public StudentDetailsControl(Family f) { InitializeComponent(); tcm.Items.RemoveAt(0); tcm.Items.RemoveAt(2); tcm.Items.RemoveAt(7); Orphan o = new Orphan(); o.OrphanFamily = f; if (!f.FamilyID.HasValue) { f.ApplyDate = BaseDataBase.DateNow; f.OrphanNursemaid = new Guardian() { Gender = "أنثى" }; f.OrphanGuardian = new Guardian() { Gender = "ذكر" }; f.FamilyHouse = new House(); cOrphanFamily.dgChild.ItemsSource = new List <FamilyPerson>(); btnShowDetails_Click(null, null); } else { FillData(o); } this.DataContext = o; }
public OrphanDetailsControl(Orphan o) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = o; tcm.Items.RemoveAt(tcm.Items.Count - 1); FillData(o); }
private void btnOrphanTeachingStage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Orphan o = this.DataContext as Orphan; TeachingStageControl w = new TeachingStageControl(); w.OrphanID = (this.DataContext as Orphan).OrphanID; w.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnOrphanImpeding_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Orphan o = this.DataContext as Orphan; OrphanImpedingControl w = new OrphanImpedingControl(); w.OrphanID = o.OrphanID; w.ShowDialog(); }
public OrphanWindow(Orphan o) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = o; cOrphan.btnGoToFamilyDetails.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cOrphan.btnSave.Click -= cOrphan.btnSave_Click; cOrphan.btnSave.Click += BtnSave_Click; }
private void btnOrphanHealth_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Orphan o = this.DataContext as Orphan; if (o != null && o.OrphanID != null) { OrphanHealthControl w = new OrphanHealthControl(); w.OrphanID = o.OrphanID; w.ShowDialog(); } else { MyMessageBox.Show("لم يتم إدخال بيانات اليتيم"); } }
private void btnDeleteOrphan_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (lvOrphans.SelectedItem != null) { var o = lvOrphans.SelectedItem as Orphan; var f = DataContext as Family; if (MyMessageBox.Show("هل تريد تأكيد حذف اليتيم/طالب العلم؟", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) //if CanRemove { if (o.OrphanID.HasValue) { Orphan.DeleteData(o); } Orphans.Remove(o); lvOrphans.Items.Refresh(); } } }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var x = this.DataContext as Orphan; if (x.IsValidate()) { if (x.OrphanID.HasValue) { if (Orphan.UpdateData(x)) { MyMessage.UpdateMessage(); DialogResult = true; } } else { DialogResult = true; } } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (radOrphans.IsChecked == true && dgOrphans.SelectedIndex != -1) { var drv = dgOrphans.SelectedItem as DataRowView; MainWindow m = App.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow; m.SendTabItem(new TabItem() { Header = drv[1].ToString(), Content = new OrphanDetailsControl(Orphan.GetOrphanByID((int)drv[0])) }); } else if (radFamilies.IsChecked == true && dgFamily.SelectedIndex != -1) { var drv = dgFamily.SelectedItem as DataRowView; MainWindow m = App.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow; m.SendTabItem(new TabItem() { Header = drv["FamilyName"].ToString(), Content = new OrphanDetailsControl(Family.GetFamilyByID((int)drv[0])) }); } }
public void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var x = this.DataContext as Orphan; if (x.IsValidate()) { if (x.OrphanFamily.FamilyID == null) { MyMessageBox.Show("لم يتم إدخال بيانات العائلة"); return; } if (x.OrphanFamily.FamilyType == "أيتام") { if (x.Gender == "ذكر" && (((BaseDataBase.DateNow - x.DOB.Value)).Days / 30 / 12) >= 14) { if (MyMessageBox.Show("عمر اليتيم أكبر من 14\nهل تريد المتابعة", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return; } } } if (x.OrphanID != null) { if (Orphan.UpdateData(x)) { MyMessage.UpdateMessage(); } } else { if (Orphan.InsertData(x)) { MyMessage.InsertMessage(); } } } }
