Example #1
 public void RangeQuery(AABB2D bounds, NativeList <QuadElement <T> > results)
     new QuadTreeRangeQuery().Query(this, bounds, results);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new QuadTree.
        /// - Ensure the bounds are not way bigger than needed, otherwise the buckets are very off. Probably best to calculate bounds
        /// - The higher the depth, the larger the overhead, it especially goes up at a depth of 7/8
        /// </summary>
        public NativeQuadTree(AABB2D bounds, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp, int maxDepth = 4, short maxLeafElements = 16, int initialElementsCapacity = 256) : this()
            this.allocator       = allocator;
            this.bounds          = bounds;
            this.maxDepth        = maxDepth;
            this.maxLeafElements = maxLeafElements;
            this.elementsCount   = 0;
            this.isCreated       = true;

            if (maxDepth > 8)
                // Currently no support for higher depths, the morton code lookup tables would have to support it
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            DisposeSentinel.Create(out this.safetyHandle, out this.disposeSentinel, 1, allocator);

            // Allocate memory for every depth, the nodes on all depths are stored in a single continuous array
            var totalSize = LookupTables.DepthSizeLookup[maxDepth + 1];

            this.lookup = new NativeArray <int>(
                totalSize, allocator); //UnsafeList.Create(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<int>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<int>(), totalSize, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

            this.nodes = new NativeArray <QuadNode>(
                totalSize, allocator); //UnsafeList.Create(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<QuadNode>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<QuadNode>(), totalSize, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

            this.elements = new NativeArray <QuadElement <T> >(initialElementsCapacity,
                                                               allocator); //UnsafeList.Create(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<QuadElement<T>>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<QuadElement<T>>(), initialElementsCapacity, allocator);
Example #3
        private static void DrawBounds(Color[][] texture, AABB2D bounds, NativeQuadTree <T> tree)
            var widthMult  = texture.Length / tree.bounds.Extents.x * 2 / 2 / 2;
            var heightMult = texture[0].Length / tree.bounds.Extents.y * 2 / 2 / 2;

            var widthAdd  = tree.bounds.Center.x + tree.bounds.Extents.x;
            var heightAdd = tree.bounds.Center.y + tree.bounds.Extents.y;

            var top  = new float2(bounds.Center.x, bounds.Center.y - bounds.Extents.y);
            var left = new float2(bounds.Center.x - bounds.Extents.x, bounds.Center.y);

            for (var leftToRight = 0; leftToRight < bounds.Extents.x * 2; leftToRight++)
                var poxX = left.x + leftToRight;
                texture[(int)((poxX + widthAdd) * widthMult)][(int)((bounds.Center.y + heightAdd + bounds.Extents.y) * heightMult)] = Color.blue;
                texture[(int)((poxX + widthAdd) * widthMult)][(int)((bounds.Center.y + heightAdd - bounds.Extents.y) * heightMult)] = Color.blue;

            for (var topToBottom = 0; topToBottom < bounds.Extents.y * 2; topToBottom++)
                var posY = top.y + topToBottom;
                texture[(int)((bounds.Center.x + widthAdd + bounds.Extents.x) * widthMult)][(int)((posY + heightAdd) * heightMult)] = Color.blue;
                texture[(int)((bounds.Center.x + widthAdd - bounds.Extents.x) * widthMult)][(int)((posY + heightAdd) * heightMult)] = Color.blue;
Example #4
        public bool Intersects(AABB2D b)
            //bool noOverlap = Min[0] > b.Max[0] ||
            //                 b.Min[0] > Max[0]||
            //                 Min[1] > b.Max[1] ||
            //                 b.Min[1] > Max[1];
            //return !noOverlap;

            return(math.abs(this.Center[0] - b.Center[0]) < this.Extents[0] + b.Extents[0] &&
                   math.abs(this.Center[1] - b.Center[1]) < this.Extents[1] + b.Extents[1]);
            public void Query(NativeQuadTree <T> tree, AABB2D bounds, NativeList <QuadElement <T> > results)
                this.tree   = tree;
                this.bounds = bounds;
                this.count  = 0;

                // Get pointer to inner list data for faster writing
                //this.fastResults = (UnsafeList*)NativeListUnsafeUtility.GetInternalListDataPtrUnchecked(ref results);

                this.RecursiveRangeQuery(results, tree.bounds, false, 1, 1);
                results.Length = this.count;

