Example #1
        public VFHFollower(SensorPose sickPose, SensorPose hokuyoPose, double angularResolution, bool useHokuyo)
            pose = null;

            this.useHokuyo = useHokuyo;

            this.sickPose = sickPose;
            sickDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(this.sickPose);

            if (this.useHokuyo)
                this.hokuyoPose = hokuyoPose;
                hokuyoDCM = Matrix4.FromPose(this.hokuyoPose);

            sickHistory = new List<Vector2[]>();
            hokuyoHistory = new List<Vector2[]>();

            this.angularResolution = angularResolution;
            numBuckets = (int) Math.Round(360 / this.angularResolution);
            trapped = false;
            kThreshold = (int) Math.Round(160 / this.angularResolution);

            rHistogram = new Double[numBuckets];
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a LocalMapRequestMessage that is sent from robots to the CentralSensorProcessor for a updated local map
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="robotID">robotID</param>
 /// <param name="currentPose">current position</param>
 /// <param name="extentX">x-size of the local occupancy map</param>
 /// <param name="extentY">y-size of the local occupancy map </param>
 public LocalMapRequestMessage(int robotID, RobotPose currentPose, double extentX, double extentY)
     this.robotID = robotID;
     this.currentPose = currentPose;
     this.extentX = extentX;
     this.extentY = extentY;
Example #3
        static void poseClient_MsgReceived(object sender, MsgReceivedEventArgs<RobotPoseMessage> e)
            if (e.message == null) return;
            pose = e.message.Pose;

            protoPose.x = pose.x;
            protoPose.y = pose.y;
            protoPose.z = pose.z;
            protoPose.yaw = pose.yaw;
            protoPose.pitch = pose.pitch;
            protoPose.roll = pose.roll;
            protoPose.timeStamp = pose.TimeStamp;

            // Clear the screen
            Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop);
            Console.WriteLine("Robot pose:");
            Console.WriteLine("X:\t" + pose.x);
            Console.WriteLine("Y:\t" + pose.y);
            Console.WriteLine("Z:\t" + pose.z);
            Console.WriteLine("yaw:\t" + pose.yaw);
            Console.WriteLine("pitch:\t" + pose.pitch);
            Console.WriteLine("roll:\t" + pose.roll);
            Console.WriteLine("timestamp:\t" + pose.timestamp);
        public ViconPoseProvider(String ip, Int32 port, String subject, String segment)
            this.ip = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
            this.port = port;
            this.subject = subject;
            this.segment = segment;

            wantedChannelNames = new List<string>(6);
            pose = new RobotPose();
            vicon = new ViconTarsus(ip, port);

            vicon.DataReceived += new EventHandler<IViconFrameEventArgs>(vicon_DataReceived);

            wantedChannelNames.Add(subject + ":" + segment + " <t-X>");
            wantedChannelNames.Add(subject + ":" + segment + " <t-Y>");
            wantedChannelNames.Add(subject + ":" + segment + " <t-Z>");
            wantedChannelNames.Add(subject + ":" + segment + " <a-X>");
            wantedChannelNames.Add(subject + ":" + segment + " <a-Y>");
            wantedChannelNames.Add(subject + ":" + segment + " <a-Z>");

            wantedChannelNumbers = vicon.GetChannelNumbers(wantedChannelNames);
Example #5
 public RRTPlannerImpl(RobotTwoWheelStateProvider stateProvider)
     rrt = new RRTPlannerControl();
     obstacles = new List<Polygon>();
     currentPose = new RobotPose();
     waypoints = new PointPath();
     this.stateProvider = stateProvider;
 public RobotTwoWheelState(RobotTwoWheelState toCopy, RobotTwoWheelCommand command)
     //deep copy the class
     this.pose = new RobotPose(toCopy.pose);
     this.rightWheel = new RobotWheelModel(toCopy.rightWheel);
     this.leftWheel = new RobotWheelModel(toCopy.leftWheel);
     this.command = command;
 public void AddPose(RobotPose p)
     lock (poses)
         if (poses.Count > maxPoints)
Example #8
 public static RobotPose operator +(RobotPose left, RobotPose right)
     RobotPose toReturn = new RobotPose();
     toReturn.x = left.x + right.x;
     toReturn.y = left.y + right.y;
     toReturn.z = left.z + right.z;
     toReturn.roll = left.roll + right.roll;
     toReturn.pitch = left.pitch + right.pitch;
     toReturn.yaw = left.yaw + right.yaw;
     toReturn.timestamp = (left.timestamp + right.timestamp) / 2;
     return toReturn;
Example #9
        public static RobotPose operator -(RobotPose left, RobotPose right)
            RobotPose toReturn = new RobotPose();

