Example #1
        void internalHandler(object sender, MFCMessageEventArgs e)
            var msg = e.Message;

            switch (msg.MessageType)
                case MFCMessageType.FCTYPE_SESSIONSTATE:
                        if (_handleSessionState)
                case MFCMessageType.FCTYPE_LOGIN:
                        //when we get a login message, if it's a success message, save the session id
                        if (msg.Arg1 == (int)MFCResponseType.FCRESPONSE_SUCCESS)
                            _loggedIn = true;
                            _userId = msg.Arg2;
                            _userName = msg.Data;
                            _sessionId = msg.To.ToString();
                        //not sure what to do here--for now, throw an exception
                        if (msg.Arg1 == (int)MFCResponseType.FCRESPONSE_ERROR)
                            throw new Exception("Unable to log in to MFC.");

                case MFCMessageType.FCTYPE_METRICS:
                        //this is a little hairy but what we're trying to do is get an initial list
                        //of models that are currently logged in to the server, primarily so we can
                        //know what their broadcaster ids are when we want to join channels.
                        //MFC sends a metrics message that contains a pointer to a javascript file
                        //that has the currently logged in models right after you log in to the chat server.
                        //They also send metrics messages that dont have the pointer, and I don't know what
                        //those are for yet, so here we only work with the msg that matches the if statement
                        //below.  Then we strip out the javascript code so we're left with JSON we can
                        if (msg.To == 20 && msg.Arg1 == 0 && msg.Arg2 > 0)
                            //figure out the file pointer
                            var fileno = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MetricsPayload>(WebUtility.UrlDecode(msg.Data)).fileno;
                            //get the file
                            var modelInfo = _client.DownloadString(String.Format(ModelUrlFormat, fileno));
                            Metrics = modelInfo;
                            //strip out extraneous javascript
                            modelInfo = modelInfo.Replace("var g_hModelData = ", "");
                            modelInfo = modelInfo.Replace("LoadModelsFromObject(g_hModelData);", "");
                            modelInfo = modelInfo.Replace("};", "}");
                            //attempt to deserialize the model JSON
                                var m = JObject.Parse(modelInfo); //parse to a dynamic
                                var n = m.Properties().Where(p => !p.Name.StartsWith("tags")) //filter out the tags objects
                                         .Children() //give us back JTokens
                                         .Select(x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(x.ToString())); //serialize the individual model objects
                                foreach (var model in n)
                                    updateUserInfo(model.UserId ?? default(int), model);
                            catch (Exception oops)
                                //eat any exceptions-we'll do without a model list if there's an issue
                                //TODO: figure out something nicer to do here

                        OnUsersProcessed(new EventArgs());

Example #2
 protected virtual void OnReceived(MFCMessageEventArgs e)
     if (null != Received)
         Received(this, e);