public Parser(Game1 game) { = game; blockFactory = new BlockFactory(game); itemFactory = new ItemFactory(game); enemyFactory = new EnemyFactory(game); latestCheckpoint = new List<Vector2>(); }
public Sprite(Scene scene, Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRect, int timePerFrame, int numberOfFrames, bool isAnimated) { this.scene = scene; this.isAnimated = isAnimated; this.numberOfFrames = numberOfFrames; this.position = position; this.texture = texture; this.timePerFrame = timePerFrame; this.sourceRect = sourceRect; this.origin.X = 0; this.origin.Y = 0; Velocity = new Vector2(0, 0); blockFactory = new BlockFactory(scene.Game); itemFactory = new ItemFactory(scene.Game); enemyFactory = new EnemyFactory(scene.Game); this.sounds = new SoundMachine(scene.Game); // frameWidth = sourceRect.Width / numberOfFrames; frameWidth = 16; collisionBox = new CollisionBox(position.X, position.Y, 32, SourceRect.Height*2); }
public void AddingEntity(StreamReader reader) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); var values = line.Split(','); Tile tile = new Tile(); string n = values[0]; int x = Convert.ToInt32(values[1]); int y = Convert.ToInt32(values[2]); tile.Position = Grid.Position(x, y); string itemName = ""; string pipeName = ""; int itemNum = 0; if (values.Length > 3 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[3])) { itemName = values[3]; itemNum = Convert.ToInt32(values[4]); } if (values.Length > 7 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[7])) { pipeName = values[5]; _pipePosition = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt32(values[6]), Convert.ToInt32(values[7])); } else if (values.Length > 5 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[5])) { pipeName = values[3]; _pipePosition = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt32(values[4]), Convert.ToInt32(values[5])); } if (n.Equals("Mario")) { Mario = new MarioEntity(tile.Position, Sounds); movingEntities.Add(Mario); } else if (n.Equals("EnemyPipe")) { tile.Entity = new EnemyPipeEntity(tile.Position, tiles, movingEntities); } else if (n.Equals("Pole")) { tile.Entity = FlagFactory.BuildSprite(tile.Position); } else if (n.Equals("Boo")) { tile.Entity = BooFactory.BuildSprite(Mario, tile.Position); } else if (Enum.TryParse(n, out ItemCreation.ItemType itemType)) { tile.Entity = ItemCreation.BuildItemEntity(itemType, tile.Position, Sounds); } else if (Enum.TryParse(n, out EnemyFactory.EnemyType enemyType)) { tile.Entity = EnemyFactory.BuildEnemySprite(enemyType, tile.Position, Mario); movingEntities.Add(tile.Entity); } else if (Enum.TryParse(n, out BlockCreation.SceneBlock sceneBlock)) { tile.Entity = BlockCreation.BuildSceneBlock(sceneBlock, tile.Position); } else if (Enum.TryParse(n, out BlockCreation.Blocks blockType)) { tile.Entity = BlockCreation.BuildBlockEntity(blockType, tile.Position, Sounds); if ((tile.Entity is QuestionBlockEntity || tile.Entity is BrickBlockEntity) && (Enum.TryParse(itemName, out ItemCreation.ItemType item))) //adding item to question block entity { for (int i = 0; i < itemNum; i++) { Entity one = ItemCreation.BuildItemEntity(item, tile.Position, Sounds); tile.Entity.AddItem(one, tiles, movingEntities, Mario); } } else if (tile.Entity is BridgeBlockEntity && Enum.TryParse(itemName, out ItemCreation.ItemType axe)) { Entity _axe = ItemCreation.BuildItemEntity(axe, new Vector2(tile.Position.X + 32, tile.Position.Y - 64), Sounds); Tile theAxe = new Tile { Entity = _axe }; tiles.Add(theAxe); (tile.Entity as BridgeBlockEntity).AxeLink(_axe as AxeEntity); for (int i = 0; i < itemNum; i++)//adding bridge blocks { Entity one = BlockCreation.BuildBlockEntity(BlockCreation.Blocks.BridgeBlock, new Vector2(tile.Position.X - i * 32, tile.Position.Y), Sounds); (one as BridgeBlockEntity).AxeLink(_axe as AxeEntity); tile.Entity.AddItem(one, tiles, movingEntities, Mario); } } else if (tile.Entity is PipeBlockEntity && Enum.TryParse(itemName, out EnemyFactory.EnemyType enemy) && Enum.TryParse(pipeName, out BlockCreation.Blocks block)) { Entity plant = EnemyFactory.BuildEnemySprite(enemy, tile.Position, Mario); tile.Entity.AddItem(plant, tiles, movingEntities, Mario); _first = tile.Entity as PipeBlockEntity; _pipePosition = Grid.Position((int)_pipePosition.X, (int)_pipePosition.Y); Entity second = BlockCreation.BuildBlockEntity(block, _pipePosition, Sounds); Tile two = new Tile { Entity = second }; _first.SetWarpDestination(second as PipeBlockEntity, Mario); tiles.Add(two); Grid.AddtoGrid(second); } else if (tile.Entity is PipeBlockEntity && Enum.TryParse(pipeName, out BlockCreation.Blocks pipe)) { _first = tile.Entity as PipeBlockEntity; _pipePosition = Grid.Position((int)_pipePosition.X, (int)_pipePosition.Y); Entity second = BlockCreation.BuildBlockEntity(pipe, _pipePosition, Sounds); Tile two = new Tile { Entity = second }; _first.SetWarpDestination(second as PipeBlockEntity, Mario); tiles.Add(two); Grid.AddtoGrid(second); } } if (tile.Entity != null) { tiles.Add(tile); //Grid.AddtoGrid(tile.Entity); } }
public void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. screenHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; screenWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; backgroundTexture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("SMSearlysky"); reader = XmlReader.Create("map.xml"); sprites = new List<Sprite>(); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); blockFactory = new BlockFactory(game); itemFactory = new ItemFactory(game); enemyFactory = new EnemyFactory(game); Parse(reader); keyboardCont = new KeyboardController(game, mario); gamePadCont = new GamePadController(game, mario); collision = new Collision(mario, this); MakeFloor(); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }