private void TimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { //TODO: scrap the webpage for current live events, compare with existing -> create list of new events, list of ended events, foreach new event -> create a dobby, foreach eneded event -> do analysis & add to records. List <Game> updatedLiveEvents = GetLiveEvents(); if (counter == 1) { //On the first run, add all live events to an "ToBeIgnored" list. toBeIgnored = new List <Game>(updatedLiveEvents); } else { //On every run from the second, first remove the games in "toBeIgnored" list, so only Newly started events are recorded. foreach (Game game in toBeIgnored) { if (updatedLiveEvents.Contains(game)) { if (!updatedLiveEvents.Remove(game)) { throw new Exception("Could not delete game from updatedLiveEvents list from ignore list."); } } } //MessageBox.Show(updatedLiveEvents.Count + " updated games"); listBoxLiveEvents.Items.Clear(); int count = 1; foreach (Game game in updatedLiveEvents) { listBoxLiveEvents.Items.Add(count++ + ". " + + " - " + game.teamAName + " vs " + game.teamBName); } List <Game> newGames = GetNewGames(updatedLiveEvents, currentLiveEvents); //MessageBox.Show(newGames.Count + " games just started."); List <Game> endedGames = GetEndedGames(updatedLiveEvents, currentLiveEvents); //MessageBox.Show(endedGames.Count + " games ended."); currentLiveEvents = new List <Game>(updatedLiveEvents); foreach (Game game in newGames) { //string databaseName = GetDatabaseName(game); //Start Dobby: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { Arguments = //@"""" + game.teamAName + @"""" + //@" """ + game.teamBName + @"""" + @" """ + game.linkToLiveWebPage.ToString() + @"""" + @" """ + + @"""", FileName = filepathToDobby }; Process process = Process.Start(startInfo); TrackedEvent trackedEvent = new TrackedEvent(game, process);//, databaseName); currentTrackedEvents.Add(trackedEvent); } foreach (Game game in endedGames) { TrackedEvent trackedEvent = GetTrackedEventGivenTheGame(game); listBoxFinishedEvents.Items.Add( + " - " + game.teamAName + " vs " + game.teamBName + " started at " + trackedEvent.startDateTime + ", ended at " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss")); //MoveDatabaseFile(trackedEvent.databaseName); //Run Analysis completedEvents.Add(trackedEvent); //trackedEvent.processHandle.CloseMainWindow(); currentTrackedEvents.Remove(trackedEvent); } } counterLabel.Content = counter++; })); }
public void RunAnalysis(TrackedEvent inputTrackedEvent) { }