Example #1
 public ActionResult LogonTwitter()
     var client = new TwitterClient(_tokenManager, Url.Action("TwitterCallback"));
     return null;
Example #2
        public ActionResult TwitterCallback()

            var client = new TwitterClient(_tokenManager, Url.Action("TwitterCallback"));

            if (client.FinishAuthentication())
                // Boom we are in, get the stuff we need

                using (var unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                    var doCommit = true;

                    // See if the user has already logged in to this site using open Id
                    var user = MembershipService.GetUserByTwitterId(client.AccessToken);
                    var fakeEmail = string.Format("{0}@twitter.com", client.UserName);

                    if (user == null)
                        // First time logging in, so need to register them as new user
                        // password is irrelavant as they'll login using FB Id so generate random one

                        user = new MembershipUser
                            // Bit shit, but twitter won't give you an email. So we do this and
                            // Set notifications to false.
                            Email = fakeEmail,
                            Password = StringUtils.RandomString(8),
                            TwitterAccessToken = client.AccessToken,
                            IsExternalAccount = true,
                            DisableEmailNotifications = true,
                            UserName = _bannedWordService.SanitiseBannedWords(client.UserName),
                            Twitter = string.Format("http://twitter.com/{0}", _bannedWordService.SanitiseBannedWords(client.UserName))

                        doCommit = ProcessSocialLogonUser(user, doCommit);

                        // Do an update to make sure we have the most recent details
                        user.Email = fakeEmail;
                        user.MiscAccessToken = client.AccessToken;

                        TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                            Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Members.NowLoggedIn"),
                            MessageType = GenericMessages.success

                        // Log the user in
                        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.UserName, true);

                    if (doCommit)
                            // Only send the email if the admin is not manually authorising emails or it's pointless
                            // CAN'T SENT TO TWITTER USERS AS WE DON'T HAVE AN EMAIL! :(
                            // https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/1737
                            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                                Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.GenericMessage"),
                                MessageType = GenericMessages.error




            // Only add this if one hasn't been added already
            if (TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] == null)
                // Either cancelled or there was an error
                TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                    Message = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.GenericMessage"),
                    MessageType = GenericMessages.error
            return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Members");