// called every time the class is instantiated.
		public void SetDetailItem (Book newDetailItem)

			if (DetailItem != newDetailItem) 
				DetailItem = newDetailItem;

				this.Title = DetailItem.getTitle ();

				// set the photo until otherwise determined
				//coverImage.Image = UIImage.FromBundle ("unavailable.png");

				// Update the view
				ConfigureView ();
Example #2
        public void SetBookItem(Book newDetailItem)
            if (newBook != newDetailItem) {
                newBook = newDetailItem;

                // attempt to set it manually
                newBook.title = newDetailItem.getTitle ();
                newBook.author = newDetailItem.getAuthor ();
                newBook.publisher = newDetailItem.getPublisher ();
                newBook.summary = newDetailItem.getSummary ();
                newBook.isbn = newDetailItem.getIsbn ();
                newBook.dateadded = newDetailItem.getDateAdded ();
                timeAdded = newDetailItem.getDateAdded ();
                Console.Out.WriteLine ("Time added: " + timeAdded.ToString ());

                Console.Out.WriteLine ("Set Book Item entered: " + newBook.getTitle ());
Example #3
        private void insertToDatabase(Book theBook)
            var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            _pathToDatabase = Path.Combine(documents, _databaseName);

            using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase ))
                db.InsertOrReplace (theBook);
            Console.Out.WriteLine ("Book " + newBook.getTitle () + " inserted into database.");

            // ui alert to let the user know
            var alert = UIAlertController.Create("Book Added!", "Hit the back button to see the book in your Book List.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);

            // add buttons
            alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Okay", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));

            // actually show the thing
            PresentViewController(alert, true, null);
Example #4
partial         void addButton_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Manual add button pressed.");
            string titleText = titleField.Text;
            string authorText = authorField.Text;
            string pubText = pubField.Text;
            string summaryText = summaryField.Text;
            string isbnText = isbnField.Text;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("book info: \n" + titleText + "\n" + authorText + "\n" + pubText + "\n" + summaryText + "\n" + isbnText);

            // then make it into a book object and load it into the database
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(isbnText) || isbnText.Length < 9)
                newBook = new Book(); // used to be blank
                Console.Out.WriteLine("newbook blank isbn");
                newBook.usesuserphoto = true;
                newBook = new Book(isbnText);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("newbook given isbn");
                newBook.usesuserphoto = false;

                Console.Out.WriteLine("photo string not null or empty! adding");
                newBook.userimagepath = photoString;

                Console.Out.WriteLine("pngfile name not null or empty: " + pngFilename);
                newBook.userimagepath = pngFilename;

            // perform user initializations
            newBook.title = titleText;
            newBook.author = authorText;
            newBook.publisher = pubText;
            newBook.summary = summaryText;
            newBook.coverstring = null;

            // this is how to tell if this class was entered from BookViewController or the UI Alert Controller
            if(timeAdded == new DateTime())
                var thisdate = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime ();
                newBook.dateadded = thisdate;
                newBook.dateadded = timeAdded;

            // make sure that none of the important fields are empty before adding
            if((newBook.title == string.Empty) || (newBook.author == string.Empty))
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Hold on a minute! You didn't add a title or an author!");
                string titleMessage = "Wait Just A Hot Second!";
                string contentMessage = "You left the title or the author empty!\nIt's okay to write \'I don't know\' and edit it later!";

                // now make an alert to notify the user
                var alert = UIAlertController.Create(titleMessage, contentMessage, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);

                // add buttons
                alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Hmm...Okay", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));

                // actually show the thing
                PresentViewController(alert, true, null);

                // return so that the book's not added

			public void deleteFromDatabase(Book oldBook)
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Book " + oldBook.getTitle() + " deleted from database.");

				using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase))
					Console.Out.WriteLine ("object deleted: " + oldBook.getDateAdded ());
					db.Delete (oldBook);
					//return Delete
		async void scanIsbn()
			// start the barcode scanner
			var scanner = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanner();
			var result = await scanner.Scan();

				// create an object to hold the book.
				Book newBook = new Book (result.Text);
				Console.Out.WriteLine ("newbook title: " + newBook.getTitle ());

				// make sure it's actually a book before adding it.
					if (newBook.getAuthor().Length > 3) 
						insertToDatabase (newBook);
						Console.Out.WriteLine("newbook added");
						dataSource.Objects.Insert (0, newBook);

						using (var indexPath = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (0, 0))
							TableView.InsertRows (new [] { indexPath }, UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic);

					} else
						Console.Out.WriteLine ("newbook seems to be null");
				catch(Exception ex)
					Console.Out.WriteLine ("Adding newbook error: " + ex.ToString ());
			catch(Exception ex)
				Console.Out.WriteLine ("scanning was probably canceled.\n" + ex.ToString ());
		private void insertToDatabase(Book newBook)
			using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase ))
			Console.Out.WriteLine ("Book " + newBook.getTitle () + " inserted into database.");