Example #1
        private static void PrintLight(MahjongGameState state, ref string append_to)
            Log(PlayerToName(0) + "'s Score: " + (state.GetPlayer(0) as MahjongPlayer).Score + "\n", ref append_to);
            Log(PlayerToName(1) + "'s Score: " + (state.GetPlayer(1) as MahjongPlayer).Score + "\n", ref append_to);
            Log(PlayerToName(2) + "'s Score: " + (state.GetPlayer(2) as MahjongPlayer).Score + "\n", ref append_to);
            Log(PlayerToName(3) + "'s Score: " + (state.GetPlayer(3) as MahjongPlayer).Score + "\n", ref append_to);

Example #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setup output information
            string fout      = "Game " + DEPTH + "-" + SAMPLES + ".txt";
            string header    = "Minimax Search Depth: " + DEPTH + "\nMonte Carlo Sample Size: " + SAMPLES + "\n\nFinal Scores\n------------\n";
            string results   = "";
            string game_text = "";

            // Create the game
            MahjongGameState state = new MahjongGameState();

            // Add the AI
            state.PlayerLeft(0, new NaiveAI(0));
            state.PlayerLeft(1, new GreedyAI(1));
            state.PlayerLeft(2, new MiniMaxAI(2, DEPTH));
            state.PlayerLeft(3, new MonteCarloAI(3, SAMPLES));

            int i = 4;

            // Run the game to completion
            while (!state.GameFinished)
                MahjongAIPlayer ai   = state.GetPlayer(state.SubActivePlayer) as MahjongAIPlayer;
                MahjongMove     move = ai.AI.GetNextMove(state);

                Log(PlayerToName(state.SubActivePlayer) + " " + move + ".\n", ref game_text);

                if (--i == 0)
                    Log("\n", ref game_text);
                    i = 4;

                if (!state.ApplyMove(move))
                    Log("An invalid move has been provided.\n", ref game_text);

                if (state.HandFinished && !state.GameFinished)
                    Print(state, ref game_text);

            // Output the final scores
            PrintLight(state, ref results);
            Print(state, ref game_text, true);

            File.WriteAllText(fout, header + results + "\nGame Log\n--------\n" + game_text);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an enumerator of the possible moves at the given state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state to enumerate the moves of.</param>
        private IEnumerator <MahjongMove> GetMoveEnumerator(MahjongGameState state)
            List <MahjongMove> moves = new List <MahjongMove>();

            // If the hand is done (or the game), then there's nothing left to enumerate.
            if (state.HandFinished || state.GameFinished)

            // Get the player we're considering
            MahjongAIPlayer ai = state.GetPlayer(state.SubActivePlayer) as MahjongAIPlayer;
            MahjongPlayer   mp = ai as MahjongPlayer;

            // The active player has different choices available than the responding players
            if (state.ActivePlayer == state.SubActivePlayer)
                // Add the kongs first
                foreach (Card c in ai.CardsInHand.Cards)
                    if (!ContainsKong(moves, c) && ai.CardsInHand.CountCard(c) == 4)
                        List <Card> meld = new List <Card>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                        moves.Add(new MahjongMove(new MahjongMeld(meld, true), c));                       // We're melding a kong, so mahjong is definitely false here

                // We can also meld a fourth tile into an existing pung
                foreach (MahjongMeld meld in mp.Melds)
                    if (meld.Pung && ai.CardsInHand.Cards.Contains(meld.Cards[0]))
                        List <Card> n_meld = new List <Card>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                        moves.Add(new MahjongMove(new MahjongMeld(n_meld, false), meld.Cards[0]));                       // We're melding a kong, so mahjong is definitely false here

                // Add all of the discards next
                foreach (Card c in ai.CardsInHand.Cards)
                    moves.Add(new MahjongMove(c));

                // Lastly, we'll add the ability to declare mahjong
                if (MahjongStaticFunctions.HasMahjong(ai.CardsInHand, mp.Melds))
                    moves.Add(new MahjongMove(true));
                // We need a tile available to do anything but pass (there are a few cases were this would not be available)
                if (state.AvailableTile != null)
                    // First, add chow moves if we can
                    if (state.SubActivePlayer == state.NextPlayer)
                        List <MahjongMeld> chows = GetChows(ai.CardsInHand, state.AvailableTile);

