// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        rayPerception = GetComponent <MLAgents.RayPerception>();

        startingPosition = this.transform.position;
        startingRotation = this.transform.rotation;

        academy   = FindObjectOfType <MLAgents.Academy>();
        rigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
Example #2
        /// Monobehavior function that is called when the attached GameObject
        /// becomes enabled or active.
        void OnEnable()
            textureArray = new Texture2D[agentParameters.agentCameras.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < agentParameters.agentCameras.Count; i++)
                textureArray[i] = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
            id = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
            Academy academy = Object.FindObjectOfType <Academy>() as Academy;

Example #3
        /// Monobehavior function that is called when the attached GameObject
        /// becomes disabled or inactive.
        void OnDisable()
            Academy academy = Object.FindObjectOfType <Academy>() as Academy;

            if (academy != null)
                academy.AgentSetStatus   -= SetStatus;
                academy.AgentResetIfDone -= ResetIfDone;
                academy.AgentSendState   -= SendInfo;
                academy.AgentAct         -= AgentStep;
                academy.AgentForceReset  -= _AgentReset;
Example #4
        /// Monobehavior function that is called when the attached GameObject
        /// becomes enabled or active.
        void OnEnable()
            textureArray = new Texture2D[agentParameters.agentCameras.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Length; i++)
                textureArray[i] = new Texture2D(brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions[i].width,
                                                brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions[i].height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
            id = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
            Academy academy = Object.FindObjectOfType <Academy>() as Academy;

 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     if (collision.collider.CompareTag(Tags.SOCCER_BALL))
         // TODO: move this somewhere else
         // if a goal is scored, reset unless it's dribble mode. Then, just ignore.
         MLAgents.Academy academy = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.ACADEMY).GetComponentInChildren <MLAgents.Academy>();
         if (academy.resetParameters.Count > 0 &&
             (academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.ADD_ENEMIES] >= 1.0f || academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.ADD_OBSTACLES] >= 1.0f))
Example #6
        /// Monobehavior function that is called when the attached GameObject
        /// becomes enabled or active.
        void Start()
            var textureCount = agentParameters.agentCameras.Count + agentParameters.agentRenderTextures.Count;

            textureArray = new Texture2D[textureCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < textureCount; i++)
                textureArray[i] = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);

            id = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
            Academy academy = Object.FindObjectOfType <Academy>() as Academy;


            recorder = GetComponent <DemonstrationRecorder>();
Example #7
        private void Awake()
            movieRecorder = GetComponent <MovieRecorder>();
            academy       = FindObjectOfType <Academy>();
            Camera        mCamera = GetComponent <Camera>();
            RenderTexture rt      = new RenderTexture(resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);

            mCamera.targetTexture  = rt;
            movieRecorder.targetRT = rt;

            movieRecorder.outputDir         = new DataPath(DataPath.Root.Absolute, outputDirectory);
            movieRecorder.captureAudio      = captureAudio;
            movieRecorder.resolutionUnit    = RecorderBase.ResolutionUnit.Percent;
            movieRecorder.resolutionPercent = 100;
            movieRecorder.captureControl    = RecorderBase.CaptureControl.Manual;
            movieRecorder.framerateMode     = RecorderBase.FrameRateMode.Constant;
            movieRecorder.fixDeltaTime      = false;
            movieRecorder.waitDeltaTime     = false;
Example #8
 void Awake()
     academy  = GetComponent <Academy>();
     envIds   = academy.agentSpawner.spawnableEnvDefinitions.Select(x => x.envId).ToArray();
     fontSize = 26;
     if (Screen.height < 720)
         fontSize /= 2;
     heightRequirments = (fontSize + 4) * (envIds.Length + 1);
     if (envIdIdex == -1)
         var envId  = academy.GetAgentId();
         var envDef = academy.agentSpawner.spawnableEnvDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.envId == envId);
         envIdIdex = academy.agentSpawner.spawnableEnvDefinitions.IndexOf(envDef);
     // exit if we should not dispplay the menu
     if (academy.ShouldInitalizeOnAwake())
     showPopUp = true;
        /// Helper method for the <see cref="OnEnable"/> event, created to
        /// facilitate testing.
        void OnEnableHelper(Academy academy)
            m_Info    = new AgentInfo();
            m_Action  = new AgentAction();
            m_Sensors = new List <ISensor>();

            if (academy == null)
                throw new UnityAgentsException(
                          "No Academy Component could be found in the scene.");

