Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a move on this Connect 4 board at the specified move position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="move">The move to make</param>
        /// <returns>A reference to this Connect 4 board</returns>
        public override Board MakeMove(Move move)
            C4Move m = (C4Move)move;

            //Make a move in the first available row in the column
            for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                if (boardContents[m.X, y] == 0)
                    //Make the move on this board
                    boardContents[m.X, y] = CurrentPlayer;

                    //Set the y position of the move

                    //If this move made a column full, remove this column from the list of possible moves
                    if (y == Height - 1)

                    //Determine if there is a winner

                    //Swap out the current player
                    CurrentPlayer = NextPlayer;

                    //Call the MakeMove method on the Board base class, to save the last move made on this board

            //If there are no available rows, raise an exception
            throw new InvalidMoveException("Tried to make a move in a full column");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Equality override for a Connect 4 move <para/>
        /// Two moves are equal if their x positions are equal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The other C4Move instance to compare this one too</param>
        /// <returns>True if the objects are equal, false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj is C4Move)
                C4Move other = (C4Move)obj;
                return(other.X == X);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the current game is over <para/>
        /// Uses knowledge of the last move to save computation time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="move">The last move made</param>
        protected override void DetermineWinner(Move move)
            //This method seems a bit confusing, but it is just changing the worst case number of win checks from 196 to 16
            C4Move m = (C4Move)move;

            //Get the current cells value
            int currentCell;

            //Check for a horizontal win
            //Check 3 cells infront and behind of this cell to determine if there is a winner
            for (int x = m.X; x >= m.X - 3 && x >= 0; x--)
                currentCell = boardContents[x, m.Y];
                if (x < Width - 3)
                    if (boardContents[x + 1, m.Y] == currentCell && boardContents[x + 2, m.Y] == currentCell && boardContents[x + 3, m.Y] == currentCell)
                        winner = CurrentPlayer;

            //Check for a vertical win
            //Check 3 cells up and down from this cell to determine if there is a winner
            for (int y = m.Y; y >= m.Y - 3 && y >= 0; y--)
                currentCell = boardContents[m.X, y];
                if (y < Height - 3)
                    if (boardContents[m.X, y + 1] == currentCell && boardContents[m.X, y + 2] == currentCell && boardContents[m.X, y + 3] == currentCell)
                        winner = CurrentPlayer;

            //Check for an upwards diagonal win
            //Check 3 cells down and left and 3 cells up and right from this cell to determine if there is a winner
            for (int y = m.Y, x = m.X; x >= m.X - 3 && y >= m.Y - 3 && x >= 0 && y >= 0; x--, y--)
                currentCell = boardContents[x, y];
                if (x < Width - 3 && y < Height - 3)
                    if (boardContents[x + 1, y + 1] == currentCell && boardContents[x + 2, y + 2] == currentCell && boardContents[x + 3, y + 3] == currentCell)
                        winner = CurrentPlayer;

            //Check for a downwards diagonal win
            //Check 3 cells up and left and 3 cells down and right from this cell to determine if there is a winner
            for (int y = m.Y, x = m.X; x >= m.X - 3 && y <= m.Y + 3 && x >= 0 && y < Height; x--, y++)
                currentCell = boardContents[x, y];
                if (x < Width - 3 && y > 2)
                    if (boardContents[x + 1, y - 1] == currentCell && boardContents[x + 2, y - 2] == currentCell && boardContents[x + 3, y - 3] == currentCell)
                        winner = CurrentPlayer;

            //If there are no possible moves left and there is still no winner, the game is a draw
            if (possibleMoves.Count == 0)
                winner = 0;