public void UpsellProductDiscountPercentageTest()
     Product target = new Product(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     double expected = 0F; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     double actual;
     target.UpsellProductDiscountPercentage = expected;
     actual = target.UpsellProductDiscountPercentage;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
 public void TaxClassIdTest()
     Product target = new Product(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Guid expected = new Guid(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Guid actual;
     target.TaxClassId = expected;
     actual = target.TaxClassId;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
 public void ProductConstructorTest()
     Product target = new Product();
     Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
        public void PackSizeTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            int expectedValueInt = 1;
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { PackSize = expectedValueInt };
            int packSize = product.PackSize;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueInt, product.PackSize);
 public void QuantityDiscountIdTest()
     Product target = new Product(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     int expected = 0; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     int actual;
     target.QuantityDiscountId = expected;
     actual = target.QuantityDiscountId;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
 public void ProductConstructorTest1()
     Guid productId = new Guid(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Product target = new Product(productId);
     Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
        public void CreatedOnTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            DateTime expectedDateValue = DateTime.Now;
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { CreatedOn = expectedDateValue };
            DateTime createdOn = product.CreatedOn;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDateValue, product.CreatedOn);
        public void ManufacturerPartNumberTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            string expectedValueString = "12345";
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { ManufacturerPartNumber = expectedValueString };
            string manufacturerPartNumber = product.ManufacturerPartNumber;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueString, product.ManufacturerPartNumber);
            Assert.AreNotSame(expectedValueString, product.ManufacturerPartNumber);
        public void MiscTextTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            string expectedValueString = "Lorem ipsum";
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { MiscText = expectedValueString };
            string miscText = product.MiscText;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueString, product.MiscText);
            Assert.AreNotSame(expectedValueString, product.MiscText);
        public void HidePriceUntilCartTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            bool expectedBooleanValue = true;
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { HidePriceUntilCart = expectedBooleanValue };
            bool hidePriceUntilCart = product.HidePriceUntilCart;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedBooleanValue, product.HidePriceUntilCart);
        public void IsFeaturedTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            bool expectedBooleanValue = true;
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { IsFeatured = expectedBooleanValue };
            bool isFeatured = product.IsFeatured;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedBooleanValue, product.IsFeatured);
        public void GoogleCheckoutAllowedTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            bool expectedBooleanValue = true;
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { GoogleCheckoutAllowed = expectedBooleanValue };
            bool googleCheckoutAllowed = product.GoogleCheckoutAllowed;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedBooleanValue, product.GoogleCheckoutAllowed);
        public void ExtensionData5Test()
            // Test Variable declaration
            string expectedValueString = "Lorem ipsum";
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { ExtensionData5 = expectedValueString };
            string extensionData5 = product.ExtensionData5;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueString, product.ExtensionData5);
            Assert.IsNull(expectedValueString, product.ExtensionData5);
        public void DescriptionTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            string expectedValueString = "Lorem ipsum";
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { Description = expectedValueString };
            string description = product.Description;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueString, product.Description);
            Assert.IsNull(expectedValueString, product.Description);
 public void WarehouseLocationTest()
     Product target = new Product(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string expected = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string actual;
     target.WarehouseLocation = expected;
     actual = target.WarehouseLocation;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void NameTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            string expectedValueString = "John";
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = expectedValueString };
            string name = product.Name;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueString, product.Name);
            Assert.AreNotSame(expectedValueString, product.Name);
 public void WholesaleTest()
     Product target = new Product(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     bool expected = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     bool actual;
     target.Wholesale = expected;
     actual = target.Wholesale;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
        public void NotesTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            string expectedValueString = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { Notes = expectedValueString };
            string notes = product.Notes;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValueString, product.Notes);
            Assert.AreNotSame(expectedValueString, product.Notes);
        public void AvailableStartDateTest()
            // Test Variable declaration
            DateTime expectedDateValue = DateTime.Now;
            Product product = new Product(Guid.NewGuid()) { AvailableStartDate = expectedDateValue };
            DateTime availableStartDate = product.AvailableStartDate;

            // Assertions
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDateValue, product.AvailableStartDate);
 public void ContentsBGColorTest()
     Product target = new Product(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string expected = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string actual;
     target.ContentsBGColor = expected;
     actual = target.ContentsBGColor;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");