public static void SaveProjectFile(Aggregate aggregator, MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl, string projectFile)
            MapWinProject mapwinProject = new MapWinProject();

            //  mapwinProject.Name = frmMain.Text.Replace("'", "");
            mapwinProject.Type    = "projectfile.2";
            mapwinProject.Version = "4.8.5";

            // Get the mapstate from the ocx
            string state = mapWinControl.LoadMapState(true, Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile));

            mapwinProject.MapwinGis = state.DeserializeXml <MapWinProject.MapWinGIS>();

            // Fill the mapwindos projectSettings
            string mapwindow = FillMapwindowSettings(aggregator);

            mapwinProject.MapWindow = mapwindow.DeserializeXml <MapWinProject.MapWindow4>();

            string prjSetting = mapwinProject.SerializeXml <MapWinProject>();

            using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(projectFile))
                // Save settings to file
        public static void SaveProjectFile(BaseMainForm frmMain, MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl, string projectFile)
            // welke menu's zijn actief????

            //// Todo setting zoals version uit een settingfile oid halen

            //MapWinProject mapwinProject = new MapWinProject();
            //mapwinProject.Name = frmMain.Text.Replace("'", "");
            //mapwinProject.Type = "projectfile.2";
            //mapwinProject.Version = "4.8.5";

            //// Get the mapstate from the ocx
            //string state = mapWinControl.LoadMapState(true, Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile));
            //mapwinProject.MapwinGis = state.DeserializeXml<MapWinProject.MapWinGIS>();

            //// Fill the mapwindos projectSettings
            //string mapwindow = FillMapwindowSettings();

            //mapwinProject.MapWindow = mapwindow.DeserializeXml<MapWinProject.MapWindow4>();

            //// Serialize the settings
            //string prjSetting = mapwinProject.SerializeXml<MapWinProject>();

            //// TODO nog even opslaan als een nieuw bestand.
            //using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(projectFile))
            //    // Save settings to file
            //    outfile.Write(prjSetting);
        private static void RestoreMapState(MapWinProject mapWinProject, MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl, string projectFile)
            string aap = mapWinProject.MapwinGis.SerializeXml <MapWinProject.MapWinGIS>();

            aap = aap.Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n", "");

            if (!mapWinControl.RestoreMapState(aap, false, Path.GetFullPath(projectFile)))
                MessageBox.Show("Error restoring mapstate.");
        public static void ReadProjectFile(string projectFile, MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl, Aggregate aggregator)
            // Read the projectfile
            string        projectFileText = File.ReadAllText(projectFile);
            MapWinProject mapWinProject   = projectFileText.DeserializeXml <MapWinProject>();

            // Add the layers from the projectfile
            AddLayers(mapWinProject, mapWinControl, projectFile, aggregator);

            LoadPlugins(mapWinProject, aggregator);
        private static void AddLayers(MapWinProject mapWinProject, MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl, string projectFile, Aggregate aggregator)
            // List met layers aanmaken
            // layers met alle data vullen
            // groups ophalen
            // layers toevoegen met de group erbij

            List <Layer> layers = new List <Layer>();

            // check if there are layers in the projectfile
            if (mapWinProject.MapwinGis.Layers != null)
                // Loop through all layers
                foreach (var prjLayer in mapWinProject.MapwinGis.Layers)
                    // Skip layer if the path to the layer does not exist in the projectfile
                    if (prjLayer.Filename != string.Empty)
                        // Add layer to ocx
                        int handle = LayerLogic.AddLayer(Path.GetFullPath(prjLayer.Filename), ZoomMode.ZoomToExtents, false, aggregator);

                        if (handle != -1)
                            // Create the layer-object and add it to the temporary list of layers
                            Layer layer = LayerLogic.FillMapWingisLayerData(handle, prjLayer);
                            //   aggregator.Layers.Add(layer);

                            // Restore the state of the layer
                            RestoreLayerState(mapWinControl, prjLayer, handle);

                // Restore the state of the map
                RestoreMapState(mapWinProject, mapWinControl, projectFile);

                // Fill data from the mapwindow-section
                FillMapWindowData(mapWinProject, aggregator, layers);

                //// Add the layers to a group
                //AddLayerToGroup(aggregator, layers);

                // Give aggregator signal that layer has been added
        private static void RestoreLayerState(MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl, MapWinProject.Layer layer, int handle)
            if (handle != -1)
                string layerState = layer.SerializeXml <MapWinProject.Layer>();

                // Restore the layerstate
                bool result = mapWinControl.RestorLayerState(handle, layerState);

                if (!result)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error restoring layerstate");
Example #7
        public static void ChangeVisibility(Aggregate aggregate, string itemName, bool isVisible, int handle, MapWinControl.MapWinControl mapWinControl)
            Layer layer = aggregate.CollectionLayer.FirstOrDefault(elm => elm.Handle == handle);

            //// Find the layer
            //Layer layer = (from grp in aggregate.Groups
            //              from lyr in grp.Layers
            //              where lyr.Handle == handle
            //              select lyr).FirstOrDefault();

            if (layer != null)
                // Change visibility
                mapWinControl.LayerVisible(layer.Handle, isVisible);
                Group group = aggregate.CollectionLayer.GetGroup(itemName);

                // Group group = aggregate.Groups.FirstOrDefault(elm => elm.Name == itemName);
                if (group != null)