            toReturn.x         = left.x - right.x;
            toReturn.y         = left.y - right.y;
            toReturn.z         = left.z - right.z;
            toReturn.roll      = left.roll - right.roll;
            toReturn.pitch     = left.pitch - right.pitch;
            toReturn.yaw       = left.yaw - right.yaw;
            toReturn.timestamp = (left.timestamp + right.timestamp) / 2;
Example #10
        public RobotPose ToRobotPose()
            RobotPose pose = new RobotPose(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll, timestamp);

            pose.covariance[0, 0] = Covariance[0, 0];
            pose.covariance[0, 1] = Covariance[0, 1];
            pose.covariance[0, 2] = Covariance[0, 2];
            pose.covariance[1, 0] = Covariance[1, 0];
            pose.covariance[1, 1] = Covariance[1, 1];
            pose.covariance[1, 2] = Covariance[1, 2];
            pose.covariance[2, 0] = Covariance[2, 0];
            pose.covariance[2, 1] = Covariance[2, 1];
            pose.covariance[2, 2] = Covariance[2, 2];
Example #11
        PathToRobotRenderer runningPath; // the path that the robot is currently running

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public RobotKeypoint(int id)
            color = Color.Black;
            this.id = id;
            name = "Robot " + id;
            runningPath = new PathToRobotRenderer();
            commandedPath = new PathToRobotRenderer();
            pose = new RobotPose();

            origPlygn = new Polygon();
            origPlygn.Add(new Vector2(.25, .36));
            origPlygn.Add(new Vector2(.25, -.36));
            origPlygn.Add(new Vector2(-.25, -.36));
            origPlygn.Add(new Vector2(-.25, .36));

            bodyPlygn = new Polygon(origPlygn.points);
Example #12
 public RobotState()
     RobotID          = 0;
     Mode             = RobotMode.Starting;
     SubMode          = RobotSubMode.None;
     Pose             = new RobotPose();
     rPose            = new RobotPose();
     PoseWatchdogFail = true;
     PlannerFail      = false;
     InObstacle       = false;
     WpInObstacle     = false;
     IsLockedOn       = false;
     NeutralizeStatus = RobotNeutralizeStatus.None;
     Waypoints        = null;
     AngleWhenDone    = 0;
     TrackedPath      = null;
     SparsePath       = null;
     Cmd                = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
     CmdTime            = DateTime.Now;
     WaypointsCompleted = 0;
Example #13
 public RobotState()
     RobotID = 0;
     Mode = RobotMode.Starting;
     SubMode = RobotSubMode.None;
     Pose = new RobotPose();
     rPose = new RobotPose();
     PoseWatchdogFail = true;
     PlannerFail = false;
     InObstacle = false;
     WpInObstacle = false;
     IsLockedOn = false;
     NeutralizeStatus = RobotNeutralizeStatus.None;
     Waypoints = null;
     AngleWhenDone = 0;
     TrackedPath = null;
     SparsePath = null;
     Cmd = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(0, 0);
     CmdTime = DateTime.Now;
     WaypointsCompleted = 0;
Example #14
 public RobotState(int robotID, RobotMode mode, RobotSubMode subMode, RobotPose pose, RobotPose rpose,
                   bool poseWatchdogFail, bool plannerFail, bool inObstacle, bool wpInObstacle, bool isLockedOn,
                   RobotNeutralizeStatus neutralizeStatus, List <Vector2> waypoints, double angleWhenDone,
                   IPath path, IPath sparsePath, RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd, DateTime cmdTime, int waypointsCompleted)
     RobotID          = robotID;
     Mode             = mode;
     SubMode          = subMode;
     Pose             = pose.DeepCopy();
     rPose            = rpose.DeepCopy();
     PoseWatchdogFail = poseWatchdogFail;
     PlannerFail      = plannerFail;
     InObstacle       = inObstacle;
     WpInObstacle     = wpInObstacle;
     IsLockedOn       = isLockedOn;
     NeutralizeStatus = neutralizeStatus;
     Waypoints        = new List <Vector2>(waypoints);
     AngleWhenDone    = angleWhenDone;
     TrackedPath      = path.Clone();
     SparsePath       = sparsePath.Clone();
     Cmd                = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(cmd.velocity, cmd.turn);
     CmdTime            = new DateTime(cmdTime.Ticks);
     WaypointsCompleted = waypointsCompleted;
Example #15
        public RobotState(int robotID, RobotMode mode, RobotSubMode subMode, RobotPose pose, RobotPose rpose,
            bool poseWatchdogFail, bool plannerFail, bool inObstacle, bool wpInObstacle, bool isLockedOn, 
            RobotNeutralizeStatus neutralizeStatus, List<Vector2> waypoints, double angleWhenDone,
			IPath path, IPath sparsePath, RobotTwoWheelCommand cmd, DateTime cmdTime, int waypointsCompleted)
            RobotID = robotID;
            Mode = mode;
            SubMode = subMode;
            Pose = pose.DeepCopy();
            rPose = rpose.DeepCopy();
            PoseWatchdogFail = poseWatchdogFail;
            PlannerFail = plannerFail;
            InObstacle = inObstacle;
            WpInObstacle = wpInObstacle;
            IsLockedOn = isLockedOn;
            NeutralizeStatus = neutralizeStatus;
            Waypoints = new List<Vector2>(waypoints);
            AngleWhenDone = angleWhenDone;
            TrackedPath = path.Clone();
            SparsePath = sparsePath.Clone();
            Cmd = new RobotTwoWheelCommand(cmd.velocity, cmd.turn);
            CmdTime = new DateTime(cmdTime.Ticks);
            WaypointsCompleted = waypointsCompleted;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find targets above grounds and return in global and robot coordinate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robotPose"></param>
        /// <param name="laserScan"></param>
        /// <param name="localPoints"></param>
        /// <param name="globalPoints"></param>
        public void DetectTarget(RobotPose robotPose, ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> laserScan, out List<Vector3> laserPoints, out List<Vector3> localPoints, bool lidarUpsideDown)
            // initialization
            localPoints = new List<Vector3>();
            laserPoints = new List<Vector3>();
            for (int i = 0; i < laserScan.Points.Count; i++)
                Vector4 localPt = laserToRobot * laserScan.Points[i].RThetaPoint.ToVector4();
                Vector4 newLocalPt;