            academy.AgentSetStatus   += SetStatus;
            academy.AgentResetIfDone += ResetIfDone;
            academy.AgentSendState   += SendInfo;
            academy.DecideAction     += DecideAction;
            academy.AgentAct         += AgentStep;
            academy.AgentForceReset  += _AgentReset;
            m_PolicyFactory           = GetComponent <BehaviorParameters>();
            m_Brain = m_PolicyFactory.GeneratePolicy(Heuristic);
Example #10
        /// Monobehavior function that is called when the attached GameObject
        /// becomes enabled or active.
        void OnEnable()
            /// Modified by M.Baske to enable frame-stacking.
            /// Changing
            /// textureArray = new Texture2D[agentParameters.agentCameras.Count];
            /// to
            textureArray = new Texture2D[brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Length];
            /// to prevent a runtime error since agentCameras.Count no longer
            /// matches cameraResolutions.Length
            /// textureArray is not used with frame-stacking. It is replaced by
            /// TextureManager's input property.

            for (int i = 0; i < brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Length; i++)
                textureArray[i] = new Texture2D(brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions[i].width,
                                                brain.brainParameters.cameraResolutions[i].height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
            id = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
            Academy academy = Object.FindObjectOfType <Academy>() as Academy;

    public override void AgentReset()
        hasTouchedBall = false;
        if (academy == null)
            academy = FindObjectOfType <MLAgents.Academy>();

        if (academy.resetParameters.Count > 0)
            if (academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.THREE_V_THREE] >= 1f)
                practiceMode = PRACTICE_MODE.THREE_V_THREE;
            else if (academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.ADD_ENEMIES] >= 1.0f)
                practiceMode = PRACTICE_MODE.MATCH;
            else if (academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.ADD_OBSTACLES] >= 1.0f)
                practiceMode = PRACTICE_MODE.AVOID_OBSTACLES;
                practiceMode = PRACTICE_MODE.DRIBBLE;
        const float PADDING = 0.5f;
        float       maxWidthStartingPosition = (stadiumMetadata.GetWidth() / 2.0f) - PADDING;

        if (practiceMode == PRACTICE_MODE.DRIBBLE)
            float minDistanceFromBall     = 1f;
            float currentDistanceFromBall = Mathf.Clamp(academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.START_DISTANCE_FROM_BALL], minDistanceFromBall, maxWidthStartingPosition);

            this.transform.position = this.transform.parent.position + transform.TransformDirection(PolarToCartesian(currentDistanceFromBall, Random.Range(0, 359))) + new Vector3(0f, 0.5f, 0f);
        else if (practiceMode == PRACTICE_MODE.AVOID_OBSTACLES)
            //Vector3 avoidObstaclesStartingPosition = startingPosition;
            //avoidObstaclesStartingPosition.z = Random.Range(-maxWidthStartingPosition, maxWidthStartingPosition);
            //const float avoidObstaclesStartingXPosition = 2f; // position bot in middle of obstacles
            //avoidObstaclesStartingPosition.x = avoidObstaclesStartingPosition.x + avoidObstaclesStartingXPosition;
            //transform.position = avoidObstaclesStartingPosition;
            transform.position = startingPosition;
            transform.rotation = startingRotation;
        else if (practiceMode == PRACTICE_MODE.MATCH || practiceMode == PRACTICE_MODE.THREE_V_THREE)
            if (academy.resetParameters[ResetParameters.START_RANDOM_Z] >= 1f)
                Vector3 startingPositionRandomZ = startingPosition;
                startingPositionRandomZ.z = Random.Range(-maxWidthStartingPosition, maxWidthStartingPosition);
                this.transform.position   = startingPositionRandomZ;
                this.transform.position = startingPosition;

            this.transform.rotation = startingRotation;
            Debug.LogWarning("No mode detected");

        this.rigidBody.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
        this.rigidBody.velocity        = Vector3.zero;

Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Monobehavior function called at the very beginning of environment
 /// creation. Academy uses this time to initialize internal data
 /// structures, initialize the environment and check for the existence
 /// of a communicator.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Awake()
     Instance = this;
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the agent, called once when the agent is enabled. Can be
 /// left empty if there is no special, unique set-up behavior for the
 /// agent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// One sample use is to store local references to other objects in the
 /// scene which would facilitate computing this agents observation.
 /// </remarks>
 public virtual void InitializeAgent(Academy academy)