private List <object> FindAmbientValues(XamlType[] types, bool stopAfterFirst)
            ArrayHelper.ForAll <XamlType>(types, new Action <XamlType>(ObjectWriterContext.CheckAmbient));
            List <object>     list          = new List <object>();
            ObjectWriterFrame previousFrame = this._stack.PreviousFrame;
            ObjectWriterFrame currentFrame  = this._stack.CurrentFrame;

            while (previousFrame.Depth >= 1)
                foreach (XamlType type in types)
                    object instance = previousFrame.Instance;
                    if (((previousFrame.XamlType != null) && previousFrame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type)) && (instance != null))
                        if (stopAfterFirst)
                previousFrame = (ObjectWriterFrame)previousFrame.Previous;
 private INameScopeDictionary LookupNameScopeDictionary(ObjectWriterFrame frame)
     if (frame.NameScopeDictionary == null)
         if ((frame.XamlType != null) && frame.XamlType.IsNameScope)
             frame.NameScopeDictionary = (frame.Instance as INameScopeDictionary) ?? new NameScopeDictionary(frame.Instance as INameScope);
         if (frame.NameScopeDictionary == null)
             if (frame.Depth == 1)
                 frame.NameScopeDictionary = this.HuntAroundForARootNameScope(frame);
             else if (frame.Depth > 1)
                 if (((frame.Depth == (this.SavedDepth + 1)) && (this._settings != null)) && !this._settings.RegisterNamesOnExternalNamescope)
                     frame.NameScopeDictionary = new NameScope();
                     ObjectWriterFrame previous = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
                     frame.NameScopeDictionary = this.LookupNameScopeDictionary(previous);
        private INameScopeDictionary HuntAroundForARootNameScope(ObjectWriterFrame rootFrame)
            object instance = rootFrame.Instance;

            if ((instance == null) && rootFrame.XamlType.IsNameScope)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Xaml.SR.Get("NameScopeOnRootInstance"));
            INameScopeDictionary nameScopeDictionary = null;

            nameScopeDictionary = instance as INameScopeDictionary;
            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                INameScope underlyingNameScope = instance as INameScope;
                if (underlyingNameScope != null)
                    nameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(underlyingNameScope);
            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                XamlType xamlType = rootFrame.XamlType;
                if (xamlType.UnderlyingType != null)
                    XamlMember nameScopeProperty = TypeReflector.LookupNameScopeProperty(xamlType);
                    if (nameScopeProperty != null)
                        INameScope scope2 = (INameScope)this._runtime.GetValue(instance, nameScopeProperty, false);
                        if (scope2 == null)
                            nameScopeDictionary = new NameScope();
                            this._runtime.SetValue(instance, nameScopeProperty, nameScopeDictionary);
                            nameScopeDictionary = scope2 as INameScopeDictionary;
                            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                                nameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(scope2);
            if (((nameScopeDictionary == null) && (this._settings != null)) && this._settings.RegisterNamesOnExternalNamescope)
                ObjectWriterFrame previous = (ObjectWriterFrame)rootFrame.Previous;
                nameScopeDictionary = previous.NameScopeDictionary;
            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                nameScopeDictionary = new NameScope();
            rootFrame.NameScopeDictionary = nameScopeDictionary;
        public XamlSavedContext GetSavedContext(SavedContextType savedContextType)
            ObjectWriterFrame topFrame = this.GetTopFrame();

            if (topFrame.NameScopeDictionary == null)
                topFrame.NameScopeDictionary = this.LookupNameScopeDictionary(topFrame);
            return(new XamlSavedContext(savedContextType, this, new XamlContextStack <ObjectWriterFrame>(this._stack, true)));
 public bool IsOnTheLiveStack(object instance)
     for (ObjectWriterFrame frame = this._stack.CurrentFrame; frame.Depth > this.SavedDepth; frame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous)
         if (instance == frame.Instance)
 public override string FindNamespaceByPrefix(string prefix)
     for (ObjectWriterFrame frame = this._stack.CurrentFrame; frame.Depth > 0; frame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous)
         string str;
         if (frame.TryGetNamespaceByPrefix(prefix, out str))
        public override string FindNamespaceByPrefix(string prefix)
            string            xamlNs;
            ObjectWriterFrame frame = _stack.CurrentFrame;

