RegisterUntaggedHandler() public method

Registers the untagged handler for the specified atom token.
/// is null. /// -or- /// is null. /// /// Untagged handlers must be registered before the command has been queued. ///
public RegisterUntaggedHandler ( string atom, ImapUntaggedHandler handler ) : void
atom string The atom token.
handler ImapUntaggedHandler The handler.
return void
Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries the namespaces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The command result.</returns>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        public ImapCommandResult QueryNamespaces(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException ();

            ImapCommand ic;

            if ((Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Namespace) != 0) {
                ic = QueueCommand (cancellationToken, null, "NAMESPACE\r\n");
                Wait (ic);
            } else {
                var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();

                ic = new ImapCommand (this, cancellationToken, null, "LIST \"\" \"\"\r\n");
                ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
                ic.UserData = list;

                QueueCommand (ic);
                Wait (ic);

                PersonalNamespaces.Clear ();
                SharedNamespaces.Clear ();
                OtherNamespaces.Clear ();

                if (list.Count > 0) {
                    PersonalNamespaces.Add (new FolderNamespace (list[0].DirectorySeparator, ""));
                    list[0].IsNamespace = true;

                LookupParentFolders (list, cancellationToken);

            return ic.Result;
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Searches the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Searches the fsubset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query,
		/// returning only the specified search results.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The search results.</returns>
		/// <param name="options">The search options.</param>
		/// <param name="uids">The subset of UIDs</param>
		/// <param name="query">The search query.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="uids"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="query"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// One or more of the <paramref name="uids"/> is invalid.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// <para>One or more search terms in the <paramref name="query"/> are not supported by the IMAP server.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para>The IMAP server does not support the ESEARCH extension.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override SearchResults Search (SearchOptions options, IList<UniqueId> uids, SearchQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);
			var args = new List<string> ();
			string charset;

			if (query == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("query");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ESearch) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the ESEARCH extension.");

			if (uids.Count == 0)
				return new SearchResults ();

			var optimized = query.Optimize (new ImapSearchQueryOptimizer ());
			var expr = BuildQueryExpression (optimized, args, out charset);
			var command = "UID SEARCH RETURN (";

			if ((options & SearchOptions.Count) != 0)
				command += "COUNT ";
			if ((options & SearchOptions.Min) != 0)
				command += "MIN ";
			if ((options & SearchOptions.Max) != 0)
				command += "MAX ";
			command = command.TrimEnd ();
			command += ") ";

			if (args.Count > 0 && !Engine.UTF8Enabled)
				command += "CHARSET " + charset + " ";

			command += "UID " + set + " " + expr + "\r\n";

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command, args.ToArray ());
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("ESEARCH", ESearchMatches);
			ic.UserData = new SearchResults ();

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("SEARCH", ic);

			return (SearchResults) ic.UserData;
Example #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Threads the messages in the folder that match the search query using the specified threading algorithm.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The <see cref="MessageThread.UniqueId"/> can be used with methods such as
		/// <see cref="IMailFolder.GetMessage(UniqueId,CancellationToken,ITransferProgress)"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An array of message threads.</returns>
		/// <param name="uids">The subset of UIDs</param>
		/// <param name="algorithm">The threading algorithm to use.</param>
		/// <param name="query">The search query.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <paramref name="algorithm"/> is not supported.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="uids"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="query"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <para><paramref name="uids"/> is empty.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para>One or more of the <paramref name="uids"/> is invalid.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// <para>One or more search terms in the <paramref name="query"/> are not supported by the IMAP server.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para>The server does not support the THREAD extension.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<MessageThread> Thread (IList<UniqueId> uids, ThreadingAlgorithm algorithm, SearchQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var method = algorithm.ToString ().ToUpperInvariant ();
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);
			var args = new List<string> ();
			string charset;

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Thread) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the THREAD extension.");

			if (!Engine.ThreadingAlgorithms.Contains (algorithm))
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("algorithm", "The specified threading algorithm is not supported.");

			if (query == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("query");

			CheckState (true, false);

			var optimized = query.Optimize (new ImapSearchQueryOptimizer ());
			var expr = BuildQueryExpression (optimized, args, out charset);
			var command = "UID THREAD " + method + " " + charset + " ";

			command += "UID " + set + " " + expr + "\r\n";

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command, args.ToArray ());
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("THREAD", ThreadMatches);

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("THREAD", ic);

			var threads = (IList<MessageThread>) ic.UserData;

			if (threads == null)
				return new MessageThread[0];

			return threads;
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a substream of the specified body part.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Gets a substream of the specified message.</para>
		/// <para>For more information about how to construct the <paramref name="section"/>,
		/// see Section 6.4.5 of RFC3501.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The stream.</returns>
		/// <param name="uid">The UID of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="section">The desired section of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="progress">The progress reporting mechanism.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="uid"/> is invalid.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="section"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="MessageNotFoundException">
		/// The IMAP server did not return the requested message stream.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override Stream GetStream (UniqueId uid, string section, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken), ITransferProgress progress = null)
			if (uid.Id == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("The uid is invalid.", "uid");

			if (section == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("section");

			CheckState (true, false);

			var command = string.Format ("UID FETCH {0} (BODY.PEEK[{1}])\r\n", uid.Id, section);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchStreamContext (progress);
			Stream stream;

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchStream);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);

			try {
				Engine.Wait (ic);

				ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

				if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
					throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

				if (!ctx.Sections.TryGetValue (section, out stream))
					throw new MessageNotFoundException ("The IMAP server did not return the requested stream.");

				ctx.Sections.Remove (section);
			} finally {
				ctx.Dispose ();

			return stream;
Example #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a substream of the specified message.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Gets a substream of the specified message. If the starting offset is beyond
		/// the end of the specified section of the message, an empty stream is returned. If
		/// the number of bytes desired extends beyond the end of the section, a truncated
		/// stream will be returned.</para>
		/// <para>For more information about how to construct the <paramref name="section"/>,
		/// see Section 6.4.5 of RFC3501.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The stream.</returns>
		/// <param name="index">The index of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="section">The desired section of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="offset">The starting offset of the first desired byte.</param>
		/// <param name="count">The number of bytes desired.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="progress">The progress reporting mechanism.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="section"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <para><paramref name="index"/> is out of range.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="offset"/> is negative.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="count"/> is negative.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="MessageNotFoundException">
		/// The IMAP server did not return the requested message stream.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override Stream GetStream (int index, string section, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken), ITransferProgress progress = null)
			if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");

			if (section == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("section");

			if (offset < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset");

			if (count < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (count == 0)
				return new MemoryStream ();

			var command = string.Format ("FETCH {0} (BODY.PEEK[{1}]<{2}.{3}>)\r\n", index + 1, section, offset, count);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchStreamContext (progress);
			Stream stream;

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchStream);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);

			try {
				Engine.Wait (ic);

				ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

				if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
					throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

				if (!ctx.Sections.TryGetValue (section, out stream))
					throw new MessageNotFoundException ("The IMAP server did not return the requested stream.");

				ctx.Sections.Remove (section);
			} finally {
				ctx.Dispose ();

			return stream;
Example #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new subfolder with the given name.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new subfolder with the given name.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The created folder.</returns>
		/// <param name="name">The name of the folder to create.</param>
		/// <param name="isMessageFolder"><c>true</c> if the folder will be used to contain messages; otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="name"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="name"/> is empty.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
		/// The <see cref="MailFolder.DirectorySeparator"/> is nil, and thus child folders cannot be created.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IMailFolder Create (string name, bool isMessageFolder, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if (name == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");

			if (!Engine.IsValidMailboxName (name, DirectorySeparator))
				throw new ArgumentException ("The name is not a legal folder name.", "name");

			CheckState (false, false);

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (FullName) && DirectorySeparator == '\0')
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot create child folders.");

			var fullName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (FullName) ? FullName + DirectorySeparator + name : name;
			var encodedName = Engine.EncodeMailboxName (fullName);
			var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();
			var createName = encodedName;
			ImapFolder folder;

			if (!isMessageFolder)
				createName += DirectorySeparator;

			var ic = Engine.QueueCommand (cancellationToken, null, "CREATE %S\r\n", createName);

			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("CREATE", ic);

			ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, "LIST \"\" %S\r\n", encodedName);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
			ic.UserData = list;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("LIST", ic);

			if ((folder = list.FirstOrDefault ()) != null)
				folder.ParentFolder = this;

			return folder;
Example #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the specified body part.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the specified body part.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The body part.</returns>
		/// <param name="index">The index of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="partSpecifier">The body part specifier.</param>
		/// <param name="headersOnly"><c>true</c> if only the headers should be downloaded; otherwise, <c>false</c>></param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="progress">The progress reporting mechanism.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="partSpecifier"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <paramref name="index"/> is out of range.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="MessageNotFoundException">
		/// The IMAP server did not return the requested message.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public MimeEntity GetBodyPart (int index, string partSpecifier, bool headersOnly, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken), ITransferProgress progress = null)
			if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");

			if (partSpecifier == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("partSpecifier");

			CheckState (true, false);

			string[] tags;

			var command = string.Format ("FETCH {0} ({1})\r\n", index + 1, GetBodyPartQuery (partSpecifier, headersOnly, out tags));
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchStreamContext (progress);
			ChainedStream chained;
			bool dispose = false;
			Stream stream;

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchStream);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);

			try {
				Engine.Wait (ic);

				ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

				if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
					throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

				chained = new ChainedStream ();

				foreach (var tag in tags) {
					if (!ctx.Sections.TryGetValue (tag, out stream))
						throw new MessageNotFoundException ("The IMAP server did not return the requested body part.");

					if (!(stream is MemoryStream || stream is MemoryBlockStream))
						dispose = true;

					chained.Add (stream);

				foreach (var tag in tags)
					ctx.Sections.Remove (tag);
			} finally {
				ctx.Dispose ();

			var entity = ParseEntity (chained, dispose, cancellationToken);

			if (partSpecifier.Length == 0) {
				for (int i = entity.Headers.Count; i > 0; i--) {
					var header = entity.Headers[i - 1];

					if (!header.Field.StartsWith ("Content-", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
						entity.Headers.RemoveAt (i - 1);

			return entity;
Example #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the quota information for the folder.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Gets the quota information for the folder.</para>
		/// <para>To determine if a quotas are supported, check the 
		/// <see cref="ImapClient.SupportsQuotas"/> property.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The folder quota.</returns>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the QUOTA extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override FolderQuota GetQuota (CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			CheckState (false, false);

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Quota) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the QUOTA extension.");

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, "GETQUOTAROOT %F\r\n", this);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("QUOTAROOT", UntaggedQuotaRoot);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("QUOTA", UntaggedQuota);

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("GETQUOTAROOT", ic);

			if (ic.UserData == null)
				return new FolderQuota (null);

			return (FolderQuota) ic.UserData;
Example #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the quota limits for the folder.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Sets the quota limits for the folder.</para>
		/// <para>To determine if a quotas are supported, check the 
		/// <see cref="ImapClient.SupportsQuotas"/> property.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The folder quota.</returns>
		/// <param name="messageLimit">If not <c>null</c>, sets the maximum number of messages to allow.</param>
		/// <param name="storageLimit">If not <c>null</c>, sets the maximum storage size (in kilobytes).</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the QUOTA extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override FolderQuota SetQuota (uint? messageLimit, uint? storageLimit, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			CheckState (false, false);

