Example #1
        public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport()
            GeneralCrystalReport rpt = new GeneralCrystalReport();

            rpt.Site = this.Site;
Example #2
        private void GeneralReportForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show(" نواعم " + Convert.ToString(myInfo.totalBayOfType(startDate, endDate, "نواعم")));
            MessageBox.Show(" نفقات " + Convert.ToString(myInfo.totalBayOfType(startDate, endDate, "نفقات")));
            MessageBox.Show(" مكونات " + Convert.ToString(myInfo.totalBayOfType(startDate, endDate, "مكونات")));
            double totalGain     = 0;
            double totalPureGain = 0;

            MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(myInfo.ConStr);
            string          sql = "SELECT lists.IDList,lists.DateList,lists.Cache,lists.IDCustomer, invoices.IDItem,invoices.Price,invoices.Quantity,items.NameItem as SaledItem,customers.NameCustomer as CustomerName,invoices.Price*invoices.Quantity as total FROM lists inner join customers on lists.IDCustomer = customers.IDCustomer left join invoices ON lists.IDList = invoices.IDList left join items on invoices.IDItem = items.IDItem where lists.DateList between '" + myInfo.SqlDateFormat(startDate) + "' and '" + myInfo.SqlDateFormat(endDate) + "'; ";
            GeneralDataSet  ds  = new GeneralDataSet();
            //end of sql statment
            GeneralCrystalReport report = new GeneralCrystalReport();

            using (con)
                MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sql, con);

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.SaleDataTable)
                if (row["SaledItem"].ToString() != "")
                    Int32  year      = endDate.Year;
                    Int32  month     = endDate.Month;
                    string itemName  = row["SaledItem"].ToString();
                    double totalCost = myInfo.itemCost(itemName, year, month);
                    row["Cost"] = myInfo.itemCost(itemName, year, month) * Convert.ToDouble(row["Quantity"]);
                    row["Gain"] = Convert.ToDouble(row["Total"]) - Convert.ToDouble(row["Cost"]);
                    totalGain   = totalGain + Convert.ToDouble(row["Gain"]);
            totalPureGain = totalGain - myInfo.totalBayOfType(startDate, endDate, "نواعم");
            double Nemes    = myInfo.totalBayOfType(startDate, endDate, "نواعم");
            double Expenses = myInfo.totalBayOfType(startDate, endDate, "نفقات");

            MessageBox.Show("total Gain " + totalGain);
            MessageBox.Show("total pure Gain " + totalPureGain);
            ds.GeneralData.AddGeneralDataRow(Nemes, Expenses);
            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report;