Example #1
        public static void Main(string[] sargs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Culture;
            CommandArgs args = new CommandArgs (sargs);

            if (args.styles) Application.EnableVisualStyles ();

            // Damn .NET text rendering

            Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (Application.ExecutablePath));

            Localizations = new LocalizationInterface ();
            try {
                string [] langfiles = Directory.GetFiles ("MGE3", "*.lng");
                foreach (string langfile in langfiles) {
                    Localizations.Add (langfile);
            } catch { };
            string language = "English (default)";
            bool autoLanguage = true;
            try {
                INIFile MGEini = new INIFile (iniFileName, new INIFile.INIVariableDef [] { INIFile.iniDefEmpty, MainForm.iniLanguage, MainForm.iniAutoLang });
                language = MGEini.getKeyString ("Language");
                autoLanguage = (MGEini.getKeyValue ("AutoLang") == 1);
            } catch { }
            Localizations.Current = language;
            Localizations.ApplyStrings("", strings);

            if (args.mutex && !MutexCheck.PerformCheck ()) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MGEguiRunning"], strings ["Error"]);
            Process [] morrowind = Process.GetProcessesByName ("Morrowind");
            foreach (Process p in morrowind) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWRunning"], strings ["Error"]);

            if (!File.Exists ("./morrowind.exe") || !File.Exists ("./morrowind.ini") || !Directory.Exists ("data files")) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["NotMWDir"], strings ["Error"]);
            if (!Directory.Exists ("MGE3") || !File.Exists ("./MGE3/MGEfuncs.dll") || !File.Exists ("./d3d8.dll") ||
               !File.Exists ("./dinput8.dll")) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MGEMissing"], strings ["Error"]);
            //Morrowind version info
            try {
                FileVersionInfo MorrowVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo ("Morrowind.exe");
                if (MorrowVersion.FileMajorPart != 1 || MorrowVersion.FileMinorPart < 6) {
                    MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWIncompat"], strings ["Error"]);
            } catch {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWCorrupt"], strings ["Error"]);

            runDir = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath;
            //check if MW registry keys exist
            if (Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey (reg_mw) == null) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWRegistry"], strings ["Error"]);

            //Create some structures
            for (int i = 0; i < MACROS; i++) {
                Macros [i] = new Macro ();
            for (int i = 0; i < TRIGGERS; i++) {
                Triggers [i] = new Trigger ();
            DXMain.GetDeviceCaps ();
            mf = new MainForm (autoLanguage);
            Application.Run (mf);
Example #2
        public static void Main(string[] sargs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Culture;
            CommandArgs args = new CommandArgs (sargs);

            if (args.styles) Application.EnableVisualStyles ();

            // Damn .NET text rendering

            Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (Application.ExecutablePath));

            Localizations = new LocalizationInterface ();
            try {
                string [] langfiles = Directory.GetFiles ("MGE3", "*.lng");
                foreach (string langfile in langfiles) {
                    Localizations.Add (langfile);
            } catch { };
            Localizations.Add(new LocalizationInterface.Localization((Form)null));    // Adds truncated variant of default localization.
            String language = DefaultLocalization.Language;
            bool autoLanguage = true;
            try {
                INIFile MGEini = new INIFile (iniFileName, new INIFile.INIVariableDef [] { INIFile.iniDefEmpty, MainForm.iniLanguage, MainForm.iniAutoLang });
                language = MGEini.getKeyString ("Language");
                autoLanguage = (MGEini.getKeyValue ("AutoLang") == 1);
            } catch { }
            Localizations.Current = language;
            Localizations.ApplyStrings("", strings);

            if (args.mutex && !MutexCheck.PerformCheck ()) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MGEguiRunning"], strings ["Error"]);
            Process [] morrowind = Process.GetProcessesByName ("Morrowind");
            foreach (Process p in morrowind) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWRunning"], strings ["Error"]);

            if (!File.Exists ("./morrowind.exe") || !File.Exists ("./morrowind.ini") || !Directory.Exists ("data files")) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["NotMWDir"], strings ["Error"]);
            if (!Directory.Exists ("MGE3") || !File.Exists ("./MGE3/MGEfuncs.dll") || !File.Exists ("./d3d8.dll") ||
               !File.Exists ("./dinput8.dll")) {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MGEMissing"], strings ["Error"]);
            //Morrowind version info
            try {
                FileVersionInfo MorrowVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo ("Morrowind.exe");
                if (MorrowVersion.ProductPrivatePart != 722 && MorrowVersion.ProductPrivatePart != 1029 && MorrowVersion.ProductPrivatePart != 1875 && MorrowVersion.ProductPrivatePart != 1820)
                    MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWIncompat"], strings ["Error"]);
            } catch {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWCorrupt"], strings ["Error"]);
            //Check for dsound.dll
            if (File.Exists ("dsound.dll") && new System.IO.FileInfo ("dsound.dll").Length == 16384) {
                try {
                    File.Delete ("dsound.dll");
                } catch {
                    MessageBox.Show (strings ["DSound"], strings ["Error"]);

            runDir = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath;
            //check if MW registry keys exist
            RegistryKey key = Statics.reg_key_bethesda.OpenSubKey(Statics.reg_morrowind);
            if (key != null) { key.Close(); key = null;
            } else {
                MessageBox.Show (strings ["MWRegistry"], strings ["Error"]);

