/// <summary>
        /// Runs Classification process with given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of executing Classificate.</returns>
        private PermissiveTractResult Classificate(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            if (input.DelineationRaster == "" || input.TresholdValues == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Input parameters not set correctly", "DelineationRaster/TresholdValues");
                string rScriptExecutablePath = input.Env.RPath;
                string procResult            = string.Empty;

                var info = new ProcessStartInfo();
                info.FileName = rScriptExecutablePath;
                var path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                info.WorkingDirectory = path + "scripts/";
                var rCodeFilePath = path + "scripts/rasterproc_classify_wrapper.r";

                string outputFolder = projectFolder + "\\Classification\\Temp\\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))

                string   outCsv       = projectFolder + "\\stats.csv";
                string   csvContent   = File.ReadAllText(outCsv);
                double[] doubles      = Array.ConvertAll(csvContent.Split(','), Double.Parse);
                double   min          = doubles[0];
                double   max          = doubles[1];
                string   tresholds    = input.TresholdValues;
                string   outputRaster = outputFolder + "ClassificationRaster_" + input.ClassificationId + ".img";
                string   outputPdf    = outputFolder + "ClassificationRaster_" + input.ClassificationId + ".pdf";

                string delineationRaster = projectFolder + "\\Classification\\Temp\\" + "maskedRaster" + input.DelID + ".img";

                if (!File.Exists(delineationRaster))
                    delineationRaster = input.DelineationRaster;

                info.Arguments              = "\"" + rCodeFilePath + "\" " + delineationRaster + " " + tresholds + " " + outputRaster + " " + outputPdf;
                info.RedirectStandardInput  = false;
                info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                info.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                info.UseShellExecute        = false;
                info.CreateNoWindow         = true;

                using (var proc = new Process())
                    proc.StartInfo = info;
                    StreamReader errorReader    = proc.StandardError;
                    StreamReader myStreamReader = proc.StandardOutput;
                    string       stream         = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
                    procResult = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs Delineation process with given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of executing Delineation.</returns>
        private PermissiveTractResult Delineation(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            if (input.ProspectivityRasterFile == "" || input.BoundaryValues == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Input parameters not set correctly", "ProspectivityRasterFile/BoundaryValues");
                string rScriptExecutablePath = input.Env.RPath;
                string procResult            = string.Empty;

                var info = new ProcessStartInfo();
                info.FileName = rScriptExecutablePath;
                var path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                info.WorkingDirectory = path + "scripts/";
                var rCodeFilePath = path + "scripts/rasterproc_wrapper.r";

                string outputFolder = projectFolder + @"\Delineation\temp\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))

                string[] boundaryList = input.BoundaryValues.Split(',');
                foreach (string boundary in boundaryList)
                    string discrOutput          = outputFolder + "DelineationRaster_" + boundary.ToString();
                    string polyOutput           = outputFolder + "DelineationPolygons_" + boundary.ToString();
                    string polyOutputF          = "DelineationPolygons_" + boundary.ToString();
                    string boundariesOnEvidence = outputFolder + "BoundariesOnEvidence_" + boundary.ToString() + ".pdf";

                    info.Arguments = "\"" + rCodeFilePath + "\" \"" + input.ProspectivityRasterFile + "\" \"" + discrOutput + "\" \"" + polyOutput + "\" \"" + polyOutputF
                                     + "\" \"" + boundary + "\" \"" + input.EvidenceLayerFile + "\" \"" + boundariesOnEvidence;
                    info.RedirectStandardInput  = false;
                    info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                    info.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                    info.UseShellExecute        = false;
                    info.CreateNoWindow         = true;

                    using (var proc = new Process())
                        proc.StartInfo = info;
                        StreamReader errorReader    = proc.StandardError;
                        StreamReader myStreamReader = proc.StandardOutput;
                        string       stream         = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
                        procResult = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

        /// <summary>
        /// Permissive Tract tool execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputParams">Input parameters as ToolParameters</param>
        /// <returns>ToolResult as PermissiveTractResult</returns>
        public ToolResult Execute(ToolParameters inputParams)
            projectFolder = Path.Combine(inputParams.Env.RootPath, "TractDelineation");
            if (!Directory.Exists(projectFolder))

            var input = inputParams as PermissiveTractInputParams;

            input.Save(projectFolder + @"\permissive_tract_input_params.json");
            PermissiveTractResult result = new PermissiveTractResult();

            if (input.MethodId == "fuzzy" || input.MethodId == "fuzzyClassification")
                result = FuzzyOverlay(input, result);
            else if (input.MethodId == "delineation")
                result = Delineation(input, result);
            else if (input.MethodId == "delineation_polygon")
                result = DelineationPolygon(input, result);
            else if (input.MethodId == "wofe" || input.MethodId == "wofeClassification")
                result = WofE(input, result);
            else if (input.MethodId == "generatetracts")
                result = GenerateTracts(input, result);
            else if (input.MethodId == "calculatetreshold")
                result = CalculateTreshold(input, result);
            else if (input.MethodId == "classification")
                result = Classificate(input, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to run python script parameters with parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="script"> script to run</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string runPythonScript(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result, string script)
            string python      = @input.PythonPath;
            string myPythonApp = script;

