Example #1
        public bool CheckIfInsideBlock()
            ushort x = (ushort)(pos[0] / 32), y = (ushort)(pos[1] / 32), z = (ushort)(pos[2] / 32);
            byte   head = level.GetTile(x, y, z);
            byte   feet = level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z);

            return(!(Block.Walkthrough(Block.Convert(head)) || head == Block.Zero) &&
                   !(Block.Walkthrough(Block.Convert(feet)) || feet == Block.Zero));
Example #2
        public void AddCactus(Level Lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Random Rand, bool blockChange = false, bool overwrite = true, Player p = null)
            byte height = (byte)Rand.Next(3, 6);
            ushort yy;

            for (yy = 0; yy <= height; yy++)
                if (overwrite || Lvl.GetTile(z, (ushort)(y + yy), z) == Block.air)
                    if (blockChange)
                        if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange(x, (ushort)(y + yy), z, Block.green);
                        else Lvl.Blockchange(p, x, (ushort)(y + yy), z, Block.green);
                    else Lvl.skipChange(x, (ushort)(y + yy), z, Block.green);

            int inX = 0, inZ = 0;

            switch (Rand.Next(1, 3))
                case 1: inX = -1; break;
                case 2:
                default: inZ = -1; break;

            for (yy = height; yy <= Rand.Next(height + 2, height + 5); yy++)
                if (overwrite || Lvl.GetTile((ushort)(x + inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z + inZ)) == Block.air)
                    if (blockChange)
                        if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange((ushort)(x + inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z + inZ), Block.green);
                        else Lvl.Blockchange(p, (ushort)(x + inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z + inZ), Block.green);
                    else Lvl.skipChange((ushort)(x + inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z + inZ), Block.green);
            for (yy = height; yy <= Rand.Next(height + 2, height + 5); yy++)
                if (overwrite || Lvl.GetTile((ushort)(x + inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z + inZ)) == Block.air)
                    if (blockChange)
                        if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange((ushort)(x - inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z - inZ), Block.green);
                        else Lvl.Blockchange(p, (ushort)(x - inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z - inZ), Block.green);
                    else Lvl.skipChange((ushort)(x - inX), (ushort)(y + yy), (ushort)(z - inZ), Block.green);
Example #3
 protected void PlaceBlock(Player p, Level lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type, byte extType) {
     switch (method) {
         case MethodBlockQueue:
             BlockQueue.Addblock(p, x, y, z, type, extType);
         case MethodBlockChange:
             p.level.Blockchange(p, x, y, z, type, extType);
         case MethodSetTile:
             byte old = lvl.GetTile(x, y, z);
             if (old == Block.Zero || !lvl.CheckAffectPermissions(p, x, y, z, old, type))
             p.level.SetTile(x, y, z, type, p, extType);
Example #4
 public override void Perform(ushort x1, ushort y1, ushort z1, ushort x2,
                              ushort y2, ushort z2, Player p, Level lvl, Brush brush) {
     ReplaceBlock[] toReplace = ToReplace;
     ReplaceBlock target = Target;
     for (ushort y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
         for (ushort z = z1; z <= z2; z++)
             for (ushort x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
         byte tile = lvl.GetTile(x, y, z), extTile = 0;
         if (tile == Block.custom_block)
             extTile = lvl.GetExtTile(x, y, z);
         for (int i = 0; i < toReplace.Length; i++) {
             ReplaceBlock block = toReplace[i];
             if (tile != block.Type || (tile == Block.custom_block && extTile != block.ExtType)) {
                 PlaceBlock(p, lvl, x, y, z, target.Type, target.ExtType); break;
Example #5
        internal static void LoadMessages(Level level, string name)
            level.hasMessageBlocks = Database.TableExists("Messages" + name);
            if (!level.hasMessageBlocks)

            using (DataTable table = Database.Backend.GetRows("Messages" + name, "*")) {
                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    ushort x = ushort.Parse(row["X"].ToString());
                    ushort y = ushort.Parse(row["Y"].ToString());
                    ushort z = ushort.Parse(row["Z"].ToString());

                    byte block = level.GetTile(x, y, z);
                    if (block == Block.custom_block)
                        block = level.GetExtTile(x, y, z);
                        if (level.CustomBlockProps[block].IsMessageBlock)
                        if (Block.Props[block].IsMessageBlock)

