Example #1
	public NamespaceBuilder (string sname, TypeResolveContext ctxt)
	    if (sname == null)
		throw new ArgumentNullException ("sname");
	    if (ctxt == null)
		throw new ArgumentNullException ("ctxt");

	    this.sname = sname;

	    trc = ctxt;
	    trc.SetNamespace (RealName);

	    Type t = ctxt.Driver.LookupExistingFQN (StructureName);

	    if (t != null) {
		paramstype = new UserType (t);
		nsparams = new ExistingNamespaceParams (t);
	    } else {
		paramstype = new UserType (StructureName);
		// will be defined either by parameters {} or at end
		// of parsing the namespace.
		// FIXME: if we have two separate namespace {} sections,
		// I think they will both make their own StructureBuilder
		// instance, and those will clash.
		nsparams = null; 
Example #2
	public StructureBuilder (NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr) 
	    : base (BundleManagerBase.DefaultStructureClass, ns, loc, attr)
	    BaseClass = new UserType (typeof (StructureTemplate));

	    ns.SetUserParams (this);
Example #3
	    public FieldInfo (int idx, UserType type, string name, CodeLinePragma line)
		Idx = idx;
		Type = type;
		Name = name;
		Line = line;
Example #4
	    public ArgInfo (int idx, UserType type, ArgCount count, string name, 
			    bool is_default, bool is_ordered)
		Idx = idx;
		Type = type;
		Count = count;
		Name = name;

		switch (count) {
		case ArgCount.ZeroOrMore:
		    Flags = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (Optional, Or, Multi);
		case ArgCount.OneOrMore:
		    Flags = Multi;
		case ArgCount.Optional:
		    Flags = Optional;
		case ArgCount.Standard:
		    Flags = Standard;
		    throw new Exception ("Unsupported ArgCount kind " + Count.ToString ());

		if (is_ordered) {
		    Flags = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (Flags, Or, Ordered);
		    if (is_default)
			Flags = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (Flags, Or, DefOrd);
		} else if (is_default) {
		    Flags = new CodeBinaryOperatorExpression (Flags, Or, Default);
Example #5
	public void AddInterfaceImpl (UserType itype)
	    if (implements == null)
		implements = new List<UserType> ();

	    implements.Add (itype);
Example #6
	    public TheResult (string name, NamespaceBuilder ns, string ename, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr)
		: base (name, ns, loc, attr)
		etype = new UserType (ename);

		BaseClass = new UserType (typeof (EnumResult<>));
		BaseClass.AddTypeArgument (etype);
Example #7
	public MetaRuleBuilder (string name, NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr)
	    rb = new RuleBuilder (name, ns, loc, attr);
	    tmpl = new RuleTemplateBuilder (name + "RTemplate", rb, ns, loc, attr);

	    ns.AddMetaRule (this);
	    BaseClass = RuleType;
Example #8
	public void AddStructureParam (UserType type, string name, string dflt)
	    if (sparams.ContainsKey (name))
		throw ExHelp.App ("Redefinition of structure parameter `{0}'", name);

	    sparams[name] = StructureParameterKind.Structure;
	    structtypes[name] = type;
	    defaults[name] = dflt;
Example #9
	public void AddTypeArgument (UserType arg)
	    Type sys = t as Type;

	    if (sys != null && !sys.IsGenericType)
		throw ExHelp.InvalidOp ("Cannot add type argument on known non-generic type {0}", sys);

	    if (typeargs == null)
		typeargs = new List<UserType> ();

	    typeargs.Add (arg);
Example #10
	public override bool Resolve (TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
	    if (base.Resolve (trc, errors))
		return true;

	    if (RuleType != null)
		if (RuleType.Resolve (trc, errors))
		    return true;

	    if (BaseClass.Equals (TTType))
		return false;
	    basestruct = BaseClass.ResolveUsedStructureType (trc, errors);
	    return false;
Example #11
	// Return an expression that yields an appropriate StructureTemplate
	// instance of type bstruct from our current context. stmpl is an expression
	// that returns an instance of the structure that we are bound to.
	// Typical usage:
	//    UserType bstruct = BaseClass.ResolveUsedStructureType (trc, errors);
	//    ...
	//    ctor.BaseConstructorArgs.Add (ContextualStructRef (bstruct, stmpl));
	// If bstruct is null, CDH.Null is returned -- so in the above case, we
	// will pass null to the base constructor, which is appropriate since it
	// needs no structure.