private void btnAddNewOrphan_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var f = DataContext as Family; Orphan o = new Orphan() { OrphanFamily = f }; OrphanWindow w = new MainWPF.OrphanWindow(o); if (w.ShowDialog() == true) { lvOrphans.ItemsSource = null; if (Orphans == null) { Orphans = new List <Orphan>(); } Orphans.Add(o); if (f.FamilyID.HasValue) { if (Orphan.InsertData(o)) { o.Account = new Account(); o.Account.Name = o.FirstName + " " + o.LastName; o.Account.Type = o.Type == "يتيم" ? Account.AccountType.Orphan : o.Type == "يتيم طالب علم" ? Account.AccountType.OrphanStudent : Account.AccountType.Student; o.Account.CurrentBalance = 0; o.Account.CreateDate = BaseDataBase.DateNow; o.Account.OwnerID = o.OrphanID; o.Account.Status = "مفعل"; o.Account.IsDebit = true; Account.InsertData(o.Account); } f.UpdateFamilyPersonCount(); } f.FamilyOrphans = Orphans; lvOrphans.ItemsSource = Orphans; } }
public static bool UpdateData(Orphan x) { return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Update_Orphan" , new SqlParameter("@OrphanID", x.OrphanID) , new SqlParameter("@FamilyID", x.OrphanFamily.FamilyID) , new SqlParameter("@FirstName", x.FirstName) , new SqlParameter("@LastName", x.LastName) , new SqlParameter("@Gender", x.Gender) , new SqlParameter("@BirthPlace", x.BirthPlace) , new SqlParameter("@DOB", x.DOB) , new SqlParameter("@Nationality", x.Nationality) , new SqlParameter("@PID", x.PID) , new SqlParameter("@Mobile", x.Mobile) , new SqlParameter("@Email", x.Email) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", x.Notes) , new SqlParameter("@Image", x.Image) , new SqlParameter("@Tall", x.Tall) , new SqlParameter("@Weight", x.Weight) , new SqlParameter("@FeetSize", x.FeetSize) , new SqlParameter("@WaistSize", x.WaistSize) , new SqlParameter("@Status", x.Status) , new SqlParameter("@Type", x.Type))); }
public static bool InsertData(Orphan x) { x.OrphanID = BaseDataBase._StoredProcedureReturnable("sp_Add_Orphan" , new SqlParameter("@OrphanID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int) , new SqlParameter("@FamilyID", x.OrphanFamily.FamilyID) , new SqlParameter("@FirstName", x.FirstName) , new SqlParameter("@LastName", x.LastName) , new SqlParameter("@Gender", x.Gender) , new SqlParameter("@BirthPlace", x.BirthPlace) , new SqlParameter("@DOB", x.DOB) , new SqlParameter("@Nationality", x.Nationality) , new SqlParameter("@PID", x.PID) , new SqlParameter("@Mobile", x.Mobile) , new SqlParameter("@Email", x.Email) , new SqlParameter("@Notes", x.Notes) , new SqlParameter("@Image", x.Image) , new SqlParameter("@Tall", x.Tall) , new SqlParameter("@Weight", x.Weight) , new SqlParameter("@FeetSize", x.FeetSize) , new SqlParameter("@WaistSize", x.WaistSize) , new SqlParameter("@Status", x.Status) , new SqlParameter("@Type", x.Type)); return(x.OrphanID.HasValue); }
public Transition_StudentWindow(Orphan o) { InitializeComponent(); this.o = o; txtStudent.Text = o.FirstName + " " + o.LastName; var i = new Invoice(); var t = i.AddTransition(); t.RightAccount = o.Account; t.LeftAccount = new Account() { Id = 4 }; //4 is the id of student fund account t.Value = o.CurrentSponsorship.AvailableSponsorship.SponsorshipValue; t.Value = o.CurrentSponsorship.IsDouble ? t.Value * 2 : t.Value; t.SponsorshipID = o.CurrentSponsorship.ID; t.AccountType = Account.AccountType.Student; // 4 is the student type id txtSponsor.Text = o.CurrentSponsorship.AvailableSponsorship.RelatedSponsor.Name; i.Serial = "B"; i.Receiver = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select FirstName + ' ' + Isnull(LastName,'') from Parent where FamilyID = {o.OrphanFamily.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); i.ReceiverPID = BaseDataBase._Scalar($"select IsNull(PID,'') from Parent where FamilyID = {o.OrphanFamily.FamilyID} and Gender = 'أنثى'"); this.DataContext = i; }