                if (lidarUpsideDown)
                    newLocalPt = new Vector4(-localPt.Y, localPt.X, localPt.Z, localPt.W);
                    newLocalPt = new Vector4(localPt.Y, localPt.X, localPt.Z, localPt.W);

                localPoints.Add(new Vector3(newLocalPt.X, newLocalPt.Y, newLocalPt.Z));
                if (lidarUpsideDown)
                    laserPoints.Add(new Vector3(laserScan.Points[i].RThetaPoint.R, laserScan.Points[i].RThetaPoint.theta, laserScan.Points[i].RThetaPoint.thetaDeg));
                    laserPoints.Add(new Vector3(laserScan.Points[laserScan.Points.Count - i - 1].RThetaPoint.R,
                                                                   laserScan.Points[laserScan.Points.Count - i - 1].RThetaPoint.theta,
                                                                   laserScan.Points[laserScan.Points.Count - i - 1].RThetaPoint.thetaDeg));
Example #17
 public void SetScan(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> scan, RobotPose robotPose)
     lock (this.drawLock)
         this.scan = scan;
         this.time = scan.Timestamp;
         this.numPoints = scan.Points.Count;
         this.robotPose = robotPose;
         this.startIdx = 0;
         this.endIdx = scan.Points.Count - 1;
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a 2D vector point in EN framework given two robot pose and pixel reading
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r1">Robot1 pose</param>
 /// <param name="r2">Robot2 pose</param>
 /// <param name="pixelR1">pixel reading from robot1</param>
 /// <param name="pixelR2">pixel reading from robot2</param>
 /// <param name="focalLength">focal length of the camera you're using</param>
 /// <returns>2D point of target for initialization</returns>
 public static Vector2 ComputeInitialPoint(RobotPose r1, RobotPose r2, Vector2 pixelR1, Vector2 pixelR2, double centerPixX, double focalLength)
     double u1 = pixelR1.X; double u2 = pixelR2.X;
     double gAngle1 = r1.yaw - Math.Atan2(u1 - centerPixX, focalLength);
     double gAngle2 = r2.yaw - Math.Atan2(u2 - centerPixX, focalLength);
     double xGoal = ((r2.y - r1.y) - Math.Tan(gAngle2) * r2.x + Math.Tan(gAngle1) * r1.x) / (Math.Tan(gAngle1) - Math.Tan(gAngle2));
     double yGoal = Math.Tan(gAngle1) * (xGoal - r1.x) + r1.y;
     return new Vector2(xGoal, yGoal);
 public LidarPolyExtractor(double threshold, RobotPose curRobotPose, SensorPose curLidarToBody)
     this.curLidarToBody = curLidarToBody;
     this.curRobotPose = curRobotPose;
     this.threshold = threshold;
Example #20
 public void SetScan(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> scan, RobotPose robotPose, int startIdx, int endIdx)
     lock (this.drawLock)
         this.scan = scan;
         this.time = scan.Timestamp;
         this.numPoints = endIdx - startIdx + 1;
         this.robotPose = robotPose;
         this.startIdx = startIdx;
         this.endIdx = endIdx;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to fill object variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lidarscandata">lidar scan data in the form of a List of Vector2s</param>
        public void RunDetector(ILidarScan<ILidar2DPoint> LidarScan, RobotPose pose)
            //ScanToTextFile(LidarScan); //export scan data to analyze in matlab
            List<Vector2> lidarscandata = new List<Vector2>(LidarScan.Points.Count);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < LidarScan.Points.Count; ii++)
                if (LidarScan.Points[ii].RThetaPoint.R < rangetoconsider)

