Example #1
        public TaskSchedule(TaskSchedule other)
            : this()
            if (other != null)
                TaskId = other.TaskId;
                Action = other.Action;

                var newNodes = new List<NodeConfig>();
                foreach (var node in other.Nodes)
                    var newNode = node;
                Nodes = newNodes;

                FailReason = other.FailReason;

                if (other.Estimation != null)
                    Estimation = new Estimation(other.Estimation);
                //EstimatedStartTime  = other.EstimatedStartTime;
                //EstimatedFinishTime = other.EstimatedFinishTime;

                if (other.ModifiedParams != null)
                    ModifiedParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(other.ModifiedParams);
Example #2
        public static IEnumerable<NodeTotals> FromSchedule(TaskSchedule schedule)
            if (schedule == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(schedule.ResourceName) ||
                schedule.Nodes == null || !schedule.Nodes.Any())
                return null;
            IEnumerable<NodeTotals> totals = null;

                var resource = ResourceBase.GetResourceByName(schedule.ResourceName);

                var res = schedule.Nodes.Select(nodeConf => new NodeTotals()
                    NodeName = nodeConf.NodeName,
                    NodeAddress = resource.Nodes.First(n => n.NodeName == nodeConf.NodeName).NodeAddress,
                    CoresUsed = (int)nodeConf.Cores,
                    SupportedArchitectures = resource.Nodes.First(n => n.NodeName == nodeConf.NodeName).SupportedArchitectures,

                totals = res.ToArray();
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Warn("Can't make NodeTotals: " + e.ToString());
                totals = null;

            return totals;
Example #3
        public Task(Task otherTask)
            : base(otherTask)
            if (otherTask.OutputParams != null)
                OutputParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(otherTask.OutputParams);

            if (otherTask.PackageEngineState != null)
                this.PackageEngineState = (PackageEngineState) otherTask.PackageEngineState.Clone();

            Time = new TaskTimeMeasurement(otherTask.Time);
            Incarnation = new IncarnationParams(otherTask.Incarnation);

            if (otherTask.Estimations != null)
                Estimations = new Dictionary<string, double>(otherTask.Estimations);

            CurrentSchedule = null;
            if (otherTask.CurrentSchedule != null)
                CurrentSchedule = new TaskSchedule(otherTask.CurrentSchedule);

                // immutable:
                this.AssignedResource = otherTask.AssignedResource;
                this.AssignedNodes = otherTask.AssignedNodes;

            State = otherTask.State;

            _inputsProcessed = otherTask._inputsProcessed;
            _inputsProcessingError = otherTask._inputsProcessingError;

            _failReason = otherTask._failReason;
            if (otherTask._lastEvent != null && otherTask._lastEvent.HasValue)
                _lastEvent = otherTask._lastEvent.Value;
Example #4
        private static IEnumerable<TaskSchedule> AllocateTasks(
            IEnumerable<Task> tasks, IEnumerable<Resource> resources,
            //            IDictionary<ulong, IEnumerable<string>> permissionsForTask
            IDictionary<ulong, Dictionary<NodeConfig, Estimation>> estimationsForTask)
            var now = DateTime.Now;

            double maxCoresCount = resources.Max(r => r.Nodes.Max(n => n.CoresCount));
            var availableNodes = resources
                .SelectMany(r => r.Nodes.Select(n => new
                    ResourceName = n.ResourceName,
                    NodeName = n.NodeName,

                    CoresLeft = n.CoresAvailable,
                    TasksLeft = n.SubmissionsAvailable,

                    Packs = n.Packages.Select(p => p.Name.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray()
                .Where(n => n.CoresLeft > 0 && n.TasksLeft > 0)
                //.Where(n => n.CoresAvailable > 0)
                //.OrderBy(n => n.Packages.Count + (n.CoresAvailable / maxCoresCount))
                .OrderBy(n => n.Packs.Length + (n.CoresLeft / maxCoresCount))

            // todo: log availableNodes

            var scheduledTasks = new List<TaskSchedule>();
            foreach (var task in tasks)
                if (task.State == TaskState.ReadyToExecute || task.State == TaskState.Scheduled)
                    var taskSchedule = new TaskSchedule
                        TaskId = task.TaskId,
                        Action = ScheduledAction.None,
                        Nodes = new NodeConfig[0],

