private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string newtopic = this.toolStripTextBoxtopicpath.Text;
            if (!topics.Any(a => a.path == newtopic))
                byte qos;
                if (byte.TryParse(this.toolStripTextBox_qos.Text, out qos) && qos >= 0 && qos <= 2)
                    MqqtTopic t = new MqqtTopic() { path = newtopic, qos = qos, subscribed = false };
                    //mqtt.subscribe(t.path, t.qos);
                    MessageBox.Show("the topic QOS must be from 0 to 2 included");
                MessageBox.Show("this topic is already in the topic list");

 private void LoadSettings(string settingfilename)
         XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SettingsContainer));
         string settingspath = Path.Combine(settingsDirectory, settingfilename);
         SettingsContainer allsettings;
         using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(settingspath, FileMode.Open))
             allsettings = (SettingsContainer)serializer.Deserialize(fs);
         if (allsettings != null)
             this.serversett = allsettings.BrokerSettings;
             allsettings.Topics.ForEach(t => this.topics.Add(t));
             this.currenttopic = allsettings.Topics.FirstOrDefault(a => a.path == allsettings.currenttopicpath);
             settingsfilepath = settingspath;
             //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Settings correctly loaded from file {0}", settingfilename));
     catch (Exception e)
         MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error while loading settings from file {0} : {1}", settingfilename, e.Message));
 private void DataGridView_topics_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.dataGridView_topics.CurrentRow != null)
         var ct = (MqqtTopic)this.dataGridView_topics.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem;
         if (ct != null && (this.currenttopic == null || ct.path != this.currenttopic.path))
             currenttopic = ct;
             this.label_curernttopic.Text = currenttopic.path;
             this.toolStripStatusLabel_curentopic.Text = currenttopic.path;