            while (frame.Depth > 0)
                if (frame.TryGetNamespaceByPrefix(prefix, out xamlNs))
                frame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
        public XamlSavedContext GetSavedContext(SavedContextType savedContextType)
            // Ensure that we have a root namescope before cloning the stack
            ObjectWriterFrame topFrame = GetTopFrame();

            if (topFrame.NameScopeDictionary == null)
                topFrame.NameScopeDictionary = LookupNameScopeDictionary(topFrame);

            // Clone the stack
            var newStack = new XamlContextStack <ObjectWriterFrame>(_stack, true);
            XamlSavedContext savedContext = new XamlSavedContext(savedContextType, this, newStack);

        internal XamlType GetDestinationType()
            ObjectWriterFrame currentFrame = this._stack.CurrentFrame;

            if (currentFrame == null)
            if ((currentFrame.Instance != null) && (currentFrame.XamlType == null))
                currentFrame = currentFrame.Previous as ObjectWriterFrame;
            if (currentFrame.Member == XamlLanguage.Initialization)
 public ObjectWriterFrame(ObjectWriterFrame source) : base(source)
     if (source._preconstructionPropertyValues != null)
         this._preconstructionPropertyValues = new Dictionary<XamlMember, object>(source.PreconstructionPropertyValues);
     if (source._assignedProperties != null)
         this._assignedProperties = new HashSet<XamlMember>(source.AssignedProperties);
     this._key = source._key;
     this._flags = source._flags;
     this.Instance = source.Instance;
     this.Collection = source.Collection;
     this.NameScopeDictionary = source.NameScopeDictionary;
     this.PositionalCtorArgs = source.PositionalCtorArgs;
     this.InstanceRegisteredName = source.InstanceRegisteredName;
Example #11
 public ObjectWriterFrame(ObjectWriterFrame source) : base(source)
     if (source._preconstructionPropertyValues != null)
         this._preconstructionPropertyValues = new Dictionary <XamlMember, object>(source.PreconstructionPropertyValues);
     if (source._assignedProperties != null)
         this._assignedProperties = new HashSet <XamlMember>(source.AssignedProperties);
     this._key                   = source._key;
     this._flags                 = source._flags;
     this.Instance               = source.Instance;
     this.Collection             = source.Collection;
     this.NameScopeDictionary    = source.NameScopeDictionary;
     this.PositionalCtorArgs     = source.PositionalCtorArgs;
     this.InstanceRegisteredName = source.InstanceRegisteredName;
Example #12
        public override IEnumerable <NamespaceDeclaration> GetNamespacePrefixes()
            ObjectWriterFrame frame = _stack.CurrentFrame;
            HashSet <string>  keys  = new HashSet <string>();

            while (frame.Depth > 0)
                if (frame._namespaces != null)
                    foreach (NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration in frame.GetNamespacePrefixes())
                        if (keys.Add(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix))
                            yield return(namespaceDeclaration);
                frame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
        public override IEnumerable <NamespaceDeclaration> GetNamespacePrefixes()
            ObjectWriterFrame           frame = _stack.CurrentFrame;
            Dictionary <string, string> keys  = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (frame.Depth > 0)
                if (frame._namespaces != null)
                    foreach (NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration in frame.GetNamespacePrefixes())
                        if (!keys.ContainsKey(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix))
                            keys.Add(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix, null);
                            yield return(namespaceDeclaration);
                frame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
Example #14
        private List <object> FindAmbientValues(XamlType[] types, bool stopAfterFirst)
            foreach (XamlType xamlType in types)
                if (!xamlType.IsAmbient)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NotAmbientType, xamlType.Name), nameof(types));