            //mendres: Check if MGE needs administrator privileges.
            try {
                key = Statics.reg_key_bethesda.OpenSubKey(Statics.reg_morrowind, true);
            } catch (System.Security.SecurityException) {
                MessageBox.Show(strings["MgeAccess"], strings["Error"]);
            if (key != null) { key.Close(); key = null; }

            //Create the data files directories MGE uses
            if (!Directory.Exists (@"data files\shaders")) {
                Directory.CreateDirectory (@"data files\shaders");
            if (!Directory.Exists (@"data files\MGE meshes")) {
                Directory.CreateDirectory (@"data files\MGE meshes");
            if (!Directory.Exists (@"data files\Textures\MGE")) {
                Directory.CreateDirectory (@"data files\Textures\MGE");
            if (!Directory.Exists (@"data files\MGE videos")) {
                Directory.CreateDirectory (@"data files\MGE videos");
            if (!Directory.Exists (@"data files\shaders\default")) {
                Directory.CreateDirectory (@"data files\shaders\default");
            if (!Directory.Exists (@"data files\shaders\water")) {
                Directory.CreateDirectory (@"data files\shaders\water");
            //Create some structures
            for (int i = 0; i < MACROS; i++) {
                Macros [i] = new Macro ();
            for (int i = 0; i < TRIGGERS; i++) {
                Triggers [i] = new Trigger ();
            DXMain.GetDeviceCaps ();
            bool GUIchecker = !lightversion;
            while (GUIchecker != lightversion) {
                GUIchecker = lightversion;
                if (lightversion) {
                    mfl = new MainFormLight(autoLanguage);
                } else {
                    mf = new MainForm (autoLanguage);
                    Application.Run (mf);
Example #3
 private void LoadGraphicsSettings(bool reset, bool save)
     INIFile iniFile = new INIFile (reset ? Statics.fn_nul : Statics.iniFileName, iniSettings, true);
     if (reset)
         iniFile.fileName = Statics.iniFileName;
         bCalcRefresh_Click (null, null);
     if (save) {
         iniFile.initialize ();
         iniFile.save ();
     loading = true;
     // Config
     cmbTipReadSpd.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("IipSpeed");
     // Graphics
     cmbAntiAlias.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AntiAlias");
     cmbVWait.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("VWait");
     cmbRefreshRate.SelectedIndex = cmbRefreshRate.FindStringExact (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Refresh").ToString ());
     if (cmbRefreshRate.SelectedIndex == -1) cmbRefreshRate.SelectedIndex = 0;
     cmbAnisoLevel.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AnisoLvl");
     udLOD.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("LODBias");
     cmbFogMode.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("FogMode");
     udFOV.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("FOV");
     cbFPSCounter.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("FPSCount") == 1);
     cbDisplayMessages.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Messages") == 1);
     udMsgsTime.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("MsgTime");
     cbHWShader.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("HWShader") == 1);
     cmbSShotFormat.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SSFormat");
     tbSShotDir.Text = iniFile.getKeyString ("SSDir");
     if (tbSShotDir.Text.Length == 0) bSSDirClear_Click (null, null);
     tbSShotName.Text = iniFile.getKeyString ("SSName");
     udSShotNum.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SSNum");
     // In-game
     cbDisableMGE.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DisableMGE") == 1);
     cbDisableMWSE.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DisableMWSE") == 1);
     udHDR.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("HDRTime");
     cbCam3rdPrsn.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdCustom") == 1);
     udCam3rdX.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdX");
     udCam3rdY.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdY");
     udCam3rdZ.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdZ");
     cbAutoCrosshair.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AutoCrosshair") == 1);
     cbMenuCaching.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("MenuCaching") == 1);
     // Distant Land
     cbDLDistantLand.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DistLand") == 1);
     cbDLDistantStatics.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DistStat") == 1);
     udDLDrawDist.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("DrawDist");
     udDLDistNear.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("EndNear");
     udDLDistFar.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("EndFar");
     udDLDistVeryFar.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("EndVFar");
     udDLSizeFar.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SizeFar");
     udDLSizeVeryFar.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SizeVFar");
     cbDLReflLand.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflLand") == 1);
     cbDLReflNStatics.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflNear") == 1);
     cbDLReflInterior.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflIntr") == 1);
     udDLFogAStart.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AboveBeg");
     udDLFogAEnd.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AboveEnd");
     udDLFogBStart.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("BelowBeg");
     udDLFogBEnd.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("BelowEnd");
     udDLFogIStart.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("InterBeg");
     udDLFogIEnd.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("InterEnd");