	public CodeExpression ContextualStructRef (UserType bstruct, CodeExpression stmpl)
	    if (bstruct == null)
		return CDH.Null;

	    if (bstruct.Equals (NS.ParamsType))
		// Sweet! We are referring to ourselves.
		return stmpl;

	    // We need some nontrivial different structure
	    // type. Search our structure for a member that points to
	    // a structure of that type.

	    string foundparam = null;

	    foreach (string param in Params.Parameters) {
		if (Params[param] != StructureParameterKind.Structure)

		if (!bstruct.Equals (Params.StructParamType (param)))

		// FIXME: better model that handles this.
		if (foundparam != null)
		    throw ExHelp.App ("Ambiguous structure chain: structure {0} contains two parameters " +
				      "of type {1}: {2} and {3}", Params, bstruct, foundparam, param);

		foundparam = param;

	    if (foundparam == null)
		throw ExHelp.App ("Missing structure chain: structure {0} needs a parameter of type {1} " +
				  "to allow chaining of type {2} to its base class {3}", Params,
				  bstruct, this, BaseClass);

	    return new CodeFieldReferenceExpression (stmpl, foundparam);
Example #12
	public bool Equals (UserType other)
	    if (other == null)
		return false;

	    if (IsUser) {
		if (other.IsSystem)
		    return false;

		if ((t as string) != (other.t as string))
		    return false;
	    } else {
		if (other.IsUser)
		    return false;

		if (!AsSystem.Equals (other.AsSystem))
		    return false;

	    if (typeargs != null) {
		if (other.typeargs == null)
		    return false;

		if (typeargs.Count != other.typeargs.Count)
		    return false;

		for (int i = 0; i < typeargs.Count; i++)
		    if (!typeargs[i].Equals (other.typeargs[i]))
			return false;
	    } else {
		if (other.typeargs != null)
		    return false;

	    return true;
Example #13
	public UserType ResolveUsedStructureType (TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
	    if (!resolved) {
		if (errors)
		    throw new InvalidOperationException ();
		return null;

	    UserType ret;

	    if (IsUser) {
		// User type. Use our lookup tables

		StructureBoundItem sbi = trc.Driver.GetUserTypeItem ((string) t) as StructureBoundItem;

		if (sbi == null) {
		    if (errors)
			throw ExHelp.App ("Expected structure bound item but got {0} for {1}",
					  trc.Driver.GetUserTypeItem ((string) t), this);
		    return null;

		if (!sbi.UsesStructure)
		    return null;

		ret = sbi.NS.ParamsType;
	    } else {
		// System type. Use reflection.

		Type type = (Type) t;

		object[] attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (StructureBindingAttribute), false);

		if (attrs.Length == 0)
		    throw ExHelp.App ("Expected type {0} to have a StructureBindingAttribute " +
				      "but it didn't", type);

		StructureBindingAttribute attr = (StructureBindingAttribute) attrs[0];

		if (!attr.UsesStructure)
		    return null;

		ret = new UserType (attr.StructureType);

	    if (ret.Resolve (trc, errors)) {
		if (errors)
		    throw ExHelp.App ("Failed to resolve bound structure type {0}", ret);
		return null;

	    return ret;
Example #14
	public void AddArgument (UserType type, ArgCount count, string name, bool is_default,
				 bool is_ordered)
	    arguments.Add (new ArgInfo (arguments.Count, type, count, name, 
					is_default, is_ordered));
Example #15
	// FIXME: Resurrect the 'implementation code' idea?
	// It was kind of useful I think.