            if (isSickUpsideDown)

            polygons = ClusterScanData(lidarscandata);
            //PolygonsToTextFile(); //export polygon data to analyze in matlab
            AllGaps = FindAllGaps(polygons, pose);
 public void UpdateRobotPose(RobotPose p)
     curRobotPose = new RobotPose (p);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds gaps between polygon objects indiscriminately.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polys">List of polygons to find gaps between</param>
        /// <returns>List of LineSegment objects representing gaps found</returns>
        private List<LineSegment> FindAllGaps(List<Polygon> polys, RobotPose pose)
            List<LineSegment> gaps = new List<LineSegment>();
            for (int i = 0; i < polys.Count; i++)
                Polygon poly1 = polys[i];
                for (int j = i + 1; j < polys.Count; j++)
                    Polygon poly2 = polys[j];
                    LineSegment gap = poly1.ShortestLineToOther(poly2);
                    if (gap.Length <= ignoreabovethis)
                        Vector2 startGlobal = new Vector2(Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.X - Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.Y + pose.x,
                            Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.X + Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P0.Y + pose.y);

                        Vector2 endGlobal = new Vector2(Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.X - Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.Y + pose.x,
                            Math.Sin(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.X + Math.Cos(pose.yaw) * gap.P1.Y + pose.y);

                        LineSegment gapGlobal = new LineSegment(startGlobal, endGlobal);

            return gaps;
        public void UpdateMeanCovariance(List<Vector2> pt, List<Matrix> cov, RobotPose currentPose)
            mean.Clear(); covariance.Clear();
            if (pt.Count != cov.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("Length of List<Vector2> and List<Matrix> do not match");
                for (int i = 0; i < pt.Count; i++)
                    double x = pt[i].X;// pt[i].X * Math.Cos(currentPose.yaw) - pt[i].Y * Math.Sin(currentPose.yaw) + currentPose.x;
                    double y = pt[i].Y;// pt[i].X * Math.Sin(currentPose.yaw) + pt[i].Y * Math.Cos(currentPose.yaw) + currentPose.y;
                    mean.Add(new List<Vector2>());
                    covariance.Add(new List<Vector2>());
                    // mean
                    //mean[i].Add(new Vector2(x - width / 2, y - width / 2));
                    //mean[i].Add(new Vector2(x + width / 2, y - width / 2));
                    //mean[i].Add(new Vector2(x + width / 2, y + width / 2));
                    //mean[i].Add(new Vector2(x - width / 2, y + width / 2));
                    mean[i].Add(new Vector2(x, y));

