Example #1
        public Vector3 convertFromDataToPixelSpace(Vector3 dataCoord, bool doOffset = false)
            Vector3 dataSpan = new Vector3(XLim[1] - XLim[0], YLim[1] - YLim[0], ZLim[1] - ZLim[0]);
            // right now, this setting of local scale doesn't account for any camera rotation
            //TODO: compensate localScale and change transform.rotation to match matlab's camera angle
            // for now, assume X axis and Y axis, combined with DataAspectRatio define relative scaling
            // (this assumption is almost certainly incorrect, but proceed anyways)

            var dataWidth = (XLim[1] - XLim[0]);

            //TODO: based on camera angle, form critical dimension from weighted combination of directions
            // for now, just use x axis

            // max size available is only constrained in X/Y (actually, based on camera angle)
            var USz = USize;

            if (USz[2] == 0)
                USz[2] = Mathf.Infinity;

            var axisSz = dataSpan;

            axisSz = Misc.InverseScale(axisSz, Misc.ArrayToVec3(DataAspectRatio));

            var scale = Misc.VecMin(Misc.InverseScale(USz, axisSz));

            axisSz = axisSz * scale;

            if (doOffset)
                Vector3 origin = new Vector3(XLim[0], YLim[0], ZLim[0]);
                dataCoord = dataCoord - origin;

            Vector3 pixelCoord = Vector3.Scale(Misc.InverseScale(dataCoord, dataSpan), axisSz);

            if (doOffset)
                // add offset for axis to be centered inside figure
                USz        = USize;
                pixelCoord = pixelCoord + USz / 2 - axisSz / 2;

                pixelCoord.Scale(new Vector3(1, 1, -1)); // correct for Unity's left-handed coordinate system

Example #2
        public override void refresh()
            if (needsRefresh)

            if (mesh != null)

            mesh = new Mesh();
            var meshFilter = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

            meshFilter.mesh = mesh;

            var meshRenderer = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            if (FaceVertexCData != null)
                meshRenderer.material = defaultVertexColorMaterial;
                meshRenderer.material = defaultMaterial;

            if (FaceColor.array != null)
                meshRenderer.material.color = Misc.ArrayToColor(FaceColor.array);

            if (EdgeColor.str != null)
                if (EdgeColor.str != "none")
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unsupported EdgeColor {0}", EdgeColor.str);
                // else do nothing
                Debug.Assert(EdgeColor.array != null & EdgeColor.array.Length == 3);
                // add second material as wireframe to show both underlying color and mesh edges
                var wireframeMaterial = defaultWireframeMaterial;
                wireframeMaterial.color = Misc.ArrayToColor(EdgeColor.array);
                meshRenderer.materials  = new Material[] { meshRenderer.material, defaultWireframeMaterial };

            //TODO: add second wireframe material if edge color is not none

            // convert coordinate systems and from float[3] to Vector3
            var convertedVertices = new Vector3[Vertices.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
                convertedVertices[i] = convertSizeToPixels(Misc.ArrayToVec3(Vertices[i]), MUnits.data, true);
            mesh.vertices = convertedVertices;

            // convert from (numFaces by numTriangles) to (numFaces*numTriangles vector) as expected by Unity
            var numVerticesPerFace = Faces[0].Length;

            Debug.Assert(numVerticesPerFace == 3); // quadilaterials and other size face elements not currently supported

            var convertedFaces = new int[Faces.Length * numVerticesPerFace];

            //Debug.LogFormat("Size of faces: {0},{1}", Faces.Length, Faces[0].Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < Faces.Length; i++)
                Debug.Assert(Faces[i].Length == numVerticesPerFace);
                for (int j = 0; j < numVerticesPerFace; j++)
                    convertedFaces[numVerticesPerFace * i + j] = Faces[i][j] - 1; // subtract 1 to convert to zero-based indexing

            //Debug.LogFormat("Max index: {0}", Mathf.Max(convertedFaces));
            //Debug.LogFormat("Size of Vertices: {0},{1}", Vertices.Length, Vertices[0].Length);

            MeshTopology meshTopol = MeshTopology.Triangles;

            if (numVerticesPerFace == 3)
                meshTopol = MeshTopology.Triangles;
            //else if (numVerticesPerFace == 4)
            //    meshTopol = MeshTopology.Quads;
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unsupported number of vertices per face: {0}", meshTopol);

            mesh.SetIndices(convertedFaces, meshTopol, 0);
            //mesh.triangles = convertedFaces;

            if (FaceVertexCData != null)
                // convert scalar maps into colormap into RGB colors
                if (FaceVertexCData.Length > 0 && (FaceVertexCData[0].Length == 1))
                    // assume if one element needs to be converted, all do
                    FaceVertexCData = mapIntoColormap((float [][])FaceVertexCData);

                var colors = new List <Color>();
                if (FaceVertexCData.Length == 1)
                    // replicate single color
                    Debug.Assert(FaceVertexCData[0].Length == 3);
                    for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(FaceVertexCData.Length == Vertices.Length); // for now, only support coloring by vertex (not face)
                    //TODO: add support for coloring by face if FaceVertexCData.Length == numFaces
                    for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)

            // duplicate faces and flip normals
            Misc.MakeMeshDoubleSided(ref mesh);