            ProcessStartInfo myProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(python);

            myProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            myProcessStartInfo.Arguments = myPythonApp; // + " " + input.EnvPath + " " + " " + str +" foobar";// + " " + input.OutRaster;

            Process myProcess = new Process();

            myProcess.StartInfo = myProcessStartInfo;

            StreamReader errorReader    = myProcess.StandardError;
            StreamReader myStreamReader = myProcess.StandardOutput;
            string       returnValue    = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();

            logger.Trace("ReturnValue:" + returnValue);

            //WARNING: No Contrast for type Ascending satisfied the user defined confidence level 2.0
            if (returnValue.Contains("WARNING: No Contrast for type"))
                int    start     = returnValue.IndexOf("WARNING: No Contrast for type");
                int    stop      = returnValue.IndexOf("Done creating table.");
                string tmpReturn = returnValue.Substring(start, stop - start);
                returnValue = tmpReturn;

            Console.WriteLine("Value received from script: " + returnValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs FuzzyOverlay with given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of executing Fuzzy Overlay.</returns>
        private PermissiveTractResult FuzzyOverlay(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            var outputfolder = projectFolder + @"\Delineation\Fuzzy\EvidenceData\";

            if (input.MethodId == "fuzzyClassification")
                outputfolder = projectFolder + @"\Classification\Fuzzy\EvidenceData\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputfolder))

            List <string> inRasters = new List <string> {

            if (input.InRasterList.Count < 1 || input.InRasterList == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input rasters not set.", "Input rasters");
                foreach (string s in input.InRasterList)
                    inRasters.Add(s.Replace("\\", "/"));

            if (input.OutRaster == String.Empty || input.OutRaster == null || input.OutRaster == "Select outraster path and filename")
                throw new ArgumentException("Output raster not set.", "Output raster");
                input.OutRaster = input.OutRaster.Replace("\\", "/");

            if (input.EnvPath == String.Empty || input.EnvPath == null)
                //throw new ArgumentException("Environment path not set.", "Environment path");
                input.EnvPath = input.EnvPath.Replace("\\", "/");

            string python      = @input.PythonPath;
            string myPythonApp = input.ScriptPath;
            string str         = string.Join(",", inRasters);

            ProcessStartInfo myProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(python);

            myProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;

            myProcessStartInfo.Arguments = myPythonApp + " " + outputfolder + " " + str + " " + outputfolder
                                           + " " + input.FuzzyOverlayType + " " + input.FuzzyOutputFileName + " " + input.FuzzyGammaValue;

            Process myProcess = new Process();

            myProcess.StartInfo = myProcessStartInfo;

            Console.WriteLine("Calling Python script with arguments {0}, {1} and {2}", input.EnvPath, str, input.OutRaster);
            StreamReader errorReader    = myProcess.StandardError;
            StreamReader myStreamReader = myProcess.StandardOutput;
            string       returnValue    = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
            string       errReturnValue = errorReader.ReadToEnd();

            logger.Trace("Permissive Tract script return value:" + returnValue);

            Console.WriteLine("Value received from script: " + returnValue);
            result.PermissiveTractResults = returnValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs WofE with given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of executing WofE.</returns>
        private PermissiveTractResult WofE(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            var outputfolder = projectFolder + @"\Delineation\WofE\EvidenceData\";

            if (input.MethodId == "wofeClassification")
                outputfolder = projectFolder + @"\Classification\WofE\EvidenceData\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputfolder))

            if (input.EvidenceRasterList.Count < 1 || input.EvidenceRasterList == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input rasters not set.", "Input rasters");
                string   parameters             = "";
                string   ws                     = outputfolder;//"C:\\data\\w2.gdb";
                string   evidence_raster_layers = "";
                string   evidence_weight_tables = "";
                string   cellsize               = "200";
                string   arcsdm_path            = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "scripts\\ArcSDMToolbox\\ArcSDM.pyt";
                string[] Weights                = input.WofEWeightsType.Split(',');
                int      raster                 = 0;
                string   calculateWeightResult  = "";
                string   calWeightMessage       = "";

                //Create mask from shp file
                parameters  = "";
                parameters += "./scripts/WofeCreateMask.pyw";
                parameters += " " + ws;               //workspace
                parameters += " " + input.MaskRaster; //mask
                logger.Trace("Mask parameters:" + parameters);
                string python      = @input.PythonPath;
                string myPythonApp = parameters;