                //this.fastResults->Length = this.count;
            private static AABB2D GetChildBounds(AABB2D parentBounds, int childZIndex)
                var half = parentBounds.Extents.x * .5f;

                switch (childZIndex)
                case 0:
                    return(new AABB2D(new float2(parentBounds.Center.x - half, parentBounds.Center.y + half), half));

                case 1:
                    return(new AABB2D(new float2(parentBounds.Center.x + half, parentBounds.Center.y + half), half));

                case 2:
                    return(new AABB2D(new float2(parentBounds.Center.x - half, parentBounds.Center.y - half), half));

                case 3:
                    return(new AABB2D(new float2(parentBounds.Center.x + half, parentBounds.Center.y - half), half));

                    throw new Exception();
Example #7
 public bool Contains(AABB2D b)
     return(this.Contains(b.Center + new float2(-b.Extents.x, -b.Extents.y)) && this.Contains(b.Center + new float2(-b.Extents.x, b.Extents.y)) &&
            this.Contains(b.Center + new float2(b.Extents.x, -b.Extents.y)) && this.Contains(b.Center + new float2(b.Extents.x, b.Extents.y)));
            public void RecursiveRangeQuery(NativeList <QuadElement <T> > results, AABB2D parentBounds, bool parentContained, int prevOffset, int depth)
                /*if (this.count + 4 * this.tree.maxLeafElements > results.Length) {
                 *  results.Resize(math.max(results.Length * 2, this.count + 4 * this.tree.maxLeafElements), NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
                 * }*/

                var depthSize = LookupTables.DepthSizeLookup[this.tree.maxDepth - depth + 1];

                for (var l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
                    var childBounds = NativeQuadTree <T> .QuadTreeRangeQuery.GetChildBounds(parentBounds, l);

                    var contained = parentContained;
                    if (contained == false)
                        if (this.bounds.Contains(childBounds) == true)
                            contained = true;
                        else if (this.bounds.Intersects(childBounds) == false)

                    var at           = prevOffset + l * depthSize;
                    var elementCount = this.tree.lookup[at]; //UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<int>(tree.lookup->Ptr, at);
                    if (elementCount > this.tree.maxLeafElements && depth < this.tree.maxDepth)
                        this.RecursiveRangeQuery(results, childBounds, contained, at + 1, depth + 1);
                    else if (elementCount != 0)
                        var node = this.tree.nodes[at]; //UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<QuadNode>(tree.nodes->Ptr, at);
                        if (contained == true)
                            var source = (void *)((IntPtr)this.tree.elements.GetUnsafePtr() + node.firstChildIndex * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <QuadElement <T> >());
                            if (node.firstChildIndex < 0 || node.firstChildIndex >= this.tree.elements.Length)
                                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"{node.firstChildIndex} [0..{this.tree.elements.Length}]");

                            results.Resize(math.max(results.Length * 2, this.count + node.count), NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
                            var dest = (void *)((IntPtr)results.GetUnsafePtr() + this.count * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <QuadElement <T> >());
                            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dest, source, node.count * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <QuadElement <T> >());

                            //NativeArrayUtils.Copy(this.tree.elements, node.firstChildIndex, ref results, this.count, node.count);

                            this.count += node.count;
                            results.Resize(math.max(results.Length * 2, this.count + node.count), NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
                            for (var k = 0; k < node.count; k++)
                                var element = this.tree.elements[node.firstChildIndex + k];
                                //UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<QuadElement<T>>(tree.elements->Ptr, node.firstChildIndex + k);
                                if (this.bounds.Contains(element.pos) == true)
                                    //UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(this.fastResults->Ptr, this.count++, element);
                                    results[this.count++] = element;
Example #9
        public static void Draw(NativeQuadTree <T> tree, NativeList <QuadElement <T> > results, AABB2D range,
                                Color[][] texture)
            var widthMult  = texture.Length / tree.bounds.Extents.x * 2 / 2 / 2;
            var heightMult = texture[0].Length / tree.bounds.Extents.y * 2 / 2 / 2;

            var widthAdd  = tree.bounds.Center.x + tree.bounds.Extents.x;
            var heightAdd = tree.bounds.Center.y + tree.bounds.Extents.y;

            for (var i = 0; i < tree.nodes.Length; i++)
                var node = tree.nodes[i]; //UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<QuadNode>(tree.nodes->Ptr, i);

                if (node.count > 0)
                    for (var k = 0; k < node.count; k++)
                        //var element = UnsafeUtility.ReadArrayElement<QuadElement<T>>(tree.elements->Ptr, node.firstChildIndex + k);
                        var element = tree.elements[node.firstChildIndex + k];

                        texture[(int)((element.pos.x + widthAdd) * widthMult)]
                        [(int)((element.pos.y + heightAdd) * heightMult)] = Color.red;

            foreach (var element in results)
                texture[(int)((element.pos.x + widthAdd) * widthMult)]
                [(int)((element.pos.y + heightAdd) * heightMult)] = Color.green;

            NativeQuadTree <T> .DrawBounds(texture, range, tree);