Example #1
        public Item findBomItem(MasterStructure incommingMasPart, Item parent = null, Item child = null)
            CItemTools itemTool = this;

            // load up the parent item from the master structure item if its not sent in
            if (parent == null)
                parent = itemTool.findItem("Part", incommingMasPart.parentPart, incommingMasPart.parentRevision.ToString());
            // get the BOM item. If the rev is 999, get the most recent
            // 999 is a key to indicate that we are looking for the most current revision. if its not 999, find the most recent rev
            if (child == null)
                if (incommingMasPart.revisionLevel != 999)
                    child = itemTool.findItem("Part", incommingMasPart.partNumber, incommingMasPart.revisionLevel.ToString());
                    child = itemTool.findItem("Part", incommingMasPart.partNumber);
            if (child == null || parent == null)
                throw new Exception();
            string childQuant = incommingMasPart.bomQuantity.ToString();
            // check to see if the BOM item is in the parent assembly
            var bomSearch = this.theConnection.newItem("Part BOM", "get");

            bomSearch.setAttribute("select", "related_id,quantity,source_id");
            bomSearch.setProperty("related_id", child.getID());
            bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("related_id", "eq");
            bomSearch.setProperty("quantity", childQuant);
            bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("quantity", "eq");
            bomSearch.setProperty("source_id", parent.getID());
            bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("source_id", "eq");
            var results = bomSearch.apply();
            int count   = results.getItemCount();

            if (count < 1)
                //Console.WriteLine("Item exsists in BOM already incomming:" + incommingMasPart);
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-Assigns PR's to the highest level revision assembly available for part numbers
        /// </summary>
        public void pushPrsUpRevisions()
            CItemTools  itemsTool   = new CItemTools(this.theConnection);
            List <Item> thePrSearch = itemsTool.findItemsList("PR");

            Parallel.ForEach(thePrSearch, (thePR) =>
            { //(Item thePR in thePrSearch){
                // get the PR and its associated parts
                // should be the ID's for the parts
                Console.WriteLine("parallel processing pr");
                string affectedPart    = thePR.getProperty("affected_item");
                string rootCausePart   = thePR.getProperty("root_cause_part");
                Item affectedPartItem  = itemsTool.findItemById(affectedPart, "part");
                Item rootCausePartItem = itemsTool.findItemById(rootCausePart, "part");
                // lock item for changes
                // fix the affected item part relationship if its set
                if (affectedPartItem != null)
                    // get the item number, get the part, set the part
                    string affectedPartItemNumber = affectedPartItem.getProperty("item_number");
                    // default behavior is to higest rev when rev is not set
                    Item affectedPartItemLatestRev = itemsTool.findItem("part", affectedPartItemNumber);
                    thePR.setProperty("affected_item", affectedPartItemLatestRev.getID());
                // fix the root cause item part relationship if its set
                if (rootCausePartItem != null)
                    // get the item number, get the part, set the part
                    string rootCausePartItemNumber = rootCausePartItem.getProperty("item_number");
                    // default behavior is to higest rev when rev is not set
                    Item rootCausePartItemLatestRev = itemsTool.findItem("part", rootCausePartItemNumber);
                    thePR.setProperty("root_cause_part", rootCausePartItemLatestRev.getID());
                // apply changes, unlock
                // current part is version and unlocked.
 private static void TraverseNodes(XmlNodeList nodes, CItemTools itemTool)
     foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
         // Do something with the node.
         if (node.Attributes != null && node.Attributes["type"] != null)
             // fix part links
             if (node.Attributes["type"].Value == "Change Controlled Item" || node.Attributes["type"].Value == "Part")
                 string oldId      = node.InnerText;
                 string partNumber = node.Attributes["keyed_name"].Value;
                 if (partNumber == "AS-UTA")
                     partNumber = "AS-UTA-006";
                 Item arasItem = itemTool.findItem("Part", partNumber);
                 while (arasItem == null)
                     Console.WriteLine("Part not found - Enter a new Part Number:" + partNumber);
                     partNumber = Console.ReadLine();
                     arasItem   = itemTool.findItem("Part", partNumber);
                 if (arasItem != null)
                     //Console.WriteLine("Old Item ID" + oldId + " New ID:" + arasItem.getID() + "");
                     node.InnerText = arasItem.getID();
                     node.Attributes["keyed_name"].Value = partNumber;
                     //Console.WriteLine("New Item ID" + node.InnerText + " New ID:" + arasItem.getID() + "");
                     Console.WriteLine("Item not found on ARAS" + partNumber);
         TraverseNodes(node.ChildNodes, itemTool);
        public bool movePartToRevLevel(StdBomStructures thePart)
            bool       success   = false;
            CItemTools itemsTool = new CItemTools(this.theConnection);
            // go find the item we are attempting to revision
            Item theArasPart = itemsTool.findItem("part", thePart.BillNo.ToString(), thePart.Revision.ToString());

