Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Authenticates user. Authenticate method chooses strongest possible authentication method supported by server, 
        /// preference order DIGEST-MD5 -> CRAM-MD5 -> LOGIN.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">User login name.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already authenticated.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>userName</b> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="SMTP_ClientException">Is raised when SMTP server returns error.</exception>
        public void Authenticate(string userName,string password)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You must connect first.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session is already authenticated.");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");
            if(password == null){
                password = "";

            // Choose authentication method, we consider LOGIN as default.
            string authMethod = "LOGIN";
            List<string> authMethods = new List<string>(this.SaslAuthMethods);
                authMethod = "DIGEST-MD5";
            else if(authMethods.Contains("CRAM-MD5")){
                authMethod = "CRAM-MD5";

            #region AUTH LOGIN

            if(authMethod == "LOGIN"){
                /* LOGIN
                        C: AUTH LOGIN<CRLF>
                        S: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6<CRLF>   VXNlcm5hbWU6 = base64("USERNAME")
                        C: base64(username)<CRLF>
                        S: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6<CRLF>   UGFzc3dvcmQ6 = base64("PASSWORD")
                        C: base64(password)<CRLF>
                        S: 235 Ok<CRLF>

                WriteLine("AUTH LOGIN");

                // Read server response.
                string line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 334 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                // Send user name to server.

                // Read server response.
                line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 334 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                // Send password to server.

                // Read server response.
                line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 334 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                m_pAuthdUserIdentity = new GenericIdentity(userName,"LOGIN");


            #region AUTH CRAM-MD5

            else if(authMethod == "CRAM-MD5"){
                /* CRAM-M5
                        HMACMD5 key is "password".

                        C: AUTH CRAM-MD5<CRLF>
                        S: 334 base64(md5_calculation_hash)<CRLF>
                        C: base64(username password_hash)<CRLF>
                        S: 235 Ok<CRLF>

                WriteLine("AUTH CRAM-MD5");

                // Read server response.
                string line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 334 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                HMACMD5 kMd5         = new HMACMD5(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password));
                string  passwordHash = Net_Utils.ToHex(kMd5.ComputeHash(Convert.FromBase64String(line.Split(' ')[1]))).ToLower();

                // Send authentication info to server.
                WriteLine(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(userName + " " + passwordHash)));

                // Read server response.
                line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 235 or otherwise it's error response
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                m_pAuthdUserIdentity = new GenericIdentity(userName,"CRAM-MD5");


            #region AUTH DIGEST-MD5

            else if(authMethod == "DIGEST-MD5"){
                        C: AUTH DIGEST-MD5<CRLF>
                        S: 334 base64(digestChallange)<CRLF>
                        C: base64(digestAuthorization)<CRLF>
                        S: 334 base64(serverResponse)<CRLF>
                        C: <CRLF>
                        S: 235 Ok<CRLF>

                WriteLine("AUTH DIGEST-MD5");

                // Read server response.
                string line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 334 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                Auth_HttpDigest digestmd5 = new Auth_HttpDigest(Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(line.Split(' ')[1])),"AUTHENTICATE");
                digestmd5.CNonce = Auth_HttpDigest.CreateNonce();
                digestmd5.Uri = "smtp/" + digestmd5.Realm;
                digestmd5.UserName = userName;
                digestmd5.Password = password;

                // Send authentication info to server.

                // Read server response.
                line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 334 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                // Send empty line.

                // Read server response.
                line = ReadLine();
                // Response line must start with 235 or otherwise it's error response.
                    throw new SMTP_ClientException(line);

                m_pAuthdUserIdentity = new GenericIdentity(userName,"DIGEST-MD5");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates authorization for each challange in <b>response</b>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">SIP request where to add authorization values.</param>
        /// <param name="response">SIP response which challanges to authorize.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">Credentials for authorization.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if all challanges were authorized. If any of the challanges was not authorized, returns false.</returns>
        private bool Authorize(SIP_Request request,SIP_Response response,NetworkCredential[] credentials)
            if(request == null){
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
            if(response == null){
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");
            if(credentials == null){
                throw new ArgumentNullException("credentials");

            bool allAuthorized = true;

            #region WWWAuthenticate

            foreach(SIP_t_Challenge challange in response.WWWAuthenticate.GetAllValues()){
                Auth_HttpDigest authDigest = new Auth_HttpDigest(challange.AuthData,request.RequestLine.Method);

                // Serach credential for the specified challange.
                NetworkCredential credential = null;
                foreach(NetworkCredential c in credentials){
                    if(c.Domain.ToLower() == authDigest.Realm.ToLower()){
                        credential = c;
                // We don't have credential for this challange.
                if(credential == null){
                    allAuthorized = false;
                // Authorize challange.
                    authDigest.UserName = credential.UserName;
                    authDigest.Password = credential.Password;
                    authDigest.CNonce   = Auth_HttpDigest.CreateNonce();
                    authDigest.Uri      = request.RequestLine.Uri.ToString();



            #region ProxyAuthenticate

            foreach(SIP_t_Challenge challange in response.ProxyAuthenticate.GetAllValues()){
                Auth_HttpDigest authDigest = new Auth_HttpDigest(challange.AuthData,request.RequestLine.Method);

                // Serach credential for the specified challange.
                NetworkCredential credential = null;
                foreach(NetworkCredential c in credentials){
                    if(c.Domain.ToLower() == authDigest.Realm.ToLower()){
                        credential = c;
                // We don't have credential for this challange.
                if(credential == null){
                    allAuthorized = false;
                // Authorize challange.
                    authDigest.UserName = credential.UserName;
                    authDigest.Password = credential.Password;
                    authDigest.CNonce   = Auth_HttpDigest.CreateNonce();
                    authDigest.Uri      = request.RequestLine.Uri.ToString();



            return allAuthorized;