                        Estimation = new Estimation()
                        //EstimatedStartTime = now,
                        //EstimatedFinishTime = now,

                    var nodeForTask = availableNodes.FirstOrDefault(n =>
                        n.CoresLeft > 0 && n.TasksLeft > 0 &&
                        n.Packs.Contains(task.Package.ToLowerInvariant()) &&
                            //n.HasPackage(task.Package) &&
                        estimationsForTask[task.TaskId].Any(pair =>
                            pair.Key.ResourceName == n.ResourceName && pair.Key.NodeName == n.NodeName &&
                            pair.Key.Cores <= n.CoresLeft)
                        //                        permissionsForTask[task.TaskId].Contains(n.ResourceName + "." + n.NodeName, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)

                    if (nodeForTask != null)
                        taskSchedule.Action = ScheduledAction.Run;
                        var estimation = estimationsForTask[task.TaskId]
                                .First(pair =>
                                    pair.Key.ResourceName == nodeForTask.ResourceName && pair.Key.NodeName == nodeForTask.NodeName &&
                                    pair.Key.Cores <= nodeForTask.CoresLeft)

                        taskSchedule.EstimatedStartTime = now;
                        taskSchedule.EstimatedFinishTime =
                            now +
                                .Single(pair => pair.Key.ResourceName == nodeForTask.ResourceName && pair.Key.NodeName == nodeForTask.NodeName)
                        taskSchedule.Estimation = estimation.Value;
                        taskSchedule.Estimation.CalcStart = now;

                        taskSchedule.Nodes = new[]
                            new NodeConfig
                                Cores = estimation.Key.Cores, // was "1"
                                NodeName = nodeForTask.NodeName,
                                ResourceName = nodeForTask.ResourceName,


                        availableNodes.RemoveAll(n =>
                            n.ResourceName == nodeForTask.ResourceName &&
                            n.NodeName == nodeForTask.NodeName

                        if (nodeForTask.CoresLeft > taskSchedule.Nodes.Single().Cores &&
                            nodeForTask.TasksLeft > 1)
                                ResourceName = nodeForTask.ResourceName,
                                NodeName = nodeForTask.NodeName,

                                CoresLeft = (int)(nodeForTask.CoresLeft - taskSchedule.Nodes.Single().Cores),
                                TasksLeft = (int)(nodeForTask.TasksLeft - estimation.Key.Cores), // was "- 1"

                                Packs = nodeForTask.Packs

                        // todo: log schedule for task

            return scheduledTasks;

            var limits = new[]
                new { pack = "",             otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "GAMESS",       otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "ORCA",         otherSoft = "windows", maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "ORCA",         otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "SEMP",         otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "Plasmon",      otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "QDLaser",      otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "JAggregate",   otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                //new { pack = "Plasmon",      otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                //new { pack = "QDLaser",      otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                //new { pack = "JAggregate",   otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                //new { pack = "NanoFlow",     otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 16*3, maxNodes = 3},
                new { pack = "NanoFlow",     otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "MD_KMC",       otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "MD_KMC",       otherSoft = "windows", maxCores = 0,  maxNodes = 0},
                new { pack = "NTDMFT",       otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "Dalton",       otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "NAEN",         otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "Upconversion", otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "TestP",        otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "Belman",       otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 8,  maxNodes = 1},
                new { pack = "SWAN",         otherSoft = "",        maxCores = 1,  maxNodes = 1},

            var scheduledTasks = new List<TaskSchedule>();
            foreach (var task in tasks)
                var packLimits = limits.Where(l => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l.pack));
                if (limits.Any(limit => limit.pack.ToLower() == task.Package.ToLower()))
                    packLimits = limits.Where(limit => limit.pack.ToLower() == task.Package.ToLower());

                foreach (var resource in resources)
                    foreach (var node in resource.Nodes.Where(n => n.HasPackage(task.Package)))
                        var properPackLimit = packLimits.Max(
                            lim => lim.otherSoft
                                .Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', ',', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

                        // Choose number of cores for each node:

                        var coresOnNode = new List<int>();
                        int coresToDo = properPackLimit.maxCores;
                        int nodesToDo = properPackLimit.maxNodes;

                        foreach (var node in resource.Nodes)
                            if (coresToDo > 0 && nodesToDo > 0)
                                int coresOnCurrentNode = Math.Min(node.CoresAvailable, coresToDo);

                                coresToDo -= coresOnCurrentNode;
                                nodesToDo -= (coresOnCurrentNode == 0) ? 0 : 1;

                        int coresFound = coresOnNode.Sum();
                        if (coresFound == 0) // haven't found anything
                            return null;

                        // Estimate (clusters with more nodes are preferable, so subtract it's nodes.Count from time estimation):

