public void writeWithInterpolationBuffer(InterpolationBuffer buffer, Vector3 prevDevOut,
                                                 Vector3 postDevOut)
            requestSize(buffer.N + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i <= buffer.N; i++)
                //cyForward[i] = new CPIMatrix(buffer.normals[i], buffer.devs[i], prevDevOut);
                //cyBackward[i] = new CPIMatrix(buffer.normals[i], buffer.devs[i], postDevOut);
                cyForward[i]  = new CPIMatrix(buffer.normals[i], buffer.normals[0], prevDevOut);
                cyBackward[i] = new CPIMatrix(buffer.normals[i], buffer.normals[buffer.N], postDevOut);
        public void Set(InterpolationBuffer buffer, InterpolationBuffer prev, InterpolationBuffer next)
            this.buffer = buffer;
            this.prev   = prev;
     = next;

            //s0 = 1;
            Vector3 A0 = buffer.vertices[0];
            Vector3 AN = buffer.vertices[buffer.N];
            Vector3 B  = prev.vertices[0];
            Vector3 C  = next.vertices[next.N];
            //Vector3 B_AB = A0 - CPNGuideEvaluator.ONE_THIRD * prev.devLast;
            Vector3 B_BA = B + CPNGuideEvaluator.ONE_THIRD * prev.devFirst;
            //Vector3 C_AB = AN + CPNGuideEvaluator.ONE_THIRD * next.devFirst;
            Vector3 C_BA = C - CPNGuideEvaluator.ONE_THIRD * next.devLast;

            s1 = 3;
            s2 = 3;
            s3 = 1;
            //float distance0 = Vector3.Distance(A0, AN);
            float distance0 = Vector3.Dot(A0 - AN, A0 - AN);

            if (distance0 > 0)
                //this.s1 = 1.5f + 1.5f * Vector3.Dot(B_AB - C_AB, B_AB - C_AB) / distance0;
                //this.s2 = 1.5f + 1.5f * (Vector3.Dot(B_BA - C_BA, B_BA - C_BA) / distance0);
                this.s3 = Vector3.Dot(B - C, B - C) / distance0;

                //this.s1 = 3.0f + 0.0f * Vector3.Dot(B_AB - C_AB, B_AB - C_AB) / distance0;
                this.s2 = (3f - ShapeControlValue) +
                          ShapeControlValue * (Vector3.Dot(B_BA - C_BA, B_BA - C_BA) / distance0);

            firtsOrder = new Vector3[buffer.N + 1];
            Vector3 DBs = -prev.devLast;
            Vector3 DCs = next.devFirst;

            Vector3 N0    = buffer.normals[0];
            Vector3 NN    = buffer.normals[buffer.N];
            Vector3 axis0 = buffer.axis[0];
            Vector3 axisN = buffer.axis[buffer.N];

            float step = buffer.step;

            //So: now the 'First order' is wrong.

            for (int i = 0; i < firtsOrder.Length; i++)
                float   t     = i * step;
                Vector3 delta = (1 - t) * DBs + t * DCs;
                Vector3 A     = buffer.vertices[i];
                Vector3 N     = buffer.normals[i];
                Vector3 axis  = buffer.axis[i];
                //firtsOrder[i] = getFirstOrder(N, N0, NN, DBs, DCs, axis0, axisN, axis, t);

                //private Vector3 getFirstOrder(Vector3 N, Vector3 N0, Vector3 NN, Vector3 DB0, Vector3 DBN,
                //       Vector3 axis0, Vector3 axisN, Vector3 axis, float t)

                //Vector3 At = (1 - t) * A0 + t * AN;
                //Vector3 PA = (A - At) * size;
                //Vector3 PBC = (1 - t) * B + t * C;

                //if (CPNCornerSet.applySecondOrderControl)
                //    return PA + PBC + firstOrder * (1 - s) * (1 - s) * s /** (1 - s * s)+
                // ((1 - t) * B + t * C ) * (s * s)*/;

                Vector3 Delta        = DBs * (1 - t) + DCs * t + (s1 - 3) * (A - A0 * (1 - t) - AN * t);
                Vector3 CorrectDelta = Delta * buffer.thickness - Vector3.Dot(N, Delta) * N;
                firtsOrder[i] = CorrectDelta - Delta;
Example #3
        public void Set(InterpolationBuffer bufferA, InterpolationBuffer bufferB)
            this.bufferA = bufferA;
            this.bufferB = bufferB;
            int sizeA = bufferA.N;
            int sizeB = bufferB.N;

            if (cyA.Length < sizeA + 1)
                cyA = new CurvedCorrection[sizeA + 1];
            if (cyB.Length < sizeB + 1)
                cyB = new CurvedCorrection[sizeB + 1];

