Example #1
        public static WebMediaInfo GetMediaInfo(MediaSource source)
            if (source.MediaType == WebStreamMediaType.TV)
                // cache tv files for 10 seconds
                if (TvCache.ContainsKey(source.Id) && TvCache[source.Id].Item1.AddSeconds(10).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) > 0)
                    // cache is valid, use it
                    return TvCache[source.Id].Item2;

                // get media info and save it to the cache
                TsBuffer buf = new TsBuffer(source.Id);
                WebMediaInfo info = GetMediaInfo(buf.GetCurrentFilePath(), true);
                TvCache[source.Id] = new Tuple<DateTime, WebMediaInfo>(DateTime.Now, info);
                return info;
            else if (!source.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException();
            else if (source.SupportsDirectAccess)
                using (var impersonator = source.GetImpersonator())
                    return GetMediaInfo(source.GetPath(), false);
                // not (yet?) supported
                throw new NotSupportedException();
Example #2
        private void StartCopy(bool retry)
            buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                source.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, MediaReadAsyncCallback, new object());
            catch (NotSupportedException e)
                // we only diagnose problems with TsBuffer, other streams are supposed to work correctly
                if (!(source is TsBuffer))

                // TODO: is this still needed or are the TsBuffer problems solved?
                TsBuffer stream = (TsBuffer)source;
                Log.Error(string.Format("StreamCopy {0}: NotSupportedException when trying to read from TsBuffer", log), e);
                Log.Debug("StreamCopy {0}: TsBuffer dump: CanRead {1}, CanWrite {2}", log, stream.CanRead, stream.CanWrite);
                Log.Debug("StreamCopy {0}:\r\n{1}", log, stream.DumpStatus());
                if (retry)
                    Log.Info("StreamCopy {0}: Trying to recover", log);
Example #3
        private void CopyStream(bool retry)
            // do a parallel read
            buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                source.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, MediaReadAsyncCallback, new object());
            catch (NotSupportedException e)
                // we only do a workaround for TsBuffer here, nothing for other errors
                if (!(source is TsBuffer))

                TsBuffer stream = (TsBuffer)source;
                Log.Error(string.Format("StreamCopy {0}: NotSupportedException when trying to read from TsBuffer", log), e);
                Log.Info("StreamCopy {0}: TsBuffer dump: CanRead {1}, CanWrite {2}", log, stream.CanRead, stream.CanWrite);
                Log.Info("StreamCopy {0}:\r\n{1}", log, stream.DumpStatus());
                if (retry)
                    Log.Info("StreamCopy {0}: Trying to recover", log);
Example #4
        public static WebMediaInfo GetMediaInfo(MediaSource source)
            // we can't use our persistent cache for TV unfortunately, but we do cache them in memory for 60 seconds
            if (source.MediaType == WebMediaType.TV)
                if (tvCache.ContainsKey(source.Id) && DateTime.Now - tvCache[source.Id].Item1 > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))
                    return tvCache[source.Id].Item2;

                // save it to our memory cache for a while
                TsBuffer buf = new TsBuffer(source.Id);
                string path = buf.GetCurrentFilePath();
                Log.Debug("Using path {0} from TS buffer {1} as source for {2}", path, source.Id, source.GetDebugName());
                WebMediaInfo info = DoLoadMediaInfo(buf.GetCurrentFilePath(), true);
                tvCache[source.Id] = new Tuple<DateTime, WebMediaInfo>(DateTime.Now, info);
                return info;

            // load this item from persistent disk cache, if possible
            if (persistentCache.HasForSource(source))
                return persistentCache.GetForSource(source);

            // some checks that only matter when we are actually going to load it from disk
            if (!source.Exists)
                Log.Warn("Trying to load mediainfo for {0}, which doesn't seem to exist", source.GetDebugName());
                return null;
            else if (!source.SupportsDirectAccess)
                // not (yet?) supported
                Log.Warn("Loading mediainfo for non-direct access source {0} isn't supported yet", source.GetDebugName());
                return null;