                    Database.Backend.DeleteRows("Messages" + name, "WHERE X=@0 AND Y=@1 AND Z=@2", x, y, z);
Example #6
        void GenNonLavaColumn(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Level Lvl, int index)
            if (y > LiquidLevel)
                int pos = x + Lvl.Width * (z + y * Lvl.Length);
                for (ushort yy = 0; y - yy >= 0; yy++)
                    if (genParams.SimpleColumns)
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.sand;
                    else if (overlay[index] < 0.72f)
                        if (genParams.IslandColumns)   //increase sand height for island
                            if (y > LiquidLevel + 2)
                                if (yy == 0)
                                    Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.grass;              //top layer
                                else if (yy < 3)
                                    Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.dirt;               //next few
                                    Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;               //ten rock it
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.sand;                   //SAAAND extra for islands
                            if (yy == 0)
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.grass;
                            else if (yy < 3)
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.dirt;
                                Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;
                    pos -= Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length;

                if (genParams.GenFlowers && overlay[index] < 0.25f)
                    switch (rand.Next(12))
                    case 10:
                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, Block.redflower); break;

                    case 11:
                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, Block.yellowflower); break;


                if (genParams.GenTrees && overlay[index] < 0.65f && overlay2[index] < treeDens)
                    if (Lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z) == Block.air)
                        if (Lvl.GetTile(x, y, z) == Block.grass || genParams.UseCactus)
                            if (rand.Next(13) == 0 && !TreeDrawOp.TreeCheck(Lvl, x, y, z, treeDist))
                                treeDrawer.Type = genParams.UseCactus ? TreeDrawOp.T_Cactus : TreeDrawOp.T_Tree;
                                treeCoords[0].X = x; treeCoords[0].Y = (ushort)(y + 1); treeCoords[0].Z = z;
                                treeDrawer.Perform(treeCoords, null, Lvl, null);
            else     //Must be on/under the water line then
                int pos = x + Lvl.Width * (z + LiquidLevel * Lvl.Length);
                for (ushort yy = 0; LiquidLevel - yy >= 0; yy++)
                    if (LiquidLevel - yy > y)
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.water;    //better fill the water above me
                    else if (LiquidLevel - yy > y - 3)
                        byte block = overlay[index] < 0.75f ? Block.sand : Block.gravel; // sand on top
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = block;
                        Lvl.blocks[pos] = Block.rock;
                    pos -= Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length;
Example #7
        void MoveTimerFunc(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            moveTimer.Interval = Server.updateTimer.Interval / movementSpeed;
            if (!movement)
            int newNum; Random rand = new Random();

            if ((pos[1] - 19) % 32 != 0 && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)((pos[1] + 19) - (pos[1] % 32));

            ushort x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / 32);
            ushort y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
            ushort z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / 32);

            byte b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
            byte b1, b2, b3;//, b4;

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] - 32);

            y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);   //Block below feet

            newNum = level.PosToInt((ushort)(x + Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0])), y, (ushort)(z + Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2])));
            b      = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(newNum));
            b1     = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 1, 0)));
            b2     = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 2, 0)));
            b3     = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 3, 0)));

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b2) && Block.Walkthrough(b3) && !Block.Walkthrough(b1))
            {     //Get ready to go up step
                pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                pos[1] += (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b1) && Block.Walkthrough(b2))
            {                        //Stay on current level
                pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && Block.Walkthrough(b1))
            {                         //Drop a level
                pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                pos[1] -= (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);

            x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
            y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
            z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);

            b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));
            b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z));
            b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));