            List <object> retList = new List <object>();

            // Start the search for ambient properties with the parent frame.
            ObjectWriterFrame frame = _stack.PreviousFrame;

            while (frame.Depth >= 1)
                foreach (XamlType type in types)
                    object inst = frame.Instance;

                    if (frame.XamlType != null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type))
                        if (inst != null)
                            if (stopAfterFirst)

                frame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
                Debug.Assert(frame != null);

        internal XamlType GetDestinationType()
            ObjectWriterFrame frame = _stack.CurrentFrame;

            if (frame == null)

            if (frame.Instance != null && frame.XamlType == null)
                // Text/TypeConverter, we need to go up a frame
                frame = frame.Previous as ObjectWriterFrame;

            if (frame.Member == XamlLanguage.Initialization)
Example #16
 public ObjectWriterFrame(ObjectWriterFrame source)
     : base(source)
     // Calling the getter will instantiate new Dictionaries.
     // So we just check the field instead to verify that it isn't
     // being used.
     if (source._preconstructionPropertyValues != null)
         _preconstructionPropertyValues = new Dictionary <XamlMember, object>(source.PreconstructionPropertyValues);
     if (source._assignedProperties != null)
         _assignedProperties = new HashSet <XamlMember>(source.AssignedProperties);
     _key                   = source._key;
     _flags                 = source._flags;
     Instance               = source.Instance;
     Collection             = source.Collection;
     NameScopeDictionary    = source.NameScopeDictionary;
     PositionalCtorArgs     = source.PositionalCtorArgs;
     InstanceRegisteredName = source.InstanceRegisteredName;
        public override IEnumerable <NamespaceDeclaration> GetNamespacePrefixes()
            ObjectWriterFrame           currentFrame      = this._stack.CurrentFrame;
            Dictionary <string, string> iteratorVariable1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while (currentFrame.Depth > 0)
                if (currentFrame._namespaces != null)
                    foreach (NamespaceDeclaration iteratorVariable2 in currentFrame.GetNamespacePrefixes())
                        if (iteratorVariable1.ContainsKey(iteratorVariable2.Prefix))
                        iteratorVariable1.Add(iteratorVariable2.Prefix, null);
                        yield return(iteratorVariable2);
                currentFrame = (ObjectWriterFrame)currentFrame.Previous;
        private XAML3.INameScopeDictionary LookupNameScopeDictionary(ObjectWriterFrame frame)
            if (frame.NameScopeDictionary == null)
                if (frame.XamlType != null && frame.XamlType.IsNameScope)
                    frame.NameScopeDictionary = frame.Instance as XAML3.INameScopeDictionary ?? new NameScopeDictionary(frame.Instance as XAML3.INameScope);
                if (frame.NameScopeDictionary == null)
                    if (frame.Depth == 1)
                        frame.NameScopeDictionary = HuntAroundForARootNameScope(frame);
                    else if (frame.Depth > 1)
                        if (frame.Depth == SavedDepth + 1 &&
                            _settings != null && !_settings.RegisterNamesOnExternalNamescope)
                            frame.NameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(new NameScope());
                            frame.NameScopeDictionary = new NameScope();
                            var parentFrame = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
                            frame.NameScopeDictionary = LookupNameScopeDictionary(parentFrame);
            // We are sure to find a name scope at the root (at least).
            Debug.Assert(frame.NameScopeDictionary != null || frame.Depth == 0);
        private List <object> FindAmbientValues(XamlType[] types, bool stopAfterFirst)
            ArrayHelper.ForAll <XamlType>(types, CheckAmbient);

            List <object> retList = new List <object>();

