public void AddActivation(SplitFailDetectorActivation Activation)
            if (Activations.ContainsKey(Activation.DetectorOn))
                    Activation.DetectorOn = Activation.DetectorOn.AddSeconds(.01);
                    Activation.DetectorOff = Activation.DetectorOff.AddSeconds(.01);
                } while (Activations.ContainsKey(Activation.DetectorOn));

                Activations.Add(Activation.DetectorOn, Activation);
                Activations.Add(Activation.DetectorOn, Activation);
        public double FindModifiedActivationDuration(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, SplitFailDetectorActivation a)
            double d = 0;

            //After start, before end
            if ((a.DetectorOn >= startTime && a.DetectorOn <= endTime) && (a.DetectorOff >= startTime && a.DetectorOff <= endTime))
                d = a.Duration;
            //Before start, before end
            else if ((a.DetectorOn <= startTime && a.DetectorOn <= endTime) && (a.DetectorOff <= endTime && a.DetectorOff >= startTime))
                d = (a.DetectorOff - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
            //After start, After end
            else if ((a.DetectorOn >= startTime && a.DetectorOn <= endTime) && (a.DetectorOff >= endTime && a.DetectorOff >= startTime))
                d = (endTime - a.DetectorOn).TotalMilliseconds;
            //Before Start, After end
            else if ((a.DetectorOn <= startTime && a.DetectorOn <= endTime) && (a.DetectorOff >= endTime && a.DetectorOff >= startTime))
                d = (endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds;
                d = 0;

Example #3
        protected void AddDataToChart(Chart chart)
            List <ControllerEventLogs> Tables     = new List <ControllerEventLogs>();
            List <DateTime>            SplitFails = new List <DateTime>();

            int totalFails = 0;

            Models.Repositories.ISignalsRepository signalRepository =
            //var signal = signalRepository.GetSignalBySignalID(phase.SignalID);
            var ApproachDetectors = Phase.Approach.GetDetectorsForMetricType(12);

            //get occupancy events for each lane for the approach.
            if (ApproachDetectors.Count() > 0)
                foreach (Models.Detector row in ApproachDetectors)
                    MOE.Common.Business.ControllerEventLogs TEMPdetectortable = new ControllerEventLogs(Phase.SignalID, Options.StartDate, Options.EndDate,
                                                                                                        row.DetChannel, new List <int>()
                        81, 82

                    if (TEMPdetectortable.Events.Count > 0)

                Dictionary <string, string> statistics = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                if (Tables.Count > 0)
                    //for (int CurCycleIndex = 0; CurCycleIndex < phase.Cycles.Count -1 ; CurCycleIndex++)
                    //int tempCycleCounter = 0;
                    //Parallel.ForEach(phase.Cycles, c =>
                    foreach (MOE.Common.Business.CustomReport.Cycle c in Phase.Cycles)
                        //SplitFailDetectorActivationCollection activations = new SplitFailDetectorActivationCollection();

                        //for each lane
                        //Parallel.ForEach(Tables, table =>
                        foreach (ControllerEventLogs table in Tables)
                            int channel = table.Events[0].EventParam;

                            List <MOE.Common.Models.Controller_Event_Log> DetectorHitsForCycle = new List <MOE.Common.Models.Controller_Event_Log>();

                            //Parallel.ForEach(table.Events, e =>
                            foreach (MOE.Common.Models.Controller_Event_Log e in table.Events)
                                if (e.Timestamp >= c.CycleStart && e.Timestamp <= c.CycleEnd)

                            if (DetectorHitsForCycle.Count > 0)
                                var eventsInOrder = DetectorHitsForCycle.OrderBy(r => r.Timestamp);
                                if (eventsInOrder.Count() > 1)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < eventsInOrder.Count() - 1; i++)
                                        MOE.Common.Models.Controller_Event_Log current = eventsInOrder.ElementAt(i);

                                        MOE.Common.Models.Controller_Event_Log next = eventsInOrder.ElementAt(i + 1);

                                        if (current.Timestamp.Ticks == next.Timestamp.Ticks)

                                        //If the first event is 'Off', then set 'On' to cyclestart
                                        if (i == 0 && current.EventCode == 81)
                                            SplitFailDetectorActivation da = new SplitFailDetectorActivation();
                                            da.DetectorOn  = c.CycleStart;
                                            da.DetectorOff = current.Timestamp;