            Vector3 v0      = bufferA.vertices[0];
            Vector3 normal0 = bufferA.normals[0];
            Vector3 DA0     = bufferA.devFirst;
            Vector3 DB0     = -bufferB.devLast;

            for (int i = 0; i <= sizeA; i++)
                cyA[i] = new CurvedCorrection(bufferA.normals[i], normal0, DB0, v0, bufferA.vertices[i], bufferA.devs[i],
                                              bufferA.axis[0], bufferA.axis[i]);

            for (int backBIndex = 0; backBIndex <= sizeB; backBIndex++)
                cyB[backBIndex] = new CurvedCorrection(bufferB.normals[backBIndex], normal0, DA0, v0,
                                                       bufferB.vertices[backBIndex], bufferB.devs[backBIndex],
                                                       -bufferB.axis[sizeB], -bufferB.axis[backBIndex]);

            Vector3 finalA  = bufferA.vertices[bufferA.N];
            Vector3 finalNA = bufferA.normals[bufferA.N];

            Vector3 finalB  = bufferB.vertices[0];
            Vector3 finalNB = bufferB.normals[0];

            finalAB = (finalB - finalA) * 0.333333f;
            finalBA = -finalAB;

            finalAB = finalAB - Vector3.Dot(finalAB, finalNA) * finalNA;
            finalBA = finalBA - Vector3.Dot(finalBA, finalNB) * finalNB;

            float distance = Vector3.Distance(finalA, finalB) * 0.707107f;

            finalAB = finalAB * (0.58578643762f) * distance / finalAB.magnitude;
            finalBA = finalBA * (0.58578643762f) * distance / finalBA.magnitude;
            float weight = 0.80473785f;

            finalAB = finalAB + finalA;
            finalBA = finalBA + finalB;

            float t     = 0;
            int   index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= sizeA; i++)
                int     Aindex = i;
                float   U      = bufferA.ts[Aindex];
                float   V      = 1 - U;//This is pretty important.
                Vector3 vA     = bufferA.vertices[Aindex];
                GetInterpolation(1 - V, bufferB.N, out t, out index);
                Vector3 vB         = bufferB.vertices[index] * (1 - t) + bufferB.vertices[index + 1] * (t);
                Vector3 firstOrder = cyA[Aindex].firstOrder;

                Vector3 finalPosition = vA + vB - v0 + firstOrder * V;

                Vector3 realFinalPosition = (U * U * U * finalA + 3 * U * U * V * weight * finalAB
                                             + 3 * U * V * V * weight * finalBA + V * V * V * finalB) /
                                            (U * U * U + 3 * U * U * V * weight + 3 * U * V * V * weight + V * V * V);

                cyA[Aindex].secondOrder2       = realFinalPosition - finalPosition;
                cyA[Aindex].secondOrder2      *= cyA[Aindex].secondOrderCorrectorModulation;
                cyA[Aindex].secondOrder2Factor = i == sizeA ? 0 : 1 / V;

            for (int i = 0; i <= sizeB; i++)
                int     backBIndex = bufferB.N - i;
                float   V          = 1 - bufferB.ts[backBIndex];
                float   U          = 1 - V;
                Vector3 vB         = bufferB.vertices[backBIndex];
                GetInterpolation(U, bufferA.N, out t, out index);
                Vector3 vA         = bufferA.vertices[index] * (1 - t) + bufferA.vertices[index + 1] * (t);
                Vector3 firstOrder = cyB[backBIndex].firstOrder;

                Vector3 finalPosition = vB + vA - v0 + firstOrder * U;

                Vector3 realFinalPosition = (U * U * U * finalA + 3 * U * U * V * weight * finalAB
                                             + 3 * U * V * V * weight * finalBA + V * V * V * finalB) /
                                            (U * U * U + 3 * U * U * V * weight + 3 * U * V * V * weight + V * V * V);

                cyB[backBIndex].secondOrder2       = realFinalPosition - finalPosition;
                cyB[backBIndex].secondOrder2      *= cyB[backBIndex].secondOrderCorrectorModulation;
                cyB[backBIndex].secondOrder2Factor = i == sizeB ? 0 : 1 / U;
Example #4
        public void Set(InterpolationBuffer buffer, InterpolationBuffer prev, InterpolationBuffer next)
            this.buffer = buffer;
            this.prev   = prev;
     = next;

            //s0 = 1;
            //Normal and Vector at the beginnig of A (where B begins)
            Vector3 A0  = buffer.vertices[0];
            Vector3 A0N = buffer.normals[0];
            //Normal and Vector at the end of A (A Final, where C begins)
            Vector3 AF  = buffer.vertices[buffer.N];
            Vector3 AFN = buffer.normals[buffer.N];
            //Normal and Vector on the opposite end of B (B Final)
            Vector3 BNF = prev.normals[0];
            Vector3 BF  = prev.vertices[0];
            //Normal and Vector on the opposite end of C (C Final)
            Vector3 CNF = next.normals[next.N];
            Vector3 CF  = next.vertices[next.N];

            BTransforms = new CPDerivativeRotationMatrix[buffer.N + 1];
            CTransforms = new CPDerivativeRotationMatrix[buffer.N + 1];
            resize      = new float[buffer.N + 1];