     cbDLSkyRefl.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("SkyRefl") == 1);
     cbDLDynRipples.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DynRipples") == 1);
     cbDLReflBlur.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflBlur") == 1);
     udDLFogExpMul.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("DLExpMul");
     cbDLFogExp.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ExpFog") == 1);
     cbDLScattering.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Scatter") == 1);
     udDLWtrWave.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("WaveHght");
     udDLWtrCaust.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Caustics");
     int autoDistBy = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AutoDistBy");
     rbDLAutoByDrawDist.Checked = (autoDistBy == 1);
     rbDLAutoByAFogEnd.Checked = (autoDistBy == 2);
     cbDLAutoDist.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AutoDist") == 1);
     cbDLSunShadows.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("SunShadows") == 1);
     cbPerPixelLighting.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("PPLighting") == 1);
     loading = false;
Example #4
 public Localization(string fileName)
     FileName = fileName;
     langFile = new INIFile (fileName, langINI);
     Language = langFile.getKeyString (entLang);
     Translator = langFile.getKeyString (entTtor);
Example #5
 private void LoadGraphicsSettings(bool reset, bool save)
     INIFile iniFile = new INIFile (reset ? Statics.fn_nul : Statics.iniFileName, iniSettings, true);
     if (reset) iniFile.fileName = Statics.iniFileName;
     else bCalcRefresh_Click (null, null);
     if (save) {
         iniFile.initialize ();
         iniFile.save ();
     loading = true;
     cmbTipReadSpd.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("IipSpeed");
     //Global Graphics
     cmbAntiAlias.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AntiAlias");
     cmbZBuffer.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("ZBuffer");
     cmbVWait.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("VWait");
     cmbRefreshRate.SelectedIndex = cmbRefreshRate.FindStringExact (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Refresh").ToString ());
     if (cmbRefreshRate.SelectedIndex == -1) cmbRefreshRate.SelectedIndex = 0;
     //Render State
     cmbScaleFilter.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("ScaleFilt");
     cmbMipFilter.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("MipFilt");
     cmbAnisoLevel.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AnisoLvl");
     udLOD.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("LODBias");
     cmbFogMode.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("FogMode");
     udZoom.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("InitZoom");
     udRotation.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("ScrRot");
     udFOV.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("FOV");
     cbFog.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("UseFog") == 1);
     cbFPSCounter.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("FPSCount") == 1);
     cbDisplayMessages.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Messages") == 1);
     udMsgsTime.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("MsgTime");
     cbHWShader.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("HWShader") == 1);
     cbDisableShadersInMenu.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue("DisableShadersInMenu") == 1);
     cbAAFix.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AAFix") == 1);
     cmbSShotFormat.SelectedIndex = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SSFormat");
     tbSShotDir.Text = iniFile.getKeyString ("SSDir");
     if (tbSShotDir.Text.Length == 0) bSSDirClear_Click (null, null);
     tbSShotName.Text = iniFile.getKeyString ("SSName");
     udSShotNum.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SSNum");
     cbLagFix.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("LagFix") == 1);
     cbDisableMWSE.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DisableMWSE") == 1);
     cbDisableMWE.CheckState = (iniFile.getKeyValue("DisableMWE") == 1) ? CheckState.Checked : File.Exists(Statics.fn_mwedll) ? CheckState.Unchecked : CheckState.Indeterminate;
     cbDisableIntegration.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue("DisableIntegration") == 1);
     cbDisablePatch.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue("DisablePatch") == 1);
     cbZoomEffectsHUD.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AffectUI") == 1);
     cbAspectZoom.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AspectZoom") == 1);
     cbHook.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("HookTex") == 1);
     cbSetEffectVars.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ShaderVars") == 1);
     cbHDR.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("UseHDR") == 1);
     udHDR.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("HDRTime");
     cbFPSConst.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("KeepFPS") == 1);
     udFPSDes.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("FPSDesired");
     udFPSTol.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("FPSToler");
     udMaxView.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("MaxMWView");
     udMinView.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("MinMWView");
     cbBindAI.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AIToMWView") == 1);
     cbIdle.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("CPUIdle") == 1);
     udIdle.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("IdleTime");
     cbShaderDepth.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ShaderDepth") == 1);
     cbCam3rdPrsn.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdCustom") == 1);
     udCam3rdX.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdX");
