Example #1
        public async Task<ActionResult> CommentLike(CommentLikeModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return RedirectToAction("Post", new { id = model.PostId });

            var blogContext = new BlogContext();

            // XXX WORK HERE
            // Increment the Likes field for the comment at {model.Index}
            // inside the post {model.PostId}.
            // NOTE: The 2.0.0 driver has a bug in the expression parser and 
            // might throw an exception depending on how you solve this problem. 
            // This is documented here along with a workaround:
            // https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-1246
            await blogContext.Posts.UpdateOneAsync(
                p => p.Id == model.PostId,
                Builders<Post>.Update.Inc(string.Format("Comments.{0}.Likes", model.Index), 1));

            return RedirectToAction("Post", new { id = model.PostId });
        public async Task<ActionResult> CommentLike(CommentLikeModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return RedirectToAction("Post", new { id = model.PostId });

            var blogContext = new BlogContext();

            // XXX WORK HERE
            // Increment the Likes field for the comment at {model.Index}
            // inside the post {model.PostId}.
            // NOTE: The 2.0.0 driver has a bug in the expression parser and 
            // might throw an exception depending on how you solve this problem. 
            // This is documented here along with a workaround:
            // https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-1246

            var post = await blogContext.Posts.Find(p => p.Id == model.PostId).SingleAsync();
            post.Comments[model.Index].Likes += 1;
            await blogContext.Posts.FindOneAndReplaceAsync(p => p.Id == model.PostId, post);

            return RedirectToAction("Post", new { id = model.PostId });