                    // covariance ellipse
                    Matrix ellipse = GenerateEllipse(numCovPt, x, y, cov[i], sigma);
                    for (int j = 0; j < ellipse.Rows; j++)
                        covariance[i].Add(new Vector2(ellipse[j, 0], ellipse[j, 1]));
Example #25
 public RobotPose(RobotPose toCopy)
     : base(toCopy)
     this.covariance = new Matrix(toCopy.covariance.Array);
 /// <summary>
 /// Return X, Y coordinate of a pixel given Z and focal length information
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="focalLength"></param>
 /// <param name="range"></param>
 /// <param name="pixel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Vector2 FindPosCoord(string screenSize, double range, double pixelX, double pixelY, RobotPose robotPose, SensorPose lidarPose)
     double focalLength = 0;
     double centerPixX = 0;
     double centerPixY = 0;
     if (screenSize.Equals("320x240"))
         focalLength = (384.4507 + 384.1266) / 2;
         centerPixX = 160; centerPixY = 120;
     else if (screenSize.Equals("640x480"))
         focalLength = (763.5805 + 763.8337) / 2;
         centerPixX = 320; centerPixY = 240;
     else if (screenSize.Equals("960x240"))
         focalLength = (345.26498 + 344.99438) / 2;
         centerPixX = 960 / 2; centerPixY = 480 / 2;
     double angle = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan2(pixelX - centerPixX, focalLength);
     Matrix localPt = new Matrix(3, 1);
     localPt[0, 0] = range * Math.Cos(angle); localPt[1, 0] = range * Math.Sin(angle);
     double yaw = robotPose.yaw - Math.PI / 2; double pitch = robotPose.pitch; double roll = robotPose.roll;
     Matrix R_ENU2R = new Matrix(Math.Cos(yaw), Math.Sin(yaw), 0, -Math.Sin(yaw), Math.Cos(yaw), 0, 0, 0, 1) *
                                      new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, Math.Cos(pitch), -Math.Sin(pitch), 0, Math.Sin(pitch), Math.Cos(pitch)) *
                                      new Matrix(Math.Cos(roll), 0, Math.Sin(roll), 0, 1, 0, -Math.Sin(roll), 0, Math.Cos(roll));
     Matrix globalPt = R_ENU2R.Inverse * localPt;
     return new Vector2(globalPt[0, 0] + robotPose.x, globalPt[1, 0] + robotPose.y);
 public void Reset()
     gotFirstUpdate = false;
     state = new RobotPose();
Example #28
 public RobotPose(RobotPose toCopy)
     : base(toCopy)
     this.covariance = new Matrix(toCopy.covariance.Array);
Example #29
 public void UpdatePose(RobotPose pose)
     currentPoint = new RobotPose(pose);
     currentPoint.z = 0;
Example #30
 public void UpdatePose(RobotPose pose)
     lock (locker)
         this.currentPose = pose;
Example #31
 public void UpdatePose(RobotPose pose)
         this.currentPoint.x = pose.x;
         this.currentPoint.y = pose.y;
         this.currentPoint.yaw = pose.yaw;
 public void ForceState(RobotPose state)
     gotFirstUpdate = false;
     this.state = state;
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Update rover position and remove nodes from waypoints and planned path if the rover approaches them
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pose"></param>
        public void UpdatePose(RobotPose pose)
            lock (plannerLock)
                List<SimpleTreeNode<Vector2>> nodesToRemove = new List<SimpleTreeNode<Vector2>>();
                currentLocation = pose.ToVector2();
                //Remove waypoints from the list as the rover nears them
                foreach (SimpleTreeNode<Vector2> node in userWaypoints)
                    if (currentLocation.DistanceTo(node.Value) < wayPointRadius)
                    else break;
                foreach (SimpleTreeNode<Vector2> node in nodesToRemove)

                //Remove nodes from the planned path as the rover approaches them
                lock (pathLock)
                    foreach (SimpleTreeNode<Vector2> node in outputNodeList)
                        if (currentLocation.DistanceTo(node.Value) < pathPointRadius)
                        else break;
                    foreach (SimpleTreeNode<Vector2> node in nodesToRemove)
Example #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Call this so the renderer "knows" where the robots are. 
 /// This allows Renderables that have the "DrawVehicleRelative" property set
 /// to true to be drawn correctly.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="robotID"></param>
 /// <param name="pose"></param>
 public void UpdateRobotPose(int robotID, RobotPose pose)
     if (pose == null) return;
     lock (robotPoseLock)
         if (robotPoses.ContainsKey(robotID))
             robotPoses[robotID] = pose;
             robotPoses.Add(robotID, pose);
Example #35
 public void UpdatePose(RobotPose pose)
     this.pose = pose;