Базовый класс обработчиков геометрической фигуры (для чтения из потока и записи данных в поток)
Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Читает запись представляющую полигон.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">Входной поток</param>
        /// <param name="record">Запись Shape-файла в которую будет помещена прочитанная информация</param>
        /// <param name="bounds">Ограничивающий прямоугольник, с которым должен пересекаться ограничивающий прямоугольник записи</param>
        public override bool Read(/*BigEndianBinaryReader*/ Stream file, BoundingRectangle bounds, ShapeFileRecord record)
            record.MinX = file.ReadDouble();  // ShapeFile.ReadDouble64_LE(stream);
            record.MinY = file.ReadDouble();  //ShapeFile.ReadDouble64_LE(stream);
            record.MaxX = file.ReadDouble();; // ShapeFile.ReadDouble64_LE(stream);
            record.MaxY = file.ReadDouble();; // ShapeFile.ReadDouble64_LE(stream);

            int numParts  = file.ReadInt32(); // ShapeFile.ReadInt32_LE(stream);
            int numPoints = file.ReadInt32(); //ShapeFile.ReadInt32_LE(stream);

            if (!ShapeHandler.IsRecordInView(bounds, record))
                file.Seek((long)numPoints * 16 + numParts * 4, SeekOrigin.Current);

            for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                ICoordinate p =
                        file.ReadDouble(),  //ShapeFile.ReadDouble64_LE(stream),
                        file.ReadDouble()); //ShapeFile.ReadDouble64_LE(stream));


Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes shapes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The string value defining shape file name without .shp extension</param>
        /// <param name="geometryCollection"> MapAround.Geometry.GeometryCollection instance containing
        /// the geometries to write to shape file</param>
        public void WriteShapes(string filename, GeometryCollection geometryCollection)
            if (geometryCollection.HasDifferentTypeInstances)
                throw new ArgumentException("Geometries in the shape file should be the instances of the same type.", "geometryCollection");

            using (FileStream shpStream = new FileStream(filename + ".shp", FileMode.Create))
                using (FileStream shxStream = new FileStream(filename + ".shx", FileMode.Create))
                    BigEndianBinaryWriter shpBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(shpStream); //, Encoding.ASCII);
                    BigEndianBinaryWriter shxBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(shxStream); //, Encoding.ASCII);

                    // body type and a handler
                    Handlers.ShapeHandler handler = ShapeFile.GetShapeHandler(ShapeFile.GetShapeType(geometryCollection[0]));//.Geometries[0]));
                    int numShapes = geometryCollection.Count;
                    // calc the length of the shp file, so it can put in the header.
                    int shpLength = 50;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numShapes; i++)
                        IGeometry body = (IGeometry)geometryCollection[i]; //.Geometries[i];
                        shpLength += 4;                                    // length of header in WORDS
                        shpLength += handler.GetLength(body);              // length of shape in WORDS

                    int shxLength = 50 + (4 * numShapes);

                    // write the .shp header
                    ShapeFileHeader shpHeader = new ShapeFileHeader();
                    shpHeader.FileLength = shpLength;

                    // get envelope in external coordinates
                    BoundingRectangle bounds = geometryCollection.GetBoundingRectangle();

                    shpHeader.FileCode  = 9994;
                    shpHeader.ShapeType = (int)ShapeFile.GetShapeType(geometryCollection[0]);//.Geometries[0]);
                    shpHeader.Write(shpBinaryWriter, ShapeFile.GetShapeType(geometryCollection[0]));

                    // write the .shx header
                    ShapeFileHeader shxHeader = new ShapeFileHeader();
                    shxHeader.FileLength = shxLength;
                    shxHeader.SetBounds(shpHeader);//.Bounds = shpHeader.Bounds;

                    // assumes Geometry type of the first item will the same for all other items in the collection.
                    shxHeader.FileCode  = 9994;
                    shxHeader.ShapeType = (int)ShapeFile.GetShapeType(geometryCollection[0]);
                    shxHeader.Write(shxBinaryWriter, ShapeFile.GetShapeType(geometryCollection[0]));

                    // write the individual records.
                    int _pos = 50; // header length in WORDS
                    for (int i = 0; i < numShapes; i++)
                        IGeometry body         = geometryCollection[i];//.Geometries[i];
                        int       recordLength = handler.GetLength(body);
                        shpBinaryWriter.WriteIntBE(i + 1);


                        _pos += 4;                            // length of header in WORDS
                        handler.Write(body, shpBinaryWriter); //, geometryFactory);
                        _pos += recordLength;                 // length of shape in WORDS