             *  if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) > y) {
             *      if (b1 == Block.water || b1 == Block.waterstill || b1 == Block.lava || b1 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          if (Block.Walkthrough(b2)) {
             *              pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *          }
             *      } else if (b2 == Block.water || b2 == Block.waterstill || b2 == Block.lava || b2 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  } else if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) < y) {
             *      if (b3 == Block.water || b3 == Block.waterstill || b3 == Block.lava || b3 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  }*/
Example #8
        void DoMove()
            if ((pos[1] - 19) % 32 != 0 && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)((pos[1] + 19) - (pos[1] % 32));

            ushort x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / 32);
            ushort y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
            ushort z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / 32);
            int    dx = Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]), dz = Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);

            byte b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
            byte b1, b2, b3;

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && !jumping)
                pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] - 32);
            y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);   //Block below feet

            int index = level.PosToInt((ushort)(x + dx), y, (ushort)(z + dz));

            b  = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(index));
            b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(index, 0, 1, 0)));
            b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(index, 0, 2, 0)));
            b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(index, 0, 3, 0)));

            if (Block.Walkthrough(b2) && Block.Walkthrough(b3) && !Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                pos[0] += (ushort)dx; // Get ready to go up step
                pos[1] += (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)dz;
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b1) && Block.Walkthrough(b2))
                pos[0] += (ushort)dx; // Stay on current level
                pos[2] += (ushort)dz;
            else if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                pos[0] += (ushort)dx; // Drop a level
                pos[1] -= (ushort)32;
                pos[2] += (ushort)dz;

            /*x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
             * y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
             * z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);
             * b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));
             * b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z));
             * b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
             *  if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) > y) {
             *      if (b1 == Block.water || b1 == Block.waterstill || b1 == Block.lava || b1 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          if (Block.Walkthrough(b2)) {
             *              pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *          }
             *      } else if (b2 == Block.water || b2 == Block.waterstill || b2 == Block.lava || b2 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  } else if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) < y) {
             *      if (b3 == Block.water || b3 == Block.waterstill || b3 == Block.lava || b3 == Block.lavastill) {
             *          pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
             *      }
             *  }*/
Example #9
        public PlayerBot(string n, Level l, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte rotx, byte roty)
            name = n;
            color = "&1";
            id = FreeId();

            level = l;
            pos = new ushort[3] { x, y, z }; rot = new byte[2] { rotx, roty };

            foreach (Player p in Player.players)
                if (p.level == level)
                    Player.SendMessage(p, color + name + Server.DefaultColor + ", the bot, has been added.");

            botTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                int currentNum, foundNum = (32 * 75);
                Random rand = new Random();

                x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)pos[0] / (decimal)32);
                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 33) / 32);
                z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)pos[2] / (decimal)32);

                if (kill)
                    foreach (Player p in Player.players)
                        if ((ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32) == x)
                            if (Math.Abs((ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32) - y) < 2)
                                if ((ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32) == z)

                if (Waypoints.Count < 1)
                    if (hunt)
                        Player.players.ForEach(delegate(Player p)
                            if (p.level == level && !p.invincible)
                                currentNum = Math.Abs(p.pos[0] - pos[0]) + Math.Abs(p.pos[1] - pos[1]) + Math.Abs(p.pos[2] - pos[2]);
                                if (currentNum < foundNum)
                                    foundNum = currentNum;
                                    foundPos = p.pos;
                                    foundRot = p.rot;
                                    movement = true;
                                    rot[1] = (byte)(255 - foundRot[1]);
                                    if (foundRot[0] < 128) rot[0] = (byte)(foundRot[0] + 128);
                                    else rot[0] = (byte)(foundRot[0] - 128);
                    bool skip = false;
                    movement = false;

                retry: switch (Waypoints[currentPoint].type)
                        case "walk":
                            foundPos[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].x;
                            foundPos[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].y;
                            foundPos[2] = Waypoints[currentPoint].z;
                            movement = true;

                            if ((ushort)(pos[0] / 32) == (ushort)(Waypoints[currentPoint].x / 32))
                                if ((ushort)(pos[2] / 32) == (ushort)(Waypoints[currentPoint].z / 32))
                                    rot[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].rotx;
                                    rot[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].roty;
                                    movement = false;