                                        //This is the prefered sequence; an 'On'  followed by an 'off'
                                        if (current.EventCode == 82 && next.EventCode == 81)
                                            SplitFailDetectorActivation da = new SplitFailDetectorActivation();
                                            da.DetectorOn  = current.Timestamp;
                                            da.DetectorOff = next.Timestamp;

                                        //if we are at the penultimate event, and the last event is 'on', set 'off' as CycleEnd.
                                        if (i + 2 == eventsInOrder.Count() && next.EventCode == 82)
                                            SplitFailDetectorActivation da = new SplitFailDetectorActivation();
                                            da.DetectorOn  = next.Timestamp;
                                            da.DetectorOff = c.CycleEnd;
                                    SplitFailDetectorActivation            da      = new SplitFailDetectorActivation();
                                    MOE.Common.Models.Controller_Event_Log current = eventsInOrder.First();
                                    switch (current.EventCode)
                                    //if the only event is off
                                    case 81:
                                        da.DetectorOn  = c.CycleStart;
                                        da.DetectorOff = current.Timestamp;


                                    //if the only event is on
                                    case 82:

                                        da.DetectorOn  = current.Timestamp;
                                        da.DetectorOff = c.CycleEnd;

                            //if there are no hits in the cycle, we need to determine if the a previous detector activaition lasts the entire cycle
                            else if (DetectorHitsForCycle.Count <= 0)
                                SplitFailDetectorActivation da = new SplitFailDetectorActivation();

                                DateTime earlierTime = c.CycleStart.AddMinutes(-30);

                                List <int> li = new List <int> {
                                    81, 82

                                ControllerEventLogs cs = new ControllerEventLogs(Phase.SignalID, earlierTime, c.CycleStart, channel, li);

                                //if the last detecotr eventCodes was ON, and there is no matching off event, assume the detector was on for the whole cycle
                                if (cs.Events.Count > 0 && cs.Events.LastOrDefault().EventCode == 82)
                                    da.DetectorOn  = c.CycleStart;
                                    da.DetectorOff = c.CycleEnd;
                        //end of Lane loop

                        //merge the detectors for the different lanes
                        for (int i = 0; i < c.Activations.Activations.Count - 1;)
                            SplitFailDetectorActivation current = c.Activations.Activations.ElementAt(i).Value;
                            SplitFailDetectorActivation next    = c.Activations.Activations.ElementAt(i + 1).Value;

                            //if the next activaiton is between the previos one, remove the nextone and start again.
                            if (next.DetectorOn >= current.DetectorOn && next.DetectorOff <= current.DetectorOff)
                                c.Activations.Activations.RemoveAt(i + 1);
                            //if the next activaiton starts during the current, but ends later, atler current end time, and remove next, and start over.
                            else if (next.DetectorOn >= current.DetectorOn && next.DetectorOn < current.DetectorOff && next.DetectorOff > current.DetectorOff)
                                current.DetectorOff = next.DetectorOff;
                                c.Activations.Activations.RemoveAt(i + 1);

                        //if (c.Activations.Activations.Count > 0 && c.CycleStart > startDate && c.CycleStart < endDate)
                        if (c.CycleStart > Options.StartDate && c.CycleStart < Options.EndDate)
                            double gor = c.Activations.GreenOccupancy(c) * 100;
                            double ror = c.Activations.StartOfRedOccupancy(c, Options.FirstSecondsOfRed) * 100;

                            if (c.TerminationEvent == MOE.Common.Business.CustomReport.Cycle.TerminationCause.GapOut)
                                chart.Series["GOR - GapOut"].Points.AddXY(c.CycleStart, gor);
                                chart.Series["ROR - GapOut"].Points.AddXY(c.CycleStart, ror);

                                chart.Series["GOR - ForceOff"].Points.AddXY(c.CycleStart, gor);
                                chart.Series["ROR - ForceOff"].Points.AddXY(c.CycleStart, ror);

                            if ((gor > 79 && ror > 79))
                                if (Options.ShowFailLines)
                                    chart.Series["SplitFail"].Points.AddXY(c.CycleStart, 100);

                    statistics.Add("Total Split Failures ", totalFails.ToString());

                    //end of Cycle loop

                    //Average Loop

                    DateTime counterTime = Options.StartDate;

                        double binTotalGOR = 0;
                        double binTotalROR = 0;