                        TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan((long) ((Math.Round(18000.0 / coresFound) - resource.Nodes.Count + 60)*SEC_IN_TICKS));
                        Estimation estimation = new Estimation(task.TaskId, resource.ProviderName, resource.ResourceName, coresOnNode.ToArray()) { ExecutionTime = time };

            return scheduledTasks;
Example #5
        public static ResourceTotals FromSchedule(TaskSchedule schedule)
            if (schedule == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(schedule.ResourceName))
                return null;
            ResourceTotals totals = null;

                var resource = ResourceBase.GetResourceByName(schedule.ResourceName);

                totals = new ResourceTotals()
                    ProviderName = resource.Controller.Type, // resource.ProviderName,
                    ResourceName = resource.ResourceName,
                    ResourceDescription = resource.ResourceDescription,
                    Location = resource.Location,
                    NodesTotal = resource.Nodes.Length,
                    SupportedArchitectures = resource.SupportedArchitectures,
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Warn("Can't make ResourceTotals: " + e.ToString());
                totals = null;

            return totals;
Example #6
        public void Run(TaskSchedule schedule, IEnumerable<Resource> resources)
            lock (_taskLock)
                    var execStarted = DateTime.Now;
                    CurrentSchedule = schedule;

                    Params[CONST.Params.Method] = Method;

                    var resource = resources.First(r => r.ResourceName == schedule.ResourceName);
                    string incarnatedFtpFolder = GetFtpFolder(schedule.Nodes.First(), resource, CopyPhase.In);

                    if (PackageBaseProxy.GetSupportedPackageNames()
                            .Any(name => String.Equals(name, Package, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                        Time.AddToOverheads(TaskTimeOverheads.InputFilesCopy, () =>
                            Log.Debug("Uploading incarnated inputs");
                            foreach (var file in Incarnation.FilesToCopy)
                                Log.Debug(file.FileName + ": started");
                                IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(incarnatedFtpFolder + Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FileName).Replace("\\", "/"));
                                Log.Debug(file.FileName + ": path been made");
                                IOProxy.Storage.Download(file.StorageId, incarnatedFtpFolder + file.FileName);
                                Log.Debug(file.FileName + ": downloaded");
                            Log.Debug("Uploading incarnated inputs done");

                    Incarnation.PackageName = Package;
                    Incarnation.UserCert = UserCert;

                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Incarnation.CommandLine))
                        throw new Exception("Impossible to run task with empty command line");

                    if (!Incarnation.CommandLine.Contains("{0}") &&
                        Incarnation.CommandLine.StartsWith(Package, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        Incarnation.CommandLine = "{0}" + Incarnation.CommandLine.Substring(Package.Length);

                    Log.Stats("T_adapters", this.WfId, this.TaskId, DateTime.Now - execStarted);

                    Time.AddToOverheads(TaskTimeOverheads.Provider, () =>
                        //var provider = Broker.ProviderByName(resource.ProviderName);
                        var controller = Discovery.GetControllerFarm(resource);

                            //Incarnation.ProvidedTaskId = provider.Run(this.TaskId, this.Incarnation, resource, schedule.Nodes);
                            var runContext = new ServiceProxies.ControllerFarmService.TaskRunContext()
                                TaskId      = this.TaskId,

                                //Incarnation = this.Incarnation,
                                UserCert = this.UserCert,
                                PackageName = this.Incarnation.PackageName,
                                CommandLine = this.Incarnation.CommandLine,

                                InputFiles  = this.Incarnation.FilesToCopy.Select(f => new ServiceProxies.ControllerFarmService.FileContext()
                                    FileName  = f.FileName,
                                    StorageId = f.StorageId,

                                ExpectedOutputFileNames = this.Incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames.ToList(),

                                NodesConfig = schedule.Nodes.Select(n => new ServiceProxies.ControllerFarmService.NodeRunConfig()
                                    ResourceName = n.ResourceName,
                                    NodeName     = n.NodeName,
                                    Cores        = n.Cores

                            Log.Debug("Running task on controller: " + TaskId.ToString());
                            Log.Debug("Run done: " + TaskId.ToString());

                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Error("Exception on Task.Run for task " + this.TaskId + ": " + e.ToString());


                    State = TaskState.Started;

                    Log.Stats("T_clust_start", this.WfId, this.TaskId, DateTime.Now);
                    _lastEvent = Eventing.EventType.TaskStarted;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error(String.Format("Error on executing task {0}: {1}\n{2}",
                        TaskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace

                    Fail(reason: e.Message);