                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                        case "teleport":
                            pos[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].x;
                            pos[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].y;
                            pos[2] = Waypoints[currentPoint].z;
                            rot[0] = Waypoints[currentPoint].rotx;
                            rot[1] = Waypoints[currentPoint].roty;
                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                        case "wait":
                            if (countdown != 0)
                                if (countdown == 0)
                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                                countdown = Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds;
                        case "nod":
                            if (countdown != 0)

                                if (nodUp)
                                    if (rot[1] > 32 && rot[1] < 128) nodUp = !nodUp;
                                        if (rot[1] + (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed > 255) rot[1] = 0;
                                        else rot[1] += (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed;
                                    if (rot[1] > 128 && rot[1] < 224) nodUp = !nodUp;
                                        if (rot[1] - (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed < 0) rot[1] = 255;
                                        else rot[1] -= (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed;

                                if (countdown == 0)
                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                                countdown = Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds;
                        case "spin":
                            if (countdown != 0)

                                if (rot[0] + (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed > 255) rot[0] = 0;
                                else if (rot[0] + (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed < 0) rot[0] = 255;
                                else rot[0] += (byte)Waypoints[currentPoint].rotspeed;

                                if (countdown == 0)
                                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                                    if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                                countdown = Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds;
                        case "speed":
                            movementSpeed = (int)Math.Round((decimal)((decimal)24 / (decimal)100 * (decimal)Waypoints[currentPoint].seconds));
                            if (movementSpeed == 0) movementSpeed = 1;

                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                            if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                        case "reset":
                            currentPoint = 0;
                        case "remove":
                        case "linkscript":
                            if (File.Exists("bots/" + Waypoints[currentPoint].newscript))
                                Command.all.Find("botset").Use(null, this.name + " " + Waypoints[currentPoint].newscript);

                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                            if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }
                        case "jump":
                            jumpTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                                switch (currentjump)
                                    case 1:
                                    case 2: pos[1] += 24; break;
                                    case 3: break;
                                    case 4: pos[1] -= 24; break;
                                    case 5: pos[1] -= 24; jumping = false; currentjump = 0; jumpTimer.Stop(); break;

                            if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;
                            if (!skip) { skip = true; goto retry; }

                    if (currentPoint == Waypoints.Count) currentPoint = 0;

                if (!movement)
                    if (rot[0] < 245) rot[0] += 8;
                    else rot[0] = 0;

                    if (rot[1] > 32 && rot[1] < 64) rot[1] = 224;
                    else if (rot[1] > 250) rot[1] = 0;
                    else rot[1] += 4;


            moveTimer.Elapsed += delegate
                moveTimer.Interval = Server.updateTimer.Interval / movementSpeed;
                if (!movement) return;
                int newNum; Random rand = new Random();

                if ((pos[1] - 19) % 32 != 0 && !jumping)
                    pos[1] = (ushort)((pos[1] + 19) - (pos[1] % 32));

                x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
                z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);

                byte b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));
                byte b1, b2, b3;//, b4;

                if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && !jumping)
                    pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] - 32);

                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);   //Block below feet

                newNum = level.PosToInt((ushort)(x + Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0])), y, (ushort)(z + Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2])));
                b = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(newNum));
                b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 1, 0)));
                b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 2, 0)));
                b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(level.IntOffset(newNum, 0, 3, 0)));

                if (Block.Walkthrough(b2) && Block.Walkthrough(b3) && !Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                {     //Get ready to go up step
                    pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                    pos[1] += (ushort)32;
                    pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
                else if (Block.Walkthrough(b1) && Block.Walkthrough(b2))
                {                        //Stay on current level
                    pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                    pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);
                else if (Block.Walkthrough(b) && Block.Walkthrough(b1))
                {                         //Drop a level
                    pos[0] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[0] - pos[0]);
                    pos[1] -= (ushort)32;
                    pos[2] += (ushort)Math.Sign(foundPos[2] - pos[2]);

                x = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[0] - 16) / (decimal)32);
                y = (ushort)((pos[1] - 64) / 32);
                z = (ushort)Math.Round((decimal)(pos[2] - 16) / (decimal)32);

