
            RenderKnowledge = lst;
Example #13
        private bool EvalExprPatterns(Expr expr,
                                      object obj,
                                      out object output,
                                      bool userInput = false)
            output = null;

            //non-deterministic Multi-Candidate selection
            var dict = obj as Dictionary <PatternEnum, object>;

            //ambiguity of input pattern
            if (dict != null)
                EvalExprPatterns(expr, dict, out output);
                obj = output;

            var ss = obj as ShapeSymbol;

            if (ss != null)
                return(EvalExprPatterns(expr, ss, out output, userInput));

            var goal = obj as EqGoal;

            if (goal != null)
                return(EvalExprPatterns(expr, goal, out output, userInput));

            var query = obj as Query;

            if (query != null)
                return(EvalExprPatterns(expr, query, out output, userInput));

            var equation = obj as Equation;

            if (equation != null)
                return(EvalExprPatterns(expr, equation, out output, userInput));

            //non-deterministic Constraint-Solving
            var str    = obj as string;
            var gQuery = new Query(str, st);

            if (str != null)
                return(EvalExprPatterns(expr, gQuery, out output, userInput));

            if (userInput)
                var iknowledge = new IKnowledge(expr);
                iknowledge.Tag = obj;
                output         = iknowledge;