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Quota) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the QUOTA extension.");

			var command = new StringBuilder ("SETQUOTA %F (");
			if (messageLimit.HasValue)
				command.AppendFormat ("MESSAGE {0}", messageLimit.Value);
			if (storageLimit.HasValue)
				command.AppendFormat ("STORAGE {0}", storageLimit.Value);
			command.Append (")\r\n");

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, command.ToString (), this);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("QUOTA", UntaggedQuota);

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("SETQUOTA", ic);

			if (ic.UserData == null)
				return new FolderQuota (null);

			return (FolderQuota) ic.UserData;
Example #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the specified subfolder.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the specified subfolder.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The subfolder.</returns>
		/// <param name="name">The name of the subfolder.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="name"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="name"/> is either an empty string or contains the <see cref="MailFolder.DirectorySeparator"/>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotFoundException">
		/// The requested folder could not be found.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IMailFolder GetSubfolder (string name, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if (name == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");

			if (!Engine.IsValidMailboxName (name, DirectorySeparator))
				throw new ArgumentException ("The name of the subfolder is invalid.", "name");

			CheckState (false, false);

			var fullName = FullName.Length > 0 ? FullName + DirectorySeparator + name : name;
			var encodedName = Engine.EncodeMailboxName (fullName);
			var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();
			ImapFolder subfolder;

			if (Engine.GetCachedFolder (encodedName, out subfolder))
				return subfolder;

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, "LIST \"\" %S\r\n", encodedName);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
			ic.UserData = list;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("LIST", ic);

			if (list.Count == 0)
				throw new FolderNotFoundException (fullName);

			return list[0];
Example #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the access rights for the current authenticated user.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the access rights for the current authenticated user.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The access rights.</returns>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the ACL extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The command failed.
		/// </exception>
		public override AccessRights GetMyAccessRights (CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Acl) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the ACL extension.");

			CheckState (false, false);

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, "MYRIGHTS %F\r\n", this);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("MYRIGHTS", UntaggedMyRights);
			ic.UserData = new AccessRights ();

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("MYRIGHTS", ic);

			return (AccessRights) ic.UserData;
Example #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the subfolders.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the subfolders.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The subfolders.</returns>
		/// <param name="subscribedOnly">If set to <c>true</c>, only subscribed folders will be listed.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IEnumerable<IMailFolder> GetSubfolders (bool subscribedOnly = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			CheckState (false, false);

			var pattern = EncodedName.Length > 0 ? EncodedName + DirectorySeparator : string.Empty;
			var command = subscribedOnly ? "LSUB" : "LIST";
			var children = new List<IMailFolder> ();
			var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, command + " \"\" %S\r\n", pattern + "%");
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler (command, ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
			ic.UserData = list;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			// Note: Some broken IMAP servers (*cough* SmarterMail 13.0 *cough*) return folders
			// that are not children of the folder we requested, so we need to filter those
			// folders out of the list we'll be returning to our caller.
			// See for more details.
			var prefix = FullName.Length > 0 ? FullName + DirectorySeparator : string.Empty;
			prefix = ImapUtils.CanonicalizeMailboxName (prefix, DirectorySeparator);
			foreach (var folder in list) {
				var canonicalFullName = ImapUtils.CanonicalizeMailboxName (folder.FullName, folder.DirectorySeparator);
				var canonicalName = ImapUtils.IsInbox (folder.Name) ? "INBOX" : folder.Name;

				if (canonicalFullName != prefix + canonicalName)

				folder.ParentFolder = this;
				children.Add (folder);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create (subscribedOnly ? "LSUB" : "LIST", ic);

			return children;
Example #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Identify the client implementation to the server and obtain the server implementation details.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Passes along the client implementation details to the server while also obtaining implementation
		/// details from the server.</para>
		/// <para>If the <paramref name="clientImplementation"/> is null or no properties have been set, no
		/// identifying information will be sent to the server.</para>
		/// <para>Security Implications</para>
		/// <para>This command has the danger of violating the privacy of users if misused. Clients should
		/// notify users that they send the ID command.</para>
		/// <para>It is highly desirable that implementations provide a method of disabling ID support, perhaps by
		/// not calling this method at all, or by passing <c>null</c> as the <paramref name="clientImplementation"/>
		/// argument.</para>
		/// <para>Implementors must exercise extreme care in adding properties to the <paramref name="clientImplementation"/>.
		/// Some properties, such as a processor ID number, Ethernet address, or other unique (or mostly unique) identifier
		/// would allow tracking of users in ways that violate user privacy expectations and may also make it easier for
		/// attackers to exploit security holes in the client.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <example>
		/// <code language="c#" source="Examples\ImapExamples.cs" region="Capabilities"/>
		/// </example>
		/// <returns>The implementation details of the server.</returns>
		/// <param name="clientImplementation">The client implementation.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the ID extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied to the ID command with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// An IMAP protocol error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		public ImapImplementation Identify (ImapImplementation clientImplementation, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			CheckDisposed ();
			CheckConnected ();

			if ((engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Id) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the ID extension.");

			var command = new StringBuilder ("ID ");
			var args = new List<object> ();

			if (clientImplementation != null && clientImplementation.Properties.Count > 0) {
				command.Append ('(');
				foreach (var property in clientImplementation.Properties) {
					command.Append ("%Q ");
					args.Add (property.Key);

					if (property.Value != null) {
						command.Append ("%Q ");
						args.Add (property.Value);
					} else {
						command.Append ("NIL ");
				command[command.Length - 1] = ')';
				command.Append ("\r\n");
			} else {
				command.Append ("NIL\r\n");

			var ic = new ImapCommand (engine, cancellationToken, null, command.ToString (), args.ToArray ());
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("ID", ImapUtils.ParseImplementation);

			engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			engine.Wait (ic);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("ID", ic);

			return (ImapImplementation) ic.UserData;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries the special folders.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The command result.</returns>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        public void QuerySpecialFolders(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException ();

