Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Duplicate of the inlined version!!!!!! DANGEROUS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid"></param>
        /// <param name="signs"></param>
        /// <param name="cube"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3 calculateQefPoint(AbstractHermiteGrid grid, bool[] signs, Point3 cube)
            //TODO: this can be optimized probably!
            var changingEdges = grid.GetAllEdgeIds().Where(e =>
                var ids = grid.GetEdgeVertexIds(e);
                return(signs[ids[0]] != signs[ids[1]]);

            var positions = changingEdges.Select(e => grid.GetEdgeIntersectionCubeLocal(cube, e)).ToArray();
            var normals   = changingEdges.Select(e => grid.GetEdgeNormal(cube, e)).ToArray();

            var meanIntersectionPoint = positions.Aggregate((a, b) => a + b) * (1f / positions.Length);
            var leastsquares          = QEFCalculator.CalculateCubeQEF(normals, positions, meanIntersectionPoint);

            var qefPoint = new Vector3(leastsquares[0], leastsquares[1], leastsquares[2]);

            if (qefPoint[0] < 0 || qefPoint[1] < 0 || qefPoint[2] < 0 ||
                qefPoint[0] > 1 || qefPoint[1] > 1 || qefPoint[2] > 1)
                qefPoint = meanIntersectionPoint; // I found someone online who does this too: http://ngildea.blogspot.be/2014/11/implementing-dual-contouring.html
                //TODO: should probably fix the QEF, maybe by removing singular values

                //throw new InvalidOperationException("QEF returned solution outside of cube");
        public IMesh buildMesh(AbstractHermiteGrid grid)
            var rawMesh = buildRawMesh(grid);

            var builder = new MeshBuilder();
            var mat     = builder.CreateMaterial();

            mat.ColoredMaterial = true;
            mat.DiffuseColor    = Color.Green.dx().xna();
            builder.AddCustom(rawMesh.Positions, rawMesh.Normals, rawMesh.Texcoords);

            var mesh = builder.CreateMesh();

        public RawMeshData buildRawMesh(AbstractHermiteGrid grid)
            var vertices = new List <Vector3>();
            var indices  = new List <int>();
            var algo     = new DualContouringAlgorithm();

            algo.GenerateSurface(vertices, indices, grid);

            var triangleNormals = generateTriangleNormals(indices, vertices);

            var ret = new RawMeshData(indices.Select(i => vertices[i].dx()).ToArray(),
                                      indices.Select((index, numIndex) => triangleNormals[numIndex / 3].dx()).ToArray(),
                                      indices.Select(i => new Vector2().dx()).ToArray(),
                                      indices.Select(i => new Vector3().dx()).ToArray());

 public DifferenceGrid(AbstractHermiteGrid a, AbstractHermiteGrid b, Point3 offset)
     this.a      = a;
     this.b      = b;
     this.offset = offset;
 public DifferenceGrid(AbstractHermiteGrid a, AbstractHermiteGrid b) : this(a, b, new Point3())
Example #6
        private static void createQEFVertices(List <Vector3> vertices, AbstractHermiteGrid grid, Dictionary <Point3, int> vIndex)
            var cubeSigns = new bool[8];

            var edgeVertexIds = grid.GetAllEdgeIds().Select(e => grid.GetEdgeVertexIds(e)).ToArray();
            var edgeOffsets   = grid.GetAllEdgeIds().Select(e => grid.GetEdgeOffsets(e)).ToArray();

            int changingEdgeCount = 0;

            int[]     changingEdges = new int[12];
            Vector3[] positions     = new Vector3[12];
            Vector3[] normals       = new Vector3[12];

            grid.ForEachCube(curr =>
                grid.GetCubeSigns(curr, cubeSigns);
                bool allTrue  = true;
                bool allFalse = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    var sign = cubeSigns[i];
                    allTrue  = sign && allTrue;
                    allFalse = !sign && allFalse;
                if (allTrue || allFalse)
                    return;                         // no sign changes
                //if ( cubeSigns.All( v => v ) || !cubeSigns.Any( v => v ) ) return; // no sign changes

                changingEdgeCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < edgeVertexIds.Length; i++)
                    var ids = edgeVertexIds[i];
                    if (cubeSigns[ids[0]] == cubeSigns[ids[1]])

                    changingEdges[changingEdgeCount] = i;

                for (int i = 0; i < changingEdgeCount; i++)
                    var iEdgeId      = changingEdges[i];
                    var iEdgeOffsets = edgeOffsets[iEdgeId];
                    var iEdgeData    = grid.getEdgeData(curr, iEdgeId);
                    positions[i]     = Vector3.Lerp(iEdgeOffsets[0], iEdgeOffsets[1], iEdgeData.W);
                    normals[i]       = iEdgeData.TakeXYZ();

                var meanIntersectionPoint = new Vector3();
                for (int i = 0; i < changingEdgeCount; i++)
                    meanIntersectionPoint = meanIntersectionPoint + positions[i];
                meanIntersectionPoint = meanIntersectionPoint * (1f / changingEdgeCount);

                var leastsquares = QEFCalculator.CalculateCubeQEF(normals, positions, changingEdgeCount, meanIntersectionPoint);

                var qefPoint1 = new Vector3();
                qefPoint1     = new Vector3(leastsquares[0], leastsquares[1], leastsquares[2]);

                if (qefPoint1[0] < 0 || qefPoint1[1] < 0 || qefPoint1[2] < 0 ||
                    qefPoint1[0] > 1 || qefPoint1[1] > 1 || qefPoint1[2] > 1)
                    qefPoint1 = meanIntersectionPoint;     // I found someone online who does this too: http://ngildea.blogspot.be/2014/11/implementing-dual-contouring.html
                    //TODO: should probably fix the QEF, maybe by removing singular values