                b1 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z));
                b2 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 2), z));
                b3 = Block.Convert(level.GetTile(x, y, z));

                if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) > y) {
                    if (b1 == Block.water || b1 == Block.waterstill || b1 == Block.lava || b1 == Block.lavastill) {
                        if (Block.Walkthrough(b2)) {
                            pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
                    } else if (b2 == Block.water || b2 == Block.waterstill || b2 == Block.lava || b2 == Block.lavastill) {
                        pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
                } else if ((ushort)(foundPos[1] / 32) < y) {
                    if (b3 == Block.water || b3 == Block.waterstill || b3 == Block.lava || b3 == Block.lavastill) {
                        pos[1] = (ushort)(pos[1] + (Math.Sign(foundPos[1] - pos[1])));
Example #10
        //givenName is safe against SQL injections, it gets checked in CmdLoad.cs
        public static Level Load(string givenName, byte phys)
            if (LevelLoad != null)
            if (cancelload)
                cancelload = false;

            string path = LevelInfo.LevelPath(givenName);

            if (File.Exists(path))
                    Level level = LvlFile.Load(givenName, path);
                    level.backedup = true;

                    using (DataTable ZoneDB = Database.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Zone" + givenName + "`"))
                        Zone Zn;
                        for (int i = 0; i < ZoneDB.Rows.Count; ++i)
                            DataRow row = ZoneDB.Rows[i];
                            Zn.smallX = ushort.Parse(row["SmallX"].ToString());
                            Zn.smallY = ushort.Parse(row["SmallY"].ToString());
                            Zn.smallZ = ushort.Parse(row["SmallZ"].ToString());
                            Zn.bigX   = ushort.Parse(row["BigX"].ToString());
                            Zn.bigY   = ushort.Parse(row["BigY"].ToString());
                            Zn.bigZ   = ushort.Parse(row["BigZ"].ToString());
                            Zn.Owner  = row["Owner"].ToString();

                    level.jailx    = (ushort)(level.spawnx * 32);
                    level.jaily    = (ushort)(level.spawny * 32);
                    level.jailz    = (ushort)(level.spawnz * 32);
                    level.jailrotx = level.rotx;
                    level.jailroty = level.roty;
                    //level.physChecker.Elapsed += delegate
                    //    if (!level.physicssate && level.physics > 0)
                    //        level.StartPhysics();

                        DataTable foundDB = Database.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Portals" + givenName + "`");

                        for (int i = 0; i < foundDB.Rows.Count; ++i)
                            DataRow row = foundDB.Rows[i];
                            if (
                                Database.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `Portals" + givenName + "` WHERE EntryX=" +
                                                      row["EntryX"] + " AND EntryY=" +
                                                      row["EntryY"] + " AND EntryZ=" +
                        foundDB = Database.fillData("SELECT * FROM `Messages" + givenName + "`");

                        for (int i = 0; i < foundDB.Rows.Count; ++i)
                            DataRow row = foundDB.Rows[i];
                            if (
                                //givenName is safe against SQL injections, it gets checked in CmdLoad.cs
                                Database.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `Messages" + givenName + "` WHERE X=" +
                                                      row["X"] + " AND Y=" + row["Y"] +
                                                      " AND Z=" + row["Z"]);
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                    try {
                        string propsPath = LevelInfo.GetPropertiesPath(level.name);
                        if (propsPath != null)
                            LvlProperties.Load(level, propsPath);
                            Server.s.Log(".properties file for level " + level.name + " was not found.");
                        LvlProperties.LoadEnv(level, level.name);
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                    BlockDefinition[] defs = BlockDefinition.Load(false, level);
                    for (int i = 0; i < defs.Length; i++)
                        if (defs[i] == null)
                        level.CustomBlockDefs[i] = defs[i];