            ImapFolder folder;

            if (!FolderCache.TryGetValue ("INBOX", out folder)) {
                var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();

                var ic = new ImapCommand (this, cancellationToken, null, "LIST \"\" \"INBOX\"\r\n");
                ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
                ic.UserData = list;

                QueueCommand (ic);
                Wait (ic);

                Inbox = list.Count > 0 ? list[0] : null;

            if ((Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.SpecialUse) != 0) {
                var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();

                var ic = new ImapCommand (this, cancellationToken, null, "LIST (SPECIAL-USE) \"\" \"*\"\r\n");
                ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
                ic.UserData = list;

                QueueCommand (ic);
                Wait (ic);

                LookupParentFolders (list, cancellationToken);

                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
                    folder = list[i];

                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.All) != 0)
                        All = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Archive) != 0)
                        Archive = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Drafts) != 0)
                        Drafts = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Flagged) != 0)
                        Flagged = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Junk) != 0)
                        Junk = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Sent) != 0)
                        Sent = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Trash) != 0)
                        Trash = folder;
            } else if ((Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.XList) != 0) {
                var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();

                var ic = new ImapCommand (this, cancellationToken, null, "XLIST \"\" \"*\"\r\n");
                ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("XLIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
                ic.UserData = list;

                QueueCommand (ic);
                Wait (ic);

                LookupParentFolders (list, cancellationToken);

                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
                    folder = list[i];

                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.All) != 0)
                        All = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Archive) != 0)
                        Archive = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Drafts) != 0)
                        Drafts = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Flagged) != 0)
                        Flagged = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Junk) != 0)
                        Junk = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Sent) != 0)
                        Sent = folder;
                    if ((folder.Attributes & FolderAttributes.Trash) != 0)
                        Trash = folder;
Example #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Fetches the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes, inclusive.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Fetches the message summaries for the messages between the two
		/// indexes, inclusive.</para>
		/// <para>It should be noted that if another client has modified any message
		/// in the folder, the IMAP server may choose to return information that was
		/// not explicitly requested. It is therefore important to be prepared to
		/// handle both additional fields on a <see cref="IMessageSummary"/> for
		/// messages that were requested as well as summaries for messages that were
		/// not requested at all.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An enumeration of summaries for the requested messages.</returns>
		/// <param name="min">The minimum index.</param>
		/// <param name="max">The maximum index, or <c>-1</c> to specify no upper bound.</param>
		/// <param name="items">The message summary items to fetch.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <para><paramref name="min"/> is out of range.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="max"/> is out of range.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="items"/> is empty.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<IMessageSummary> Fetch (int min, int max, MessageSummaryItems items, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if (min < 0 || min > Count)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("min");

			if (max != -1 && max < min)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("max");

			if (items == MessageSummaryItems.None)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("items");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (min == Count)
				return new IMessageSummary[0];

			var query = FormatSummaryItems (ref items, null);
			var command = string.Format ("FETCH {0} {1}\r\n", GetFetchRange (min, max), query);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchSummaryContext (items);

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchSummaryItems);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

			return AsReadOnly (ctx.Results.Values);
Example #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the specified metadata.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the specified metadata.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The requested metadata value.</returns>
		/// <param name="tag">The metadata tag.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the METADATA extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override string GetMetadata (MetadataTag tag, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			CheckState (false, false);

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Metadata) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the METADATA extension.");

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, "GETMETADATA %F (%S)\r\n", this, tag.Id);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("METADATA", UntaggedMetadata);
			var metadata = new MetadataCollection ();
			ic.UserData = metadata;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("GETMETADATA", ic);

			for (int i = 0; i < metadata.Count; i++) {
				if (metadata[i].Tag.Id == tag.Id)
					return metadata[i].Value;

			return null;
Example #17
		/// <summary>
		/// Fetches the message summaries for the messages between the two indexes (inclusive)
		/// that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Fetches the message summaries for the messages between the two
		/// indexes (inclusive) that have a higher mod-sequence value than the one
		/// specified.</para>
		/// <para>It should be noted that if another client has modified any message
		/// in the folder, the IMAP server may choose to return information that was
		/// not explicitly requested. It is therefore important to be prepared to
		/// handle both additional fields on a <see cref="IMessageSummary"/> for
		/// messages that were requested as well as summaries for messages that were
		/// not requested at all.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An enumeration of summaries for the requested messages.</returns>
		/// <param name="min">The minimum index.</param>
		/// <param name="max">The maximum index, or <c>-1</c> to specify no upper bound.</param>
		/// <param name="modseq">The mod-sequence value.</param>
		/// <param name="items">The message summary items to fetch.</param>
		/// <param name="fields">The desired header fields.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <para><paramref name="min"/> is out of range.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="max"/> is out of range.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="fields"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="fields"/> is empty.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> does not support mod-sequences.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<IMessageSummary> Fetch (int min, int max, ulong modseq, MessageSummaryItems items, HashSet<string> fields, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if (min < 0 || min >= Count)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("min");

			if (max != -1 && max < min)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("max");

			if (fields == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");

			if (fields.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("The set of header fields cannot be empty.", "fields");

			if (!SupportsModSeq)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The ImapFolder does not support mod-sequences.");

			CheckState (true, false);

			var query = FormatSummaryItems (ref items, fields);
			var command = string.Format ("FETCH {0} {1} (CHANGEDSINCE {2})\r\n", GetFetchRange (min, max), query, modseq);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchSummaryContext (items);

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchSummaryItems);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

			return AsReadOnly (ctx.Results.Values);
Example #18
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the specified metadata.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the specified metadata.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The requested metadata.</returns>
		/// <param name="tags">The metadata tags.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="tags"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the METADATA extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override MetadataCollection GetMetadata (IEnumerable<MetadataTag> tags, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if (tags == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("tags");