                    //throw new InvalidOperationException("QEF returned solution outside of cube");

                vIndex[curr] = vertices.Count;
                vertices.Add(qefPoint1 + (Vector3)curr.ToVector3());
Example #7
        private static void buildTriangleIndices(List <int> indices, AbstractHermiteGrid grid, Dictionary <Point3, int> vIndex, List <DCVoxelMaterial> triangleMaterials)
            // Possible quads
            var offsets   = new[] { Point3.UnitX(), Point3.UnitY(), Point3.UnitZ(), };
            var rights    = new[] { Point3.UnitY(), Point3.UnitZ(), Point3.UnitX(), };
            var ups       = new[] { Point3.UnitZ(), Point3.UnitX(), Point3.UnitY(), };
            var unitEdges = offsets.Select(o => grid.GetEdgeId(new Point3(), o)).ToArray();

            //TODO: should be unit test
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Debug.Assert(grid.GetEdgeOffsets(unitEdges[i])[0] == new Point3());
                Debug.Assert(grid.GetEdgeOffsets(unitEdges[i])[1] == offsets[i]);

            grid.ForEachCube(o =>
                if (!vIndex.ContainsKey(o))
                    return;                             // No sign changes so no relevant edges here
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    var edgeId = unitEdges[i];
                    if (!grid.HasEdgeData(o, edgeId))
                    // Generate quad

                    var right = rights[i];
                    var up    = ups[i];

                    DCVoxelMaterial mat;
                    var signs = grid.GetEdgeSigns(o, edgeId);
                    // Face towards air by swapping right and up
                    if (signs[1])
                        var swap = right;
                        right    = up;
                        up       = swap;
                        mat      = grid.GetMaterial(o + offsets[i]);
                        mat = grid.GetMaterial(o);

                    // build quad faces

                    var a  = o - right;
                    var b  = o - up;
                    var ab = o - right - up;
                    if (!new[] { a, b, ab }.All(vIndex.ContainsKey))
                        continue;     // This should never happen unless on the side of the field, maybe add a check for this?
                    indices.AddRange(new[] { vIndex[o], vIndex[a], vIndex[ab] });
                    indices.AddRange(new[] { vIndex[o], vIndex[ab], vIndex[b] });
Example #8
        public void GenerateSurface(List <Vector3> vertices, List <int> indices, List <DCVoxelMaterial> triangleMaterials, AbstractHermiteGrid grid)
            var vIndex = new Dictionary <Point3, int>();

            createQEFVertices(vertices, grid, vIndex);

            buildTriangleIndices(indices, grid, vIndex, triangleMaterials);
Example #9
        public void GenerateSurface(List <Vector3> vertices, List <int> indices, AbstractHermiteGrid grid)
            var mats = new List <DCVoxelMaterial>();

            GenerateSurface(vertices, indices, mats, grid);
        public static HermiteDataGrid CopyGrid(AbstractHermiteGrid grid)
            var    ret         = new HermiteDataGrid();
            Point3 storageSize = grid.Dimensions + new Point3(1, 1, 1);

            ret.cells = new Array3D <Vertex>(storageSize);

            for (int x = 0; x < storageSize.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < storageSize.Y; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < storageSize.Z; z++)
                        var p = new Point3(x, y, z);
                        ret.cells[p] = new Vertex()
                            Sign     = grid.GetSign(p),
                            Material = grid.GetMaterial(p)

                                       /*EdgeData = ret.dirs.Select(dir =>
                                        *  {
                                        *      var edgeId = grid.GetEdgeId(p, p + dir);
                                        *      return grid.HasEdgeData(p, edgeId) ? grid.getEdgeData(p, edgeId) : new Vector4();
                                        *  }).ToArray()*/

            //ret.ForEachGridPoint(p =>
            //    {
            //        ret.cells[p] = new Vertex()
            //            {
            //                Sign = grid.GetSign(p),
            //                /*EdgeData = ret.dirs.Select(dir =>
            //                    {
            //                        var edgeId = grid.GetEdgeId(p, p + dir);
            //                        return grid.HasEdgeData(p, edgeId) ? grid.getEdgeData(p, edgeId) : new Vector4();
            //                    }).ToArray()*/
            //            };
            //    });

            var dirs     = ret.dirs;
            var dirEdges = dirs.Select(i => ret.GetEdgeId(new Point3(), i)).ToArray();

            ret.ForEachGridPoint(p =>
                var gridPointP      = ret.cells.GetFast(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);
                gridPointP.EdgeData = new Vector4[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    var dir    = dirs[i];
                    var edgeId = dirEdges[i];

                    Point3 endPoint = p + dir;
                    // Optimization: direclty read from already constructed data
                    if (!ret.cells.InArray(endPoint))
                    if (gridPointP.Sign == ret.cells.GetFast(endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, endPoint.Z).Sign)
                    if (!grid.HasEdgeData(p, edgeId))
                        // This can normally not happen, since we check if there is a sign difference by looking at the already evaluated density points.
                        //  If this would be true there is some problem with the manual determining of the existence of an edge.
                        //throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    gridPointP.EdgeData[i] = grid.getEdgeData(p, edgeId);

                /*val.EdgeData = ret.dirs.Select( dir =>
                 *  {
                 *  } ).ToArray();*/

                ret.cells[p] = gridPointP;

 public UnionGrid(AbstractHermiteGrid a, AbstractHermiteGrid b) : this(a, b, new Point3())
 public UnionGrid(AbstractHermiteGrid a, AbstractHermiteGrid b, Point3 offset)
     _offset = offset;
     this.a  = a;
     this.b  = b;