Example #1
 public SwitchStatement(Expression expr, CodeBody body,
                        SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.SwitchStatement, start, end)
     Expression = expr;
     Body       = body;
Example #2
 public SwitchStatement(Expression expr, CodeBody body,
     SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.SwitchStatement, start, end)
     Expression = expr;
     Body = body;
Example #3
 public DoUntilLoop(Expression cond, CodeBody body,
                    SourcePosition start = null, SourcePosition end = null)
     : base(ASTNodeType.WhileLoop, start, end)
     Condition = cond;
     Body      = body;
Example #4
 public WhileLoop(Expression cond, CodeBody body,
     SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.WhileLoop, start, end)
     Condition = cond;
     Body = body;
Example #5
 public PreOpDeclaration(String keyword,
     bool delim, CodeBody body, VariableType returnType,
     FunctionParameter operand, List<Specifier> specs,
     SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.PrefixOperator, keyword, delim, body, returnType, specs, start, end)
     Operand = operand;
Example #6
 public IfStatement(Expression cond, CodeBody then,
     SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end, CodeBody optelse = null)
     : base(ASTNodeType.IfStatement, start, end)
     Condition = cond;
     Then = then;
     Else = optelse;
Example #7
 public PreOpDeclaration(String keyword,
                         bool delim, CodeBody body, VariableType returnType,
                         FunctionParameter operand, List <Specifier> specs,
                         SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.PrefixOperator, keyword, delim, body, returnType, specs, start, end)
     Operand = operand;
Example #8
 public IfStatement(Expression cond, CodeBody then,
                    SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end, CodeBody optelse = null)
     : base(ASTNodeType.IfStatement, start, end)
     Condition = cond;
     Then      = then;
     Else      = optelse;
Example #9
 public InOpDeclaration(String keyword, int precedence,
                        bool delim, CodeBody body, VariableType returnType,
                        FunctionParameter leftOp, FunctionParameter rightOp,
                        List <Specifier> specs, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.InfixOperator, keyword, delim, body, returnType, specs, start, end)
     LeftOperand  = leftOp;
     RightOperand = rightOp;
     Precedence   = precedence;
Example #10
 public ForLoop(Expression cond, CodeBody body,
                Statement init, Statement update,
                SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.WhileLoop, start, end)
     Condition = cond;
     Body      = body;
     Init      = init;
     Update    = update;
Example #11
 public ForLoop(Expression cond, CodeBody body,
     Statement init, Statement update,
     SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.WhileLoop, start, end)
     Condition = cond;
     Body = body;
     Init = init;
     Update = update;
Example #12
 public InOpDeclaration(String keyword, int precedence,
 bool delim, CodeBody body, VariableType returnType,
 FunctionParameter leftOp, FunctionParameter rightOp,
 List<Specifier> specs, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.InfixOperator, keyword, delim, body, returnType, specs, start, end)
     LeftOperand = leftOp;
     RightOperand = rightOp;
     Precedence = precedence;
Example #13
 public OperatorDeclaration(ASTNodeType type, String keyword, 
     bool delim, CodeBody body, VariableType returnType,
     List<Specifier> specs, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(type, start, end)
     OperatorKeyword = keyword;
     isDelimiter = delim;
     Body = body;
     ReturnType = returnType;
     Specifiers = specs;
     Locals = new List<VariableDeclaration>();
Example #14
 public Function(String name, VariableType returntype, CodeBody body,
                 List <Specifier> specs, List <FunctionParameter> parameters,
                 SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.Function, start, end)
     Name       = name;
     Body       = body;
     ReturnType = returntype;
     Specifiers = specs;
     Parameters = parameters;
     Locals     = new List <VariableDeclaration>();
Example #15
 public OperatorDeclaration(ASTNodeType type, String keyword,
                            bool delim, CodeBody body, VariableType returnType,
                            List <Specifier> specs, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(type, start, end)
     OperatorKeyword = keyword;
     isDelimiter     = delim;
     Body            = body;
     ReturnType      = returnType;
     Specifiers      = specs;
     Locals          = new List <VariableDeclaration>();
Example #16
 public Function(String name, VariableType returntype, CodeBody body,
     List<Specifier> specs, List<FunctionParameter> parameters,
     SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.Function, start, end)
     Name = name;
     Body = body;
     ReturnType = returntype;
     Specifiers = specs;
     Parameters = parameters;
     Locals = new List<VariableDeclaration>();
Example #17
 public State(String name, CodeBody body, List <Specifier> specs,
              State parent, List <Function> funcs, List <Function> ignores,
              List <StateLabel> labels, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.State, start, end)
     Name       = name;
     Body       = body;
     Specifiers = specs;
     Parent     = parent;
     Functions  = funcs;
     Ignores    = ignores;
     Labels     = labels;
     Locals     = new List <VariableDeclaration>();
Example #18
 public State(String name, CodeBody body, List<Specifier> specs,
     State parent, List<Function> funcs, List<Function> ignores,
     List<StateLabel> labels, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.State, start, end)
     Name = name;
     Body = body;
     Specifiers = specs;
     Parent = parent;
     Functions = funcs;
     Ignores = ignores;
     Labels = labels;
     Locals = new List<VariableDeclaration>();
Example #19
 public State(string name, CodeBody body, StateFlags flags,
              State parent, List <Function> funcs, List <Function> ignores,
              List <Label> labels, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.State, start, end)
     Flags     = flags;
     Name      = name;
     Body      = body;
     Parent    = parent;
     Functions = funcs;
     Ignores   = ignores;
     Labels    = labels;
     if (Body != null)
         Body.Outer = this;
Example #20
 public CodeBodyParser(TokenStream<String> tokens, CodeBody body, SymbolTable symbols, ASTNode containingNode, MessageLog log = null)
     Log = log ?? new MessageLog();
     Symbols = symbols;
     Tokens = tokens;
     _loopCount = 0;
     _switchCount = 0;
     Node = containingNode;
     Body = body;
     OuterClassScope = NodeUtils.GetOuterClassScope(containingNode);
     // TODO: refactor a better solution to this mess
     if (IsState)
         NodeVariables = (containingNode as State);
     else if (IsFunction)
         NodeVariables = (containingNode as Function);
     else if (IsOperator)
         NodeVariables = (containingNode as OperatorDeclaration);
Example #21
 public Function(string name, FunctionFlags flags,
                 VariableType returntype, CodeBody body,
                 List <FunctionParameter> parameters = null,
                 SourcePosition start = null, SourcePosition end = null)
     : base(ASTNodeType.Function, start, end)
     Name       = name;
     Body       = body;
     ReturnType = returntype;
     Flags      = flags;
     Parameters = parameters ?? new List <FunctionParameter>();
     Locals     = new List <VariableDeclaration>();
     VarType    = new DelegateType(this)
         IsFunction  = true,
         Declaration = this
     if (Body != null)
         Body.Outer = this;
Example #22
 public ForEachLoop(Expression iterator, CodeBody body, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.ForEachLoop, start, end)
     IteratorCall = iterator;
     Body         = body;
Example #23
        public State TryParseState()
            Func<ASTNode> stateSkeletonParser = () =>
                var specs = ParseSpecifiers(GlobalLists.StateSpecifiers);

