// Clean up for the ShortSummary
        // The short summary is the shortened version of the summary that is optimized to be processed by LUIS
        private string ShortSummaryCleanUp(string body)
            string result = StringSanitizer.RemoveHtmlTags(body);

            result = StringSanitizer.SimplifyHtmlEncoded(result);
            result = StringSanitizer.RemoveFillerWords(result);
            result = StringSanitizer.RemoveSpecialCharacters(result);
            result = StringSanitizer.RemoveDoublespaces(result);
        // Clean up for the summary
        // The summary is the human readable content that is displayed in the ESRI portal
        private string SummaryCleanUp(string body)
            string result = StringSanitizer.RemoveHtmlTags(body);

            result = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(result);
            result = StringSanitizer.RemoveHashtags(result);
            result = StringSanitizer.RemoveDoublespaces(result);
            result = result.Trim();