                        var CycleBin = from cur in Phase.Cycles
                                       where cur.CycleStart >= counterTime &&
                                       cur.CycleStart <= counterTime.AddMinutes(15)
                                       orderby cur.CycleStart
                                       select cur;

                        var failsInBin = from s in SplitFails
                                         where s >= counterTime && s <= counterTime.AddMinutes(15)
                                         select s;

                        double binFails = failsInBin.Count();

                        //Parallel.ForEach(CycleBin, c =>

                        foreach (MOE.Common.Business.CustomReport.Cycle c in CycleBin)
                            binTotalGOR += c.Activations.GreenOccupancy(c) * 100;
                            binTotalROR += c.Activations.StartOfRedOccupancy(c, Options.FirstSecondsOfRed) * 100;
                        if (Options.ShowPercentFailLines)
                            if (binFails > 0 && CycleBin.Count() > 0)
                                double binFailPercent = (binFails / Convert.ToDouble(CycleBin.Count()));
                                chart.Series["Percent Fails"].Points.AddXY(counterTime, Convert.ToInt32(binFailPercent * 100));
                                chart.Series["Percent Fails"].Points.AddXY(counterTime, 0);
                        if (Options.ShowAvgLines)
                            if (CycleBin.Count() > 0)
                                double avggor = binTotalGOR / CycleBin.Count();
                                double avgror = binTotalROR / CycleBin.Count();

                                chart.Series["Avg. GOR"].Points.AddXY(counterTime, avggor);
                                chart.Series["Avg. ROR"].Points.AddXY(counterTime, avgror);

                            if (CycleBin.Count() == 0)
                                chart.Series["Avg. GOR"].Points.AddXY(counterTime, 0);
                                chart.Series["Avg. ROR"].Points.AddXY(counterTime, 0);

                        counterTime = counterTime.AddMinutes(15);
                    } while (counterTime < Options.EndDate.AddMinutes(15));

                    //End Average Loop
                AddPlanStrips(chart, Phase, Options.StartDate, Options.EndDate, SplitFails);
Example #4
        private void CombineDetectorActivations()
            var tempDetectorActivations = new List <SplitFailDetectorActivation>();

            //look at every item in the original list
            foreach (var current in _detectorActivations)
                if (!current.ReviewedForOverlap)
                    var overlapingActivations = _detectorActivations.Where(d => d.ReviewedForOverlap == false &&
                                                                               //   if it starts after current starts  and    starts before current ends      and    end after current ends
                                                                               d.DetectorOn >=
                                                                               current.DetectorOn &&
                                                                               d.DetectorOn <=
                                                                               current.DetectorOff &&
                                                                               d.DetectorOff >= current.DetectorOff
                                                                               //OR if it starts BEFORE curent starts  and ends AFTER current starts           and ends BEFORE current ends
                                                                               || d.DetectorOn <=
                                                                               current.DetectorOn &&
                                                                               d.DetectorOff >=
                                                                               current.DetectorOn &&
                                                                               d.DetectorOff <= current.DetectorOff
                                                                               //OR if it starts AFTER current starts   and it ends BEFORE current ends
                                                                               || d.DetectorOn >=
                                                                               current.DetectorOn &&
                                                                               d.DetectorOff <= current.DetectorOff
                                                                               //OR if it starts BEFORE current starts  and it ens AFTER current ends
                                                                               || d.DetectorOn <=
                                                                               current.DetectorOn &&
                                                                               d.DetectorOff >= current.DetectorOff
                                                                           //then add it to the overlap list

                    //if there are any in the list (and here should be at least one that matches current)
                    if (overlapingActivations.Any())
                        //Then make a new activation that starts witht eh earliest start and ends with the latest end
                        var tempDetectorActivation = new SplitFailDetectorActivation
                            DetectorOn  = overlapingActivations.Min(o => o.DetectorOn),
                            DetectorOff = overlapingActivations.Max(o => o.DetectorOff)
                        //and add the new one to a temp list

                        //mark everything in the  overlap list as Reviewed
                        foreach (var splitFailDetectorActivation in overlapingActivations)
                            splitFailDetectorActivation.ReviewedForOverlap = true;

            //since we went through every item in the original list, if there were no overlaps, it shoudl equal the temp list
            if (_detectorActivations.Count != tempDetectorActivations.Count)
                //if the counts do not match, we have to set the original list to the temp list and try the combinaitons again
                _detectorActivations = tempDetectorActivations;