                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.State) == null)
                    return null;

                var name = Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Word);
                if (name == null)
                    return Error("Expected state name!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                var parent = TryParseParent();

                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.LeftBracket) == null)
                    return Error("Expected '{'!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                List<Function> ignores = new List<Function>();
                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Ignores) != null)
                        VariableIdentifier variable = TryParseVariable();
                        if (variable == null)
                            return Error("Malformed ignore statement!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                        ignores.Add(new Function(variable.Name, null, null, null, null, variable.StartPos, variable.EndPos));
                    } while (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Comma) != null);

                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.SemiColon) == null)
                        return Error("Expected semi-colon!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                var funcs = new List<Function>();
                Function func = TryParseFunction();
                while (func != null)
                    func = TryParseFunction();

                var bodyStart = Tokens.CurrentItem.StartPosition;
                while (Tokens.CurrentItem.Type != TokenType.RightBracket && !Tokens.AtEnd())
                var bodyEnd = Tokens.CurrentItem.StartPosition;

                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.RightBracket) == null)
                    return Error("Expected '}'!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                var body = new CodeBody(new List<Statement>(), bodyStart, bodyEnd);
                var parentState = parent != null ? new State(parent.Name, null, null, null, null, null, null, parent.StartPos, parent.EndPos) : null;
                return new State(name.Value, body, specs, parentState, funcs, ignores, null, name.StartPosition, name.EndPosition);
            return (State)Tokens.TryGetTree(stateSkeletonParser);
Example #24
        public OperatorDeclaration TryParseOperatorDecl()
            Func<ASTNode> operatorParser = () =>
                var specs = ParseSpecifiers(GlobalLists.FunctionSpecifiers);

                var token = Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Operator) ??
                    Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.PreOperator) ??
                    Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.PostOperator) ??
                    new Token<String>(TokenType.INVALID);

                if (token.Type == TokenType.INVALID)
                    return null;

                Token<String> precedence = null;
                if (token.Type == TokenType.Operator)
                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.LeftParenth) == null)
                        return Error("Expected '('! (Did you forget to specify operator precedence?)", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    precedence = Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.IntegerNumber);
                    if (precedence == null)
                        return Error("Expected an integer number!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.RightParenth) == null)
                        return Error("Expected ')'!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));


                Token<String> returnType = null, name = null;
                var firstString = TryParseOperatorIdentifier();
                if (firstString == null)
                    return Error("Expected operator name or return type!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                var secondString = TryParseOperatorIdentifier();
                if (secondString == null)
                    name = firstString;
                    returnType = firstString;
                    name = secondString;

