Inheritance: BaseAxisQuery
Example #1
 private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base(other)
     _cond       = Clone(other._cond);
     _noPosition = other._noPosition;
Example #2
        private Query ProcessFilter(MS.Internal.Xml.XPath.Filter root, Flags flags, out Props props)
            Props props2;
            bool  flag = (flags & Flags.Filter) == Flags.None;
            Query q    = this.ProcessNode(root.Condition, Flags.None, out props2);

            if (this.CanBeNumber(q) || ((props2 & (Props.HasLast | Props.HasPosition)) != Props.None))
                props2 |= Props.HasPosition;
                flags  |= Flags.PosFilter;
            flags &= ~Flags.SmartDesc;
            Query input = this.ProcessNode(root.Input, flags | Flags.Filter, out props);

            if (root.Input.Type != AstNode.AstType.Filter)
                props &= ~Props.PosFilter;
            if ((props2 & Props.HasPosition) != Props.None)
                props |= Props.PosFilter;
            FilterQuery query3 = input as FilterQuery;

            if (((query3 != null) && ((props2 & Props.HasPosition) == Props.None)) && (query3.Condition.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any))
                Query condition = query3.Condition;
                if (condition.StaticType == XPathResultType.Number)
                    condition = new LogicalExpr(Operator.Op.EQ, new NodeFunctions(Function.FunctionType.FuncPosition, null), condition);
                q     = new BooleanExpr(Operator.Op.AND, condition, q);
                input = query3.qyInput;
            if (((props & Props.PosFilter) != Props.None) && (input is DocumentOrderQuery))
                input = ((DocumentOrderQuery)input).input;
            if (this.firstInput == null)
                this.firstInput = input as BaseAxisQuery;
            bool flag2 = (input.Properties & QueryProps.Merge) != QueryProps.None;
            bool flag3 = (input.Properties & QueryProps.Reverse) != QueryProps.None;

            if ((props2 & Props.HasPosition) != Props.None)
                if (flag3)
                    input = new ReversePositionQuery(input);
                else if ((props2 & Props.HasLast) != Props.None)
                    input = new ForwardPositionQuery(input);
            if (flag && (this.firstInput != null))
                if (flag2 && ((props & Props.PosFilter) != Props.None))
                    input = new FilterQuery(input, q, false);
                    Query qyInput = this.firstInput.qyInput;
                    if (!(qyInput is ContextQuery))
                        this.firstInput.qyInput = new ContextQuery();
                        this.firstInput         = null;
                        return(new MergeFilterQuery(qyInput, input));
                    this.firstInput = null;
                this.firstInput = null;
            return(new FilterQuery(input, q, (props2 & Props.HasPosition) == Props.None));
Example #3
 private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base((BaseAxisQuery)other)
     this.cond       = Query.Clone(other.cond);
     this.noPosition = other.noPosition;
Example #4
        private Query ProcessFilter(Filter root, Flags flags, out Props props)
            bool first = ((flags & Flags.Filter) == 0);

            Props propsCond;
            Query cond = ProcessNode(root.Condition, Flags.None, out propsCond);

            if (
                CanBeNumber(cond) ||
                (propsCond & (Props.HasPosition | Props.HasLast)) != 0
                propsCond |= Props.HasPosition;
                flags     |= Flags.PosFilter;

            // We don't want DescendantOverDescendant pattern to be recognized here (in case descendent::foo[expr]/descendant::bar)
            // So we clean this flag here:
            flags &= ~Flags.SmartDesc;
            // ToDo: Instead it would be nice to wrap descendent::foo[expr] into special query that will flatten it -- i.e.
            //       remove all nodes that are descendant of other nodes. This is very easy becuase for sorted nodesets all children
            //       follow its parent. One step caching. This can be easyly done by rightmost DescendantQuery itsef.
            //       Interesting note! Can we garatee that DescendantOverDescendant returns flat nodeset? This defenetely true if it's input is flat.

            Query qyInput = ProcessNode(root.Input, flags | Flags.Filter, out props);

            if (root.Input.Type != AstNode.AstType.Filter)
                // Props.PosFilter is for nested filters only.
                // We clean it here to avoid cleaning it in all other ast nodes.
                props &= ~Props.PosFilter;
            if ((propsCond & Props.HasPosition) != 0)
                // this condition is positional rightmost filter should be avare of this.
                props |= Props.PosFilter;

            /*merging predicates*/ {
                FilterQuery qyFilter = qyInput as FilterQuery;
                if (qyFilter != null && (propsCond & Props.HasPosition) == 0 && qyFilter.Condition.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any)
                    Query prevCond = qyFilter.Condition;
                    if (prevCond.StaticType == XPathResultType.Number)
                        prevCond = new LogicalExpr(Operator.Op.EQ, new NodeFunctions(FT.FuncPosition, null), prevCond);
                    cond    = new BooleanExpr(Operator.Op.AND, prevCond, cond);
                    qyInput = qyFilter.qyInput;

            if ((props & Props.PosFilter) != 0 && qyInput is DocumentOrderQuery)
                qyInput = ((DocumentOrderQuery)qyInput).input;
            if (firstInput == null)
                firstInput = qyInput as BaseAxisQuery;

            bool merge   = (qyInput.Properties & QueryProps.Merge) != 0;
            bool reverse = (qyInput.Properties & QueryProps.Reverse) != 0;

            if ((propsCond & Props.HasPosition) != 0)
                if (reverse)
                    qyInput = new ReversePositionQuery(qyInput);
                else if ((propsCond & Props.HasLast) != 0)
                    qyInput = new ForwardPositionQuery(qyInput);

            if (first && firstInput != null)
                if (merge && (props & Props.PosFilter) != 0)
                    qyInput = new FilterQuery(qyInput, cond, /*noPosition:*/ false);
                    Query parent = firstInput.qyInput;
                    if (!(parent is ContextQuery))    // we don't need to wrap filter with MergeFilterQuery when cardinality is parent <: ?
                        firstInput.qyInput = new ContextQuery();
                        firstInput         = null;
                        return(new MergeFilterQuery(parent, qyInput));
                    firstInput = null;
                firstInput = null;
            return(new FilterQuery(qyInput, cond, /*noPosition:*/ (propsCond & Props.HasPosition) == 0));
Example #5
 private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base(other)
     this.cond       = Clone(other.cond);
     this.noPosition = other.noPosition;