        // GetFloaterProperties
        internal override void GetFloaterProperties(
            uint fswdirTrack,                       // IN:  direction of track
            out PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS fsfloaterprops)  // OUT: properties of the floater
            fsfloaterprops = new PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS();
            fsfloaterprops.fFloat   = PTS.True;                     // Floater
            fsfloaterprops.fskclear = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskclear((WrapDirection)Element.GetValue(Block.ClearFloatersProperty));

            // Get floater alignment from HorizontalAlignment of the floater element.
            switch (HorizontalAlignment)
                case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                    fsfloaterprops.fskfloatalignment = PTS.FSKFLOATALIGNMENT.fskfloatalignMax;
                case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                    fsfloaterprops.fskfloatalignment = PTS.FSKFLOATALIGNMENT.fskfloatalignCenter;
                case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                    fsfloaterprops.fskfloatalignment = PTS.FSKFLOATALIGNMENT.fskfloatalignMin;

            fsfloaterprops.fskwr = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskwrap(WrapDirection);

            // Always delay floaters if there is no progress.
            fsfloaterprops.fDelayNoProgress = PTS.True;
Example #2
 internal int GetFloaterProperties(
     IntPtr pfsclient,                   // IN:  client opaque data
     IntPtr nmFloater,                   // IN:  name of the floater
     uint fswdirTrack,                   // IN:  direction of Track
     out PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS fsfloaterprops)// OUT: properties of the floater
     int fserr = PTS.fserrNone;
         FloaterBaseParagraph para = PtsContext.HandleToObject(nmFloater) as FloaterBaseParagraph;
         para.GetFloaterProperties(fswdirTrack, out fsfloaterprops);
     catch (Exception e)
         fsfloaterprops = new PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS();
         PtsContext.CallbackException = e;
         fserr = PTS.fserrCallbackException;
         fsfloaterprops = new PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS();
         PtsContext.CallbackException = new System.Exception("Caught a non CLS Exception");
         fserr = PTS.fserrCallbackException;
     return fserr;
Example #3
        // GetFloaterProperties
        internal override void GetFloaterProperties(
            uint fswdirTrack,                       // IN:  direction of track
            out PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS fsfloaterprops)  // OUT: properties of the floater
            fsfloaterprops = new PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS();
            fsfloaterprops.fFloat = PTS.False;                     // Floater
            fsfloaterprops.fskclear = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskclear((WrapDirection)Element.GetValue(Block.ClearFloatersProperty));

            // Set alignment to left alignment. Do not allow text wrap on any side
            fsfloaterprops.fskfloatalignment = PTS.FSKFLOATALIGNMENT.fskfloatalignMin;
            fsfloaterprops.fskwr = PTS.FSKWRAP.fskwrNone;

            // Always delay UIElement if there is no progress
            fsfloaterprops.fDelayNoProgress = PTS.True;