     udCam3rdY.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdY");
     udCam3rdZ.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Cam3rdZ");
     //Distant Land
     cbDLDistantLand.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DistLand") == 1);
     List<string> list = new List<string> (DLOptions.Keys);
     foreach (string key in list) DLOptions [key] = (iniFile.getKeyValue (key) == 1);
     cbDLDistantStatics.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DistStat") == 1);
     udDLDrawDist.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("DrawDist");
     //udDLBlur.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("DistBlur");   //removed
     udDLDistNear.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("EndNear");
     udDLDistFar.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("EndFar");
     udDLDistVeryFar.Value = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("EndVFar");
     udDLSizeFar.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SizeFar");
     udDLSizeVeryFar.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("SizeVFar");
     cbDLReflLand.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflLand") == 1);
     cbDLReflNStatics.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflNear") == 1);
     cbDLReflFStatics.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflFar") == 1);
     udDLFogAStart.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AboveBeg");
     udDLFogAEnd.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AboveEnd");
     udDLFogBStart.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("BelowBeg");
     udDLFogBEnd.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("BelowEnd");
     udDLFogIStart.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("InterBeg");
     udDLFogIEnd.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("InterEnd");
     cbDLSkyRefl.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("SkyRefl") == 1);
     cbDLDynRipples.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DynRipples") == 1);
     rbDLSM30.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DLShader") == 3);
     cbDLReflBlur.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ReflBlur") == 1);
     udDLFogExpMul.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("DLExpMul");
     cbDLFogExp.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("ExpFog") == 1);
     udDLWtrWave.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("WaveHght");
     udDLWtrCaust.Value = (decimal)iniFile.getKeyValue ("Caustics");
     int autoDistBy = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue ("AutoDistBy");
     rbDLAutoByDrawDist.Checked = (autoDistBy == 1);
     rbDLAutoByAFogEnd.Checked = (autoDistBy == 2);
     cbDLAutoDist.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("AutoDist") == 1);
     //MGE disabled
     cbDisableMGE.Checked = (iniFile.getKeyValue ("DisableMGE") == 1);
     PatchTreeSize.Width = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue("PTreeWidth");
     PatchTreeSize.Height = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue("PTreeHeight");
     PatchEditorSize.Width = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue("PEditorWidth");
     PatchEditorSize.Height = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue("PEditorHeight");
     PatchEditorBars.Width = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue("PEditorBarW");
     PatchEditorBars.Height = (int)iniFile.getKeyValue("PEditorBarH");
     loading = false;
Example #6
 public Patch(INIFile mcpFile, String section)
     Dictionary<String, String> keys = mcpFile.getSectionKeys(section);
     foreach (String sKey in keys.Keys) {
         String value = mcpFile.getKeyString(section, sKey).Trim();
         bool oKey = sKey.StartsWith(Keys[Key.Original], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
         bool pKey = sKey.StartsWith(Keys[Key.Patch], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
         bool aKey = sKey.StartsWith(Keys[Key.Attach], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
         bool dKey = sKey.StartsWith(Keys[Key.Description], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
         if (aKey || oKey || pKey || dKey) {
             value = value.Replace("\t", "\n");
             String comment = mcpFile.getCommentAbove(section, sKey);
             Unit[] units = oKey ? Original : pKey ? Patched : aKey ? Attach : Description;
             List<Unit> array = units != null ? new List<Unit>(units) : new List<Unit>();
             String tag = sKey.Substring(Keys[oKey ? Key.Original : pKey ? Key.Patch : aKey ? Key.Attach : Key.Description].Length).Trim();
             array.Add(aKey || dKey ? new Unit(tag, 0, value, comment) : new Unit(Convert.ToUInt32(tag, 16), value, comment));
             if (oKey) Original = array.ToArray(); else if (pKey) Patched = array.ToArray(); else if (aKey) Attach = array.ToArray();
             else Description = array.ToArray();
         foreach (Key key in Keys.Keys) {
             if (sKey.ToLower() == Keys[key].ToLower()) {
                 NumberFormatInfo provider = new NumberFormatInfo();
                 provider.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
                 switch (key) {
                     case Key.Checked: { try { Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(value.ToLower()); } catch { } break; }
                     case Key.Parent: { Parent = value; break; }
                     case Key.Version: { try { version = Math.Abs((float)Convert.ToDouble(value, provider)); } catch { } break; }
                     case Key.FileVersion: { try { fileVersion = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(value)); } catch { } break; }
                     case Key.Author: { Author = value; break; }
                     case Key.Removed: { try { Removed = Convert.ToBoolean(value.ToLower()); } catch { } break; }
                     case Key.Expanded: { try { Expanded = Convert.ToBoolean(value.ToLower()); } catch { } break; }