                VariableType retVarType = returnType != null ?
                    new VariableType(returnType.Value, returnType.StartPosition, returnType.EndPosition) : null;

                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.LeftParenth) == null)
                    return Error("Expected '('!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                var operands = new List<FunctionParameter>();
                while (CurrentTokenType != TokenType.RightParenth)
                    var operand = TryParseParameter();
                    if (operand == null)
                        return Error("Malformed operand!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Comma) == null && CurrentTokenType != TokenType.RightParenth)
                        return Error("Unexpected operand content!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));


                if (token.Type == TokenType.Operator && operands.Count != 2)
                    return Error("In-fix operators requires exactly 2 parameters!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                else if (token.Type != TokenType.Operator && operands.Count != 1)
                    return Error("Post/Pre-fix operators requires exactly 1 parameter!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.RightParenth) == null)
                    return Error("Expected ')'!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                CodeBody body = new CodeBody(null, CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition);
                SourcePosition bodyStart = null, bodyEnd = null;
                if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.SemiColon) == null)
                    if (!ParseScopeSpan(TokenType.LeftBracket, TokenType.RightBracket, out bodyStart, out bodyEnd))
                        return Error("Malformed operator body!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    body = new CodeBody(null, bodyStart, bodyEnd);

                // TODO: determine if operator should be a delimiter! (should only symbol-based ones be?)
                if (token.Type == TokenType.PreOperator)
                    return new PreOpDeclaration(name.Value, false, body, retVarType, operands.First(), specs, name.StartPosition, name.EndPosition);
                else if (token.Type == TokenType.PostOperator)
                    return new PostOpDeclaration(name.Value, false, body, retVarType, operands.First(), specs, name.StartPosition, name.EndPosition);
                    return new InOpDeclaration(name.Value, Int32.Parse(precedence.Value), false, body, retVarType,
                        operands.First(), operands.Last(), specs, name.StartPosition, name.EndPosition);
            return (OperatorDeclaration)Tokens.TryGetTree(operatorParser);
Example #25
        public Function TryParseFunction()
            Func<ASTNode> stubParser = () =>
                    var specs = ParseSpecifiers(GlobalLists.FunctionSpecifiers);

                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Function) == null)
                        return null;

                    Token<String> returnType = null, name = null;

                    var firstString = Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Word);
                    if (firstString == null)
                        return Error("Expected function name or return type!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    var secondString = Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Word);
                    if (secondString == null)
                        name = firstString;
                        returnType = firstString;
                        name = secondString;

                    VariableType retVarType = returnType != null ?
                        new VariableType(returnType.Value, returnType.StartPosition, returnType.EndPosition) : null;

                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.LeftParenth) == null)
                        return Error("Expected '('!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    var parameters = new List<FunctionParameter>();
                    while (CurrentTokenType != TokenType.RightParenth)
                        var param = TryParseParameter();
                        if (param == null)
                            return Error("Malformed parameter!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                        if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Comma) == null && CurrentTokenType != TokenType.RightParenth)
                            return Error("Unexpected parameter content!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.RightParenth) == null)
                        return Error("Expected ')'!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                    CodeBody body = new CodeBody(null, CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition);
                    SourcePosition bodyStart = null, bodyEnd = null;
                    if (Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.SemiColon) == null)
                        if (!ParseScopeSpan(TokenType.LeftBracket, TokenType.RightBracket, out bodyStart, out bodyEnd))
                            return Error("Malformed function body!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                        body = new CodeBody(null, bodyStart, bodyEnd);

                    return new Function(name.Value, retVarType, body, specs, parameters, name.StartPosition, name.EndPosition);
            return (Function)Tokens.TryGetTree(stubParser);
Example #26
 public ForEachLoop(Expression iterator, CodeBody body, SourcePosition start, SourcePosition end)
     : base(ASTNodeType.ForEachLoop, start, end)
     IteratorCall = iterator;
     Body = body;
Example #27
        public bool VisitNode(CodeBody node)
            foreach (Statement s in node.Statements) //TODO: make this proper

            return true;
Example #28
 public bool VisitNode(CodeBody node)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #29
        public CodeBody TryParseBodyOrStatement(bool allowEmpty = false)
            Func<ASTNode> bodyParser = () =>
                CodeBody body = null;
                var single = TryParseInnerStatement();
                if (single != null)
                    var content = new List<Statement>();
                    body = new CodeBody(content, single.StartPos, single.EndPos);
                    body = TryParseBody();
                if (body == null)
                    if (allowEmpty && Tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.SemiColon) != null)
                        body = new CodeBody(null, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, -1, -1), CurrentPosition);
                        return Error("Expected a code body or single statement!", CurrentPosition, CurrentPosition.GetModifiedPosition(0, 1, 1));

                return body;
            return (CodeBody)Tokens.TryGetTree(bodyParser);