                    Server.s.Log(string.Format("Level \"{0}\" loaded.", level.name));
                    if (LevelLoaded != null)
                } catch (Exception ex) {
            Server.s.Log("ERROR loading level.");
Example #11
        public void SendToSpawn(Level mainlevel, Auto_CTF game, Player p1)
            Random rand = new Random();
            if (spawnx == 0 && spawny == 0 && spawnz == 0)
                ushort xx = (ushort)(rand.Next(0, mainlevel.Width));
                ushort yy = (ushort)(rand.Next(0, mainlevel.Height));
                ushort zz = (ushort)(rand.Next(0, mainlevel.Length));
                while (mainlevel.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) != Block.air && game.OnSide((ushort)(zz * 32), this))
                    xx = (ushort)(rand.Next(0, mainlevel.Width));
                    yy = (ushort)(rand.Next(0, mainlevel.Height));
                    zz = (ushort)(rand.Next(0, mainlevel.Length));
                unchecked { p1.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32), (ushort)(yy * 32), (ushort)(zz * 32), p1.rot[0], p1.rot[1]); }
                unchecked { p1.SendPos((byte)-1, spawnx, spawny, spawnz, p1.rot[0], p1.rot[1]); }

Example #12
 private bool TreeCheck(Level Lvl, ushort x, ushort z, ushort y, short dist)         //return true if tree is near
     byte foundTile;
     for (short xx = (short)-dist; xx <= +dist; ++xx)
         for (short yy = (short)-dist; yy <= +dist; ++yy)
             for (short zz = (short)-dist; zz <= +dist; ++zz)
                 foundTile = Lvl.GetTile((ushort)(x + xx), (ushort)(z + zz), (ushort)(y + yy));
                 if (foundTile == Block.trunk || foundTile == Block.green)
                     return true;
     return false;
Example #13
        public void AddNotchSwampTree(Level Lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Random Rand, bool blockChange = false, bool overwrite = true, Player p = null)
            byte dist, tile;
            byte height = (byte)Rand.Next(4, 8);
            byte top = (byte)(height - 2);
            short xx, yy, zz;
            ushort xxx, yyy, zzz;
            for (yy = 0; yy <= height; yy++)
                yyy = (ushort)(y + yy);
                tile = Lvl.GetTile(x, yyy, z);
                if (overwrite || tile == Block.air || (yyy == y && tile == Block.shrub))
                    if (blockChange)
                        if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange(x, yyy, z, Block.trunk);
                        else Lvl.Blockchange(p, x, yyy, z, Block.trunk);
                    else Lvl.SetTile(x, yyy, z, Block.trunk);

            for (yy = top; yy <= height + 1; yy++)
                dist = yy > height - 1 ? (byte)2 : (byte)3;
                for (xx = (short)-dist; xx <= dist; xx++)
                    for (zz = (short)-dist; zz <= dist; zz++)
                        xxx = (ushort)(x + xx);
                        yyy = (ushort)(y + yy);
                        zzz = (ushort)(z + zz);
                        tile = Lvl.GetTile(xxx, yyy, zzz);
                        //Server.s.Log(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", xxx, yyy, zzz));

                        if ((xxx == x && zzz == z && yy <= height) || (!overwrite && tile != Block.air))

                        if (Math.Abs(xx) == dist && Math.Abs(zz) == dist)
                            if (yy > height)

                            if (Rand.Next(2) == 0)
                                if (blockChange)
                                    if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange(xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                                    else Lvl.Blockchange(p, xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                                else Lvl.SetTile(xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                            if (blockChange)
                                if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange(xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                                else Lvl.Blockchange(p, xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                            else Lvl.SetTile(xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
Example #14
        public void AddTree(Level Lvl, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Random Rand, bool blockChange = false, bool overwrite = true, Player p = null)
            byte height = (byte)Rand.Next(5, 8);
            short top = (short)(height - Rand.Next(2, 4));
            ushort xxx, yyy, zzz;
            for (ushort yy = 0; yy < top + height - 1; yy++)
                if (overwrite || Lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + yy), z) == Block.air || (y + yy == y && Lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + yy), z) == Block.shrub))
                    if (blockChange)
                        if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange(x, (ushort)(y + yy), z, Block.trunk);
                        else Lvl.Blockchange(p, x, (ushort)(y + yy), z, Block.trunk);
                    else Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(y + yy), z, Block.trunk);