public static Task <List <Orphan> > GetAllOrphanByFamily(Family f, Orphan o = null, bool IncludeAccount = false) { List <Orphan> xx = new List <Orphan>(); Task.Run(() => { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(BaseDataBase.ConnectionString); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("sp_Get_All_Orphan_ByFamilyID", con); com.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FamilyID", f.FamilyID)); if (o != null && o.OrphanID.HasValue) { com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@OrphanID", o.OrphanID)); } try { con.Open(); SqlDataReader rd = com.ExecuteReader(); while (rd.Read()) { Orphan x = new Orphan(); if (!(rd["OrphanID"] is DBNull)) { x.OrphanID = int.Parse(rd["OrphanID"].ToString()); } x.OrphanFamily = f; x.FirstName = rd["FirstName"].ToString(); x.LastName = rd["LastName"].ToString(); x.Gender = rd["Gender"].ToString(); x.BirthPlace = rd["BirthPlace"].ToString(); if (!(rd["DOB"] is DBNull)) { x.DOB = DateTime.Parse(rd["DOB"].ToString()); } x.Nationality = rd["Nationality"].ToString(); x.PID = rd["PID"].ToString(); x.Mobile = rd["Mobile"].ToString(); x.Email = rd["Email"].ToString(); x.Notes = rd["Notes"].ToString(); x.Image = rd["Image"].ToString(); if (!(rd["Tall"] is DBNull)) { x.Tall = int.Parse(rd["Tall"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["Weight"] is DBNull)) { x.Weight = int.Parse(rd["Weight"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["FeetSize"] is DBNull)) { x.FeetSize = int.Parse(rd["FeetSize"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["WaistSize"] is DBNull)) { x.WaistSize = int.Parse(rd["WaistSize"].ToString()); } x.Status = rd["Status"].ToString(); x.Type = rd["Type"].ToString(); if (IncludeAccount) { x.Account = Account.GetAccountByOwnerID(x.Type == "يتيم" ? Account.AccountType.Orphan : x.Type == "طالب علم" ? Account.AccountType.Student : Account.AccountType.OrphanStudent, x.OrphanID.Value, false); } xx.Add(x); } rd.Close(); } catch { xx = null; } finally { con.Close(); } }); return(Task.FromResult <List <Orphan> >(xx)); }
private void lvOrphans_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (lvOrphans.SelectedItem != null) { var o = lvOrphans.SelectedItem as Orphan; MainWindow m = App.Current.MainWindow as MainWindow; m.SendTabItem(new TabItem() { Header = o.FirstName + " " + o.LastName, Content = new OrphanDetailsControl(Orphan.GetOrphanByID(o.OrphanID.Value)) }); } }
async void FillData(Orphan o) { Family f = o.OrphanFamily; var hs = House.GetHouseAllByFamilyID(f.FamilyID); if (hs != null && hs.Count() > 0) { f.FamilyHouse = hs.Last(); } else { f.FamilyHouse = new House(); } if (f.FamilyID.HasValue) { cOrphanFamily.dgChild.ItemsSource = (from x in FamilyPerson.GetFamilyPersonByFamilyID(f.FamilyID.Value) orderby x.DOB select x).ToList(); } else { cOrphanFamily.dgChild.ItemsSource = new List <FamilyPerson>(); } cFamilyNeed.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cExternalFamilySupport.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cSpecialCard.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cListerGroup.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cTrainings.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; if (o.OrphanID.HasValue) { cSponsor.OrphanID = o.OrphanID; } cOrders.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cOrphanFamily.txtFamilyCode.IsReadOnly = true; if (o.OrphanID.HasValue) { o.Account = Account.GetAccountByOwnerID(Account.AccountType.Student, o.OrphanID.Value); cAccount.Account = o.Account; } Guardian.GetAllGuardianByFamily(f); if (f.OrphanNursemaid == null) { f.OrphanNursemaid = new Guardian() { Gender = "أنثى" } } ; if (f.OrphanGuardian == null) { f.OrphanGuardian = new Guardian() { Gender = "ذكر" } } ; f.FamilyOrphans = await Orphan.GetAllOrphanByFamily(f, o, true); cOrphanFamily.Orphans = await Orphan.GetAllOrphanByFamily(f, o); }