                        foreach (MahjongMeld m in chows)
                            Hand h; List <MahjongMeld> melds;
                            CreateDuplicateMinusMeld(ai.CardsInHand, mp.Melds, m, state.AvailableTile, out h, out melds);

                            moves.Add(new MahjongMove(m, state.AvailableTile, MahjongStaticFunctions.HasMahjong(h, melds)));

                    // Add the ability to meld pungs and kongs
                    int count = ai.CardsInHand.CountCard(state.AvailableTile);                     // We'll use this again after pung/kong checks, so this is extra fine to keep around

                    if (count > 1)
                        // First, pungs are always possible
                        List <Card> cards = new List <Card>();


                        MahjongMeld m = new MahjongMeld(cards);

                        Hand h; List <MahjongMeld> melds;
                        CreateDuplicateMinusMeld(ai.CardsInHand, mp.Melds, m, state.AvailableTile, out h, out melds);

                        moves.Add(new MahjongMove(m, state.AvailableTile, MahjongStaticFunctions.HasMahjong(h, melds)));

                        // Now create a kong move if possible
                        if (count > 2)

                            m = new MahjongMeld(cards);
                            CreateDuplicateMinusMeld(ai.CardsInHand, mp.Melds, m, state.AvailableTile, out h, out melds);

                            moves.Add(new MahjongMove(m, state.AvailableTile, MahjongStaticFunctions.HasMahjong(h, melds)));

                    // Now add the ability to declare mahjong through non-standard means
                    // Nine gates can only be won on a self pick, so let's deal with thirteen orphans and seven pair first
                    Hand htemp = new StandardHand(ai.CardsInHand.Cards);

                    MahjongMeld mtemp = new MahjongMeld(htemp.Cards);

                    if (mtemp.SevenPair || mtemp.ThirteenOrphans)
                        moves.Add(new MahjongMove(mtemp, state.AvailableTile, true));

                    // The last mahjong we need to check now is if we can form an eye and win
                    if (count > 0)
                        List <Card> cards = new List <Card>();


                        MahjongMeld m = new MahjongMeld(cards);

                        Hand h; List <MahjongMeld> melds;
                        CreateDuplicateMinusMeld(ai.CardsInHand, mp.Melds, m, state.AvailableTile, out h, out melds);

                        if (MahjongStaticFunctions.HasMahjong(h, melds))
                            moves.Add(new MahjongMove(m, state.AvailableTile, true));

                // Lastly, add the simple pass option
                moves.Add(new MahjongMove());

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the next move for this AI to make.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The state of the game. This will be cloned so that the AI does not affect the actual game state.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the next move to make based on the current game state.</returns>
        public MahjongMove GetNextMove(GameState <MahjongMove> state)
            MahjongGameState ms = state as MahjongGameState;

            return(UniformMonteCarloSearch <MahjongGameState, MahjongMove> .Search(ms, SamplesPerMove, CloneState, GetMoveEnumerator, StateUpdater, ScoreDiff((ms.GetPlayer(Player) as MahjongPlayer).Score)));
Example #5
        // This is not a great evaluation function, but I'm almost out of time to program it, so meh
        private Engine.Player.AI.ABP.StateEvaluator <MahjongGameState> StateGoodness(MahjongGameState original)
            return(state =>
                // If the hand is finished, just check the difference in score
                // A low difference is lame, so if it gets overpowered by other moves that might lead to lesser outcomes, so be it
                if (state.HandFinished)
                    return 100 * ((state.GetPlayer(Player) as MahjongPlayer).Score - (original.GetPlayer(Player) as MahjongPlayer).Score);

                int ret = 0;

                // Melds are usually good to get, and some are better than others
                foreach (MahjongMeld m in (state.GetPlayer(Player) as MahjongPlayer).Melds)
                    if (m.Chow)
                    else if (m.Pung)
                        ret += 3;
                    else if (m.Kong)
                        ret += 6;

                Player <MahjongMove> p = state.GetPlayer(Player);

                // Concealed melds are even better
                foreach (Card c in p.CardsInHand.Cards)
                    int count = p.CardsInHand.CountCard(c);

                    if (count == 3)
                        ret += 3;                         // This will count three times
                    else if (count == 4)
                        ret += 5;                         // This will count four times
                        ret += GetChows(p.CardsInHand, c).Count;                        // Being able to form more than one chow with a tile is good strategy; each tile will get counted thirce per chow it's in

                        if (count == 2)
                            ret++;                             // Having eyes available is also good

                return ret;