            for (short xx = (short)-top; xx <= top; ++xx)
                for (short yy = (short)-top; yy <= top; ++yy)
                    for (short zz = (short)-top; zz <= top; ++zz)
                        short Dist = (short)(Math.Sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz));
                        if (Dist < top + 1)
                            if (Rand.Next((int)(Dist)) < 2)
                                    xxx = (ushort)(x + xx);
                                    yyy = (ushort)(y + yy + height);
                                    zzz = (ushort)(z + zz);

                                    if ((xxx != x || zzz != z || yy >= top - 1) && (overwrite || Lvl.GetTile(xxx, yyy, zzz) == Block.air))
                                        if (blockChange)
                                            if (p == null) Lvl.Blockchange(xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                                            else Lvl.Blockchange(p, xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                                        else Lvl.SetTile(xxx, yyy, zzz, Block.leaf);
                                catch { }
Example #15
        public bool GenerateMap(Level Lvl, string type, int seed = 0, bool useSeed = false)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            Server.s.Log("Attempting map gen");
            if (Inuse) { Server.s.Log("Generator in use"); return false; }
            Random rand = useSeed ? new System.Random(seed) : new System.Random();
                Inuse = true;
                terrain = new float[Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length];  //hmm 
                overlay = new float[Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length];

                if (!type.Equals("ocean"))
                { overlay2 = new float[Lvl.Width * Lvl.Length]; }

                //float dispAux, pd;
                ushort WaterLevel = (ushort)(Lvl.Height / 2 + 2);
                ushort LavaLevel = 5;

                if (type.Equals("ocean"))
                    WaterLevel = (ushort)(Lvl.Height * 0.85f);
                //Generate the level
                GenerateFault(terrain, Lvl, type, rand);

                //APPLY FILTER to terrain

                //CREATE OVERLAY
                //GenerateFault(overlay, Lvl, "overlay", rand);
                Server.s.Log("Creating overlay");
                GeneratePerlinNoise(overlay, Lvl, "", rand);

                if (!type.Equals("ocean") && type != "desert")
                    Server.s.Log("Planning trees");
                    GeneratePerlinNoise(overlay2, Lvl, "", rand);

                Server.s.Log("Converting height map");
                Server.s.Log("And applying overlays");
                float RangeLow = 0.2f;
                float RangeHigh = 0.8f;
                float TreeDens = 0.35f;
                short TreeDist = 3;
                //changes the terrain range based on type, also tree threshold
                switch (type)
                    case "hell":
                        RangeLow = .3f;
                        RangeHigh = 1.3f;
                    case "island":
                        RangeLow = 0.4f;
                        RangeHigh = 0.75f;
                    case "forest":
                        RangeLow = 0.45f;
                        RangeHigh = 0.8f;
                        TreeDens = 0.7f;
                        TreeDist = 2;
                    case "mountains":
                        RangeLow = 0.3f;
                        RangeHigh = 0.9f;
                        TreeDist = 4;
                    case "ocean":
                        RangeLow = 0.1f;
                        RangeHigh = 0.6f;
                    case "desert":
                        RangeLow = 0.5f;
                        RangeHigh = 0.85f;
                        WaterLevel = 0;
                        TreeDist = 24;

                //loops though evey X/Z coordinate
                for (int bb = 0; bb < terrain.Length; bb++)
                    ushort x = (ushort)(bb % Lvl.Width);
                    ushort y = (ushort)(bb / Lvl.Width);
                    ushort z;
                    if (type.Equals("island"))
                        z = Evaluate(Lvl, Range(terrain[bb], RangeLow - NegateEdge(x, y, Lvl), RangeHigh - NegateEdge(x, y, Lvl)));
                        z = Evaluate(Lvl, Range(terrain[bb], RangeLow, RangeHigh));
                    if (type != "hell")
                        #region nonLavaWorld
                        if (z > WaterLevel)
                            for (ushort zz = 0; z - zz >= 0; zz++)
                                if (type == "desert")
                                    Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.sand);
                                else if (overlay[bb] < 0.72f)    //If not zoned for rocks or gravel
                                    if (type.Equals("island"))      //increase sand height for island
                                        if (z > WaterLevel + 2)
                                            if (zz == 0) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.grass); }      //top layer
                                            else if (zz < 3) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.dirt); }   //next few
                                            else { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.rock); }               //ten rock it
                                            Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.sand);                        //SAAAND extra for islands
                                    else if (type == "desert")
                                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.sand);
                                        if (zz == 0) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.grass); }
                                        else if (zz < 3) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.dirt); }
                                        else { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.rock); }