                ProcessStartInfo myProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(python);
                myProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                myProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                myProcessStartInfo.Arguments = myPythonApp; // + " " + input.EnvPath + " " + " " + str +" foobar";// + " " + input.OutRaster;

                Process myProcess = new Process();
                myProcess.StartInfo = myProcessStartInfo;

                StreamReader errorReader    = myProcess.StandardError;
                StreamReader myStreamReader = myProcess.StandardOutput;

                string returnValue = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
                logger.Trace("ReturnValue WofeCreateMask:" + returnValue);

                foreach (string er in input.EvidenceRasterList)
                    string rasterIn = er;
                    parameters  = "";
                    parameters += "./scripts/WofeCalculateWeights.pyw";
                    parameters += " " + ws;       //workspace
                    parameters += " " + rasterIn; //raster in

                    string output = rasterIn.Split(new[] { '\\' }).Last();
                    output      = output.Split('.')[0];
                    output     += "_" + Weights[raster].Trim();
                    parameters += " " + output;
                    parameters += " " + cellsize;                          //cell size
                    parameters += " " + input.MaskRaster;                  //mask
                    parameters += " " + input.TrainingPoints;              // training sites
                    parameters += " " + "\"" + arcsdm_path + "\"";
                    parameters += " " + getWeight(Weights[raster].Trim()); //Weights type
                    parameters += " " + input.ConfidenceLevel;             //Confidence level
                    parameters += " " + input.UnitArea;                    //Unit area
                    logger.Trace("Evidence parameters:" + parameters);
                    calculateWeightResult = runPythonScript(input, result, parameters);
                    if (calculateWeightResult.Contains("WARNING: No Contrast for type"))
                        result.CalculateWeightsResult = "ERROR";

                        //Find type
                        int startIndex = calculateWeightResult.IndexOf("WARNING: No Contrast for type");
                        startIndex += 30;
                        int    endIndex = calculateWeightResult.IndexOf("satisfied the user defined confidence level");
                        string tmpType  = calculateWeightResult.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                        if (calWeightMessage == "")
                            calWeightMessage = "No contrast for confidence level " + input.ConfidenceLevel + " for the following evidence rasters and weight calculation types:";
                        calWeightMessage += "\n" + er + ": " + tmpType;
                        if (result.CalculateWeightsResult != "ERROR")
                            result.CalculateWeightsResult += calculateWeightResult;

                    //for calculate response
                    evidence_raster_layers += evidence_raster_layers != "" ? ";" : "";
                    evidence_raster_layers += er;
                    evidence_weight_tables += evidence_weight_tables != "" ? ";" : "";
                    evidence_weight_tables += output;

                //If weight calculation not succeeded, show message and exit calculation
                if (calWeightMessage != "")
                    logger.Error(calculateWeightResult + "\n\n" + "Dataset must be improved!", "Dataset fail!");
                    throw new Exception("Wofe weigth calculation failed, dataset must be improved!");

                parameters  = "";
                parameters += "./scripts/WofeCalculateResponse.pyw";
                parameters += " " + ws;                     //workspace
                parameters += " " + evidence_raster_layers; // raster in
                parameters += " " + evidence_weight_tables; //output name
                parameters += " " + cellsize;               //cell size
                parameters += " " + input.MaskRaster;       // mask
                parameters += " " + input.TrainingPoints;   // training sites
                parameters += " " + outputfolder;
                parameters += " " + "\"" + arcsdm_path + "\"";
                parameters += " " + input.UnitArea; //Unit area
                logger.Trace("Response parameters:" + parameters);
                result.CalculateResponsesResult = runPythonScript(input, result, parameters);
        private PermissiveTractResult maskRasterWPolygon(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            string rScriptExecutablePath = input.Env.RPath;
            string procResult            = string.Empty;

            var info = new ProcessStartInfo();

            info.FileName = rScriptExecutablePath;
            var path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"/");

            info.WorkingDirectory = path + "scripts/";
            var rCodeFilePath = path + "scripts/mask_polygon_wrapper.R";

            string outputFolder = projectFolder + "\\Classification\\Temp\\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))

            string inputRaster  = input.DelineationRaster;
            string inputMask    = input.MaskRaster;
            string outputRaster = outputFolder + "maskedRaster" + input.DelID + ".img";
            string outputPdf    = outputFolder + "maskedRaster" + input.DelID + ".pdf";

            if (inputRaster != "" && inputMask != "")
                info.Arguments              = "\"" + rCodeFilePath + "\" " + inputRaster + " " + inputMask + " " + outputRaster + " " + outputPdf;
                info.RedirectStandardInput  = false;
                info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                info.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                info.UseShellExecute        = false;
                info.CreateNoWindow         = true;