			CheckState (false, false);

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.Metadata) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the METADATA extension.");

			var command = new StringBuilder ("GETMETADATA %F (");
			var args = new List<object> ();

			args.Add (this);

			foreach (var tag in tags) {
				if (args.Count > 1)
					command.Append (' ');

				command.Append ("%S");
				args.Add (tag.Id);

			command.Append (")\r\n");

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, command.ToString (), args.ToArray ());
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("METADATA", UntaggedMetadata);
			ic.UserData = new MetadataCollection ();

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("GETMETADATA", ic);

			return (MetadataCollection) ic.UserData;
Example #19
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the specified message.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the specified message.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The message.</returns>
		/// <param name="index">The index of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="progress">The progress reporting mechanism.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <paramref name="index"/> is out of range.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="MessageNotFoundException">
		/// The IMAP server did not return the requested message.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override MimeMessage GetMessage (int index, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken), ITransferProgress progress = null)
			if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index");

			CheckState (true, false);

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, "FETCH %d (BODY.PEEK[])\r\n", index + 1);
			var ctx = new FetchStreamContext (progress);
			Stream stream;

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchStream);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);

			try {
				Engine.Wait (ic);

				ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

				if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
					throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

				if (!ctx.Sections.TryGetValue (string.Empty, out stream))
					throw new MessageNotFoundException ("The IMAP server did not return the requested message.");

				ctx.Sections.Remove (string.Empty);
			} finally {
				ctx.Dispose ();

			return ParseMessage (stream, cancellationToken);
Example #20
		/// <summary>
		/// Opens the folder using the requested folder access.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>This variant of the <see cref="Open(FolderAccess,System.Threading.CancellationToken)"/>
		/// method is meant for quick resynchronization of the folder. Before calling this method,
		/// the <see cref="ImapClient.EnableQuickResync(CancellationToken)"/> method MUST be called.</para>
		/// <para>You should also make sure to add listeners to the <see cref="MailFolder.MessagesVanished"/> and
		/// <see cref="MailFolder.MessageFlagsChanged"/> events to get notifications of changes since
		/// the last time the folder was opened.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The <see cref="FolderAccess"/> state of the folder.</returns>
		/// <param name="access">The requested folder access.</param>
		/// <param name="uidValidity">The last known <see cref="MailFolder.UidValidity"/> value.</param>
		/// <param name="highestModSeq">The last known <see cref="MailFolder.HighestModSeq"/> value.</param>
		/// <param name="uids">The last known list of unique message identifiers.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <paramref name="access"/> is not a valid value.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotFoundException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> does not exist.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
		/// The QRESYNC feature has not been enabled.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the QRESYNC extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override FolderAccess Open (FolderAccess access, uint uidValidity, ulong highestModSeq, IList<UniqueId> uids, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);

			if (access != FolderAccess.ReadOnly && access != FolderAccess.ReadWrite)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("access");

			CheckState (false, false);

			if (IsOpen && Access == access)
				return access;

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.QuickResync) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the QRESYNC extension.");

			if (!Engine.QResyncEnabled)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("The QRESYNC extension has not been enabled.");

			var qresync = string.Format ("(QRESYNC ({0} {1}", uidValidity, highestModSeq);

			if (uids.Count > 0)
				qresync += " " + set;

			qresync += "))";

			var command = string.Format ("{0} %F {1}\r\n", SelectOrExamine (access), qresync);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command, this);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", QResyncFetch);

			if (access == FolderAccess.ReadWrite) {
				// Note: if the server does not respond with a PERMANENTFLAGS response,
				// then we need to assume all flags are permanent.
				PermanentFlags = SettableFlags | MessageFlags.UserDefined;
			} else {
				PermanentFlags = MessageFlags.None;

			try {
				Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
				Engine.Wait (ic);

				ProcessResponseCodes (ic, this);

				if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
					throw ImapCommandException.Create (access == FolderAccess.ReadOnly ? "EXAMINE" : "SELECT", ic);
			} catch {
				PermanentFlags = MessageFlags.None;

			if (Engine.Selected != null && Engine.Selected != this) {
				var folder = Engine.Selected;

				folder.PermanentFlags = MessageFlags.None;
				folder.AcceptedFlags = MessageFlags.None;
				folder.Access = FolderAccess.None;

				folder.OnClosed ();

			Engine.State = ImapEngineState.Selected;
			Engine.Selected = this;

			OnOpened ();

			return Access;
Example #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a substream of the specified message.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Fetches a substream of the message. If the starting offset is beyond
		/// the end of the message, an empty stream is returned. If the number of
		/// bytes desired extends beyond the end of the message, a truncated stream
		/// will be returned.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The stream.</returns>
		/// <param name="uid">The UID of the message.</param>
		/// <param name="offset">The starting offset of the first desired byte.</param>
		/// <param name="count">The number of bytes desired.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <param name="progress">The progress reporting mechanism.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="uid"/> is invalid.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <para><paramref name="offset"/> is negative.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="count"/> is negative.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="MessageNotFoundException">
		/// The IMAP server did not return the requested message stream.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override Stream GetStream (UniqueId uid, int offset, int count, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken), ITransferProgress progress = null)
			if (uid.Id == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("The uid is invalid.", "uid");

			if (offset < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset");

			if (count < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("count");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (count == 0)
				return new MemoryStream ();

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, "UID FETCH %u (BODY.PEEK[]<%d.%d>)\r\n", uid.Id, offset, count);
			var ctx = new FetchStreamContext (progress);
			Stream stream;

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchStream);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);

			try {
				Engine.Wait (ic);

				ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

				if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
					throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

				if (!ctx.Sections.TryGetValue (string.Empty, out stream))
					throw new MessageNotFoundException ("The IMAP server did not return the requested stream.");

				ctx.Sections.Remove (string.Empty);
			} finally {
				ctx.Dispose ();

			return stream;
Example #22
		/// <summary>
		/// Fetches the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Fetches the message summaries for the specified message UIDs.</para>
		/// <para>It should be noted that if another client has modified any message
		/// in the folder, the IMAP server may choose to return information that was
		/// not explicitly requested. It is therefore important to be prepared to
		/// handle both additional fields on a <see cref="IMessageSummary"/> for
		/// messages that were requested as well as summaries for messages that were
		/// not requested at all.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An enumeration of summaries for the requested messages.</returns>
		/// <param name="uids">The UIDs.</param>
		/// <param name="items">The message summary items to fetch.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="uids"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <paramref name="items"/> is empty.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// One or more of the <paramref name="uids"/> is invalid.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<IMessageSummary> Fetch (IList<UniqueId> uids, MessageSummaryItems items, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);

			if (items == MessageSummaryItems.None)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("items");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (uids.Count == 0)
				return new IMessageSummary[0];

			var query = FormatSummaryItems (ref items, null);
			var command = string.Format ("UID FETCH {0} {1}\r\n", set, query);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchSummaryContext (items);

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchSummaryItems);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

			return AsReadOnly (ctx.Results.Values);
Example #23
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new subfolder with the given name.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates a new subfolder with the given name.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The created folder.</returns>
		/// <param name="name">The name of the folder to create.</param>
		/// <param name="specialUses">A list of special uses for the folder being created.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="name"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <paramref name="name"/> is empty.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">
		/// The <see cref="MailFolder.DirectorySeparator"/> is nil, and thus child folders cannot be created.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The IMAP server does not support the CREATE-SPECIAL-USE extension.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IMailFolder Create (string name, IEnumerable<SpecialFolder> specialUses, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			if (name == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");

			if (!Engine.IsValidMailboxName (name, DirectorySeparator))
				throw new ArgumentException ("The name is not a legal folder name.", "name");

			CheckState (false, false);

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (FullName) && DirectorySeparator == '\0')
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot create child folders.");

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.CreateSpecialUse) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the CREATE-SPECIAL-USE extension.");

			var uses = new StringBuilder ();

			foreach (var use in specialUses) {
				if (uses.Length > 0)
					uses.Append (' ');

				switch (use) {
				case SpecialFolder.All:     uses.Append ("\\All"); break;
				case SpecialFolder.Archive: uses.Append ("\\Archive"); break;
				case SpecialFolder.Drafts:  uses.Append ("\\Drafts"); break;
				case SpecialFolder.Flagged: uses.Append ("\\Flagged"); break;
				case SpecialFolder.Junk:    uses.Append ("\\Junk"); break;
				case SpecialFolder.Sent:    uses.Append ("\\Sent"); break;
				case SpecialFolder.Trash:   uses.Append ("\\Trash"); break;
				default: if (uses.Length > 0) uses.Length--; break;

			var fullName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (FullName) ? FullName + DirectorySeparator + name : name;
			var command = string.Format ("CREATE %s (USE ({0}))\r\n", uses);
			var encodedName = Engine.EncodeMailboxName (fullName);
			var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();
			var createName = encodedName;
			ImapFolder folder;

			var ic = Engine.QueueCommand (cancellationToken, null, command, createName);

			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok) {
				var useAttr = ic.RespCodes.FirstOrDefault (rc => rc.Type == ImapResponseCodeType.UseAttr);

				if (useAttr != null)
					throw new ImapCommandException (ic.Response, useAttr.Message);

				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("CREATE", ic);

			ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, "LIST \"\" %S\r\n", encodedName);
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
			ic.UserData = list;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("LIST", ic);

			if ((folder = list.FirstOrDefault ()) != null)
				folder.ParentFolder = this;

			Engine.AssignSpecialFolders (new [] { folder });

			return folder;
Example #24
		/// <summary>
		/// Fetches the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that have a
		/// higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Fetches the message summaries for the specified message UIDs that
		/// have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.</para>
		/// <para>If the IMAP server supports the QRESYNC extension and the application has
		/// enabled this feature via <see cref="ImapClient.EnableQuickResync(CancellationToken)"/>,
		/// then this method will emit <see cref="MailFolder.MessagesVanished"/> events for messages
		/// that have vanished since the specified mod-sequence value.</para>
		/// <para>It should be noted that if another client has modified any message
		/// in the folder, the IMAP server may choose to return information that was
		/// not explicitly requested. It is therefore important to be prepared to
		/// handle both additional fields on a <see cref="IMessageSummary"/> for
		/// messages that were requested as well as summaries for messages that were
		/// not requested at all.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An enumeration of summaries for the requested messages.</returns>
		/// <param name="uids">The UIDs.</param>
		/// <param name="modseq">The mod-sequence value.</param>
		/// <param name="items">The message summary items to fetch.</param>
		/// <param name="fields">The desired header fields.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="uids"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="fields"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <para>One or more of the <paramref name="uids"/> is invalid.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="fields"/> is empty.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> does not support mod-sequences.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<IMessageSummary> Fetch (IList<UniqueId> uids, ulong modseq, MessageSummaryItems items, HashSet<string> fields, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);

			if (fields == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");

			if (fields.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("The set of header fields cannot be empty.", "fields");

			if (!SupportsModSeq)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The ImapFolder does not support mod-sequences.");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (uids.Count == 0)
				return new IMessageSummary[0];

			var query = FormatSummaryItems (ref items, fields);
			var vanished = Engine.QResyncEnabled ? " VANISHED" : string.Empty;
			var command = string.Format ("UID FETCH {0} {1} (CHANGEDSINCE {2}{3})\r\n", set, query, modseq, vanished);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchSummaryContext (items);