            // actually load it
            WebMediaInfo outInfo;
            using (NetworkShareImpersonator impersonator = new NetworkShareImpersonator(source.NeedsImpersonation))
                outInfo = DoLoadMediaInfo(source.GetPath(), false);
            if (outInfo != null)
                persistentCache.Save(source, outInfo);
            return outInfo;
Example #5
        public static WebMediaInfo GetMediaInfo(MediaSource source)
            // we can't cache it for TV, unfortunately
            if (source.MediaType == WebStreamMediaType.TV)
                // cache tv files for 60 seconds
                if (tvCache.ContainsKey(source.Id) && DateTime.Now - tvCache[source.Id].Item1 > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))
                    // cache is valid, use it
                    return tvCache[source.Id].Item2;

                // get media info and save it to the cache
                TsBuffer buf = new TsBuffer(source.Id);
                string path = buf.GetCurrentFilePath();
                Log.Debug("Using path {0} from TS buffer {1} as source for {2}", path, source.Id, source.GetDebugName());
                WebMediaInfo info = DoLoadMediaInfo(buf.GetCurrentFilePath(), true);
                tvCache[source.Id] = new Tuple<DateTime, WebMediaInfo>(DateTime.Now, info);
                return info;

            // load this item from cache, if possible
            if (persistentCache.HasForSource(source))
                return persistentCache.GetForSource(source);

            // some checks that only matter when we are actually going to load it from disk
            if (!source.Exists)
                Log.Warn("Trying to load mediainfo for {0}, which doesn't seem to exist", source.GetDebugName());
                throw new FileNotFoundException();
            else if (!source.SupportsDirectAccess)
                // not (yet?) supported
                Log.Warn("Loading mediainfo for non-direct access source {0} isn't supported yet", source.GetDebugName());
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            // actually load it
            WebMediaInfo outInfo;
            using (var impersonator = source.GetImpersonator())
                outInfo = DoLoadMediaInfo(source.GetPath(), false);
            persistentCache.Save(source, outInfo);
            return outInfo;
        public static WebMediaInfo GetMediaInfo(MediaSource source)
            // Timeshiftings are a special case, as they can't be cached and need an additional path resolving step
            if (source.MediaType == WebMediaType.TV)
                if (tvCache.ContainsKey(source.Id) && DateTime.Now - tvCache[source.Id].Item1 > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))
                    return tvCache[source.Id].Item2;

                TsBuffer tsBuffer = new TsBuffer(source.Id);
                Log.Debug("Using path {0} from TS buffer {1} as source for {2}", tsBuffer.GetCurrentFilePath(), source.Id, source.GetDebugName());
                WebMediaInfo info = LoadMediaInfo(tsBuffer.GetCurrentFilePath());
                tvCache[source.Id] = new Tuple<DateTime, WebMediaInfo>(DateTime.Now, info);
                return info;

            using (var context = source.CreateNetworkContext())
                // verify the file actually exists and is accessible over the local file system
                if (!source.Exists)
                    Log.Warn("Trying to load MediaInfo for {0}, which does not exist or is inaccessible", source.GetDebugName());
                    return null;
                else if (!source.SupportsDirectAccess)
                    Log.Warn("Loading MediaInfo for non-direct access source {0} isn't supported yet", source.GetDebugName());
                    return null;

                // if we got the file in the cache, return it if we have it and the file hasn't been changed
                var fileInfo = source.GetFileInfo();
                if (source.MediaType != WebMediaType.TV && persistentCache.HasForSource(source))
                    var cachedItem = persistentCache.GetForSource(source);
                    if (cachedItem.Size == fileInfo.Size && cachedItem.CachedDate >= fileInfo.LastModifiedTime)
                        return cachedItem.Info;

                var info = LoadMediaInfo(context.RewritePath(source.GetPath()));
                if (info != null)
                    persistentCache.Save(source, new CachedInfoWrapper(info, fileInfo));

                return info;
Example #7
 public bool Setup()
         if (source.IndexOf(".ts.tsbuffer") != -1)
             Log.Info("Using TsBuffer to read input");
             DataOutputStream = new TsBuffer(this.source);
             Log.Info("Using FileStream to read input");
             DataOutputStream = new FileStream(source, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
     catch (Exception e)
         Log.Error("Failed to setup InputProcessingUnit", e);
         return false;
     return true;
Example #8
 public static WebMediaInfo GetMediaInfo(TsBuffer buffer)
     string path = buffer.GetCurrentFilePath();
     return GetMediaInfo(path, true);