	public ResultBuilder (string name, NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr) : 
	    base (name, ns, loc, attr)
	    BaseClass = new UserType (typeof (Result));
Example #16
	public void AddCompositeField (bool is_default, UserType type, string name, CodeLinePragma line)
	    if (is_default) {
		if (comp_default_idx >= 0)
		    throw new Exception ("Can't have more than one default field in a composite result!");
		comp_default_idx = fields.Count;

	    fields.Add (new FieldInfo (fields.Count, type, name, line));
Example #17
	public void SetBuildFunc (bool is_manual, UserType ret_class, string ret_arg,
				  string context_arg, NativeCode code)
	    bf_manual = is_manual;
	    bf_ret_class = ret_class;
	    bf_ret_arg = ret_arg;
	    bf_context_arg = context_arg;
	    bf_code = code;

	    fp.Add (code);
Example #18
 public static CodeParameterDeclarationExpression Param(UserType type, string name)
     return(Param(type.AsCodeDom, name));
Example #19
	    public bool Resolve (TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
		if (Type.Resolve (trc, errors))
		    return true;

		arg_class = Type.ResultConversion;

		if (arg_class == null) {
		    conv = RuleArgConversion.None;
		    arg_class = Type;
		} else {
		    // The arg type is some primitive type (bool, string)
		    // that we must convert from a result wrapper

		    Type type = Type.AsSystem;

		    if (type == null)
			throw new Exception ("Can't handle convertible user types");

		    if (type.IsValueType)
			conv = RuleArgConversion.ToValueType;
			conv = RuleArgConversion.ToRefType;

		return arg_class.Resolve (trc, errors);
Example #20
	void AddNamespaceParam (string ns)
	    // FIXME: we can't distinguish references to A.Foo and B.Foo!
	    // Need a syntax for this.

	    UserType t = new UserType (NamespaceBuilder.MakeStructureName (ns));

	    string paramname = ns;
	    int i = ns.LastIndexOf ('.');

	    if (i >= 0)
		paramname = ns.Substring (i + 1);

	    cur_nsstruct.AddStructureParam (t, paramname, ns);
Example #21
	public static CodeParameterDeclarationExpression Param (UserType type, string name)
	    return Param (type.AsCodeDom, name);
Example #22
        // Setup

        public bool Resolve(TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
            // We need to resolve the rule as a template now, rather
            // than letting NameLookupContext do it, because NLC will
            // be operating with an undefined set of 'usings', and
            // probably won't be able to find the RTemplate associated
            // with the rule.

            if (Rule.ResolveExtension("RTemplate", trc, errors))

            // Now we need to check that, if we have a template that
            // uses a structure, that our provider can access such
            // a structure, so that the template can actually be
            // instantiated.
            // FIXME: This code is exactly parallel to
            // StructureBoundItem.ContextualStructRef.

            UserType ttmpl = Rule.ResolveUsedStructureType(trc, errors);

            if (ttmpl == null)
                // Great, it's doesn't use anything, so whatever.

            // XXX shouldn't apply anymore -- unbound providers are now impossible.
            // Would they have ever been useful?
            //if (prov.Structure == null) {
            //if (errors)
            //	    Console.Error.WriteLine ("Target {0} in provider {1} references rule {2} that " +
            //			     "is bound to structure {3}, but the provider is not " +
            //			     "bound to a structure and so can provide no context",
            //			     this, prov, Rule, ttmpl);
            //return true;

            if (ttmpl.Equals(prov.NS.ParamsType))
                // It just depends on our containing structure. No problem.

            foreach (string param in prov.Structure.Parameters)
                if (prov.Structure[param] != StructureParameterKind.Structure)

                if (ttmpl.Equals(prov.Structure.StructParamType(param)))

            if (errors)
                // WORST ERROR MESSAGE EVAR
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Target {0} in provider {1} references rule {2} that " +
                                        "is bound to structure {3}, but the provider's containing " +
                                        "structure {4} does not have an argument referencing that structure. " +
                                        "You probably need to add another parameter to the containing structure.",
                                        this, prov, Rule, ttmpl, prov.Structure);
Example #23
        public bool Equals(UserType other)
            if (other == null)

            if (IsUser)
                if (other.IsSystem)

                if ((t as string) != (other.t as string))
                if (other.IsUser)

                if (!AsSystem.Equals(other.AsSystem))

            if (typeargs != null)
                if (other.typeargs == null)

                if (typeargs.Count != other.typeargs.Count)

                for (int i = 0; i < typeargs.Count; i++)
                    if (!typeargs[i].Equals(other.typeargs[i]))
                if (other.typeargs != null)