            // found the revision. no need to increment.
            if (theArasPart != null)
                string arasRevLevel = theArasPart.getProperty("major_rev");
                Console.WriteLine("Revision Found:" + arasRevLevel + " MAS Rev:" + thePart.Revision.ToString() + " Imported Part Data:" + thePart.ToString());
            else if (thePart.Revision <= 99 && theArasPart == null)
                // find the highest revision part
                Item highestRevLevelPart = itemsTool.findItem("part", thePart.BillNo.ToString());
                if (highestRevLevelPart != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("cranking revision level:" + thePart.ToString());
                    string majorRev     = highestRevLevelPart.getProperty("major_rev");
                    int    arasRevLevel = int.Parse(majorRev);
                    while (arasRevLevel < thePart.Revision)
                        // go ahead and revision the part, then fetcht he revision level to try and satisfy the while loop
                        highestRevLevelPart = itemsTool.findItem("part", thePart.BillNo.ToString());
                        majorRev            = highestRevLevelPart.getProperty("major_rev");
                        arasRevLevel        = int.Parse(majorRev);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Wrote:"+ arasRevLevel + " Of:" + thePart.Revision);
                    Console.WriteLine("Missing Part or part rev in excess of Aras Limit " + thePart);
        /// Depracated
        /// <summary>
        /// takes in an input row from MAS and updates the BOMs in ARAS
        /// works on the current level revision
        /// </summary>

        /*public void updateBomRevisions(MasterStructure masterBomItem) {
         *  // turns out that there are parts in the newest version of thre BOM export that Ted provided me.
         *  // check if component rev ==0, not worth running if so
         *  CItemTools itemsTool = new CItemTools(this.theConnection);
         *  if (masterBomItem.revisionLevel != 0)
         *  {
         *      Item sourcItem = itemsTool.findItem("part", masterBomItem.parentPart);
         *      Item bomItemNewRev = itemsTool.findItem("part", masterBomItem.partNumber, masterBomItem.revisionLevel.ToString());
         *      Item bomItemCurrentRev = itemsTool.findItem("part", masterBomItem.partNumber, "0");
         *      Console.ReadLine();
         *      // description is in the masBomItem.comment
         *      if (sourcItem != null && bomItemCurrentRev != null && bomItemCurrentRev != null)
         *      {
         *          Console.WriteLine(masterBomItem.ToString());
         *          Console.ReadLine();
         *          var bomSearch = this.theConnection.newItem("Part BOM", "get");
         *          //bomSearch.setAction("lock");
         *          //bomSearch.apply();
         *          bomSearch.setAttribute("select", "related_id,quantity,source_id");
         *          bomSearch.setProperty("related_id", bomItemCurrentRev.getID());
         *          bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("related_id", "eq");
         *          bomSearch.setProperty("quantity", masterBomItem.bomQuantity.ToString());
         *          bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("quantity", "eq");
         *          bomSearch.setProperty("source_id", sourcItem.getID());
         *          bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("source_id", "eq");
         *          var results = bomSearch.apply();
         *          int count = results.getItemCount();
         *          if (count == 1)
         *          {
         *              //var bomItem = this.theConnection.newItem("Part BOM", "add");
         *              //if (quantity == "0")
         *              //   quantity = "1";
         *              //bomItem.setProperty("related_id", thePart.getID());
         *              //bomItem.setProperty("quantity", quantity);
         *              //parent.addRelationship(bomItem);
         *              //parent.apply();
         *              //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);
         *          }
         *          // apply changes, unlock
         *          bomSearch.setAction("update");
         *          bomSearch.apply();
         *          bomSearch.setAction("unlock");
         *          // current part is version and unlocked.
         *          bomSearch.apply();
         *      }
         *      else
         *      {
         *          Console.WriteLine("Item not in current DB" + masterBomItem.ToString());
         *          Console.WriteLine("Current Part Search Results:" + bomItemCurrentRev);
         *          Console.ReadLine();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  else {
         *      Console.WriteLine(masterBomItem.revisionLevel);
         *  }
         * }*/
        public void updateAmStatus(List <MoldsStatus> theMoldsData)
            CItemTools itemTool = new CItemTools(this.theConnection);

