internal void OpenSourceFile(string path)
            Debug.Assert(File.Exists(path), "File doesnt exist!");

            // If the file is already open, activate it and return
            if (_openedFiles.ContainsKey(path))

            // Otherwise instantiate a new control and store it for the future
            OpenFileUserControl fvUC = new OpenFileUserControl(path);

            fvUC.richTextBox.Lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
            fvUC.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            TabPage newOpenedFile = new TabPage();

            newOpenedFile.Name = path;
            newOpenedFile.Text = Path.GetFileName(path);


            _openedFiles[path] = newOpenedFile;
        internal void MarkSetBreakPoint(BreakPoint breakPoint, bool clear)
            // We can assume here that the location is already scrolled in view
            TabPage             tabPage = _mainWindow.OpenFilesControl.TabPages[breakPoint.ExecutablePath];
            OpenFileUserControl fvUC    = tabPage.Controls[0] as OpenFileUserControl;
            RichTextBox         rtb     = fvUC.richTextBox;

            rtb.SelectionStart     = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(breakPoint.Location.Y - 1) + breakPoint.Location.X - 2;;
            rtb.SelectionLength    = 1;
            rtb.SelectionBackColor = clear ? rtb.BackColor : Color.Red;
            rtb.SelectionLength    = 0;
        internal void OpenSourceFile(string path, Point location)

            // Now scroll to the location
            TabPage             tabPage = _mainWindow.OpenFilesControl.TabPages[path];
            OpenFileUserControl fvUC    = tabPage.Controls[0] as OpenFileUserControl;
            RichTextBox         rtb     = fvUC.richTextBox;

            int caretLocation = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(location.Y - 1) + location.X - 1;

            rtb.SelectionStart  = caretLocation;
            rtb.SelectionLength = 0;
        internal bool GetCaretLocation(out BreakPoint unboundBreakPoint)
            unboundBreakPoint = null;

            // Get the currently opened file
            TabPage selectedTab = _mainWindow.OpenFilesControl.SelectedTab;

            if (null != selectedTab)
                OpenFileUserControl fvUC = selectedTab.Controls[0] as OpenFileUserControl;
                Point caretLocation      = GetCaretLocationInRichTextBox(fvUC.richTextBox);
                unboundBreakPoint = new BreakPoint
                    ExecutablePath = fvUC.OpenedFilePath,
                    Location       = caretLocation


        internal void LocateExecutionPoint(StackFrame stackFrame, bool atStart)
            // Open project file

            // Get the RTB displaying the file
            TabPage             tabPage = _mainWindow.OpenFilesControl.TabPages[stackFrame.ExecutablePath];
            OpenFileUserControl fvUC    = tabPage.Controls[0] as OpenFileUserControl;

            highlightedRTB = fvUC.richTextBox;

            // Get the symbol information and locate execution point in the source file
            PDB   pdb      = SymbolStore.Instance[stackFrame.ExecutablePath];
            Point location = atStart ? stackFrame.StartLocation : stackFrame.EndLocation;

            // Now highlight the pos
            highlightedIndex = highlightedRTB.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(location.Y - 1) + location.X - 2;
            highlightedRTB.SelectionStart     = highlightedIndex;
            highlightedRTB.SelectionLength    = 1;
            highlightedBackColor              = highlightedRTB.SelectionBackColor;
            highlightedRTB.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow;
            highlightedRTB.SelectionLength    = 0;