Example #1
        ///Convert formula token to string representation.
        ///<returns>formula token string representation</returns>
        public override string ToString()
            string text1 = this.IsRowRelative ? ExcelRowCollection.RowIndexToName(this.row) : (RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark + ExcelRowCollection.RowIndexToName(this.row));
            string text2 = this.IsColumnRelative ? ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnIndexToName(this.column) : (RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark + ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnIndexToName(this.column));

            return(text2 + text1);
 // Properties
 ///Gets the column with the specified name.
 ///<param name="name">The name of the column.</param>
 ///<example> Look at following code for cell referencing examples:
 ///<code lang="Visual Basic">
 ///Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = excelFile.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet
 ///ws.Cells("B2").Value = "Cell B2."
 ///ws.Cells(6, 0).Value = "Cell in row 7 and column A."
 ///ws.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "Cell in row 3 and column A."
 ///ws.Rows("4").Cells("B").Value = "Cell in row 4 and column B."
 ///ws.Columns(2).Cells(4).Value = "Cell in column C and row 5."
 ///ws.Columns("AA").Cells("6").Value = "Cell in AA column and row 6."
 ///<code lang="C#">
 ///ExcelWorksheet ws = excelFile.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet;
 ///ws.Cells["B2"].Value = "Cell B2.";
 ///ws.Cells[6,0].Value = "Cell in row 7 and column A.";
 ///ws.Rows[2].Cells[0].Value = "Cell in row 3 and column A.";
 ///ws.Rows["4"].Cells["B"].Value = "Cell in row 4 and column B.";
 ///ws.Columns[2].Cells[4].Value = "Cell in column C and row 5.";
 ///ws.Columns["AA"].Cells["6"].Value = "Cell in AA column and row 6.";
 public ExcelColumn this[string name]
 internal ExcelColumnCollection(ExcelWorksheet parent, ExcelColumnCollection sourceColumns) : base(parent)
     base.MaxOutlineLevel = sourceColumns.MaxOutlineLevel;
     foreach (ExcelColumn column1 in sourceColumns)
         base.Items.Add(new ExcelColumn(this, column1));
Example #4
        public static void SetAreaColumns(string value, out byte firstColumn, out byte lastColumn)
            firstColumn = 0;
            lastColumn  = 0;
            Match match1 = AreaFormulaToken.IsCellRangeRegex.Match(value);

            firstColumn = (byte)ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnNameToIndex(match1.Groups["Column1"].Value);
            lastColumn  = (byte)ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnNameToIndex(match1.Groups["Column2"].Value);
Example #5
        ///Convert formula token to string representation.
        ///<returns>formula token string representation</returns>
        public override string ToString()
            string text1 = this.IsFirstRowRelative ? ExcelRowCollection.RowIndexToName(this.FirstRow) : (RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark + ExcelRowCollection.RowIndexToName(this.FirstRow));
            string text2 = this.IsLastRowRelative ? ExcelRowCollection.RowIndexToName(this.LastRow) : (RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark + ExcelRowCollection.RowIndexToName(this.LastRow));
            string text3 = this.IsFirstColumnRelative ? ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnIndexToName(this.FirstColumn) : (RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark + ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnIndexToName(this.FirstColumn));
            string text4 = this.IsLastColumnAbsolute ? ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnIndexToName(this.LastColumn) : (RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark + ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnIndexToName(this.LastColumn));

            string[] textArray1 = new string[] { text3, text1, ":", text4, text2 };
 private void AdjustArraySize(int index)
     if (index > (base.Items.Count - 1))
         int num2 = index - (base.Items.Count - 1);
         for (int num1 = 0; num1 < num2; num1++)
             base.Items.Add(new ExcelColumn(this, base.Items.Count));
Example #7
 private void SetColumn(string column)
     if (column[0] == RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark)
         this.IsColumnRelative = false;
         column = column.Substring(1);
         this.IsColumnRelative = true;
     this.column = (byte)ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnNameToIndex(column);
        ///Converts column name ("A", "B", ...) to column index (0, 1, ...).
        ///<param name="name">Column name.</param>
        public static int ColumnNameToIndex(string name)
            int num1 = -1;

            if (name.Length == 1)
                num1 = ExcelColumnCollection.GetLetterIndex(name[0]);
            else if (name.Length == 2)
                num1 = ((ExcelColumnCollection.GetLetterIndex(name[0]) + 1) * 0x1a) + ExcelColumnCollection.GetLetterIndex(name[1]);
            if ((num1 < 0) || (num1 > 0xff))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("name", name, "Column name must be one-letter or two-letter name from A to IV.");
Example #9
        private static bool IsValidCell(Match regexMatch)
            string text1 = regexMatch.Groups["Row"].Value;

            if (text1[0] == RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark)
                text1 = text1.Remove(0, 1);
            string text2 = regexMatch.Groups["Column"].Value;

            if (text2[0] == RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark)
                text2 = text2.Remove(0, 1);
            if (RefFormulaToken.IsColumnValid(ExcelColumnCollection.ColumnNameToIndex(text2)))
Example #10
 internal ExcelColumn(ExcelColumnCollection parent, int index) : base(parent, index)
     this.width = -1;
Example #11
 // Methods
 internal ExcelColumn(ExcelColumnCollection parent, ExcelColumn sourceColumn) : base(parent, sourceColumn)
     this.width  = -1;
     this.width  = sourceColumn.width;
     this.hidden = sourceColumn.hidden;
Example #12
 public static byte CellToColumn(string value)