                                    Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.rock);


                            if (overlay[bb] < 0.25f && type != "desert")    //Zoned for flowers
                                switch (rand.Next(12))
                                    case 10:
                                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z + 1), y, Block.redflower);
                                    case 11:
                                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z + 1), y, Block.yellowflower);

                            if (!type.Equals("ocean"))
                                if (overlay[bb] < 0.65f && overlay2[bb] < TreeDens)
                                    if (Lvl.GetTile(x, (ushort)(z + 1), y) == Block.air)
                                        if (Lvl.GetTile(x, z, y) == Block.grass || type == "desert")
                                            if (rand.Next(13) == 0)
                                                if (!TreeCheck(Lvl, x, z, y, TreeDist))
                                                    if (type == "desert")
                                                        AddCactus(Lvl, x, (ushort)(z + 1), y, rand);
                                                        AddTree(Lvl, x, (ushort)(z + 1), y, rand);
                        else    //Must be on/under the water line then
                            for (ushort zz = 0; WaterLevel - zz >= 0; zz++)

                                if (WaterLevel - zz > z)
                                { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(WaterLevel - zz), y, Block.water); }    //better fill the water aboce me
                                else if (WaterLevel - zz > z - 3)
                                    if (overlay[bb] < 0.75f)
                                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(WaterLevel - zz), y, Block.sand);   //sand top
                                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(WaterLevel - zz), y, Block.gravel);  //zoned for gravel
                                    Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(WaterLevel - zz), y, Block.rock);

                    else //all of lava world generation
                        if (z > LavaLevel)
                            for (ushort zz = 0; z - zz >= 0; zz++)
                                if (z > (LavaLevel - 1))
                                    if (zz == 0) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.rock); }      //top layer
                                    else if (zz < 3) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.rock); }
                                    else if (zz < 2) { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.lava); }//next few
                                    else { Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.obsidian); }
                                    Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.lava);                       
                                if (overlay[bb] < 0.3f) 
                                    switch (rand.Next(13))
                                        case 9:
                                        case 10:
                                        case 11:
                                        case 12:
                                            Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z + 1), y, Block.lava); //change to lava when time
                                // if (zz == z) Lvl.skipChange(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.opsidian);
                                Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z), y, (rand.Next(100) % 3 == 1 ? Block.darkgrey : Block.obsidian));


                            for (ushort zz = 0; LavaLevel - zz >= 0; zz++)

                                if (LavaLevel - zz > z - 1)
                                { /*if (Lvl.GetTile(x, z, y) == Block.air)*/ Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(LavaLevel - zz), y, Block.lava); }    //better fill the water aboce me
                                else if (LavaLevel - zz > z - 3)
                                    if (overlay[bb] < .9f)
                                        if (zz < z) Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), (ushort)(y), Block.lava);
                                        else Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(z - zz), y, Block.rock);
                                        Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(LavaLevel - zz), (ushort)(y - 5), Block.lava);  //killer lava
                                    Lvl.SetTile(x, (ushort)(LavaLevel - zz), y, Block.stone); //and just make the rest cobblestone

                Server.s.Log("Total time was " + (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds.");

            catch (Exception e)
                Server.s.Log("Gen Fail");
                Inuse = false;
                return false;

            terrain = new float[0]; //Derp
            overlay = new float[0]; //Derp
            overlay2 = new float[0]; //Derp

            Inuse = false;

            return true;