            // Vector3 Ortho = AF - A0;
            //CPNormalsRotationMatrix BFRot = new CPNormalsRotationMatrix(A0N, BNF, Ortho);
            //CPNormalsRotationMatrix CFRot = new CPNormalsRotationMatrix(AFN,CNF, Ortho);

            float BResize = Vector3.Dot(buffer.devFirst.normalized, -prev.devLast.normalized);
            float CResize = Vector3.Dot(-buffer.devLast.normalized, next.devFirst.normalized);

            BResize = 1 - BResize * 0.5f;
            CResize = 1 - CResize * 0.5f;

            //Distance between BF and A0
            //float sizeB = Vector3.Magnitude(BF - A0);
            //Distance between CF and AF
            //float sizeC = Vector3.Magnitude(CF - AF);
            Vector3 DB0  = -prev.devLast.normalized;
            Vector3 DC0  = next.devFirst.normalized;
            float   step = 1.0f / buffer.N;

            for (int i = 0; i <= buffer.N; i++)
                Vector3 normal = buffer.normals[i];
                BTransforms[i] = new CPDerivativeRotationMatrix(normal, DB0);
                CTransforms[i] = new CPDerivativeRotationMatrix(normal, DC0);

                float t  = i * step;
                float tm = 1 - t;
                //resize[i] = t * t * t + tm * tm * tm + 3 * t * tm * (tm * BResize + t * CResize);

                //Anche questo resize รจ inutile sai?
                resize[i] = t * t + tm * tm + 2 * t * tm * (BResize + CResize);

                resize[i] = 1;

                //Vector3 A = buffer.vertices[i];
                //Vector3 AB = BFRot.Rotate(A - A0) + BF;
                //Vector3 AC = CFRot.Rotate(A - AF) + CF;

                //Vector3 Aend = AB * (1 - t) + AC * t;
                //float expectedSize = sizeB * (1 - t) + sizeC * t;
                //float size = Vector3.Magnitude(Aend - A);
                //resize[i] = size / expectedSize;
        public NGonInterpolation(int sides)
            this.sides = sides;

            this.cos_ = new float[sides];
            this.sin_ = new float[sides];

            //actually : angle dimension for the center piece
            float alpha = 2 * Mathf.PI / sides;

            //O, wow. what is dX2 = 1.5f?
            float dX2 = 1.5f;
            //Cos and sin of angle. Good
            float dx1 = (float)Mathf.Cos(alpha);
            float dy1 = (float)Mathf.Sin(alpha);

            //Need to understand the meaning of a and b
            this.a = 1.0f / (dX2 * dX2);
            this.b = ((1 - a * dx1 * dx1) / (dy1 * dy1));

            //absolutely clear this is
            for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++)
                cos_[i] = (float)Mathf.Cos(-alpha * i);
                sin_[i] = (float)Mathf.Sin(-alpha * i);

                //here we calculate the cornerCoordsMatrix, which is
                //the reciproc matrix to
                //  | cos_[sides-1] - cos_[0]  sin_[sides-1] - sin_[0]|
                //  | cos_[1] - cos_[0]  sin_[1] - sin_[0]|

                int   i    = 0;
                int   next = 1;
                int   prev = sides - 1;
                float a    = cos_[prev] - cos_[i];
                float b    = sin_[prev] - sin_[i];

                float c = cos_[next] - cos_[i];
                float d = sin_[next] - sin_[i];

                float det      = a * d - b * c;
                float recDelta = 1.0f / det;
                cornerCoordsMatrix[0] = d * recDelta;
                cornerCoordsMatrix[1] = -b * recDelta;
                cornerCoordsMatrix[2] = -c * recDelta;
                cornerCoordsMatrix[3] = a * recDelta;

                float length1 = (cornerCoordsMatrix[0] * cornerCoordsMatrix[0] + cornerCoordsMatrix[1] * cornerCoordsMatrix[1]);
                float length2 = (cornerCoordsMatrix[2] * cornerCoordsMatrix[2] + cornerCoordsMatrix[3] * cornerCoordsMatrix[3]);

                relativeTriangleFactorX = (cornerCoordsMatrix[0] * (-1));
                relativeTriangleFactorY = (cornerCoordsMatrix[3] * (-1));

            this.val = new float[sides];


            tmpInterpolations   = new Vector3[sides];
            tmpInterpolationsUV = new Vector3[sides];
            buffers             = new InterpolationBuffer[sides];
            backBuffers         = new InterpolationBuffer[sides];
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpInterpolations.Length; i++)
                buffers[i]     = new InterpolationBuffer();
                backBuffers[i] = new InterpolationBuffer();

            slicePosition = new int[sides];
Example #6
 private float GetBufferLength(InterpolationBuffer buffer)
     return(Vector3.Distance(buffer.vertices[0], buffer.vertices[buffer.N]));