Example #1
    IEnumerator CaptureWebcamToFileCoroutine()
        // Open a webcam streamer. The url prefix for this is webcam://
        // Optionally a webcam device id can be added (to get a list, use WebCamTexture.devices)
        string webcamStreamUrl = "webcam://";
        Streamer streamer = Streamer.forUrl (webcamStreamUrl);
        streamer.Connect (webcamStreamUrl);

        // Set up a remux @ 15fps
        var vi = new VideoStreamInfo (streamer.videoStreamInfo);
        vi.framerate = 15; // must be lower than framerate with this approach!
        AviRemux remux = new AviRemux ();
        remux.Init (File.OpenWrite (outfile), vi, null);

        // Do fixed time capture, 10 seconds (150 frames @ 15fps)
        // The webcam framerate can be lower or higher than this. If it is lower then
        // a frame is written multiple times, if higher, then some frames are now written.
        float captureStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        int realFrameNr, lastRealFrameNr = -1;
        do {
            // Read a frame from webcam. It returns a frame number, but we're not using it.
            byte[] buf;
            frame = streamer.VideoPosition;
            int bytesCnt = streamer.ReadVideoFrame (out buf);

            // Calculate the video frame number that we should be writing.
            realFrameNr = Mathf.RoundToInt ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - captureStartTime) * vi.framerate);

            // If the loop is being executed too seldom compared to vi.framerate, write a warning to console.
            if (realFrameNr - lastRealFrameNr > 1) {
                Debug.LogWarning ("Output framerate too high, possibly just skipped " + (realFrameNr - lastRealFrameNr) + " frames");

            // Write as many frames as we need. Normally this is 0 or 1, but can be higher (see the warning a few lines above)
            while (lastRealFrameNr < realFrameNr) {
                remux.WriteNextVideoFrame (buf, bytesCnt);
                lastRealFrameNr ++;

            // Give control back to Unity for one frame
            yield return 1;
        } while(realFrameNr < 150);

        // We're done. Close the remux and streamer
        remux.Shutdown ();
        streamer.Shutdown ();
        Debug.Log ("Done capturing");
Example #2
    void DropHalfTheFramesRemux()
        // In this example we're going one level deeper in the API and work directly
        // with Demux class. We could use MoviePlayerUtil.Load too, but for remuxing
        // we don't need Decoders to be instantiated, because we're just copying encoded
        // frame bytes around.
        // Since we're not using decoders, we're not referencing anything from Unity API.
        // Therefore it's possible to run it in separate thread.
        RunInBackgroundOrNot (delegate() {
            // Instantiate a demux for an input stream based on stream type.
            Stream instream = File.OpenRead (infile);
            Demux demux = Demux.forSource (instream);
            demux.Init (instream);

            // Instantiate a remux for an output stream. Here we have to explicity
            // instantiate the remux we want, in this case, AviRemux, and set its
            // properties. Since we're not doing much here, we can use the same
            // videoStreamInfo and audioStreamInfo for remux as demux. For the video
            // however we clone the stream info, because we want to change it. Since
            // we're going to drop every other frame, we also need to lower the
            // video framerate.
            Stream outstream = File.OpenWrite (outfile);
            Remux remux = new AviRemux ();
            var remuxVideoStreamInfo = new VideoStreamInfo (demux.videoStreamInfo);
            remuxVideoStreamInfo.framerate /= 2;
            remux.Init (outstream, remuxVideoStreamInfo, demux.audioStreamInfo);

            // Just sum buffers and variables needed later
            byte[] videoBuffer, audioBuffer;
            int videoBytesRead, audioBytesRead;

            // Loop until we've processed all the video frames. If we wanted to run this code
            // in main Unity thread without blocking, then we could wrap it all in a coroutine
            // and do "yield return 1" inside the loop.
            do {
                // Here we're using sequential access to video (and audio) stream. The same could
                // be achieved with random access, but then only demuxes that can seek in a file
                // can be used (no streaming from network or webcam).
                videoBytesRead = demux.ReadVideoFrame (out videoBuffer);
                if (videoBytesRead > 0) {
                    // Read the exact number of audio samples that are to be played during this frame
                    int samplesPerVideoFrame = (int)(demux.audioStreamInfo.sampleRate / demux.videoStreamInfo.framerate);
                    audioBytesRead = demux.ReadAudioSamples (out audioBuffer, samplesPerVideoFrame);

                    // Only write every second video frame, but all the audio samples. The total stream
                    // lengths will still be the same, because we've set the framerate for remuxed stream
                    // to half of the original.
                    if (demux.VideoPosition % 2 == 1) {
                        remux.WriteNextVideoFrame (videoBuffer, videoBytesRead);
                    remux.WriteNextAudioSamples (audioBuffer, audioBytesRead);
            } while(videoBytesRead > 0);

            // Close the remux and demux. While it's possible to leave demux just hanging there unclosed and
            // possibly introducing a memory leak, we have to Close the remux for the output to be playable.
            // The reason is that AviDemux needs to write all unwritten index chunks and update the avi header
            // after all frames have been written.
            remux.Shutdown ();
            demux.Shutdown ();