public StudentDetailsControl(Orphan o) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = o; FillData(o); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next)); var f = cOrphanFamily.DataContext as Family; if (f.IsValidate()) { if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyFather.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyFather.LastName))) { if (!f.FamilyFather.IsValidate()) { return; } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyMother.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyMother.LastName))) { if (!f.FamilyMother.IsValidate()) { return; } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanGuardian.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanGuardian.LastName))) { if (!f.OrphanGuardian.IsValidate()) { return; } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanNursemaid.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanNursemaid.LastName))) { if (!f.OrphanNursemaid.IsValidate()) { return; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyHouse.OldAddress) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyHouse.Address)) { if (!f.FamilyHouse.IsValidate()) { return; } } foreach (var fp in cOrphanFamily.dgChild.ItemsSource as List <FamilyPerson> ) { if (!fp.IsValidate()) { return; } } if (cOrphanFamily.Orphans == null || cOrphanFamily.Orphans.Count == 0) { MyMessageBox.Show("يجب ادخال بيانات الايتام"); return; } if (!f.FamilyID.HasValue) { if (!DBMain.InsertData(f)) { return; } else { MyMessage.InsertMessage(); var tih = this.Parent as TabItem; if (tih != null) { tih.Header = f.FamilyCode + " " + f.FamilyName; } } } else if (!DBMain.UpdateData(f)) { return; } else { MyMessage.UpdateMessage(); } //Father if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyFather.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyFather.LastName))) { if (f.FamilyFather.ParentrID.HasValue) { DBMain.UpdateData(f.FamilyFather); } else { DBMain.InsertData(f.FamilyFather); } } else if (f.FamilyFather.ParentrID.HasValue) { DBMain.DeleteData(f.FamilyFather); } //Mother if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyMother.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyMother.LastName))) { if (f.FamilyMother.ParentrID.HasValue) { DBMain.UpdateData(f.FamilyMother); } else { DBMain.InsertData(f.FamilyMother); } } else if (f.FamilyMother.ParentrID.HasValue) { DBMain.DeleteData(f.FamilyMother); } //Guardian if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanGuardian.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanGuardian.LastName))) { f.OrphanGuardian.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; if (f.OrphanGuardian.GuardianID.HasValue) { Guardian.UpdateData(f.OrphanGuardian); } else { Guardian.InsertData(f.OrphanGuardian); } } else if (f.OrphanGuardian.GuardianID.HasValue) { Guardian.DeleteData(f.OrphanGuardian); } //Nursemaid if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanNursemaid.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.OrphanNursemaid.LastName))) { f.OrphanNursemaid.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; if (f.OrphanNursemaid.GuardianID.HasValue) { Guardian.UpdateData(f.OrphanNursemaid); } else { Guardian.InsertData(f.OrphanNursemaid); } } else if (f.OrphanNursemaid.GuardianID.HasValue) { Guardian.DeleteData(f.OrphanNursemaid); } f.FamilyHouse.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyHouse.OldAddress) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.FamilyHouse.HouseSection)) { if (f.FamilyHouse.HouseID == null) { DBMain.InsertData(f.FamilyHouse); } else { DBMain.UpdateData(f.FamilyHouse); } } foreach (var fp in cOrphanFamily.dgChild.ItemsSource as List <FamilyPerson> ) { if (fp.FamilyPersonID.HasValue) { DBMain.UpdateData(fp); } else if (f.FamilyID.HasValue) { fp.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; DBMain.InsertData(fp); } } foreach (var o in cOrphanFamily.Orphans) { if (o.OrphanID.HasValue) { Orphan.UpdateData(o); } else if (f.FamilyID.HasValue) { if (Orphan.InsertData(o)) { o.Account = new Account(); o.Account.Name = o.FirstName + " " + o.LastName; o.Account.Type = o.Type == "يتيم" ? Account.AccountType.Orphan : o.Type == "يتيم طالب علم" ? Account.AccountType.OrphanStudent : Account.AccountType.Student; o.Account.CurrentBalance = 0; o.Account.CreateDate = BaseDataBase.DateNow; o.Account.OwnerID = o.OrphanID; o.Account.Status = "مفعل"; o.Account.IsDebit = true; Account.InsertData(o.Account); } } } cFamilyNeed.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cExternalFamilySupport.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cSpecialCard.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cListerGroup.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; cOrders.FamilyID = f.FamilyID; f.UpdateFamilyPersonCount(); } }