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchSummaryItems);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

			return AsReadOnly (ctx.Results.Values);
Example #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Searches the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The returned array of unique identifiers can be used with methods such as
		/// <see cref="IMailFolder.GetMessage(UniqueId,CancellationToken,ITransferProgress)"/>.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An array of matching UIDs.</returns>
		/// <param name="uids">The subset of UIDs</param>
		/// <param name="query">The search query.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="uids"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="query"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// One or more of the <paramref name="uids"/> is invalid.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// One or more search terms in the <paramref name="query"/> are not supported by the IMAP server.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<UniqueId> Search (IList<UniqueId> uids, SearchQuery query, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);
			var args = new List<string> ();
			string charset;

			if (query == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("query");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (uids.Count == 0)
				return new UniqueId[0];

			var optimized = query.Optimize (new ImapSearchQueryOptimizer ());
			var expr = BuildQueryExpression (optimized, args, out charset);
			var command = "UID SEARCH ";

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ESearch) != 0)
				command += "RETURN () ";

			if (args.Count > 0 && !Engine.UTF8Enabled)
				command += "CHARSET " + charset + " ";

			command += "UID " + set + " " + expr + "\r\n";

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command, args.ToArray ());
			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ESearch) != 0)
				ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("ESEARCH", ESearchMatches);

			// Note: always register the untagged SEARCH handler because some servers will brokenly
			// respond with "* SEARCH ..." instead of "* ESEARCH ..." even when using the extended
			// search syntax.
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("SEARCH", SearchMatches);

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("SEARCH", ic);

			var results = (SearchResults) ic.UserData;

			if (results == null)
				return new UniqueId[0];

			return results.UniqueIds;
Example #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Fetches the message summaries for the specified message indexes.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Fetches the message summaries for the specified message indexes.</para>
		/// <para>It should be noted that if another client has modified any message
		/// in the folder, the IMAP server may choose to return information that was
		/// not explicitly requested. It is therefore important to be prepared to
		/// handle both additional fields on a <see cref="IMessageSummary"/> for
		/// messages that were requested as well as summaries for messages that were
		/// not requested at all.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An enumeration of summaries for the requested messages.</returns>
		/// <param name="indexes">The indexes.</param>
		/// <param name="items">The message summary items to fetch.</param>
		/// <param name="fields">The desired header fields.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="indexes"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="fields"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <para>One or more of the <paramref name="indexes"/> is invalid.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="fields"/> is empty.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<IMessageSummary> Fetch (IList<int> indexes, MessageSummaryItems items, HashSet<string> fields, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatIndexSet (indexes);

			if (fields == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");

			if (fields.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("The set of header fields cannot be empty.", "fields");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (indexes.Count == 0)
				return new IMessageSummary[0];

			var query = FormatSummaryItems (ref items, fields);
			var command = string.Format ("FETCH {0} {1}\r\n", set, query);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchSummaryContext (items);

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchSummaryItems);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

			return AsReadOnly (ctx.Results.Values);
Example #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Searches the subset of UIDs in the folder for messages matching the specified query,
		/// returning them in the preferred sort order.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Searches the folder for messages matching the specified query and ordering,
		/// returning only the requested search results.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The search results.</returns>
		/// <param name="options">The search options.</param>
		/// <param name="uids">The subset of UIDs</param>
		/// <param name="query">The search query.</param>
		/// <param name="orderBy">The sort order.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <para><paramref name="uids"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="query"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="orderBy"/> is <c>null</c>.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// <para>One or more of the <paramref name="uids"/> is invalid.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para><paramref name="orderBy"/> is empty.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// <para>One or more search terms in the <paramref name="query"/> are not supported by the IMAP server.</para>
		/// <para>-or-</para>
		/// <para>The IMAP server does not support the ESORT extension.</para>
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override SearchResults Search (SearchOptions options, IList<UniqueId> uids, SearchQuery query, IList<OrderBy> orderBy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatUidSet (uids);
			var args = new List<string> ();
			string charset;

			if (query == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("query");

			if (orderBy == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("orderBy");

			if (orderBy.Count == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException ("No sort order provided.", "orderBy");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ESort) == 0)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the ESORT extension.");

			if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.SortDisplay) == 0) {
				for (int i = 0; i < orderBy.Count; i++) {
					if (orderBy[i].Type == OrderByType.DisplayFrom || orderBy[i].Type == OrderByType.DisplayTo)
						throw new NotSupportedException ("The IMAP server does not support the SORT=DISPLAY extension.");

			if (uids.Count == 0)
				return new SearchResults ();

			var optimized = query.Optimize (new ImapSearchQueryOptimizer ());
			var expr = BuildQueryExpression (optimized, args, out charset);
			var order = BuildSortOrder (orderBy);
			var command = "UID SORT RETURN (";

			if ((options & SearchOptions.Count) != 0)
				command += "COUNT ";
			if ((options & SearchOptions.Min) != 0)
				command += "MIN ";
			if ((options & SearchOptions.Max) != 0)
				command += "MAX ";
			command = command.TrimEnd ();
			command += ") ";

			command += order + " " + charset + " UID " + set + " " + expr + "\r\n";

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command, args.ToArray ());
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("ESEARCH", ESearchMatches);
			ic.UserData = new SearchResults ();