            // Start the search for ambient properties with the parent frame.
            ObjectWriterFrame frame      = _stack.PreviousFrame;
            ObjectWriterFrame lowerFrame = _stack.CurrentFrame;

            while (frame.Depth >= 1)
                foreach (XamlType type in types)
                    object inst = frame.Instance;

                    if (frame.XamlType != null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type))
                        if (inst != null)
                            if (stopAfterFirst)

                lowerFrame = frame;
                frame      = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
                Debug.Assert(frame != null);

        private XAML3.INameScopeDictionary HuntAroundForARootNameScope(ObjectWriterFrame rootFrame)
            Debug.Assert(rootFrame.Depth == 1);

            object inst = rootFrame.Instance;

            if (inst == null && rootFrame.XamlType.IsNameScope)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.NameScopeOnRootInstance));

            XAML3.INameScopeDictionary nameScopeDictionary = null;

            nameScopeDictionary = inst as XAML3.INameScopeDictionary;

            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                XAML3.INameScope nameScope = inst as XAML3.INameScope;
                if (nameScope != null)
                    nameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(nameScope);

            // If the root instance isn't a name scope
            // then perhaps it designated a property as the name scope.
            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                XamlType xamlType = rootFrame.XamlType;
                if (xamlType.UnderlyingType != null)
                    // Get the Name Scope Property (from attribute on the class)
                    XamlMember nameScopeProperty = TypeReflector.LookupNameScopeProperty(xamlType);
                    if (nameScopeProperty != null)
                        // Read the value of the property.  If it is an object we are good.
                        // if it is null create a stock name scope dictionary object and assign it back.
                        XAML3.INameScope nameScope = (XAML3.INameScope)_runtime.GetValue(inst, nameScopeProperty, false);
                        if (nameScope == null)
                            nameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(new NameScope());
                            nameScopeDictionary = new NameScope();
                            _runtime.SetValue(inst, nameScopeProperty, nameScopeDictionary);
                            nameScopeDictionary = nameScope as XAML3.INameScopeDictionary;
                            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                                nameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(nameScope);

            if (nameScopeDictionary == null && _settings != null &&
                ObjectWriterFrame frameZero = (ObjectWriterFrame)rootFrame.Previous;
                nameScopeDictionary = frameZero.NameScopeDictionary;

            // Otherwise we still need a namescope at the root of the parse
            // for our own usage.  For IXamlNameResolver() to use.
            if (nameScopeDictionary == null)
                nameScopeDictionary = new NameScopeDictionary(new NameScope());
                nameScopeDictionary = new NameScope();

            rootFrame.NameScopeDictionary = nameScopeDictionary;
        private List <AmbientPropertyValue> FindAmbientValues(IEnumerable <XamlType> ceilingTypesEnumerable,
                                                              bool searchLiveStackOnly,
                                                              IEnumerable <XamlType> types,
                                                              XamlMember[] properties,
                                                              bool stopAfterFirst)
            ArrayHelper.ForAll <XamlMember>(properties, CheckAmbient);
            List <XamlType> ceilingTypes = ArrayHelper.ToList <XamlType>(ceilingTypesEnumerable);

            List <AmbientPropertyValue> retList = new List <AmbientPropertyValue>();

            // Start the search for ambient properties and types starting with the parent frame.
            ObjectWriterFrame frame      = _stack.PreviousFrame;
            ObjectWriterFrame lowerFrame = _stack.CurrentFrame;

            while (frame.Depth >= 1)
                if (searchLiveStackOnly && frame.Depth <= SavedDepth)

                object inst = frame.Instance;

                if (types != null)
                    foreach (XamlType type in types)
                        if (frame.XamlType != null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type))
                            if (inst != null)
                                AmbientPropertyValue apValue = new AmbientPropertyValue(null, inst);

                if (properties != null)
                    foreach (XamlMember prop in properties)
                        bool   returnAmbientValue = false;
                        object value = null;

