Example #1
        private void AlignPlantToTerrain(Landscape terrain, PlantUnit plant)
            var translation = new Vector3(plant.Translation.X, terrain.getLandscapeHeight(plant.Translation.X + _meshCenter.X,
                                                                                          plant.Translation.Z + _meshCenter.Z), plant.Translation.Z);

            plant.Translation = translation;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Translation">Value of grass translation </param>
 /// <param name="Rotation">Value of grass rotation </param>
 /// <param name="Scale">Value of grass scaling </param>
 /// <param name="textureID">Texture ID param</param>
 /// <param name="previous">Previous plant for wind loop value</param>
 public PlantUnit(Vector3 Translation, Vector3 Rotation, Vector3 Scale, uint textureID,
                  PlantUnit previous)
     this.Translation = Translation;
     this.Scale       = Scale;
     this.WindLoop    = previous != null ? previous.WindLoop : Convert.ToSingle(new Random().NextDouble() * 360.0f);
     this.textureID   = textureID;
Example #3
        public static void AddBuilderUserAttribute(PlantUnit plant, VAO buffer, Int32 plantsCountBeforeAddition)
            float windS = 0.0f, tSampler = 0.0f;

            float[,] matrixColumn1 = new float[1, 4];
            float[,] matrixColumn2 = new float[1, 4];
            float[,] matrixColumn3 = new float[1, 4];
            float[,] matrixColumn4 = new float[1, 4];

            var modelMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;

            modelMatrix *= Matrix4.CreateRotationY(plant.Rotation.Y);
            modelMatrix *= Matrix4.CreateScale(plant.Scale);
            modelMatrix *= Matrix4.CreateTranslation(plant.Translation);

            matrixColumn1[0, 0] = modelMatrix[0, 0];
            matrixColumn1[0, 1] = modelMatrix[0, 1];
            matrixColumn1[0, 2] = modelMatrix[0, 2];
            matrixColumn1[0, 3] = modelMatrix[0, 3];

            matrixColumn2[0, 0] = modelMatrix[1, 0];
            matrixColumn2[0, 1] = modelMatrix[1, 1];
            matrixColumn2[0, 2] = modelMatrix[1, 2];
            matrixColumn2[0, 3] = modelMatrix[1, 3];

            matrixColumn3[0, 0] = modelMatrix[2, 0];
            matrixColumn3[0, 1] = modelMatrix[2, 1];
            matrixColumn3[0, 2] = modelMatrix[2, 2];
            matrixColumn3[0, 3] = modelMatrix[2, 3];

            matrixColumn4[0, 0] = modelMatrix[3, 0];
            matrixColumn4[0, 1] = modelMatrix[3, 1];
            matrixColumn4[0, 2] = modelMatrix[3, 2];
            matrixColumn4[0, 3] = modelMatrix[3, 3];

            windS    = plant.WindLoop;
            tSampler = plant.textureID;

            IntPtr singleAttributeOffset    = new IntPtr(sizeof(float) * plantsCountBeforeAddition);
            IntPtr singleAttributeValueSize = new IntPtr(sizeof(float));
            IntPtr vectorAttributeOffset    = new IntPtr(sizeof(float) * matrixColumn1.Length * plantsCountBeforeAddition);
            IntPtr vectorAttributeValueSize = new IntPtr(sizeof(float) * matrixColumn1.Length);

            VAOManager.AddUserSingleAttribute(buffer, 0, windS, singleAttributeOffset, singleAttributeValueSize);
            VAOManager.AddUserSingleAttribute(buffer, 1, tSampler, singleAttributeOffset, singleAttributeValueSize);
            VAOManager.AddUserVectorAttribute(buffer, 0, matrixColumn1, vectorAttributeOffset, vectorAttributeValueSize);
            VAOManager.AddUserVectorAttribute(buffer, 1, matrixColumn2, vectorAttributeOffset, vectorAttributeValueSize);
            VAOManager.AddUserVectorAttribute(buffer, 2, matrixColumn3, vectorAttributeOffset, vectorAttributeValueSize);
            VAOManager.AddUserVectorAttribute(buffer, 3, matrixColumn4, vectorAttributeOffset, vectorAttributeValueSize);
Example #4
 public void add(PlantUnit plant, Landscape terrain = null)
     //AlignPlantToTerrain(terrain, plant);
     // TODO : assemble buffer first or if it's already assembled just add new values to buffer
     if (_bufferAssembled)
         //PlantUserAttributeBuilder.AddBuilderUserAttribute(plant, _buffer, _plants.Count);
         this._bufferAssembled = true;