Example #24
        public UserType ResolveUsedStructureType(TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
            if (!resolved)
                if (errors)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            UserType ret;

            if (IsUser)
                // User type. Use our lookup tables

                StructureBoundItem sbi = trc.Driver.GetUserTypeItem((string)t) as StructureBoundItem;

                if (sbi == null)
                    if (errors)
                        throw ExHelp.App("Expected structure bound item but got {0} for {1}",
                                         trc.Driver.GetUserTypeItem((string)t), this);

                if (!sbi.UsesStructure)

                ret = sbi.NS.ParamsType;
                // System type. Use reflection.

                Type type = (Type)t;

                object[] attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StructureBindingAttribute), false);

                if (attrs.Length == 0)
                    throw ExHelp.App("Expected type {0} to have a StructureBindingAttribute " +
                                     "but it didn't", type);

                StructureBindingAttribute attr = (StructureBindingAttribute)attrs[0];

                if (!attr.UsesStructure)

                ret = new UserType(attr.StructureType);

            if (ret.Resolve(trc, errors))
                if (errors)
                    throw ExHelp.App("Failed to resolve bound structure type {0}", ret);

Example #25
	public UserType ResolveBoundRuleType (TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
	    if (!resolved) {
		if (errors)
		    throw new InvalidOperationException ();
		return null;

	    UserType ret;

	    if (IsUser) {
		// User type. Use our lookup tables

		RuleTemplateBuilder rtb = trc.Driver.GetUserTypeItem ((string) t) as RuleTemplateBuilder;

		if (errors && rtb == null)
		    throw ExHelp.App ("Expected a rule template but got {0} for {1}",
				      trc.Driver.GetUserTypeItem ((string) t), this);

		ret = new UserType (rtb.Rule.FullName);
	    } else {
		// System type. Use reflection.

		Type type = (Type) t;

		object[] attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (RuleBindingAttribute), false);

		if (errors && attrs.Length == 0)
		    throw ExHelp.App ("Expected type {0} to have a RuleBindingAttribute " +
				      "but it didn't. This type is not allowed to be a rule baseclass.", type);

		ret = new UserType (((RuleBindingAttribute) attrs[0]).RuleType);

	    if (ret.Resolve (trc, errors)) {
		if (errors)
		    throw ExHelp.App ("Failed to resolve bound rule type {0}", ret);
		return null;

	    return ret;
Example #26
	public MatcherBuilder (NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc) : 
	    base ("RegexMatcher", ns, loc, TypeAttributes.Public)
	    BaseClass = new UserType (typeof (RegexMatcher));
	    serial = matcher_serial++;
Example #27
	public static void EmitGeneralResult (CodeTypeDeclaration ctd, UserType rtype)
	    CodeMemberProperty grt = new CodeMemberProperty ();
            grt.Name = "GeneralResultType";
            grt.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Override;
            grt.Type = CDH.Type;
            grt.HasGet = true;
            grt.HasSet = false;

            CodeExpression rt = new CodeTypeOfExpression (rtype.AsCodeDom);
            grt.GetStatements.Add (new CodeMethodReturnStatement (rt));

            ctd.Members.Add (grt);
Example #28
	public SourcefileRuleBuilder (string name, NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr) : 
	    base (name, ns, loc, attr)
	    BaseClass = new UserType (typeof (SourcefileRule));
	    fp.Add (name);
Example #29
	public UserType ResolveSelfType (TypeResolveContext trc, bool errors)
	    UserType ut = new UserType (FullName);

	    if (ut.Resolve (trc, errors) && errors)
		throw ExHelp.App ("Failed to resolve SelfType of {0}?", this);

	    return ut;
Example #30
        // FIXME: Resurrect the 'implementation code' idea?
        // It was kind of useful I think.

        public ResultBuilder(string name, NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr) :
            base(name, ns, loc, attr)
            BaseClass = new UserType(typeof(Result));
Example #31
 public SourcefileRuleBuilder(string name, NamespaceBuilder ns, CodeLinePragma loc, TypeAttributes attr) :
     base(name, ns, loc, attr)
     BaseClass = new UserType(typeof(SourcefileRule));