public static List <Orphan> GetAllOrphan(bool ContainFamilyData = false) { List <Orphan> xx = new List <Orphan>(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(BaseDataBase.ConnectionString); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("sp_Get_All_Orphan", con); com.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; try { con.Open(); SqlDataReader rd = com.ExecuteReader(); while (rd.Read()) { Orphan x = new Orphan(); if (!(rd["OrphanID"] is DBNull)) { x.OrphanID = int.Parse(rd["OrphanID"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["FamilyID"] is DBNull) && ContainFamilyData) { x.OrphanFamily = Family.GetFamilyByID(int.Parse(rd["FamilyID"].ToString())); } x.FirstName = rd["FirstName"].ToString(); x.LastName = rd["LastName"].ToString(); x.Gender = rd["Gender"].ToString(); x.BirthPlace = rd["BirthPlace"].ToString(); if (!(rd["DOB"] is DBNull)) { x.DOB = DateTime.Parse(rd["DOB"].ToString()); } x.Nationality = rd["Nationality"].ToString(); x.PID = rd["PID"].ToString(); x.Mobile = rd["Mobile"].ToString(); x.Email = rd["Email"].ToString(); x.Notes = rd["Notes"].ToString(); x.Image = rd["Image"].ToString(); if (!(rd["Tall"] is DBNull)) { x.Tall = int.Parse(rd["Tall"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["Weight"] is DBNull)) { x.Weight = int.Parse(rd["Weight"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["FeetSize"] is DBNull)) { x.FeetSize = int.Parse(rd["FeetSize"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["WaistSize"] is DBNull)) { x.WaistSize = int.Parse(rd["WaistSize"].ToString()); } x.Status = rd["Status"].ToString(); x.Type = rd["Type"].ToString(); xx.Add(x); } rd.Close(); } catch { xx = null; } finally { con.Close(); } return(xx); }
public static Orphan GetOrphanByID(int id, Family f = null) { Orphan x = new Orphan(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(BaseDataBase.ConnectionString); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("sp_Get_ID_Orphan", con); com.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter pr = new SqlParameter("@ID", id); com.Parameters.Add(pr); try { con.Open(); SqlDataReader rd = com.ExecuteReader(); if (rd.Read()) { if (!(rd["OrphanID"] is DBNull)) { x.OrphanID = int.Parse(rd["OrphanID"].ToString()); } x.OrphanFamily = f == null?Family.GetFamilyByID(int.Parse(rd["FamilyID"].ToString())) : f; x.FirstName = rd["FirstName"].ToString(); x.LastName = rd["LastName"].ToString(); x.Gender = rd["Gender"].ToString(); x.BirthPlace = rd["BirthPlace"].ToString(); if (!(rd["DOB"] is DBNull)) { x.DOB = DateTime.Parse(rd["DOB"].ToString()); } x.Nationality = rd["Nationality"].ToString(); x.PID = rd["PID"].ToString(); x.Mobile = rd["Mobile"].ToString(); x.Email = rd["Email"].ToString(); x.Notes = rd["Notes"].ToString(); x.Image = rd["Image"].ToString(); if (!(rd["Tall"] is DBNull)) { x.Tall = int.Parse(rd["Tall"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["Weight"] is DBNull)) { x.Weight = int.Parse(rd["Weight"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["FeetSize"] is DBNull)) { x.FeetSize = int.Parse(rd["FeetSize"].ToString()); } if (!(rd["WaistSize"] is DBNull)) { x.WaistSize = int.Parse(rd["WaistSize"].ToString()); } x.Status = rd["Status"].ToString(); x.Type = rd["Type"].ToString(); } rd.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { x = null; } finally { con.Close(); } return(x); }
public static bool DeleteData(Orphan x) { return(BaseDataBase._StoredProcedure("sp_Delete_Orphan" , new SqlParameter("@OrphanID", x.OrphanID))); }