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("SORT", ic);

			return (SearchResults) ic.UserData;
Example #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Fetches the message summaries for the specified message indexes that have a
		/// higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Fetches the message summaries for the specified message indexes that
		/// have a higher mod-sequence value than the one specified.</para>
		/// <para>It should be noted that if another client has modified any message
		/// in the folder, the IMAP server may choose to return information that was
		/// not explicitly requested. It is therefore important to be prepared to
		/// handle both additional fields on a <see cref="IMessageSummary"/> for
		/// messages that were requested as well as summaries for messages that were
		/// not requested at all.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>An enumeration of summaries for the requested messages.</returns>
		/// <param name="indexes">The indexes.</param>
		/// <param name="modseq">The mod-sequence value.</param>
		/// <param name="items">The message summary items to fetch.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
		/// <paramref name="indexes"/> is <c>null</c>.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
		/// <paramref name="items"/> is empty.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
		/// One or more of the <paramref name="indexes"/> is invalid.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="FolderNotOpenException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> is not currently open.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapFolder"/> does not support mod-sequences.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IList<IMessageSummary> Fetch (IList<int> indexes, ulong modseq, MessageSummaryItems items, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			var set = ImapUtils.FormatIndexSet (indexes);

			if (items == MessageSummaryItems.None)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("items");

			if (!SupportsModSeq)
				throw new NotSupportedException ("The ImapFolder does not support mod-sequences.");

			CheckState (true, false);

			if (indexes.Count == 0)
				return new IMessageSummary[0];

			var query = FormatSummaryItems (ref items, null);
			var command = string.Format ("FETCH {0} {1} (CHANGEDSINCE {2})\r\n", set, query, modseq);
			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, this, command);
			var ctx = new FetchSummaryContext (items);

			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("FETCH", FetchSummaryItems);
			ic.UserData = ctx;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create ("FETCH", ic);

			return AsReadOnly (ctx.Results.Values);
Example #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the subfolders.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Gets the subfolders.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <returns>The subfolders.</returns>
		/// <param name="items">The status items to pre-populate.</param>
		/// <param name="subscribedOnly">If set to <c>true</c>, only subscribed folders will be listed.</param>
		/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
		/// <exception cref="System.ObjectDisposedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> has been disposed.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotConnectedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not connected.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ServiceNotAuthenticatedException">
		/// The <see cref="ImapClient"/> is not authenticated.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.OperationCanceledException">
		/// The operation was canceled via the cancellation token.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">
		/// An I/O error occurred.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapProtocolException">
		/// The server's response contained unexpected tokens.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImapCommandException">
		/// The server replied with a NO or BAD response.
		/// </exception>
		public override IEnumerable<IMailFolder> GetSubfolders (StatusItems items, bool subscribedOnly = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default (CancellationToken))
			CheckState (false, false);

			var pattern = EncodedName.Length > 0 ? EncodedName + DirectorySeparator : string.Empty;
			var children = new List<IMailFolder> ();
			var status = items != StatusItems.None;
			var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();
			var command = new StringBuilder ();
			var lsub = subscribedOnly;

			if (subscribedOnly) {
				if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ListExtended) != 0) {
					command.Append ("LIST (SUBSCRIBED)");
					lsub = false;
				} else {
					command.Append ("LSUB");
			} else {
				command.Append ("LIST");

			command.Append (" \"\" %S");

			if (!lsub) {
				if (items != StatusItems.None && (Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ListStatus) != 0) {
					command.Append (" RETURN (");

					if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ListExtended) != 0) {
						if (!subscribedOnly)
							command.Append ("SUBSCRIBED ");
						command.Append ("CHILDREN ");

					command.AppendFormat ("STATUS ({0})", Engine.GetStatusQuery (items));
					command.Append (')');
					status = false;
				} else if ((Engine.Capabilities & ImapCapabilities.ListExtended) != 0) {
					command.Append (" RETURN (");
					if (!subscribedOnly)
						command.Append ("SUBSCRIBED ");
					command.Append ("CHILDREN");
					command.Append (')');

			command.Append ("\r\n");

			var ic = new ImapCommand (Engine, cancellationToken, null, command.ToString (), pattern + "%");
			ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler (lsub ? "LSUB" : "LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
			ic.UserData = list;

			Engine.QueueCommand (ic);
			Engine.Wait (ic);

			// Note: Some broken IMAP servers (*cough* SmarterMail 13.0 *cough*) return folders
			// that are not children of the folder we requested, so we need to filter those
			// folders out of the list that we'll be returning to our caller.
			// See for more details.
			var prefix = FullName.Length > 0 ? FullName + DirectorySeparator : string.Empty;
			prefix = ImapUtils.CanonicalizeMailboxName (prefix, DirectorySeparator);
			foreach (var folder in list) {
				var canonicalFullName = ImapUtils.CanonicalizeMailboxName (folder.FullName, folder.DirectorySeparator);
				var canonicalName = ImapUtils.IsInbox (folder.FullName) ? "INBOX" : folder.Name;

				if (canonicalFullName != prefix + canonicalName)

				if (lsub) {
					// the LSUB command does not send \Subscribed flags so we need to add them ourselves
					folder.Attributes |= FolderAttributes.Subscribed;

				folder.ParentFolder = this;
				children.Add (folder);

			ProcessResponseCodes (ic, null);

			if (ic.Response != ImapCommandResponse.Ok)
				throw ImapCommandException.Create (lsub ? "LSUB" : "LIST", ic);

			if (status) {
				for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
					children[i].Status (items, cancellationToken);

			return children;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the folder for the specified path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The folder.</returns>
        /// <param name="path">The folder path.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param>
        public ImapFolder GetFolder(string path, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var encodedName = ImapEncoding.Encode (path);
            var list = new List<ImapFolder> ();
            ImapFolder folder;

            if (FolderCache.TryGetValue (encodedName, out folder))
                return folder;

            var ic = new ImapCommand (this, cancellationToken, null, "LIST \"\" %S\r\n", encodedName);
            ic.RegisterUntaggedHandler ("LIST", ImapUtils.ParseFolderList);
            ic.UserData = list;

            QueueCommand (ic);
            Wait (ic);

            LookupParentFolders (list, cancellationToken);

            ProcessResponseCodes (ic);

            if (ic.Result != ImapCommandResult.Ok)
                throw new ImapCommandException ("LIST", ic.Result);

            return list.Count > 0 ? list[0] : null;