            foreach (MoldsStatus statusItem in theMoldsData)
                Item thePart = itemTool.findItem("Part", statusItem.AMNum);
                if (thePart != null)
                    string action = null;
                    switch (statusItem.Status)
                    case "Obsolete":
                        action = "Obsolete";

                    case "Prototype":
                        action = "Preliminary";

                    case "In Design":
                        action = "Preliminary";

                    case "Inactive":
                        action = "Superseded";

                    case "Active":
                        action = "Released";

                    default: action = "void";
                    if (action != "void")
                        Console.WriteLine("Part Updated:" + statusItem.AMNum + " State:" + statusItem.Status);
                        thePart.promote(action, "Manual Revision Move");
                        var results = thePart.apply();
                    Console.WriteLine("Part Not found From Molds DB:" + statusItem.AMNum);
        public Item revisionPart(Item thePart)
            CItemTools itemsTool = new CItemTools(this.theConnection);

            Item returnedAction = thePart.apply();
            // the new revision is currently locked, so unlock it to release it
            Item newRevision = itemsTool.findItem("part", thePart.getProperty("item_number"));

            newRevision.promote("Released", "Manual Release");
            // new revision is released, move on
Example #7
        public Item revisionPart(Item thePart)
            CItemTools itemsTool = new CItemTools(this.theConnection);

            var    results     = thePart.apply();
            string errorString = results.getErrorString();

            if (errorString != "")
                throw new Exception("Exception on part promote:" + errorString);
            // the new revision is currently locked, so unlock it to release it
            Item newRevision = itemsTool.findItem("part", thePart.getProperty("item_number"));

            results = newRevision.apply();
            newRevision.promote("Released", "Manual Release");
            // new revision is released, move on
            results     = newRevision.apply();
            errorString = results.getErrorString();
        public Item addPartToBom(MasterStructure lineItem)
            // Ted has added a revision level of 999 for the moat master configuration.
            // i dont know MAS allows him to do that, but oh well... just ignore it
            // he has also added 0 quantity items that are essentially work instructions
            if (lineItem.parentRevision != 999 || lineItem.bomQuantity != 0)
                CItemTools itemTool = new CItemTools(theConnection);

                // get the BOM item. If the rev is 999, get the most recent
                Item   Child;
                string childQuant = lineItem.bomQuantity.ToString();

                Item parent = itemTool.findItem("Part", lineItem.parentPart, lineItem.parentRevision.ToString());
                if (lineItem.revisionLevel != 999)
                    Child = itemTool.findItem("Part", lineItem.partNumber, lineItem.revisionLevel.ToString());
                    Child = itemTool.findItem("Part", lineItem.partNumber);
                if (parent != null && Child != null)
                    Item findBomItem = itemTool.findBomItem(lineItem, parent, Child);

                    if (findBomItem == null)
                        var bomItem = this.theConnection.newItem("Part BOM", "add");
                        if (childQuant == "0" || childQuant == "" || childQuant == null)
                            childQuant = "1";
                        bomItem.setProperty("related_id", Child.getID());
                        bomItem.setProperty("quantity", childQuant);
                        var    result = parent.apply();
                        string error  = result.getErrorString();
                        if (error != "")
                            throw new Exception("Exception on part add:" + error);
                        Console.WriteLine(lineItem + " BOM added to" + parent.getProperty("item_number"));

                /*// load up the parent item from the master structure item
                 * Item parent = itemTool.findItem("Part", lineItem.parentPart, lineItem.parentRevision.ToString());
                 * // get the BOM item. If the rev is 999, get the most recent
                 * Item Child;
                 * string childQuant = lineItem.bomQuantity.ToString();
                 * // 999 is a key to indicate that we are looking for the most current revision. if its not 999, find the most recent rev
                 * if (lineItem.revisionLevel != 999)
                 *  Child = itemTool.findItem("Part", lineItem.partNumber, lineItem.revisionLevel.ToString());
                 * else
                 *  Child = itemTool.findItem("Part", lineItem.partNumber);
                 * // check to see if the BOM item is in the parent assembly
                 * var bomSearch = this.theConnection.newItem("Part BOM", "get");
                 * bomSearch.setAttribute("select", "related_id,quantity,source_id");
                 * bomSearch.setProperty("related_id", Child.getID());
                 * bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("related_id", "eq");
                 * bomSearch.setProperty("quantity", childQuant);
                 * bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("quantity", "eq");
                 * bomSearch.setProperty("source_id", parent.getID());
                 * bomSearch.setPropertyCondition("source_id", "eq");
                 * var results = bomSearch.apply();
                 * int count = results.getItemCount();
                 * if (count < 1)
                 * {
                 * }
                 * else {
                 * }*/