                        if (frame.XamlType != null && frame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(prop.DeclaringType))
                            if (inst != null)
                                // If we are searching from inside the target Ambient property,
                                // (like StaticResource inside a ResourceDictionary)
                                // and the object is bottom-up, then it won't be assigned to
                                // the object but will only exist on the parse stack.
                                // If it is top-down it will be attached to the instance already
                                // and the normal path will serve.
                                if (prop == frame.Member && lowerFrame.Instance != null &&
                                    lowerFrame.XamlType != null && !lowerFrame.XamlType.IsUsableDuringInitialization)
                                    // One last thing to check:  If the object we are inside is a ME
                                    // then we are inside a call to ProvideValue and we don't want to
                                    // return a reference to ourselves to ourselves.
                                    if (!(lowerFrame.Instance is XAML3.MarkupExtension))
                                        returnAmbientValue = true;
                                        value = lowerFrame.Instance;
                                {   // The Ambient Property is either Fully build or not set.
                                    // FIRST: Ask the object (via IQueryAmbient interface) if it has a value for this property.
                                    // This is usefull to prevent needless creation of empty lazy properties.
                                    var ambientCtrl = inst as XAML3.IQueryAmbient;

                                    // If there is no ambientControl or if ambientControl says YES, then get the property value.
                                    if (ambientCtrl == null || ambientCtrl.IsAmbientPropertyAvailable(prop.Name))
                                        returnAmbientValue = true;
                                        value = _runtime.GetValue(inst, prop);

                            if (returnAmbientValue)
                                AmbientPropertyValue apValue = new AmbientPropertyValue(prop, value);

                if (stopAfterFirst && retList.Count > 0)

                if (ceilingTypes != null)
                    if (ceilingTypes.Contains(frame.XamlType))

                lowerFrame = frame;
                frame      = (ObjectWriterFrame)frame.Previous;
                Debug.Assert(frame != null);

        private List <AmbientPropertyValue> FindAmbientValues(IEnumerable <XamlType> ceilingTypesEnumerable, bool searchLiveStackOnly, IEnumerable <XamlType> types, XamlMember[] properties, bool stopAfterFirst)
            ArrayHelper.ForAll <XamlMember>(properties, new Action <XamlMember>(ObjectWriterContext.CheckAmbient));
            List <XamlType>             list          = ArrayHelper.ToList <XamlType>(ceilingTypesEnumerable);
            List <AmbientPropertyValue> list2         = new List <AmbientPropertyValue>();
            ObjectWriterFrame           previousFrame = this._stack.PreviousFrame;
            ObjectWriterFrame           currentFrame  = this._stack.CurrentFrame;

            while (previousFrame.Depth >= 1)
                if (searchLiveStackOnly && (previousFrame.Depth <= this.SavedDepth))
                object instance = previousFrame.Instance;
                if (types != null)
                    foreach (XamlType type in types)
                        if (((previousFrame.XamlType != null) && previousFrame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(type)) && (instance != null))
                            AmbientPropertyValue item = new AmbientPropertyValue(null, instance);
                if (properties != null)
                    foreach (XamlMember member in properties)
                        bool   flag = false;
                        object obj3 = null;
                        if ((previousFrame.XamlType != null) && previousFrame.XamlType.CanAssignTo(member.DeclaringType))
                            if (instance != null)
                                if (((member == previousFrame.Member) && (currentFrame.Instance != null)) && ((currentFrame.XamlType != null) && !currentFrame.XamlType.IsUsableDuringInitialization))
                                    if (!typeof(MarkupExtension).IsAssignableFrom(currentFrame.Instance.GetType()))
                                        flag = true;
                                        obj3 = currentFrame.Instance;
                                    IQueryAmbient ambient = instance as IQueryAmbient;
                                    if ((ambient == null) || ambient.IsAmbientPropertyAvailable(member.Name))
                                        flag = true;
                                        obj3 = this._runtime.GetValue(instance, member);
                            if (flag)
                                AmbientPropertyValue value3 = new AmbientPropertyValue(member, obj3);
                if (stopAfterFirst && (list2.Count > 0))
                if ((list != null) && list.Contains(previousFrame.XamlType))
                currentFrame  = previousFrame;
                previousFrame = (ObjectWriterFrame)previousFrame.Previous;