                using (var proc = new Process())
                    proc.StartInfo = info;
                    StreamReader errorReader    = proc.StandardError;
                    StreamReader myStreamReader = proc.StandardOutput;
                    //string errors = errorReader.ReadToEnd();
                    string stream = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
                    procResult = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs Delineation process with given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of executing CalculateTreshold.</returns>
        private PermissiveTractResult CalculateTreshold(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            if (input.DelineationRaster == "" || input.NumberOfProspectivityClasses == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Input parameters not set correctly", "DelineationRaster/NumberOfProspectivityClasses");
                //mask raster with polygon before calculate treshold
                maskRasterWPolygon(input, result);

                string rScriptExecutablePath = input.Env.RPath;
                string procResult            = string.Empty;

                var info = new ProcessStartInfo();
                info.FileName = rScriptExecutablePath;
                var path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                info.WorkingDirectory = path + "scripts/";
                var    rCodeFilePath = path + "scripts/rasterproc_stats_wrapper.r";
                string outCsv        = projectFolder + "\\stats.csv";

                string outputFolder = projectFolder + "\\Temp\\";
                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))

                string delineationRaster = projectFolder + "\\Classification\\Temp\\" + "maskedRaster" + input.DelID + ".img";

                if (!File.Exists(delineationRaster))
                    delineationRaster = input.DelineationRaster;

                info.Arguments              = "\"" + rCodeFilePath + "\" \"" + delineationRaster + "\" \"" + outCsv;
                info.RedirectStandardInput  = false;
                info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                info.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                info.UseShellExecute        = false;
                info.CreateNoWindow         = true;

                using (var proc = new Process())
                    proc.StartInfo = info;
                    StreamReader errorReader    = proc.StandardError;
                    StreamReader myStreamReader = proc.StandardOutput;
                    string       errors         = errorReader.ReadToEnd();
                    string       stream         = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
                    procResult = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

                    string   csvContent = File.ReadAllText(outCsv);
                    double[] doubles    = Array.ConvertAll(csvContent.Split(','), Double.Parse);
                    double   min        = doubles[0];
                    double   max        = doubles[1];
                    double   gap        = (max - min) / Convert.ToDouble(input.NumberOfProspectivityClasses);
                    result.TresholdValues = "";
                    double current = min;

                    for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt16(input.NumberOfProspectivityClasses) - 1; i++) // max value not added any more
                        if (result.TresholdValues != "")
                            result.TresholdValues += ",";
                        current += gap;
                        result.TresholdValues += current.ToString();
                    result.MinMaxValues = min.ToString() + " / " + max.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs Generate tracts process with given parameters. Minimizes polygons from input raster and produces summary statistics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of executing GenerateTracts.</returns>
        private PermissiveTractResult GenerateTracts(PermissiveTractInputParams input, PermissiveTractResult result)
            if (input.ProspectivityRasterFile == "" || input.BoundaryValues == "")
                throw new ArgumentException("Input parameters not set correctly", "ProspectivityRasterFile/BoundaryValues");
                string rScriptExecutablePath = input.Env.RPath;
                string procResult            = string.Empty;

                var info = new ProcessStartInfo();
                info.FileName = rScriptExecutablePath;
                var path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace(@"\", @"/");
                info.WorkingDirectory = path + "scripts/";
                var rCodeFilePath = path + "scripts/rasterproc_generatetracts_wrapper.r";

                string outputFolder = projectFolder + @"\Delineation\temp\" + input.DelID;
                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))

                string inputPolygon = input.TractPolygonFile;
                string minArea      = input.MinArea;
                double area         = Convert.ToDouble(minArea);
                area    = area * 1000000; //km2 -> m2
                minArea = Convert.ToString(area);
                string cleanPolyShp    = outputFolder + "\\DelineationPolygons_" + input.DelID + "_" + input.MinArea + "km2.shp";
                string cleanPolyShpF   = "DelineationPolygons_" + input.DelID + "_" + input.MinArea + "km2";
                string outCleanStatTxt = outputFolder + "\\DelineationSummary" + input.DelID + ".txt";
                string outCleanDistPdf = outputFolder + "\\TractAreaCdf" + input.DelID + ".pdf";

                info.Arguments = "\"" + rCodeFilePath + "\" \"" + inputPolygon + "\" \"" + minArea + "\" \"" + cleanPolyShp + "\" \"" + cleanPolyShpF
                                 + "\" \"" + outCleanStatTxt + "\" \"" + outCleanDistPdf;
                info.RedirectStandardInput  = false;
                info.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                info.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                info.UseShellExecute        = false;
                info.CreateNoWindow         = true;

                using (var proc = new Process())
                    proc.StartInfo = info;
                    StreamReader errorReader    = proc.StandardError;
                    StreamReader myStreamReader = proc.StandardOutput;
                    string       errors         = errorReader.ReadToEnd();
                    string stream = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
                    procResult = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
